
Pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis, copyright Epitree.

Belongs within: Hygrophila.

The Lymnaeinae are a cosmopolitan group of dextral freshwater snails of varying size and shape. They are characterised by a haploid chromosome number of 18 or (rarely) 19. Species of the genus Lymnaea have an elongate, thin shell with a thin, usually uniform periostracum.

<==Lymnaeinae BR05
    |--Acella Haldeman 1841 [Acellinae] BR05
    |    `--*A. gracilis (Jay 1839) [=Lymnaea gracilis] BR17
    |--Fossaria Westerlund 1885 [Fossarianinae, Fossariinae] BR05
    |    |--*F. truncatula (Müller 1774) BR17 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |--F. cubensis (Pfeiffer 1839) [=Lymnaea cubensis] MC64
    |    |--F. decampi (Streng 1896) P88
    |    |--F. exigua (Lea 1821) P88
    |    |--F. galbana (Say 1825) B97
    |    |--F. modicella (Say 1825) P88
    |    `--F. parva (Lea 1841) P88
    |--Galba Schrank 1803 PB27
    |    |--*G. pusilla Schrank 1803 [=Lymnaea (*Galba) pusilla] PB27
    |    |--G. accelerata (White 1886) TTE93
    |    |--G. ativuncula (White 1886) TTE93
    |    |--G. consortis (White 1886) TTE93
    |    |--G. meikiensis Yu 1980 ZZ88
    |    |--G. subtruncatula (Boettger 1910) [=Limnaea subtruncatula, Lymnaea (Galba) subtruncatula] PB27
    |    `--G. umlaasiana (Küster 1862) [=Limnaeus umlaasianus, Lymnaea (Galba) umlaasiana] PB27
    |--Limnophysa Fitzinger 1833 [Limnophysidae] BR05
    |    |--*L. palustris (Müller 1774) BR17 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |    |--L. p. palustris B65
    |    |    `--‘Stagnicola’ p. wyomingensis B65
    |    |--L. adelinae [=Limnaea (Limnophysa) adelinae] C64
    |    |--L. catascopium (see below for synonymy) C64
    |    |--L. emarginata (Say 1821) C64, B97 [=Limnaea emarginata C64; incl. Limnaea ontariensis C64, Limnaea serrata C64]
    |    |--L. ferruginea [=Limnaea (Limnophysa) ferruginea] C64
    |    |--L. pallida [=Limnaea (Limnophysa) pallida] C64
    |    |--L. proxima (Lea 1856) [=Limnaea proxima] C64
    |    |--L. reflexa C64 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |--L. solida [=Limnaea (Limnophysa) solida; incl. Limnaea apicina] C64
    |    `--L. traskii [=Limnaea (Limnophysa) traskii] C64
    `--Lymnaea Lamarck 1799 RGG06 (see below for synonymy)
         |  i. s.: L. alfredi Suter 1890 P61
         |           |--L. a. alfredi P61
         |           `--L. a. hamiltoni Dell 1956 P61
         |         L. ampla Mighels 1843 [=Limnea (l. c.) ampla] J49
         |         L. caperata G79
         |         L. cataracta C64
         |         L. corvus (Gmelin 1791) L06
         |         L. dalli PF15
         |         L. desidiosa W79
         |         L. diaphana King 1830 RGG06
         |         L. exigua C64
         |         L. fragilis (Linnaeus 1758) PB27, L58 [=Helix fragilis PB27, Bulimus fragilis PB27]
         |         L. hopii (Robinson 1915) TTE93
         |         L. humilis TL64
         |         L. huonensis Tennison Woods 1875 [incl. L. launcestonensis Tennison Woods 1875] P79
         |         L. lanceata W79
         |         L. luteola CCG01
         |         L. mauritiana RW84
         |         L. megasoma W79
         |         L. oahuensis PB27
         |         L. obrussa PF15
         |         L. ollula MK10
         |         L. parva PF15
         |         L. physoides De Loriol 1865 B91
         |         L. pictonica Rochebrune & Mabille 1885 RGG06
         |         L. plicata Hylton Scott 1953 RGG06
         |         L. rufescens (see below for synonymy) TC89
         |         L. swinhoei Adams 1866 A66
         |         L. tomentosa FO72
         |         L. umbilicata G79
         |         L. viatrix (d’Orbigny 1835) RGG06
         |         L. websteri Arkell 1942 B91
         |--*L. (Lymnaea) stagnalis (Linnaeus 1758) P61, L06 (see below for synonymy)
         |    |--L. s. stagnalis T59
         |    `--L. s. appressa T59
         |--L. (Cerasina) bulla PB27
         `--L. (Pseudosuccinea) columella Say 1817 MC64 (see below for synonymy)

