
Peakesia hospita, copyright Paul Zborowski.

Belongs within: Catantopinae.

The Peakesiina are a group of grasshoppers characterised by a textured pronotum.

Characters (from Rentz 1996): Margins of fastigium of vertex carinate or ridged. Integument of pronotum wrinkled or rough. Tympanum present on abdomen. Furcula of male supra-anal plate usually present.

<==Peakesiina R96
    |--Desertaria R96
    |    |--D. fasciata K90
    |    `--D. lepida R96
    |--Cuprascula pictipes R96
    |--Cedarinia fuscotibialis R96, K90
    |--Testudinellia R96
    |--Lagoonia R96
    |--Perelytrana nana R96
    |--Caloptilla lutescens R96
    |--Curpilladia flavocarinata R96
    |--Xanterriaria mediocris R96
    `--Peakesia R96
         |--P. hospita R96
         |--P. rubescens K90
         |--P. straminea R96
         `--P. vitripennis R96

*Type species of generic name indicated


[K90] Key, K. H. L. 1990. Host relations and distribution of species of Caeculisoma (Acarina: Erythraeidae) parasitising grasshoppers in Australia, with supplementary information for the genus Trombella (Trombellidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 38: 11-18.

[R96] Rentz, D. 1996. Grasshopper Country: The abundant orthopteroid insects of Australia. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney.


Gumleaf grasshopper Goniaea australasiae, from Brisbane Insects.

Belongs within: Acridoidea.
Contains: Peakesiina, Apotropina, Coryphistina.

The Catantopinae, spur-throated grasshoppers, are a diverse group of grasshoppers (particularly in the Australian region) characterised by the presence of a tubercle or spine on the prosternum, and the absence of an external apical spine on the hind tibia (Rentz 1996).

<==Catantopinae R96
    |--Urnisiella [Urnisiellini] R96
    |    `--U. rubropunctata R96
    |--Kakaduacris [Kakaduacridini] R96
    |    `--K. minuta R96
    |--Traulia [Trauliini] E00
    |    `--T. azureipennis E00
    |--Histrioacridini R96
    |    |--Scurra R96
    |    `--Histrioacrida [Histrioacridina] R96
    |         `--H. roseipennis R96
    `--Catantopini R96
         |--Peakesiina R96
         |--Apotropina R96
         |--Pyrgophistes [Pyrgophistina] R96
         |--Hepalicus [Hepalicina] R96
         |--Loiteria [Loiteriina] R96
         |--Coryphistina R96
         |--Urnisina R96
         |    |--Urnisa guttulosa R96
         |    `--Rhitzala modesta R96
         |--Ecphantina R96
         |    |--Ecphantus quadrilobus R96
         |    `--Happarana R96
         |--Maclystriina R96
         |    |--Maclystria planicosta R96
         |    `--Perloccia R96
         |--Micreolina R96
         |    |--Micreola R96
         |    `--Sumbilvia R96
         |--Macrazelotina R96
         |    |--Macrazelota cervina R96
         |    `--Rusurplia tristis R96
         |--Cirphulina R96
         |    |--Cirphula pyrrhocnemis R96
         |    |--Macrolopholia R96
         |    `--Chirotepica R96
         |--Russalpiina R96
         |    |--Truganinia R96
         |    |--Tasmanalpina clavata R96
         |    |--Russalpia R96
         |    `--Tasmaniacris tasmaniensis R96
         |--Cratilopina R96
         |    |--Typaya R96
         |    |--Capperala R96
         |    |--Cratilopus R96
         |    `--Exarhalltia R96
         |--Catantopina R96
         |    |--Catantops R96
         |    `--Stenocatantops R96
         |         |--S. angustifrons R96
         |         |--S. splendens E00
         |         `--S. vitripennis R96
         |--Buforaniina R96
         |    |--Buforania crassa R96
         |    |--Cuparessa R96
         |    |--Raniliella testudo R96
         |    |--Phanerocerus R96
         |    `--Tapesta carneipes R96
         |--Goniaea [Goniaeina] R96
         |    |--G. australasiae R96
         |    |--G. carinata K90
         |    |--G. furcifera R96
         |    |--G. hyalina S61
         |    |--G. opomaloides R96
         |    `--G. vocans R96
         |--Stropina R96
         |    |--Adlappa erythroptera R96
         |    |--Collitera variegata R96
         |    |--Parazelum rubripes R96
         |    `--Stropis R96
         |         |--S. glaucescens R96
         |         `--S. maculosa R96
         |--Aretzina R96
         |    |--Terpillaria pulchra R96
         |    |--Zebratula flavonigra R96
         |    |--Aretza R96
         |    |--Macrocara conglobata R96
         |    |--Exarna R96
         |    `--Brachyexarna lobipennis R96
         |--Macrotonina R96
         |    |--Theomoplus badius R96
         |    |--Xypechtia R96
         |    `--Macrotona [incl. Eumacrotona] R96
         |         |--M. australis R96
         |         |--M. lineosa K90
         |         |--M. picta K90
         |         `--M. securiformis R96
         |--Perbelliina R96
         |    |--Perbellia picta R96
         |    |--Minyacris nana R96
         |    |--Porraxia R96
         |    |--Ablectia R96
         |    |--Rectitropis R96
         |    |--Capraxa cinnamomea R96
         |    `--Phaulacridium R96
         |         |--P. marginale (Walker 1870) [=Caloptenus marginalis; incl. P. luteum Hutton 1897] B67
         |         `--P. vittatum R96
         `--Eumecistina R96
              |--Eumecistes gratiosus R96
              |--Pespulia R96
              |--Pardillana ampla R96
              |--Euomopalon R96
              |--Retuspia R96
              |--Erythropomala amaena R96
              |--Cervidia R96
              |--Microphistes R96
              `--Asoramea R96

Catantopinae incertae sedis:
  Arminda Krauss 1892 OK06
  Apoboleus affinis E00
  Serpusia succursor E00
  Paprides Hutton 1897 B67
    |--*P. nitidus Hutton 1897 [incl. P. furcifer Hutton 1898] B67
    `--P. dugdali Bigelow 1967 B67
  Sigaus Hutton 1897 [incl. Huttonacris Rehn 1953, Trigoniza Hutton 1897] B67
    |--*S. piliferus Hutton 1897 B67
    |--S. australis (Hutton 1897) (see below for synonymy) B67
    |--S. campestris (Hutton 1897) (see below for synonymy) B67
    |--S. minutus Bigelow 1967 B67
    |--S. obelisci Bigelow 1967 B67
    `--S. villosus (Salmon 1950) [=Brachaspis villosa] B67
  Brachaspis Hutton 1898 B67
    |--*B. nivalis (Hutton 1897) (see below for synonymy) B67
    |--B. collinus (Hutton 1897) [=Pezotettix collina] B67
    `--B. robustus Bigelow 1967 B67
  Alpinacris Bigelow 1967 B67
    |--*A. crassicauda Bigelow 1967 B67
    `--A. tumidicauda Bigelow 1967 B67
  Catespa K90
  Scotussa BM76

*Brachaspis nivalis (Hutton 1897) [=Pezotettix nivalis; incl. P. petricola Hutton 1897, Brachaspis petricolus, P. terrestris Hutton 1897, B. terrestris] B67

Sigaus australis (Hutton 1897) [=Paprides australis; incl. P. armillatus Hutton 1898, P. torquatus Hutton 1898] B67

Sigaus campestris (Hutton 1897) [=Trigoniza campestris; incl. T. directa Hutton 1897, T. rugosa Hutton 1897] B67

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B67] Bigelow, R. S. 1967. The Grasshoppers (Acrididae) of New Zealand: their taxonomy and distribution. University of Canterbury: Christchurch.

[BM76] Bohart, R. M. & A. S. Menke. 1976. Sphecid Wasps of the World. University of California Press: Berkeley.

[E00] Eades, D. C. 2000. Evolutionary relationships of phallic structures of Acridomorpha (Orthoptera). Journal of Orthoptera Research 9: 181-210.

[K90] Key, K. H. L. 1990. Host relations and distribution of species of Caeculisoma (Acarina: Erythraeidae) parasitising grasshoppers in Australia, with supplementary information for the genus Trombella (Trombellidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 38: 11-18.

[OK06] Özdikmen, H., & A. B. Kury. 2006. Three homonymous generic names in Araneae and Opiliones. Journal of Arachnology 34 (1): 279-280.

[R96] Rentz, D. 1996. Grasshopper Country: The abundant orthopteroid insects of Australia. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney.

