
New Zealand green gecko Naultinus elegans, photographed by Nicolas.

Belongs within: Gekkota.
Contains: Hoplodactylus, Phelsuma.

The Gekkonidae, geckos, are a family of lizards found worldwide. Geckos have very small, flat scales, so their skin has a leathery appearance. They generally have large eyes, often without lids, and many have expanded tips to their toes that allow them to climb on sheer surfaces.

    |--Lepidoblepharis festae DS86
    |--Thecadactylus rapicaudus DS86
    |--Teratoscincus scincus L05, CM07
    |--Gonatodes DS86
    |    |--G. ceciliae Donoso-Barros 1965 V-MR04
    |    |--G. concinnatus DS86
    |    |--G. hasemani CM07
    |    `--G. humeralis CM07
    |--Pseudogonatodes DS86
    |    |--P. amazonicus DS86
    |    |--P. guianensis DS86
    |    `--P. lunulatus DS86
    |--Hemidactylus SP01
    |    |--H. frenatus SP01
    |    |--H. garnoti SP01 [=Hoplopodion (Onychopus) garnoti R13]
    |    |--H. mabouia DS86
    |    `--H. turcicus M55b
    |--Naultinus WH02
    |    |--N. elegans Gray 1842 WH02
    |    |    |--N. e. elegans O81
    |    |    `--N. e. punctatus O81
    |    |--N. gemmeus (McCann 1955) WH02
    |    |--N. grayii Bell 1843 WH02
    |    |--N. manakauensis (McCann 1955) WH02
    |    |--N. rudis (Fischer 1882) WH02
    |    |--N. stellatus Hutton 1872 WH02
    |    `--N. tuberculatus (McCann 1955) WH02
    |--Sphaerodactylus HT01
    |    |--S. altavelensis HT01
    |    |--S. ariasae Hedges & Thomas 2001 HT01
    |    |--S. cricoderus GH01
    |    |--S. elasmorhynchus (Thomas 1966) HT01
    |    |--S. parthenopion (Thomas 1965) HT01
    |    |--S. plummeri Thomas & Hedges 1992 HT01
    |    |--S. pimienta GH01
    |    `--S. streptophorus Thomas & Schwartz 1983 HT01
    |--Tarentola HB04
    |    |--T. boettgeri HB04
    |    `--+--T. angustimentalis HB04
    |       |--T. boehmei HB04
    |       |--T. deserti HB04
    |       `--T. mauritanica HB04
    |            |--T. m. mauritanica HB04
    |            |--T. m. fascicularis HB04
    |            |--T. m. juliae HB04
    |            `--T. m. pallida HB04
    |--Lepidodactylus R13
    |    |--L. crepuscularis [=Platydactylus crepuscularis] R13
    |    `--L. lugubris [incl. Gymnodactylus candeloti] R13
    |--Perochirus ateles FR98
    |--Nactus pelagicus FR98
    |--Gehyra R13
    |    |--G. australis F13
    |    |--G. mutilata M89
    |    |--G. oceanica R13
    |    |--G. pilbara HD04
    |    |--G. punctata HD04
    |    |--G. purpurascens TT05
    |    |--G. variegata (Duméril & Bibron 1836) ADD08
    |    `--G. vorax R13
    |--Hoplodactylus WH02
    |--Heteronotia TT05
    |    |--H. binoei (Gray 1845) ADD08
    |    `--H. spelea HD04
    |--Underwoodisaurus milii (Bory 1825) MC06
    |--Heteropholis O81
    |    |--H. gemmeus O81
    |    |--H. manukanus O81
    |    |--H. poecilochlorus O81
    |    |--H. rudis O81
    |    `--H. stellatus O81
    |--Phelsuma H81
    |--Rhacodactylus R13
    |    |--R. auriculatus (see below for synonymy) R13
    |    |--R. chahoua [=Platydactylus chahoua, Chamaeleonurus chahoua] R13
    |    |--R. ciliatus [=Correlophus ciliatus] R13
    |    |--R. leachianus [=Platydactylus leachianus, Hoplodactylus leachianus] R13
    |    |    |--R. l. leachianus R13
    |    |    `--R. l. aubryanus R13
    |    |--R. sarasinorum Roux 1913 R13
    |    `--R. trachyrhynchus [incl. Chamaeleonurus trachycephalus] R13
    |--Eurydactylus R13
    |    |--E. symmetricus R13
    |    `--E. vieillardi [=Platydactylus vieillardi] R13
    |--Bavayia Roux 1913 R13
    |    |--B. cyclura (see below for synonymy) R13
    |    |    |--B. c. cyclura R13
    |    |    |--B. c. crassicollis Roux 1913 R13
    |    |    `--B. c. montana Roux 1913 R13
    |    `--B. sauvagei [=Lepidodactylus sauvagii] R13
    |         |--B. s. sauvagei R13
    |         `--B. s. ornata Roux 1913 R13
    |--Gymnodactylus R13
    |    |--G. miliusii F13
    |    `--G. pelagicus [incl. G. arnouxi] R13
    |--Gekko M55a
    |    |--G. gecko (Linnaeus 1758) (see below for synonymy) M55a
    |    |    |--G. g. gecko M55a
    |    |    `--G. g. azhari Mertens 1955 M55a
    |    |--G. monarchus M89
    |    |--G. smithi M55a
    |    |--G. stentor M89
    |    `--G. vittatus [incl. Gecko vittatus var. bivittatus] R13
    `--Christinus marmoratus ADD08