Nomina nuda: Limnaea aegyptiaca Bourguignat 1899 PB27
             Limnaea amygdalina Bourguignat 1899 PB27
             Limnaea astilba Bourguignat 1899 PB27
             Limnaea astilba Bourguignat 1899 PB27
             Limnaea cleopatrae Bourguignat 1899 PB27
             Limnaea contracta Currier in Walker 1879 W79
             Limnaea expansilabris Bourguignat 1899 PB27
             Limnaea forskali Bourguignat 1899 PB27
             Limnaea intertexta Currier in Walker 1879 W79
             Limnaea lessepsiana Bourguignat 1899 PB27
             Limnaea letourneuxi Bourguignat 1899 PB27

*Fossaria truncatula (Müller 1774) BR17 [=Buccinum truncatulum BR17, Helix truncatula G40, Limnaeus (Stagnicola) truncatulus G40, Limneus truncatulus G40, Lymnaea (Galba) truncatula PB27; incl. Helix fossaria G40, Limneus fossarius G40, Lymnaea fossaria G40, Limnaeus minutus G40, Limneus minutus G40, Limnophysa minuta G40, Lymnaea minuta G40, Lymneus minutus G40, Stagnicola minuta G40, Bulimus truncatus G40]

Limnophysa catascopium [=Limnaea (Limnophysa) catascopium; incl. Limnaea cornea, Limnaea pinguis, Limnaea sericata, Limnaea virginiana] C64

*Limnophysa palustris (Müller 1774) BR17 [=Buccinum palustre BR17, Helix palustris G40, Limnaeus (Stagnicola) palustris G40, Limneus palustris G40, Lymnaea palustris G40, Lymneus palustris G40; incl. Limneus communis G40, Stagnicola communis G40, Limnaea palustris var. decollata Mighels & Adams 1842 H79, J49, Limnaea elodes C64, Limnaea expansa C64, Helix limosa Linnaeus 1758 (n. d.) G40, L58, Bulimus limosus G40, Limnaea nuttalliana C64, Limnaea plebeia C64, Limnaea (Limnophysa) sumassii C64, Limneus tinctus G40, Lymnaea palustris var. turricula S01]

Limnophysa reflexa C64 [=Limnaea (Limnophysa) reflexa C64; incl. Lymnaea reflexa var. distortus W79, Limnaea elongata C64, Limnaeus elongatus G40, Limneus elongatus G40, Lymnaea reflexa var. exilis W79, Limnaea haydeni C64, Limnaea umbrosa C64, Lymnaea reflexa var. zebra W79]

Lymnaea Lamarck 1799 RGG06 [=Eulimneus Sandberger 1875 PB27, Limnaea de Blainville 1825 PB27, Limnea Fleming 1828 PB27, Limneus Draparnaud 1805 PB27, Lymnaeus Cuvier 1817 PB27, Lymneus Brard 1815 PB27, Lymnula Rafinesque 1819 PB27, Lymnus Denys de Montfort 1810 PB27; incl. Leachia Risso 1826 PB27, BR05; Leachiae]