[S61] Southcott, R. V. 1961. Notes on the genus Caeculisoma (Acarina: Erythraeidae) with comments on the biology of the Erythraeoidea. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 84: 163-178.


Mating pair of Atractomorpha sinensis, from here.

Belongs within: Caelifera.

The Pyrgomorphidae are a family of grasshoppers characterised by the presence of a median longitudinal sulcus (groove) extending backwards along the fastigium of the vertex of the head (Rentz 1996). They are diverse in appearance, and some are brightly coloured. The Psednurini are slender, stem-like grasshoppers endemic to Australia that can be found sitting head-upwards on upright monocotyledonous plants (Rentz 1991). Members of the genus Atractomorpha have a conical head with the antennae inserted well in front of the ocelli (Rentz 1996).

<==Pyrgomorphidae [Pyrgomorphoidea]
    |  i. s.: Miopyrgomorpha fischeri Z02
    |         Brunniella [Brunniellini] K72
    |         Phymateus morbillosus K-P91, F92
    |         Desmopterella K70b
    `--Pyrgomorphinae R96
         |  i. s.: Pyrgomorpha conica (Olivier 1791) P05
         |         Omura congrua Walker 1870 R18
         |--Desmoptera [Desmopterini] R96
         |    `--D. truncatipennis R96
         |--Petasidini R96
         |    |--Petasida ephippigera R96
         |    `--Scutillya verrucosa R96
         |--Monistriini R96
         |    |--Greyacris profundesulcata R96
         |    |--Parastria R96
         |    `--Monistria Stål 1873 R96, K70a [incl. Cygniterra Rehn 1953 K70a, Yeelanna Rehn 1953 K70a]
         |         |--M. concinna R96
         |         |--M. discrepens R96
         |         `--M. pustulifera R96
         |--Atractomorpha E00 [Atractomorphini R96]
         |    |--A. aurivillii B01
         |    |--A. australis R96
         |    |--A. bedeli B01
         |    |--A. crenaticeps K70b
         |    |--A. crenulata B91
         |    |--A. hypoestes R96
         |    |--A. similis R96
         |    `--A. sinensis E00
         `--Psednurini R96
              |--Psednura Burr 1903 [=Pseudnura (l. c.), Betisca Sjöstedt 1921] K72
              |    |--*P. pedestris (Erichson 1842) (see below for synonymy) K72
              |    `--P. musgravei Rehn 1953 [incl. P. angustissima Rehn 1953] K72
              `--+--Psedna Key 1972 K72
                 |    `--*P. nana (Rehn 1953) [=Propsednura hesperus nana] K72
                 `--Propsednura Rehn 1953 K72
                      |--*P. eyrei Rehn 1953 [incl. P. hesperus Rehn 1953] K72
                      `--P. peninsularis Key 1972 K72

*Psednura pedestris (Erichson 1842) [=Mesops pedestris, *Betisca pedestris, M. pedestis (l. c.); incl. Psednura collina Rehn 1953, P. lanceolata Rehn 1953] K72

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B91] Bland, R. G. 1991. Mating behaviour of Monistria concinna (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae) and Heide amiculi (Orthoptera: Eumastacidae) from Australia with notes on their feeding behaviour. Australian Entomological Magazine 18 (1): 1–8.

[B01] Bolivar, I. 1901. Orthopterák [Orthoptères]. In: Horváth, G. (ed.) Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazása [Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] vol. 2. Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazásának Állattani Eredményei [Zoologische Ergebnisse der Dritten Asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] pp. 223–243. Victor Hornyánszky: Budapest, and Karl W. Hierseman: Leipzig.

[E00] Eades, D. C. 2000. Evolutionary relationships of phallic structures of Acridomorpha (Orthoptera). Journal of Orthoptera Research 9: 181–210.

[F92] Fan Z. 1992. Key to the Common Flies of China 2nd ed. Science Press: Beijing.

[K70a] Key, K. H. L. 1970a. Principles of classification and nomenclature. In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers pp. 141–151. Melbourne University Press.

[K70b] Key, K. H. L. 1970b. Orthoptera (grasshoppers, locusts, crickets). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers pp. 323–347. Melbourne University Press.

[K72] Key, K. H. L. 1972. A revision of the Psednurini (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae). Australian Journal of Zoology, Supplementary Series 14: 1–72.

[K-P91] Kukalová-Peck, J. 1991. Fossil history and the evolution of hexapod structures. In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers 2nd ed. vol. 1 pp. 141–179. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).

[P05] Papapavlou, K. P. 2005. New distributional data on the Orthoptera (Saltatoria) of the northern Dodecanese (“southern Sporadhes”) archipelago, Greece. Graellsia 61 (1): 3–11.

[R18] Rehn, J. A. G. 1918. On a collection of Orthoptera from the State of Pará, Brazil. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 70: 144–236, pls 1–2.

[R96] Rentz, D. 1996. Grasshopper Country: The abundant orthopteroid insects of Australia. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney.

[Z02] Zherikhin, V. V. 2002. Ecological history of the terrestrial insects. In: Rasnitsyn, A. P., & D. L. J. Quicke (eds) History of Insects pp. 331–388. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht.

Last updated: 23 May 2022.


Goniaeoidea modesta, copyright Mr Smiley.

Belongs within: Catantopinae.

The Apotropina are a group of grasshoppers possessing a relatively stout hind femur, an auditory tympanum and a furcula on the male supra-anal plate (Rentz 1996).

<==Apotropina R96
    |--Apotropis vittata R96
    |--Burcatelia R96
    |--Epallia R96
    |--Azelota R96
    |--Perunga ochracea R96
    |--Schayera R96
    |--Fipurga crassa R96
    |--Percassa rugifrons R96
    |--Goniaeoidea modesta R96, K90
    `--Clepsydria histrio R96

*Type species of generic name indicated


[K90] Key, K. H. L. 1990. Host relations and distribution of species of Caeculisoma (Acarina: Erythraeidae) parasitising grasshoppers in Australia, with supplementary information for the genus Trombella (Trombellidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 38: 11-18.

[R96] Rentz, D. 1996. Grasshopper Country: The abundant orthopteroid insects of Australia. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney.


Wood roaches Cryptocercus, copyright David R. Maddison.

Belongs within: Dictyoptera.
Contains: Corydiidae, Blaberidae, Blattellidae, Polyzosteriinae, Blattinae.

The Blattaria include the crown-group cockroaches, with some studies regarding the termites as derived from within this clade. They are characterised by the production of eggs contained within a hard ootheca that is ancestrally deposited free on the ground. The outer ovipositor valves are completely internal, and the central ocellus is reduced (Vršanský 2010). Members of the Blattaria include the wood roaches Cryptocercus of North America and Asia, which possess wood-digesting gut bacteria and a subsocial lifestyle. The Blattidae, which include some of the more economically significant large cockroaches, possess symmetrical styles in the males and a bivalvular subgenital plate in the females (Roth 1991). The small species of the Australasian genus Tryonicus, which have reduced spination on the femora and short, stout cerci, have historically been treated as part of the Blattidae but are currently placed as their own family. The female subgenital plate may also be bivalvular in the Polyphagidae which are otherwise characterised by a flat anal area in the hind wing (if present), lacking fan-like pleating, and small or no spines on the underside of the mid and hind femora. The Nocticolidae are small, delicate cockroaches that are commonly cavernicolous.