Bavayia cyclura [=Peripia cyclura, Lepidodactylus cyclurus; incl. Hemidactylus (Peripia) bavayi, L. neocaledonicus] R13

Gekko gecko (Linnaeus 1758) [=Lacerta gecko; incl. G. ceilonicus, G. guttatus Daudin 1802, G. indicus Girard 1858, G. reevesii Gray in Griffith 1831, G. teres Laurenti 1768, G. verticillatus Laurenti 1768, G. verus Merrem 1820] M55a

Rhacodactylus auriculatus [=Platydactylus auriculatus, P. (Ceratolophus) auriculatus; incl. Ceratolophus hexaceros] R13


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[FR98] Fritts, T. H., & G. H. Rodda. 1998. The role of introduced species in the degradation of island ecosystems: a case history of Guam. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 29: 113-140.

[F13] Fry, D. B. 1913. On a Varanus and a frog from Burnett River, Queensland, and a revision of the variations in Limnodynastes dorsalis, Gray. Records of the Australian Museum 10 (2): 17-34, plates I-III.

[GH01] Garrido, O. H., & S. B. Hedges. 2001. A new anole from the northern slope of the Sierra Maestra in eastern Cuba (Squamata: Iguanidae). Journal of Herpetology 35 (3): 378-383.

[HB04] Harris, D. J., V. Batista, P. Lymberakis & M. A. Carretero. 2004. Complex estimates of evolutionary relationships in Tarentola mauritanica (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) derived from mitochondrial DNA sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 30: 855-859.

[HT01] Hedges, S. B., & R. Thomas. 2001. At the lower size limit in amniote vertebrates: A new diminutive lizard from the West Indies. Caribbean Journal of Science 37 (3-4): 168-173.

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[HD04] How, R. A., & J. Dell. 2004. Reptile assemblage of the Abydos Plain, north-eastern Pilbara, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 87 (3): 85-95.

[L05] Lee, M. S. Y. 2005. Squamate phylogeny, taxon sampling, and data congruence. Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 5: 25-45.

[MC06] Menz, M. H. M., & P. P. Cullen. 2006. Occurrence of the barking gecko Underwoodisaurus milii (Bory 1825) (Gekkonidae) in the Pilbara region, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 89 (2): 89-90.

[M55a] Mertens, R. 1955a. Über eine eigenartige Rasse des Tokehs (Gekko gecko) aus Ost-Pakistan. Senckenbergiana Biologica 36: 21-24.

[M55b] Mertens, R. 1955b. Die Amphibien und Reptilien der Insel Elba. Senckenbergiana Biologica 36: 287-296.

[M89] Modigliani, E. 1889. Materiali per la fauna erpetologica dell'isola Nias. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, Serie 2a 7: 113-124.

[O81] O'Brien, C. O. 1981. A. A. Book of New Zealand Wildlife: A guide to the native and introduced animals of New Zealand. Lansdowne Press: Auckland.

[R13] Roux, J. 1913. Les reptiles de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et des îles Loyalty. In Nova Caledonia: Forschungen in Neu-Caledonian und auf den Loyalty-Inseln. A. Zoologie vol. 1, Heft II (F. Sarasin & J. Roux, eds) pp. 79-160. C. W. Kreidels Verlag: Wiesbaden.

[SP01] Slowinski, J. B., S. S. Pawar, H. Win, T. Thin, S. W. Gyi, S. L. Oo & H. Tun. 2001. A new Lycodon (Serpentes: Colubridae) from northeast India and Myanmar (Burma). Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 52 (20): 397-405.

[TT05] Thompson, S. A., & G. G. Thompson. 2005. Temporal variations in reptile assemblages in the Goldfields of Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88 (1): 25-36.

[V-MR04] Villarreal-Manzanilla, O., & C. J. Rodríguez. 2004. Descripción de una nueva especie y dos nuevos registros del género Stygnoplus (Opiliones, Stygnidae) para Venezuela. Revista Ibérica de Aracnología 10: 179-184.

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