
Fruit of Garcinia gummi-gutta, the rind of which is used in some parts of India as a spice. Photo from here.

Belongs within: Malpighiales.

The Clusiaceae are a family of mostly tropical plants historically known as the Guttiferae in reference to resins produced by many species. Past treatments of the family have included taxa now separated as the families Hypericaceae and Calophyllaceae. Remaining members of the Clusiaceae have opposite, exstipulate leaves and flowers with a short style or sessile stigma. Notable members of the family include the mangosteen Garcinia mangostana, grown for its sweet fruit. The fruit of the Malabar tamarind G. gummi-gutta are used to impart a sour taste to curries.

See also: A simple stream life.

<==Clusiaceae [Guttiferae, Guttiferales]
    |--Kielmeyeroideae T00
    |--Chrysopioideae [Moronoboideae] T00
    `--Clusioideae S95
         |--Clusia XR12
         |    |--C. clusioides J87
         |    |--C. grisebachiana SWK87
         |    |--C. gundlachii SWK87
         |    |--C. major J87
         |    `--C. rosea XR12
         `--+--Montrouziera XR12
            `--+--Rheedia portoricensis XR12, SWK87
               `--Garcinia XR12 [incl. Pentaphalangium S95, Septegarcinia S95, Tripetalum S95]
                    |--G. barkeriana (Urb. & Ekm.) Judd 1987 [=Rheedia barkeriana Urb. & Ekm. 1929] J87
                    |--G. gummi-gutta SR07
                    |--G. mangostana XR12
                    |--G. morella SR07
                    |--G. parvifolia K03
                    |--G. picrorrhiza JK80
                    |--G. porrecta JK80
                    `--G. xanthochymus JK80

Clusiaceae incertae sedis:
  Palaeoclusia chevalieri WM09, XR12
  Allanblackia YY22
  Balboa YY22
  Caraipa YY22
  Chrysochlamys YY22
  Clusianthemum YY22
  Clusiella YY22
  Haploclathra YY22
  Havetia YY22
  Havetiopsis YY22
  Leioclusia YY22
  Pilosperma YY22
  Quapoia YY22
  Tovomita YY22
  Tovomitopsis YY22
  Mahurea YY22
  Renggeria YY22
  Platonia insignis F11
  Mammaeites francheti Fliche 1896 CBH93
  Kielmeyerapollenites eocenicus Sah & Kar 1974 CBH93

*Type species of generic name indicated


[CBH93] Collinson, M. E., M. C. Boulter & P. L. Holmes. 1993. Magnoliophyta (‘Angiospermae’). In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 809–841. Chapman & Hall: London.

[F11] Fraga, R. M. 2011. Family Icteridae (New World blackbirds). In: Hoyo, J. del, A. Elliott & D. A. Christie (eds) Handbook of the Birds of the World vol. 16. Tanagers to New World Blackbirds pp. 684–807. Lynx Edicions: Barcelona.

[JK80] John, J., & K.-P. Kolbe. 1980. The systematic position of the “Theales” from the viewpoint of serology. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 8: 241–248.

[J87] Judd, W. S. 1987. Floristic study of Morne La Visite and Pic Macaya National Parks, Haiti. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum—Biological Sciences 32 (1): 1–136.

[K03] Kulip, J. 2003. An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal and other useful plants of Muruts in Sabah, Malaysia. Telopea 10 (1): 81–98.

[SR07] Sankar, R. V., K. Ravikumar, N. M. Ganesh Babu & D. K. Ved. 2007. Botany of Anapady MPCA, Palghat district, Kerala with special emphasis on species of conservation concern. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 49: 165–172.

[SWK87] Snyder, N. F. R., J. W. Wiley & C. B. Kepler. 1987. The Parrots of Luquillo: Natural history and conservation of the Puerto Rican parrot. Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology: Los Angeles.

[S95] Stevens, P. F. 1995. Guttiferae subfam. Calophylloideae. In: Conn, B. J. (ed.) Handbooks of the Flora of Papua New Guinea vol. 3 pp. 61–126. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Australia).

[T00] Thorne, R. F. 2000. The classification and geography of the flowering plants: dicotyledons of the class Angiospermae (subclasses Magnoliidae, Ranunculidae, Caryophyllidae, Dilleniidae, Rosidae, Asteridae, and Lamiidae). The Botanical Review 66: 441–647.

[WM09] Wang, H., M. J. Moore, P. S. Soltis, C. D. Bell, S. F. Brockington, R. Alexandre, C. C. Davis, M. Latvis, S. R. Manchester & D. E. Soltis. 2009. Rosid radiation and the rapid rise of angiosperm-dominated forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 106 (10): 3853–3858.

[XR12] Xi, Z., B. R. Ruhfel, H. Schaefer, A. M. Amorim, M. Sugumaran, K. J. Wurdack, P. K. Endress, M. L. Matthews, P. F. Stevens, S. Mathews & C. C. Davis. 2012. Phylogenomics and a posteriori data partitioning resolve the Cretaceous angiosperm radiation Malpighiales. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 109 (43): 17519–17524.

[YY22] Yampolsky, C., & H. Yampolsky. 1922. Distribution of sex forms in the phanerogamic flora. Bibliotheca Genetica 3: 1–62.

Last updated: 16 May 2021.

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