<==Blattaria [Blaberoidea, Blattellomorpha, Epilampridae]
    |--Cryptocercus Scudder 1862 [Cryptocercidae] V10
    |    |--C. clevelandi GE05
    |    |--C. darwini GE05
    |    |--C. garciai GE05
    |    |--C. primarius GE05
    |    |--C. punctulatus GE05
    |    |--C. relictus GE05
    |    `--C. wrighti GE05
    `--+--+--Lamproblatta GE05 [Lamproblattidae BP10, Lamproblattinae]
       |  `--Polyphagidae V10
       |       |  i. s.: Therea GE05
       |       |         Arenivaga WL09
       |       |           |--A. apacha WL09
       |       |           |--A. grata C90
       |       |           `--A. investigata C90
       |       |         Eremoblatta subdiaphana C90
       |       |         Tivia australica M70
       |       |         Austropolyphaga R91a
       |       |         Polyphagoides R91a
       |       |--Lantindiinae VVR02
       |       |--Polyrhaga Kirby 1904 H02 [Polyphaginae RD77, Polyphagini]
       |       |--Atticolinae RD77
       |       |--Eutyrrhypha P92 [Euthyrrhaphinae VVR02]
       |       |    `--E. pacifica P92
       |       `--Vitisma Vršanský 1999 [Vitisminae] V02
       |            `--V. rasnitsyni Vršanský 1999 V02
       `--Blattoidea V02
            |--+--Blaberidae V10
            |  `--Blattellidae GE05
            |--Mesoblattinidae V02
            |    |--Hispanoblatta sumptuosa VVR02
            |    |--Austroblattula F71
            |    |--Mesoblattina Geinitz 1880 V02
            |    |    `--M. protypa Geinitz 1880 V02
            |    `--Artitocoblatta Handlirsch 1906 VVR02, V02
            |         |--*A. gossi (Scudder 1886) [=Rithma gossi] V02
            |         `--A. asiatica VVR02
            `--Blattidae [Blattomorpha] V10
                 |  i. s.: Stantoniella GE05
                 |         Stylopyga orientalis B01
                 |         Celatoblatta R91a
                 |         Shelfordella tartara H02, BM76
                 |         Euthlastoblatta G37
                 |         Apotrogia Kirby 1900 K00
                 |           `--*A. angolensis Kirby 1900 K00
                 |         Dorylaea rhombifolia (see below for synonymy) K00
                 |         Deropeltis K00
                 |           |--D. atra Brunn. 1865 K00
                 |           |--D. brevicollis (Serv. 1839) [=Kakerlac brevicollis; incl. D. juncea Sauss. 1864] K00
                 |           |--D. capensis (Sauss. 1864) (see below for synonymy) K00
                 |           |--D. distanti Kirby 1900 K00
                 |           |--D. erythrocephala (Fabr. 1761) [=Blatta erythrocephala] K00
                 |           |--D. melanophila K00
                 |           |--D. meridionalis K00
                 |           `--D. similis (Sauss. 1864) [=Ischnoptera similis; incl. Nauphoeta foveolata Walker 1868] K00
                 |--Macrocerca [Macrocercinae] R96
                 |--Polyzosteriinae R91a
                 `--Blattinae R91a

Blattaria incertae sedis:
  Loboptera decipiens BM76
  Latiblatella rehni BM76
  Tryonicus R91a [Tryonicidae BP10, Tryonicinae]
    `--T. parvus R96
  Corydiidae H02
  Cainoblattinopsis Ping 1931 [Cainoblattinidae] H02
    `--C. fushunensis Ping 1931 H02
  Heterogamia [Heterogamiidae] K00
    `--H. ursina Burm. 1839 (see below for synonymy) K00
  Nocticolidae R91a
    |--Nocticola V10
    |    |--N. australiensis R91a
    |    |--N. babindaensis R91b
    |    |--N. flabella Roth 1991 BP10
    |    |--N. rohini (Fernando 1957) [=Paraloboptera rohini] R91b
    |    |--N. simoni R91b
    |    `--N. termitophila V10
    `--Cardacus willeyi R91b

Deropeltis capensis (Sauss. 1864) [=Polyzosteria capensis; incl. Periplaneta collaris Walk. 1868, Deropeltis flavomarginata Brunn. 1868] K00

Dorylaea rhombifolia [=Blatta rhombifolia, Periplaneta rhombifolia; incl. P. decorata Brunn. 1865, P. heterospila Walk. 1871, P. histrio Sauss. 1864] K00

Heterogamia ursina Burm. 1839 [incl. H. conspersa Brunn. 1865, H. marismortui Jans. 1891, H. syriaca Kruass 1890] K00

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BM76] Bohart, R. M., & A. S. Menke. 1976. Sphecid Wasps of the World. University of California Press: Berkeley.

[BP10] Bohn, H., M. Picker, K.-D. Klass & J. Colville. 2010. A jumping cockroach from South Africa, Saltoblattella montistabularis, gen. nov., spec. nov. (Blattodea: Blattellidae). Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny 68 (1): 53–69.

[B01] Bolivar, I. 1901. Orthopterák [Orthoptères]. In: Horváth, G. (ed.) Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazása [Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] vol. 2. Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazásának Állattani Eredményei [Zoologische Ergebnisse der Dritten Asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] pp. 223–243. Victor Hornyánszky: Budapest, and Karl W. Hierseman: Leipzig.

[C90] Crawford, C. S. 1990. Scorpiones, Solifugae, and associated desert taxa. In: Dindal, D. L. (ed.) Soil Biology Guide pp. 421–475. John Wiley & Sones: New York.

[F71] Fletcher, H. O. 1971. Catalogue of type specimens of fossils in the Australian Museum, Sydney. Australian Museum Memoir 13: 1–167.

[GE05] Grimaldi, D., & M. S. Engel. 2005. Evolution of the Insects. Cambridge University Press: New York.

[G37] Gurney, A. B. 1937. Studies in certain genera of American Blattidae (Orthoptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 39 (5): 101–112.

[H02] Hong Y. 2002. Amber Insect of China. Beijing Scientific and Technological Publishing House.

[K00] Kirby, W. F. 1900. Notes on a collection of African Blattidae, chiefly from the Transvaal, formed by Mr. W. L. Distant. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 7, 5: 277–294.

[M70] Mackerras, M. J. 1970. Blattodea (cockroaches). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers pp. 262–274. Melbourne University Press.

[P92] Poinar, G. O., Jr. 1992. Life in Amber. Stanford University Press: Stanford.

[R96] Rentz, D. 1996. Grasshopper Country: The abundant orthopteroid insects of Australia. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney.

[RD77] Richards, O. W., & R. G. Davies. 1977. Imms' General Textbook of Entomology 10th ed. vol. 2. Classification and Biology. Chapman and Hall: London.

[R91a] Roth, L. M. 1991a. Blatttodea. Blattaria (cockroaches). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers 2nd ed. vol. 1 pp. 320–329. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).

[R91b] Roth, L. M. 1991b. A new cave-dwelling cockroach from Western Australia (Blattaria: Nocticolidae). Records of the Western Australian Museum 15 (1): 17–21.

[V02] Vršanský, P. 2002. Origin and the early evolution of mantises. AMBA Projekty 6 (1): 1–16.

[V10] Vršanský, P. 2010. Cockroach as the earliest eusocial animal. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 84 (4): 793–808.

[VVR02] Vršanský, P., V. N. Vishniakova & A. P. Rasnitsyn. 2002. Order Blattida Latreille, 1810. The cockroaches (=Blattodea Brunner von Wattenvill, 1882). In: Rasnitsyn, A. P., & D. L. J. Quicke (eds) History of Insects pp. 263–270. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht.

[WL09] Walter, D. E., E. E. Lindquist, I. M. Smith, D. R. Cook & G. W. Krantz. 2009. Order Trombidiformes. In: Krantz, G. W., & D. E. Walter (eds) A Manual of Acarology 3rd ed. pp. 233–420. Texas Tech University Press.

Last updated: 21 May 2022.


Australian wood cockroach Panesthia cribrata, from Brisbane Insects.

Belongs within: Blattaria.
Contains: Derocalymma.

The Blaberidae are a diverse group of often stout, slow-moving cockroaches. In most species, the ootheca is retracted into a uterus after formation and nymphs are borne after hatching (Roth 1991).

Characters (from Rentz 1996): Size medium to large. Antenna usually less than half body length. Legs short, stout, generally smooth. Cerci short, sometimes unsegmented, seldom reaching hind margin of supra-anal plate. Male styles present or absent; hood-like genital phallomeres on right side, median phallomere rod-like. Female with extensible brood sac or atrium.