Lymnaea rufescens [incl. L. rufescens var. attenuata, L. chlamys Benson 1836, L. rufescens var. patula, L. pectinoides] TC89

*Lymnaea (Lymnaea) stagnalis (Linnaeus 1758) P61, L06 [=Helix stagnalis BR17, Bulimus stagnalis PB27, Limnaeus (Radix) stagnalis G40, Limnea stagnalis G40, Limneus (*Eulimneus) stagnalis PB27, Lymneus stagnalis G40, *Lymnula stagnalis PB27, *Lymnus stagnalis PB27; incl. Limnaea jugularis C64, Stagnicola elegans G40, Limneus major PB27, *Leachia major PB27, Buccinum roseolabiatum G40, Limnaea speciosa C64, Lymnaea tasmanica Tennison Woods 1875 P79, Lymnaea tenella P61, Stagnicola vulgaris G40]

Lymnaea (Pseudosuccinea) columella Say 1817 MC64 [incl. Limnaea acuminata Adams 1870 MC64, Li. peregra var. acuminata A79, Lymnaea (Cerasina) acuminata PB27, Lymnaea columellaris Adams 1839 MC64, Lymnaeus macrostomum Adams 1842 MC64, Limnaea navicula Valenciennes 1833 MC64, Lymnaea peregrina Clessin 1882 MC64]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A66] Adams, H. 1866. Descriptions of fifteen new species of land and freshwater shells from Formosa, collected by Robert Swinhoe, Esq., consul at Taiwan in that island. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 316–319.

[A79] Ashford, C. 1879. Land and freshwater shells observed in the neighborhood of Redcar. Journal of Conchology 2: 236–241.

[B91] Bandel, K. 1991. Gastropods from brackish and fresh water of the Jurassic–Cretaceous transition (a systematic reevaluation). Berliner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Reihe A 134: 9–55.

[B65] Beetle, D. E. 1965. Molluscan fauna of some small ponds in Grand Teton National Park. Nautilus 78 (4): 125–130.

[BR05] Bouchet, P., & J.-P. Rocroi. 2005. Classification and nomenclator of gastropod families. Malacologia 47 (1-2): 1–397.

[BR17] Bouchet, P., J.-P. Rocroi, B. Hausdorf, A. Kaim, Y. Kano, A. Nützel, P. Parkhaev, M. Schrödl & E. E. Strong. 2017. Revised classification, nomenclator and typification of gastropod and monoplacophoran families. Malacologia 61 (1–2): 1–526.

[B97] Brown, K. M. 1997. Temporal and spatial patterns of abundance in the gastropod assemblage of a macrophyte bed. American Malacological Bulletin 14 (1): 27–33.

[CCG01] Canivet, V., P. Chambon & J. Gibert. 2001. Toxicity and bioaccumulation of arsenic and chromium in epigean and hypogean freshwater macroinvertebrates. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 40: 345–354.

[C64] Carpenter, P. P. 1864. Supplementary report on the present state of our knowledge with regard to the Mollusca of the west coast of North America. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 33: 517–686.

[FO72] Fisher, T. W., & R. E. Orth. 1972. Resurrection of Sepedon pacifica Cresson and redescription of Sepedon praemiosa Giglio-Tos with biological notes (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 48 (1): 8–20.

[G79] Gibbons, J. S. 1879. Notes on the habits and distribution, &c., of certain W. Indian Pulmonifera. Journal of Conchology 2: 129–134.

[G40] Gray, J. E. 1840. A Manual of the Land and Fresh-water Shells of the British Islands, with figures of each of the kinds. By William Turton, M.D. A new edition, thoroughly revised and much enlarged. Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans: London.

[H79] Hey, W. C. 1879. Contributions to a better knowledge of the land and freshwater shells of Yorkshire. Journal of Conchology 2: 310–314.

[J49] Johnson, R. I. 1949. Jesse Wedgwood Mighels with a bibliography and a catalogue of his species. Occasional Papers on Mollusks 1 (14): 213–231.