<==Blaberidae [Panchloridae]
    |  i. s.: Gromphadorhina V10
    |           |--G. laevigata MG06
    |           `--G. portentosa (Schaum 1853) V10
    |         Thorax porcellana Saussure 1862 V10
    |         Phlebonotus pallens (Serville 1831) V10
    |         Oulopteryx RD77
    |         Rhyparobia maderae (Fabr. 1781) [=Blatta maderae] K00
    |         Gyna caffrorum (Stål 1856) (see below for synonymy) K00
    |--Parasphaeria [Zetoborinae] GE05
    |    `--P. boleiriana GE05
    |--Pycnoscelus [Pycnoscelidae, Pycnoscelinae] R91
    |    |--P. indicus R91
    |    `--P. surinamensis R91
    |--Diploptera V10 [Diplopterinae R91]
    |    |--D. dytiscoides WL09
    |    `--D. punctata Erschscholz 1822 V10
    |--Panchlora V10 [Panchlorinae R18]
    |    |--P. bidentula Hebard 1916 R18
    |    |--P. exoleta Burmeister 1838 R18
    |    `--P. thalassina R15
    |--Oxyhaloinae [Chorisoneuridae] R96
    |    |--Nauphoeta R96
    |    |    |--*N. grisea K00
    |    |    |--N. aspersata Kirby 1900 K00
    |    |    |--N. cinerea R96
    |    |    `--N. circumvagans K00
    |    |--Paraneuphoeta rufipes R96
    |    |--Chorisoneura R18
    |    |    |--C. minuta R15
    |    |    |--C. parishi Rehn 1918 R18
    |    |    `--C. texensis BM76
    |    `--Oxyhaloa deusta (Thunb. 1822) (see below for synonymy) K00
    |--Blaberinae R15
    |    |--Monastria biguttata R15
    |    |--Blaptica dubia R15
    |    `--Blaberus WL09
    |         |--B. craniifer WL09
    |         |--B. discoidalis TC01
    |         |--B. giganteus RD77
    |         `--B. piracicabensis S96
    |--Panesthiinae R96
    |    |--Salganea V10 [Salganeini R96]
    |    |--Ancaudellia serratissima R91, A50
    |    |--Hemipanesthia M70
    |    `--Panesthia [Panesthiini] R96
    |         |--P. angustipennis A50
    |         |--P. australis R96
    |         |--P. cribrata R96
    |         |--P. laevicollis R91
    |         `--P. tryoni S01
    |--Epilamprinae R96
    |    |--Neolaxta R96
    |    |--Ataxigamia tatei R96, R91
    |    |--Rhabdoblatta R96
    |    |--Molytria inquinata R96
    |    |--Pseudocalolampra R91
    |    |--Calolampra R96
    |    |    |--C. aspera MC13
    |    |    `--C. irrorata R96
    |    |--Laxta R96 [incl. Oniscosoma M70]
    |    |    |--L. friedmani R96
    |    |    `--L. granicollis R96 [=Oniscosoma granicollis T61]
    |    `--Epilampra R91
    |         |--E. conspersa Burmeister 1838 R18
    |         |--E. grisea (DeGeer 1773) [=Blatta grisea; incl. E. lucifuga Rehn 1903] R18
    |         |--E. pardalina Walk. 1868 K00
    |         |--E. stigmatiphora R15
    |         `--E. verticalis R15
    |--Geoscapheinae V10
    |    |--Macropanesthia R96
    |    |    |--M. monteithi S96
    |    |    `--M. rhinoceros R96
    |    |--Parapanesthia R96
    |    |    |--P. gigantea R96
    |    |    `--P. pearsoni S96
    |    |--Neogeoscapheus R96
    |    |    |--N. barbarae S96
    |    |    |--N. dahmsi S96
    |    |    `--N. hirsutus S96
    |    `--Geoscapheus R96
    |         |--G. crenulatus S96
    |         |    |--G. c. crenulatus S96
    |         |    `--G. c. fraserensis S96
    |         |--G. dilatatus R96
    |         |--G. robustus R91
    |         `--G. rugulosus S96
    `--Perisphaeriinae [Perisphaeriidae] BP10
         |--Perisphaerus Serville 1831 V10
         |--Cyrtotria Stål 1871 BP10
         |    `--C. scabra (Walk. 1868) [=Perisphaeria scabra] K00
         |--Bantua Shelford 1908 BP10
         |--Pilema Saussure 1873 BP10
         |    |--P. saussurei Kirby 1900 K00
         |    `--P. thoracica (Walk. 1868) [=Perisphaeria thoracica; incl. Pi. hebetata Sauss. 1895] K00
         |--Hormetica G37
         |--Antioquita G37
         |--Litopeltis G37
         |--Acroporoblatta Hebard 1919 G37
         |--Galiblatta G37
         |--Colapteroblatta G37
         |--Styphon G37
         |--Compsagis Chopard 1952 BP10
         |    `--C. lesnei (Chopard 1952) V10
         |--Nauclidas Rehn 1930 G37
         |    `--N. nigra (Brunner 1892) (see below for synonymy) G37
         |--Poroblatta Hebard 1919 G37
         |    |--*P. cylindrica hebard 1919 G37
         |    |--P. apatela G37
         |    |--P. bicolor Gurney 1937 G37
         |    |--P. caudelli Gurney 1937 G37
         |    `--P. pluto G37
         |--Eustegasta K00
         |    |--E. obsoleta Kirby 1900 K00
         |    `--E. poecila (Schaum 1853) [=Panchlora poecila] K00
         |--Gynopeltis K00
         |    |--G. cryptospila (Walk. 1868) [=Polyphaga cryptospila] K00
         |    `--G. discoidalis (Brunn. 1865) [=Perisphaeria discoidalis] K00
         |--Elliptoblatta uniformis Kirby 1900 K00
         |--Pronaonota cribrosa Sauss. 1895 K00
         |--Stenopilema K00
         |    |--S. capucina K00
         |    |--S. cylindrica (Walk. 1868) [=Perisphaeria cylindrica] K00
         |    `--S. pallicornis Kirby 1900 K00
         |--Derocalymma K00
         `--Hostilis proterva (Stål 1856) [=Blatta proterva, Phyllodromia proterva] K00

Gyna caffrorum (Stål 1856) [=Panchlora caffrorum; incl. Epilampra conspicua Walk. 1869, P. scripta Walk. 1869] K00

Nauclidas nigra (Brunner 1892) [=Parasphaeria nigra, Poroblatta nigra; incl. Perasphaeria (l. c. for Parasphaeria) rufipes Brunner 1892, Po. rufipes] G37

Oxyhaloa deusta (Thunb. 1822) [=Blatta deusta, Proscratea deusta; incl. P. fulviceps Burm. 1839, Oxyhaloa fulviceps, Nauphoeta ruficeps Walk. 1868, Ischnoptera ruficeps, N. signifrons Walk. 1868] K00

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A50] Ahmad, M. 1950. The phylogeny of termite genera based on imago-worker mandibles. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 95 (2): 37–86.

[BM76] Bohart, R. M., & A. S. Menke. 1976. Sphecid Wasps of the World. University of California Press: Berkeley.

[BP10] Bohn, H., M. Picker, K.-D. Klass & J. Colville. 2010. A jumping cockroach from South Africa, Saltoblattella montistabularis, gen. nov., spec. nov. (Blattodea: Blattellidae). Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny 68 (1): 53–69.

[GE05] Grimaldi, D., & M. S. Engel. 2005. Evolution of the Insects. Cambridge University Press: New York.

[G37] Gurney, A. B. 1937. Studies in certain genera of American Blattidae (Orthoptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 39 (5): 101–112.

[K00] Kirby, W. F. 1900. Notes on a collection of African Blattidae, chiefly from the Transvaal, formed by Mr. W. L. Distant. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 7, 5: 277–294.

[M70] Mackerras, M. J. 1970. Blattodea (cockroaches). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers pp. 262–274. Melbourne University Press.

[MC13] Majer, J. D., S. K. Callan, K. Edwards, N. R. Gunawardene & C. K. Taylor. 2013. Baseline survey of the terrestrial invertebrate fauna of Barrow Island. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 83: 13–112.

[MG06] Mallatt, J., & G. Giribet. 2006. Further use of nearly complete 28S and 18S rRNA genes to classify Ecdysozoa: 37 more arthropods and a kinorhynch. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 40: 772–794.

[R15] Rehn, J. A. G. 1915. A further contribution to the knowledge of the Orthoptera of Argentina. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 67 (2): 270–292.

[R18] Rehn, J. A. G. 1918. On a collection of Orthoptera from the State of Pará, Brazil. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 70: 144–236, pls 1–2.

[R96] Rentz, D. 1996. Grasshopper Country: The abundant orthopteroid insects of Australia. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney.

[RD77] Richards, O. W., & R. G. Davies. 1977. Imms' General Textbook of Entomology 10th ed. vol. 2. Classification and Biology. Chapman and Hall: London.

[R91] Roth, L. M. 1991. Blatttodea. Blattaria (cockroaches). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers vol. 1 pp. 320–329. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).

[S01] Seeman, O. 2001. Myriad Mesostigmata associated with log-inhabiting arthropods. In: Halliday, R. B., D. E. Walter, H. C. Proctor, R. A. Norton & M. J. Colloff (eds) Acarology: Proceedings of the 10th International Congress pp. 272–276. CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne.

[S96] Strong, K. L. 1996. Sibling species of Hypoaspis Canestrini (Laelapidae) revealed by allozyme electrophoresis. In: Mitchell, R., D. J. Horn, G. R. Needham & W. C. Welbourn (eds) Acarology IX vol. 1. Proceedings pp. 425–428. Ohio Biological Survey: Columbus (Ohio).

[T61] Tasch, P. 1961. Paleolimnology: Part 2—Harvey and Sedgwick counties, Kansas: stratigraphy and biota. Journal of Paleontology 35: 836–865.

[TC01] Taylor, DeM., & Y. Chinzei. 2001. Vitellogenin and its synthesis in the soft ticks. In: Halliday, R. B., D. E. Walter, H. C. Proctor, R. A. Norton & M. J. Colloff (eds) Acarology: Proceedings of the 10th International Congress pp. 622–627. CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne.

[V10] Vršanský, P. 2010. Cockroach as the earliest eusocial animal. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 84 (4): 793–808.

[WL09] Walter, D. E., E. E. Lindquist, I. M. Smith, D. R. Cook & G. W. Krantz. 2009. Order Trombidiformes. In: Krantz, G. W., & D. E. Walter (eds) A Manual of Acarology 3rd ed. pp. 233–420. Texas Tech University Press.

Last updated: 21 May 2022.


(From left to right) Left, right, left interior, ventral and dorsal views of Healdia simplicissima, from Hoare & Merrill (2004).

Belongs within: Metacopina.

The Healdiidae are a group of ostracods known from the Devonian to the Lower Cretaceous. Members of the family are characterised by distinctive marginal areas with a duplicature absent or fused with the outer lamella, and the left valve overreaching the right (Benson et al. 1961).

Characters (from Benson et al. 1961): Carapace convex-backed, with suboblong to subtriangular outlines and nearly straight venters in lateral view, commonly with posterior, and less commonly with anterior sculpturing in ridges and spines; valves hinged posterodorsally; left valve larger than right valve, overlap and overreach (where present) left valve over right valve. Without separated calcified inner lamellae but with hinges and contact margins simply ridged and grooved or shouldered in platycopine fashion; adductor muscle scar circular, consisting of numerous spots generally arranged in concentric rings or rows. Most genera probably exhibit moderate sexual dimorphism.

    |--Hermiella G12
    |--Incisurella Cooper 1941 BB61
    |    `--*I. prima Cooper 1941 BB61
    |--Phreatura Jones & Kirkby 1886 BB61
    |    `--*P. concinna Jones & Kirkby 1886 BB61
    |--Daleiella Bouček 1937 M61, BB61
    |    `--*D. corbuloides (Jones & Holl 1869) [=Cythere corbuloides] BB61
    |--Robsoniella Kusnetsova in Mandelstam et al. 1956 BB61
    |    |--*R. obovata Kuznetzova in Mandelstam et al. 1956 BB61
    |    `--R. falklandensis Dingle 1984 G12
    |--Healdioides Coryell & Rozanski 1942 BB61
    |    |--*H. diversus Coryell & Rozanski 1942 BB61
    |    `--H. bradfieldi Coryell & Rozanski 1942 S82
    |--Hungarella Méhes 1911 BB61
    |    `--*H. problematica (Daday 1911) [=Bairdia problematica] BB61
    |--Healdiacypris Bradfield 1935 M61, BB61
    |    |--*H. perplexa Bradfield 1935 BB61
    |    `--H. acuminata BB61
    |--Ogmoconcha Triebel 1941 BB61
    |    |--*O. contractula [=Hungarella contractula] BB61
    |    `--O. convexa Boomer 1991 WSB93
    |--Waylandella Coryell & Billings 1932 [incl. Harltonella Bradfield 1935] BB61
    |    |--*W. spinosa Coryell & Billings 1932 BB61
    |    |--W. ardmorensis BB61
    |    `--W. obesa BB61
    |--Cyrtocyprus Coryell & Williamson 1936 BB61 [=Cyrtocypris Coryell & Williamson 1936 WSB93, BB61]
    |    |--*C. subovata Coryell & Williamson 1936 BB61
    |    |--C. chvorostanensis BB61
    |    `--C. inornata Copeland 1974 WSB93
    |--Seminolites Coryell 1928 HM04
    |    |--*S. truncatus Coryell 1928 [incl. S. elongatus] BB61
    |    |--S. ovalis Cooper 1941 HM04
    |    |--S. perforatus Harlton 1933 HM04
    |    |--S. porosus Robinson 1978 HM04
    |    `--S. symmetricus Cooper 1941 HM04
    |--Cribroconcha Cooper 1941 HM04
    |    |--*C. costata Cooper 1941 BB61
    |    |--C. alabamensis (Erlich 1964) HM04
    |    |--C. conspicua (Harlton 1929) HM04
    |    |--C. fornicata Cooper 1941 HM04
    |    |--C. perplexa Robinson 1959 HM04
    |    `--C. prolixa Hoare & Merrill 2004 HM04
    |--Microcheilinella Geis 1933 HM04 [=Microcheilus Geis 1932 non Kittl 1894 BB61]
    |    |--*M. distorta (Geis 1932) [=*Microcheilus distortus] BB61
    |    |--M. acuta Shi 1987 ZL87
    |    |--M. cordata Cooper 1941 S82
    |    |--M. monospinosa Zhang in Zhang & Liang 1987 ZL87
    |    |--M. postspinosa Chen 1958 ZL87
    |    |--M. speciosa Chen 1958 CB86
    |    |--M. subreniformis Chen 1958 ZL87
    |    `--M. venusta Chen 1958 ZL87
    `--Healdia Roundy 1926 HM04
         |--*H. simplex Roundy 1926 BB61
         |--H. ampla Roundy 1926 HM04
         |--H. asper Cooper 1946 HM04
         |--H. caneyensis Harlton 1927 HM04
         |--H. cara [incl. H. aspinosa] BB61
         |--H. cornigera (Jones & Kirby 1867) HM04
         |--H. glennensis Harlton 1927 HM04
         |--H. leguminoidea S61
         |--H. marginata Harlton 1928 HM04
         |--H. oblonga Bradfield 1935 HM04
         |--H. oklahomaensis Harlton 1927 HM04
         |--H. simplicissima Harlton 1933 HM04
         `--H. sulcata Cooper 1947 S82

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB61] Benson, R. H., J. M. Berdan, W. A. van den Bold, T. Hanai, I. Hessland, H. V. Howe, R. V. Kesling, S. A. Levinson, R. A. Reyment, R. C. Moore, H. W. Scott, R. H. Shaver, I. G. Sohn, L. E. Stover, F. M. Swain & P. C. Sylvester-Bradley. 1961. Systematic descriptions. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt Q. Arthropoda 3: Crustacea: Ostracoda pp. Q99–Q421. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press.

[CB86] Chen D.-Q. & Bao H. 1986. Lower Permian ostracodes from the Chihsia Formation of Jurong and Longtan, Jiangsu Province. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica 3 (2): 107–132.

[G12] Guzel, M. 2012. Jurassic and Early Cretaceous ostracods from Western Australia: what they reveal about evolution of the Indian Ocean. In: Talent, J. A. (ed.) Earth and Life: Global biodiversity, extinction intervals and biogeographic perturbations through time pp. 849–882. Springer.

[HM04] Hoare, R. D., & G. K. Merrill. 2004. A Pennsylvanian (Morrowan) ostracode fauna from Texas. Journal of Paleontology 78 (1): 185–204.

[M61] Moore, R. C. 1961. Supplement—USSR treatise on Ostracoda. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt Q. Arthropoda 3: Crustacea: Ostracoda pp. Q422–Q429. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press.

[S61] Scott, H. W. 1961. Shell morphology of Ostracoda. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt Q. Arthropoda 3: Crustacea: Ostracoda pp. Q21–Q37. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press.

[S82] Shi C.-G. 1982. Some early Carboniferous ostracodes from Nylam, Xizang (Tibet). Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 21 (3): 309–314.

[WSB93] Whatley, R. C., D. J. Siveter & I. D. Boomer. 1993. Arthropoda (Crustacea: Ostracoda). In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 343–356. Chapman & Hall: London.

[ZL87] Zhang X.-J. & Liang X.-Y. 1987. Ostracoda from the Taiyuan Formation of Xingyang and Gong Xian districts, Henan. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica 4 (3): 293–312.

Last updated: 11 October 2020.


Cyprideis torosa, from here.

Belongs within: Cytheroidea.

The Cytherideinae are a group of ostracods known from the Permian to the present day. The outline of the shell may be smooth overall or there may be denticulations at the anterior and/or posterior ends. Members of the type genus Cytheridea have a thick carapace, subquadrangular in dorsal view and ovate-triangulare in lateral view, obliquely rounded anteriorly and oblique posteriorly; the hinge is merodont with the left valve having the terinal crenulate sockets and crenulate median elements set somewhat obliquely so the anterior portion projects as a short bar and the back portion is depressed as a furrow (Benson et al. 1961).