[L06] Lewin, I. 2006. The gastropod communities in the lowland rivers of agricultural areas—their biodiversity and bioindicative value in the Ciechanowska Upland, central Poland. Malacologia 49 (1): 7–23.

[L58] Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata. Laurentii Salvii: Holmiae.

[MC64] Malek, E. A., & P. Chroschiechowski. 1964. Lymnaea (Pseudosuccinea) columella from Venezuela, and notes on distribution of Pseudosuccinea. Nautilus 78 (2): 54–56.

[MK10] Marinoni, L., & L. Knutson. 2010. Sciomyzidae (snail-killing flies, marsh flies). In: Brown, B. V., A. Borkent, J. M. Cumming, D. M. Wood, N. E. Woodley & M. A. Zumbado (eds) Manual of Central American Diptera vol. 2 pp. 1017–1024. NRC Research Press: Ottawa.

[P79] Petterd, W. F. 1879. List of the freshwater shells of Tasmania. Journal of Conchology 2: 80–88.

[PB27] Pilsbry, H. A., & J. Bequaert. 1927. The aquatic mollusks of the Belgian Congo, with a geographical and ecological account of Congo malacology. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 53 (2): 69–602, pls 10–77.

[PF15] Pilsbry, H. A., & J. H. Ferriss. 1915. Mollusca of the southwestern states, VII: the Dragoon, Mule, Santa Rita, Baboquivari, and Tucson Ranges, Arizona. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 67 (2): 363–418, pls 8–15.

[P88] Pip, E. 1988. Niche congruency of freshwater gastropods in central North America with respect to six water chemistry parameters. Nautilus 102 (2): 65–72.

[P61] Powell, A. W. B. 1961. Shells of New Zealand: An illustrated handbook 4th ed. Whitcombe and Tombs Limited: Christchurch.

[RW84] Rollinson, D., & C. A. Wright. 1984. Population studies on Bulinus cernicus from Mauritius. Malacologia 25 (2): 447–463.

[RGG06] Rumi, A., D. E. Gutiérrez Gregoric, V. Núñez, I. I. César, M. A. Roche, M. P. Tassara, S. M. Martín & M. F. López Armengol. 2006. Freshwater Gastropoda from Argentina: species richness, distribution patterns, and an evaluation of endangered species. Malacologia 49 (1): 189–208.

[S01] Sturany, R. 1901. Csigák és kagylók [Mollusken]. In: Horváth, G. (ed.) Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazása [Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] vol. 2. Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazásának Állattani Eredményei [Zoologische Ergebnisse der Dritten Asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] pp. 69–74. Victor Hornyánszky: Budapest, and Karl W. Hierseman: Leipzig.

[TC89] Tapparone Canefri, T. 1889. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. XVIII.—Molluschi terrestri e d’acqua dolce. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, Serie 2a, 7: 295–359.

[T59] Thomas, G. J. 1959. Self-fertilization and production of young in a sphaeriid clam. Nautilus 72 (4): 131–140.

[TTE93] Tracey, S., J. A. Todd & D. H. Erwin. 1993. Mollusca: Gastropoda. In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 131–167. Chapman & Hall: London.

[TL64] Tuthill, S. J., & W. M. Laird. 1964. Molluscan fauna of some alkaline lakes and sloughs in southern central North Dakota (continued). Nautilus 77 (3): 81–90.

[W79] Walker, B. 1879. Catalogue of the shell-bearing Mollusca of Michigan. Journal of Conchology 2: 325–337.

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Last updated: 18 December 2021.


Stiff gentian Gentianella quinquefolia, copyright Peter Gorman.

Belongs within: Gentianeae.

Gentianella is a cosmopolitan genus of herbs bearing nectariferous flowers. Circumscription of the genus has been contentious; Australasian species were placed by Adams (1995) in a proposed segregate genus Chionogentias but this genus has not been recognsed by some other authors.