Characters (from Benson et al. 1961): Surface smooth, pitted or reticulate. Hinge antimerodont or holomerodont, some genera containing species with reversed valves, normal left valve hinge appearing in right valve and vice verse; marginal areas widest anteriorly where inner margin usually departs from line of concrescence (with similar but smaller departure common posteriorly); radial canals variable in number but usually rather abundant; muscle scars in vertical row of four, usually with two equally spaced ovate scars in front and commonly additional scars above and below.

<==Cytherideinae [Clithrocytherideinae, Dolocytherideinae, Perissocytherideinae, Schulerideinae] BB61
    |--‘Aenigma’ Kuznetsova 1956 non Newman 1836 M61
    |--Pumilocytheridea van den Bold 1963 S-VC91
    |    `--P. vermiculoidea Swain 1967 S-VC91
    |--Anomocytheridea Stephenson 1938 [incl. Amonocythere Sohn 1951] BB61
    |    `--*A. floridana (Howe & Hough in Howe et al. 1935) [=Cytheridea floridana] BB61
    |--Cyamocytheridea Oertli 1956 BB61
    |    `--*C. punctatella (Bosquet 1852) [=Bairdia punctatella] BB61
    |--Galliaecytheridea Oertli 1957 BB61
    |    `--*G. dissimilis Oertli 1957 BB61
    |--Heterocyprideis Elofson 1941 BB61
    |    `--*H. sorbyana (Jones 1857) [=Cythere (Cytheridea) sorbyana] BB61
    |--Kalyptovalva Howe & Laurencich 1958 BB61
    |    `--*K. ovata (Bosquet 1854) [=Cytheridea ovata] BB61
    |--Netrocytheridea Howe & Laurencich 1958 BB61
    |    `--*N. fusiformis (Bosquet 1847) [=Cypridina fusiformis] BB61
    |--Nodophthalmocythere Malz 1958 BB61
    |    `--*N. vallata Malz 1958 BB61
    |--Palaeocytheridella Mandelstam 1958 BB61
    |    `--*P. observata (Sharapova 1937) [=Eucythere observata] BB61
    |--Pseudocytheridea Schneider 1949 BB61
    |    `--*P. zalanyi (Schneider 1939) [=Cytheridea zalanyi] BB61
    |--Sphenocytheridea Keij 1958 BB61
    |    `--*S. gracilis Keij 1958 BB61
    |--Vernoniella Oertli 1957 BB61
    |    `--*V. sequana Oertli 1957 BB61
    |--Vetustocytheridea Apostolescu 1956 BB61
    |    `--*V. guitrancourtensis (Apostolescu 1956) [=Cytheridea (*Vetustocytheridea) guitrancourtensis] BB61
    |--Pichottia Oertli 1959 LH61
    |    `--*P. muris Oertli 1959 LH61
    |--Ruttenella van den Bold 1946 M61, BB61
    |    `--*R. ovata van den Bold 1946 BB61
    |--Hemicytheridea Kingma 1948 M61, BB61
    |    `--*H. reticulata Kingma 1948 BB61
    |--Dolocytheridea Triebel 1938 BB61
    |    |--*D. hilseana (Roemer 1841) [=Cytherina hilseana] BB61
    |    `--D. wolburgi RR03
    |--Asciocythere Swain 1952 BB61
    |    |--*A. rotunda (Vanderpool 1928) [=Bythocypris rotundus] BB61
    |    |--A. circumdata RR03
    |    `--A. denticulata [=Eucythere denticulata, Palaeocytheridea denticulata] BB61
    |--Ovocytheridea Grekoff 1951 BB61
    |    |--*O. nuda Grekoff 1951 BB61
    |    |--O. apiformis BB61
    |    `--O. symmetrica BB61
    |--Schuleridea Swartz & Swain 1946 [incl. Aequacytheridea Mandelstam 1947] BB61
    |    |--*S. acuminata Swartz & Swain 1946 BB61
    |    |--S. hatterasensis BB61
    |    `--S. praethorenensis RR03
    |--Clithrocytheridea Stephenson 1936 [=Clithocytheridea van den Bold 1946] BB61
    |    |--*C. garretti (Howe & Chambers 1935) [=Cytheridea garretti] BB61
    |    |--C. appendiculata S61
    |    |--C. decumana BB61
    |    `--C. lerichei BB61
    |--Neocyprideis Apostolescu 1956 [incl. Goerlichia Keij 1957] BB61
    |    |--*N. durocortoriensis Apostolescu 1956 BB61
    |    |--‘Cyprideis (Goerlichia) miguelensis B61
    |    |--‘Cyprideis (Goerlichia) stewarti B61
    |    `--N. williamsoniana [=*Goerlichia williamsoniana] BB61
    |--Basslerella Kellett 1935 CB86
    |    |--*B. crassa Kellett 1935 BB61
    |    |--B. gongxianensis Zhang in Zhang & Liang 1987 ZL87
    |    |--B. obesa Kellett 1935 ZL87
    |    |--B. ola Chen & Bao 1986 ZL87
    |    `--B. tota Chen & Bao 1986 CB86
    |--Cytheridea Bosquet 1852 [incl. Eucytheridea Bronstein 1930] BB61
    |    |--*C. muelleri (Münster 1830) [=Cythere muelleri] BB61
    |    |--C. hungarica S61
    |    |--C. moorei F71
    |    |--C. pernota BB61
    |    `--C. praesulcata S61
    |--Cyprideis Jones 1857 S-VC91
    |    |  i. s.: C. apostolescui S61
    |    |         C. currayi Swain 1967 S-VC91
    |    |         C. limbocostata Hartmann 1974 G83
    |    |--*C. (Cyprideis) torosa (Jones 1850) [=Candona torosa] BB61
    |    `--C. (Goerlichita) castus B61
    |--Perissocytheridea Stephenson 1938 NT02 [incl. Iliocythere Hartmann 1953 BB61, Ilyocythere Klie 1939 BB61]
    |    |--*P. matosoni (Stephenson 1935) NT02 [=Cytheridea matsoni BB61]
    |    |--P. gibba [=*Ilyocythere gibba] BB61
    |    |--P. japonica Ishizaki 1968 [=Clithrocytheridea japonica] NT02
    |    |--P. meyerabichi (Hartman 1953) S-VC91
    |    `--P. rugata BB61
    `--Haplocytheridea Stephenson 1936 (see below for synonymy) BB61
         |--*H. montgomeryensis (Howe & Chambers 1935) [=Cytheridea montgomeryensis] BB61
         |--H. curta S61
         |--H. curvata S61
         |--H. heizelensis BB61
         `--H. maia B61

Haplocytheridea Stephenson 1936 [incl. Leptocytheridea Stephenson 1937, Phractocytheridea Sutton & Williams 1939] BB61

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B61] Benson, R. H. 1961. Ecology of ostracode assemblages. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt Q. Arthropoda 3: Crustacea: Ostracoda pp. Q56–Q63. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press.

[BB61] Benson, R. H., J. M. Berdan, W. A. van den Bold, T. Hanai, I. Hessland, H. V. Howe, R. V. Kesling, S. A. Levinson, R. A. Reyment, R. C. Moore, H. W. Scott, R. H. Shaver, I. G. Sohn, L. E. Stover, F. M. Swain & P. C. Sylvester-Bradley. 1961. Systematic descriptions. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt Q. Arthropoda 3: Crustacea: Ostracoda pp. Q99–Q421. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press.

[CB86] Chen D.-Q. & Bao H. 1986. Lower Permian ostracodes from the Chihsia Formation of Jurong and Longtan, Jiangsu Province. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica 3 (2): 107–132.

[F71] Fletcher, H. O. 1971. Catalogue of type specimens of fossils in the Australian Museum, Sydney. Australian Museum Memoir 13: 1–167.

[G83] Gottwald, J. 1983. Interstitielle Fauna von Galapagos. XXX. Podocopida 1 (Ostracoda). Mikrofauna des Meeresbodens 90: 1–187.

[LH61] Levinson, S. A., & H. V. Howe. 1961. Addendum. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt Q. Arthropoda 3: Crustacea: Ostracoda pp. Q421–Q422. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press.

[M61] Moore, R. C. 1961. Supplement—USSR treatise on Ostracoda. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt Q. Arthropoda 3: Crustacea: Ostracoda pp. Q422–Q429. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press.

[NT02] Nakao, Y., & A. Tsukagoshi. 2002. Brackish-water Ostracoda (Crustacea) from the Obitsu River estuary, central Japan. Species Diversity 7 (1): 67–115.

[RR03] Rossi, A., J. Rey, B. Andreu & K. Taj-Eddine. 2003. Apport des ostracodes à l’interprétation séquentielle du Crétacé inférieur (Berriasien–Valanginien) du bassin d’Essaouira-Agadir (Maroc). Comptes Rendus Palevol 2: 133–141.

[S61] Scott, H. W. 1961. Shell morphology of Ostracoda. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt Q. Arthropoda 3: Crustacea: Ostracoda pp. Q21–Q37. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press.

[S-VC91] Segura-Vernis, L. R., & A. L. Carreño. 1991. Foraminíferos y ostrácodos de la Laguna de La Paz, Baja California Sur, México. Inv. Mar. CICIMAR 6 (1): 195–224.

[ZL87] Zhang X.-J. & Liang X.-Y. 1987. Ostracoda from the Taiyuan Formation of Xingyang and Gong Xian districts, Henan. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica 4 (3): 293–312.

Last updated: 11 October 2020.


Bairdia, copyright Moorea Biocode.

Belongs within: Bairdiidae.

Bairdia is a genus of ostracods with a fossil record extending from the Ordovician to the present day. As such, it is the longest-surviving recognised genus of ostracods and probably represents the only lineage of Bairdiidae to survive from the Palaeozoic into the Mesozoic (Benson et al. 1961).

Characters (from Benson et al. 1961): Carapace mostly elongate fusiform in lateral view, with broadly arched dorsum that becomes concave terminally, especially at the rear; venter centrally straight but curved upward terminally so that extremities are nearly at mid-height, anterior end generally higher and better rounded than posterior, which is generally acuminate; in dorsal view, lateral outlines symmetrically convex and extremities acuminate; surface of valves smooth, punctate, or rarely with protuberances; left valve larger than right valve, mostly overreaching it around entire margin and overlapping it, especially ventrally, around contact margin. Short ridge-and-groove hingement commonly marked by prominent cardinal angles, especially in right valve; contact margins complex, with wide duplicature, vestibule, and associated structures; adductor-muscle scar pattern of several discrete spots.

<==Bairdia M’Coy 1844 HM04 (see below for synonymy)
    |--*B. curtus McCoy 1844 BB61
    |--B. acuminata Cooper 1946 HM04
    |--B. aliger (Guseva 1971) ZL87
    |--B. altiacuta CB86
    |--B. beedei CB86
    |--B. bicornis Bradfield 1935 ZL87
    |--B. calida CB86
    |--B. citriformis CB86
    |--B. crassa Harlton 1929 HM04
    |--B. cristata CB86
    |--B. deloi (Bradfield 1935) ZL87
    |--B. demissa CB86
    |--B. eissensis Upson 1933 ZL87
    |--B. firmata ZL87
    |--B. formosa BB61
    |--B. frequens HKS61
    |--B. garrisonensis Upson 1933 S82
    |--B. girtyi Sohn 1960 HM04
    |--B. golcondensis BB61
    |--B. grahamensis Harlton 1928 HM04
    |--B. guanxiensis Guan 1978 CB86
    |--B. harltoni Cooper 1946 HM04
    |--B. hassi Sohn 1960 ZL87
    |--B. kwanshanensis CB86
    |--B. lungtanensis CB86
    |--B. mandelstami CB86
    |--B. marginicompressa Chen & Bao 1986 CB86
    |--B. menardensis Harlton 1929 ZL87
    |--B. modica CB86
    |--B. monstrabilis Cooper 1946 ZL87
    |--B. oklahomensis BB61
    |--B. permagna Geis 1932 HM04
    |--B. piscariformis CB86
    |--B. pompilioides Harlton 1928 HM04
    |--B. postacuta CB86
    |--B. radlerae Kellett 1934 ZL87
    |--B. seminalis (Kellett 1934) ZL87
    |--B. symmetrica ZL87
    |--B. trianguliformis CB86
    |--B. verdesensis LeRoy 1943 S-VC91
    |--B. verwiebei ZL87
    |--B. whitesidei Bradfield 1935 HM04
    `--B. zhongyingensis Wang 1978 CB86

Bairdia M’Coy 1844 HM04 [incl. Acratinella Schneider 1956 BB61, Morrisites Gibson 1955 non Buckman 1921 BB61, Morrisitina Gibson 1955 BB61, Nesidea Costa 1849 BB61]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB61] Benson, R. H., J. M. Berdan, W. A. van den Bold, T. Hanai, I. Hessland, H. V. Howe, R. V. Kesling, S. A. Levinson, R. A. Reyment, R. C. Moore, H. W. Scott, R. H. Shaver, I. G. Sohn, L. E. Stover, F. M. Swain & P. C. Sylvester-Bradley. 1961. Systematic descriptions. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt Q. Arthropoda 3: Crustacea: Ostracoda pp. Q99–Q421. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press.

[CB86] Chen D.-Q. & Bao H. 1986. Lower Permian ostracodes from the Chihsia Formation of Jurong and Longtan, Jiangsu Province. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica 3 (2): 107–132.

[HM04] Hoare, R. D., & G. K. Merrill. 2004. A Pennsylvanian (Morrowan) ostracode fauna from Texas. Journal of Paleontology 78 (1): 185–204.

[HKS61] Howe, H. V., R. V. Kesling & H. W. Scott. 1961. Morphology of living Ostracoda. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt Q. Arthropoda 3: Crustacea: Ostracoda pp. Q3–Q17. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press.

[S-VC91] Segura-Vernis, L. R., & A. L. Carreño. 1991. Foraminíferos y ostrácodos de la Laguna de La Paz, Baja California Sur, México. Inv. Mar. CICIMAR 6 (1): 195–224.

[S82] Shi C.-G. 1982. Some early Carboniferous ostracodes from Nylam, Xizang (Tibet). Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 21 (3): 309–314.

[ZL87] Zhang X.-J. & Liang X.-Y. 1987. Ostracoda from the Taiyuan Formation of Xingyang and Gong Xian districts, Henan. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica 4 (3): 293–312.

Last updated: 25 September 2020.


Anchistrocheles, from here.

Belongs within: Ostracoda.
Contains: Bairdia.

The Bairdiidae are a family of marine ostracods with a convex-backed carapace and wide duplicature. Though they have a long history, extending from the Lower Ordovician to the present, they mostly varied little in morphology throughout this time (Benson et al. 1961).

Characters (from Benson et al. 1961): Carapace convex-backed, mostly with asymmetrical, angulated, convex and concave, round and acuminate "bairdian" shape in lateral view; lateral outlines mostly symmetrically convex and terminally acuminate in dorsal view; left valve larger than right valve, both overreaching and overlapping it; with short, ridge-and-groove hingement and prominent duplicature and vestibule; muscle-scar pattern composed of several discrete spots.

<==Bairdiidae [Bairdioidea, Nesideidae]
    |--Pussellinae DH86
    |    |--Pussella Danielopol 1976 DH86
    |    |    |--P. botosaneanui Danielopol 1976 DH86
    |    |    `--P. danielopoli Maddocks 1976 DH86
    |    `--Anchistrocheles Brady & Norman 1889 DH86
    |         |--*A. fumata Brady 1890 BB61
    |         |--A. acerosa BB61
    |         |--A. barnharti Maddocks 1976 DH86
    |         |--A. bensoni Maddocks 1969 DH86
    |         |--A. bradyi (Scott 1905) DH86
    |         |--A. hartmanni Maddocks 1976 DH86
    |         `--A. mcquadei Maddocks 1976 DH86
    `--Bairdiinae DH86
         |--Bairdia HM04
         |--Bairdoppilata Coryell, Sample & Jennings 1935 DH86
         |    |--*B. martyni Coryell, Sample & Jennings 1935 BB61
         |    |--B. cratericola Maddocks 1969 DH86
         |    `--B. gliberti S61
         |--Paranesidea Maddocks 1969 DH86
         |    |--P. algicola Maddocks 1969 DH86
         |    |--P. fracticorallicola Maddocks 1969 DH86
         |    `--P. spongicola Maddocks 1969 DH86
         |--Triebelina van den Bold 1964 DH86 [incl. Glyptobairdia Stephenson 1946 BB61]
         |    |--*T. indopacifica van den Bold 1946 BB61
         |    |--T. bradyi (Triebel 1948) DH86
         |    |--T. coronata BB61
         |    |--T. raripila (Müller 1894) DH86
         |    `--T. sertata (Triebel 1948) DH86
         `--Neonesidea Maddocks 1969 DH86
              |--N. aregina Maddocks 1969 DH86
              |--N. maddocksae Hartmann 1974 DH86
              |--N. michaelseni Hartmann 1982 DH86
              |--N. pateriformes Maddocks 1969 DH86
              `--N. schulzi (Hartmann 1964) DH86