Characters (from Struwe et al. 2009): Annual, biennial, or perennial herbs; decumbent or erect. Stems usually sparsely branched above, rarely many stems from base. Stems terete or quadrangular. Flowers 4- or 5-merous, forming terminal or axillary umbelliform cymes, or borne singly. Calyx with a very short to well-developed tube, sometimes split to base on one side. Intracalycine membrane absent. Corolla infundibuliform, cylindrical, hypocrateriform, rotate, or campanulate. Aestivation convolute. Corolla shallowly divided or divided almost to base. Corolla tube may have vascularized fimbriae, non-vascularized fimbriae, or none at all. Fimbriae, when present, scattered, united in a ring, or arranged in a row at base of each corolla lobe. Plicae absent. Stamens inserted at or below middle of corolla tube. Filaments filiform and occasionally barbate below. One or two naked nectaries per corolla lobe present at base of corolla tube. Ovary sessile or with short gynophore. Style indistinct or absent. Seeds usually unwinged or rarely winged.

Gentianella Moench 1794 A95 (see below for synonymy)
    |--+--G. amarella SK02
    |  |    |--G. a. var. amarella H93
    |  |    `--G. a. var. acuta [=Gentiana amarella var. acuta] H93
    |  `--G. wislizenii SK02
    `--+--G. aurea [=Aloitis aurea] SK02
       |--G. cosmantha SK02
       |--G. saxosa (Forster) Holub 1968 SK02, A95 (see below for synonymy)
       `--+--G. quinquefolia SK02
          `--G. turkestanorum SK02