Bairdiidae incertae sedis:
  Rectobairdia Sohn 1960 ZL87
    |--R. jinchengensis Shi 1987 ZL87
    |--R. legumen (Jones & Kirkby 1886) [=Bairdia legumen; incl. B. angulatiformis Posner 1951] S82
    `--R. subsymmetrica Zhang in Zhang & Liang 1987 ZL87
  Pustulobairdia Sohn 1960 ZL87
    |--P. pruniseminata (Sohn 1954) ZL87
    `--P. subpruniseminata Zhang in Zhang & Liang 1987 ZL87
  Petasobairdia CB86
  Lobobairdia Kollmaun 1963 ZL87
    `--L. ventriconcava (Chen 1958) [=Bairdia ventriconcava] ZL87
  Abrobairdia Chen 1982 CB86
    |--A. brevicosta CB86
    `--A. monocosta Chen & Bao 1986 CB86
  Cryptobairdia Sohn 1960 ZL87
    |--C. coryelli (Roth & Skinner 1931) (see below for synonymy) CB86
    |--C. submanifesta Zhang in Zhang & Liang 1987 ZL87
    |--C. subseminalis Zhang in Zhang & Liang 1987 ZL87
    `--C. xiaodonggouensis Shi 1987 ZL87
  Bairdiacypris Bradfield 1935 HM04 [incl. Actuaria Schneider 1956 BB61]
    |--*B. deloi Bradfield 1935 BB61
    |--B. glennensis (Harlton 1927) HM04
    |--B. haydenbranchensis BB61
    |--B. incurvata Kraft 1962 WSB93
    |--B. longirobusta CB86
    |--B. reniformis CB86
    |--B. sinensis CB86
    |--B. ventralis CB86
    `--B. yui Shi 1960 ZL87
  Acratia Delo 1939 ZL87 [incl. Acratina Egorov 1953 BB61
    |--*A. typica Delo 1930 BB61
    |--A. bicornis Shi 1987 ZL87
    |--A. comisa Zhang in Zhang & Liang 1987 ZL87
    |--A. deloi (Geis 1932) ZL87
    |--A. olivifera CB86
    |--A. pulchra Posner 1951 CB86
    `--A. siratchoica Egorov 1953 CB86
  Orthobairdia Sohn 1960 ZL87
    |--O. cestriensis (Ulrich 1891) [=Bairdia cestriensis] S82
    |--O. chasae (Kellett 1934) [=Bairdia chasae] ZL87
    |--O. florenaensis (Upson 1933) [=Bairdia florenaensis] ZL87
    |--O. insolens (Cooper 1941) [=Bairdia insolens] CB86
    |--O. ponderosa (Chen 1958) [=Bairdia ponderosa] CB86
    |--O. powersi (Kellett 1934) [=Bairdia powersi; incl. B. perincerta Cordell 1952] CB86
    |--O. texana (Harlton 1927) CB86
    `--O. xingyangensis Zhang in Zhang & Liang 1987 ZL87
  Antibythocypris Jennings 1936 BB61
    `--*A. gooberi Jennings 1936 BB61
  Bairdianella Harlton 1929 BB61
    |--*B. elegans Harlton 1929 BB61
    `--B. subcylindrica CB86
  Bairdiolites Croneis & Gale 1939 BB61
    `--*B. crescentis Croneis & Gale 1939 BB61
  Ceratobairdia Sohn 1954 BB61
    `--*C. dorsospinosa Sohn 1954 BB61
  Fabalicypris Cooper 1946 BB61
    |--*F. wileyensis Cooper 1946 BB61
    |--F. alta CB86
    `--F. elliptica CB86
  Newsomites Morris & Hill 1952 BB61
    `--*N. pertumidus Morris & Hill 1952 BB61
  Pseudocyproides Morris & Hill 1952 BB61
    `--*P. alatus Morris & Hill 1952 BB61
  Spinobairdia Morris & Hill 1952 BB61
    `--*S. kellettae Morris & Hill 1952 BB61
  Isobythocypris Apostolescu 1959 LH61
    `--*I. unispinata Apostolescu 1959 LH61
  Celechovites Pokorný 1950 M61, BB61
    `--*C. cultratus Pokorný 1950 BB61
  Famenella Polenova 1953 (n. d.) M61, BB61
    `--*F. inconditis Polenova 1953 BB61
  Ellesmerina Glebovskaja & Zaspelova in Glebovskaja 1948 M61, BB61 [=Mossolovella Egorov 1953 BB61]
    `--*E. incognita Glebovskaja & Zaspelova in Glebovskaja 1948 [=*Mossolovella incognita] BB61
  Silenites Coryell & Booth 1933 M61, BB61
    |--*S. silenus Coryell & Booth 1933 BB61, ZL87, BB61
    |--S. fabalis (Cooper 1946) CB86
    |--S. lenticularis (Kellett 1934) CB86 [=Carbonia lenticularis BB61]
    |--S. marginiferus (Geis 1932) [=Bythocypris marginifera] CB86
    |--S. testatus (Chen 1958) [=Bythocypris testatus] ZL87
    `--S. unicostus Chen & Bao 1986 CB86
  Steusloffina Teichert 1937 M61, BB61
    |--*S. ulrichi Teichert 1937 BB61
    `--S. papillosa BB61
  Artifactella Coryell & Booth 1933 M61, BB61
    `--*A. tomahawki Coryell & Booth 1933 BB61
  Elpinella Přibyl & Šnajdr 1950 M61, BB61
    `--*E. radiata [=Leperditia radiata] BB61
  Hastacypris Croneis & Gutke 1939 M61, BB61
    `--*H. bradyi Croneis & Gutke 1939 BB61
  Shidelerites Morris & Hill 1951 M61, BB61
    `--*S. typus Morris & Hill 1951 BB61

Cryptobairdia coryelli (Roth & Skinner 1931) [=Bairdia coryelii; incl. B. ventricosa Roth & Skinner 1930 non Kirkby 1858] CB86

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB61] Benson, R. H., J. M. Berdan, W. A. van den Bold, T. Hanai, I. Hessland, H. V. Howe, R. V. Kesling, S. A. Levinson, R. A. Reyment, R. C. Moore, H. W. Scott, R. H. Shaver, I. G. Sohn, L. E. Stover, F. M. Swain & P. C. Sylvester-Bradley. 1961. Systematic descriptions. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt Q. Arthropoda 3: Crustacea: Ostracoda pp. Q99–Q421. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press.

[CB86] Chen D.-Q. & Bao H. 1986. Lower Permian ostracodes from the Chihsia Formation of Jurong and Longtan, Jiangsu Province. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica 3 (2): 107–132.

[DH86] Danielopol, D. L., & G. Hartmann. 1986. Ostracoda. In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 265–294. E. J. Brill/Dr W. Backhuys: Leiden.

[HM04] Hoare, R. D., & G. K. Merrill. 2004. A Pennsylvanian (Morrowan) ostracode fauna from Texas. Journal of Paleontology 78 (1): 185–204.

[LH61] Levinson, S. A., & H. V. Howe. 1961. Addendum. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt Q. Arthropoda 3: Crustacea: Ostracoda pp. Q421–Q422. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press.

[M61] Moore, R. C. 1961. Supplement—USSR treatise on Ostracoda. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt Q. Arthropoda 3: Crustacea: Ostracoda pp. Q422–Q429. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press.

[S61] Scott, H. W. 1961. Shell morphology of Ostracoda. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt Q. Arthropoda 3: Crustacea: Ostracoda pp. Q21–Q37. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press.

[S82] Shi C.-G. 1982. Some early Carboniferous ostracodes from Nylam, Xizang (Tibet). Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 21 (3): 309–314.

[WSB93] Whatley, R. C., D. J. Siveter & I. D. Boomer. 1993. Arthropoda (Crustacea: Ostracoda). In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 343–356. Chapman & Hall: London.

[ZL87] Zhang X.-J. & Liang X.-Y. 1987. Ostracoda from the Taiyuan Formation of Xingyang and Gong Xian districts, Henan. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica 4 (3): 293–312.

Last updated: 25 September 2020.