Gentianella incertae sedis:
  G. campestris [=Gentiana campestris, *Gentianella tetrandra Moench 1794 (nom. illeg.)] A95
  G. anglica SK02
  G. angustiflora O88
  G. anisodonta SK02
  G. antarctica (Kirk) Ho & Liu 1993 A95 (see below for synonymy)
  G. antipoda (Kirk) Ho & Liu 1993 A95 (see below for synonymy)
  G. astonii (Petrie) Ho & Liu 1993 (see below for synonymy) A95
  G. aspera SK02
  G. aurantiaca RJ11
  ‘Chionogentias’ barringtonensis Adams 1995 A95
  ‘Chionogentias’ bawbawensis Adams 1995 A95
  G. bellidifolia (Hooker) Holub 1968 SK02, A95 (see below for synonymy)
  ‘Chionogentias’ brevisepala Adams 1995 A95
  G. bulgarica JS02
  G. caucasica JS02
  G. cephalantha JS02
  G. cephantha JS02
  G. cerastioides SK02
  G. cerina (Hooker) Ho & Liu 1993 A95 (see below for synonymy)
    |--G. c. var. cerina A61
    `--‘Gentiana’ cerina var. suberecta (Kirk) Cheeseman 1906 [=G. cerina f. suberecta Kirk 1895] A61
  G. chathamica (Cheeseman) Ho & Liu 1993 (see below for synonymy) A95
  ‘Chionogentias’ clelandii Adams 1995 A95
  G. concinna (Hooker) Ho & Liu 1993 A95 (see below for synonymy)
  G. corymbifera (Kirk) Holub 1968 A95 (see below for synonymy)
  G. cunninghamii BC02 [=Chionogentias cunninghamii Adams 1995 A95]
    |--C. c. ssp. cunninghamii A95
    `--C. c. ssp. major Adams 1995 A95
  ‘Chionogentias’ demissa Adams 1995 A95
  G. diemensis (Grisebach) Willis 1957 (see below for synonymy) A95
    |--G. d. ssp. diemensis A95
    `--‘Chionogentias’ d. ssp. plantaginea Adams 1995 A95
  G. diffusa SK02 [=Gentiana (sect. *Andicola) diffusa A95]
  ‘Chionogentias’ divisa (Kirk) Adams 1995 A95 (see below for synonymy)
    |--C. d. var. divisa A61
    `--‘Gentiana’ d. var. magnifica (Kirk) Allan 1961 [=G. bellidifolia var. magnifica Kirk 1895] A61
  ‘Chionogentias’ eichleri Adams 1995 A95
  G. falcata O88
  G. filipes (Cheeseman) Ho & Liu 1993 (see below for synonymy) A95
  G. foliosa SK02
  G. germanica SK02
  G. gibbsii (Petrie) Ho & Liu 1993 (see below for synonymy) A95
  G. glanduligera O88
  ‘Chionogentias’ grandis Adams 1995 A95
  G. gracilifolia (Cheeseman) Ho & Liu 1993 (see below for synonymy) A95
  G. grisebachii (Hooker) Ho 1993 A95 (see below for synonymy)
  ‘Chionogentias’ gunniana Adams 1995 A95
  ‘Gentiana’ lilliputiana Webb 1990 [=Chionogentias lilliputiana (Webb) Adams 1995] A95
  G. lineata (Kirk) Ho & Liu 1993 A95 (see below for synonymy)
  G. lowndesii O88
  G. matthewsii (Petrie) Ho & Liu 1993 (see below for synonymy) A95
  G. montana (Forster) Holub 1967 (see below for synonymy) A95
    |--G. m. var. montana A95
    |--‘Gentiana’ m. var. flaccida Grisebach 1838 (n. d.) A95
    `--‘Gentiana’ m. var. stolonifera Cheeseman 1906 A61
  ‘Chionogentias’ muelleriana Adams 1995 A95
    |--C. m. ssp. muelleriana A95
    |--C. m. ssp. alpestris Adams 1995 A95
    |--C. m. ssp. jingerensis Adams 1995 A95
    `--C. m. ssp. willisiana Adams 1995 A95
  G. paludosa O88
  G. patula (Cheeseman) Holub 1968 A95 (see below for synonymy)
  G. pedunculata O88
  G. peruviana SK02
  ‘Gentiana’ pleurogynoides Grisebach 1838 (see below for synonymy) A95
    |  i. s.: G. p. var. abbreviata Grisebach in de Candolle 1845 (n. d.) A95
    |--G. p. ssp. pleurogynoides A95
    `--‘Chionogentias’ p. ssp. milliganii Adams 1995 A95
  ‘Chionogentias’ polysperes Adams 1995 A95
  G. pygmaea [=*Aliopsis pygmaea] SK02
  G. ramosa JS02
  G. serotina (Cockayne) Ho & Liu 1993 A95 (see below for synonymy)
  G. spenceri (Kirk) Ho & Liu 1993 (see below for synonymy) A95
  G. stellariifolia O88
  G. stenocalyx JS02
  ‘Chionogentias’ sylvicola Adams 1995 A95
  G. tenuifolia (Petrie) Ho & Liu 1993 (see below for synonymy) A95
  G. tereticaulis (Petrie) Ho & Liu 1993 (see below for synonymy) A95
  G. tornezyana SK02
  G. townsonii (Cheeseman) Ho & Liu 1993 (see below for synonymy) A95
  G. uliginosus SK02
  G. vernicosa (Cheeseman) Ho & Liu 1993 (see below for synonymy) A95
  G. vvedenskyi O88

‘Chionogentias’ divisa (Kirk) Adams 1995 A95 [=Gentiana bellidifolia var. divisa Kirk 1895 A95, Gentiana divisa (Kirk) Cheeseman 1906 A95, Gentianella bellidifolia var. divisa (Kirk) Ho & Liu 1993 A95; incl. G. bellidifolia var. vacillata Kirk 1895 A61]

‘Gentiana’ pleurogynoides Grisebach 1838 [=Chionogentias pleurogynoides (Grisebach) Adams 1995, G. montana var. pleurogynoides (Grisebach) Hooker 1857, G. saxosa var. pleurogynoides (Grisebach) Hooker 1853] A95

Gentianella Moench 1794 A95 [incl. Aliopsis SK02, Aloitis SK02, Gentiana sect. Andicola Grisebach 1838 A95, Gentianella sect. Andicola (Grisebach) Holub 1967 A95, Gentiana sect. Antarctophila Grisebach 1838 A95, Gentianella sect. Antarctophila (Grisebach) Holub 1967 A95, Chionogentias Adams 1995 SK02, A95, Pitygentias Gilg 1916 SK02, A95]

Gentianella antarctica (Kirk) Ho & Liu 1993 A95 [=Gentiana antarctica Kirk 1895 A95, Chionogentias antarctica (Kirk) Adams 1995 A95; incl. Gentiana antarctica var. imbricata Kirk 1895 A61, Gentiana concinna β elongata A61, Gentiana concinna var. robusta Hooker 1844 A95]

Gentianella antipoda (Kirk) Ho & Liu 1993 A95 [=Gentiana antipoda Kirk 1895 A95, Chionogentias antipoda (Kirk) Adams 1995 A95; incl. G. antipoda f. pallida Kirk 1895 A61]

Gentianella astonii (Petrie) Ho & Liu 1993 [=Gentiana astonii Petrie 1916, Chionogentias astonii (Petrie) Adams 1995] A95

Gentianella bellidifolia (Hooker) Holub 1968 SK02, A95 [=Gentiana bellidifolia Hooker 1844 A95, Chionogentias bellidifolia (Hooker) Adams 1995 A95; incl. Gentiana amabilis Petrie 1926 A61, Gentiana bellidifolia var. australis Petrie ex Cheeseman 1925 A61, Gentiana flaccida Petrie 1911 non G. montana var. flaccida Grisebach 1838, Gentiana bellidifolia var. pulchella Kirk 1895 A61]

Gentianella cerina (Hooker) Ho & Liu 1993 A95 [=Gentiana cerina Hooker 1844 A95, Chionogentias cerina (Hooker) Adams 1995 A95; incl. G. campbellii Homb. & Jacq. ex Decne 1853 A61]

Gentianella chathamica (Cheeseman) Ho & Liu 1993 [=Gentiana chathamica Cheeseman 1906, Chionogentias chathamica (Cheeseman) Adams 1995, Gentiana pleurogynoides var. umbellata Kirk 1895] A95

Gentianella concinna (Hooker) Ho & Liu 1993 A95 [=Gentiana concinna Hooker 1844 A95, Chionogentias concinna (Hooker) Adams 1995 A95, Gentiana cerina f. concinna Kirk 1895 A61]

Gentianella corymbifera (Kirk) Holub 1968 A95 [=Gentiana corymbifera Kirk 1895 A95, Chionogentias corymbifera (Kirk) Adams 1995 A95; incl. Gentiana pleurogynoides var. rigida Kirk 1895 A61]

Gentianella diemensis (Grisebach) Willis 1957 [=Gentiana diemensis Grisebach 1838, Chionogentias diemensis (Grisebach) Adams 1995, Gentiana montana var. diemensis (Grisebach) Hooker 1857] A95

Gentianella filipes (Cheeseman) Ho & Liu 1993 [=Gentiana filipes Cheeseman 1896, Chionogentias filipes (Cheeseman) Adams 1995] A95

Gentianella gibbsii (Petrie) Ho & Liu 1993 [=Gentiana gibbsii Petrie 1917, Chionogentias gibbsii (Petrie) Adams 1995] A95

Gentianella gracilifolia (Cheeseman) Ho & Liu 1993 [=Gentiana gracilifolia Cheeseman 1906, Chionogentias gracilifolia (Cheeseman) Adams 1995] A95

Gentianella grisebachii (Hooker) Ho 1993 A95 [=Gentiana grisebachii Hooker 1844 A95, Chionogentias grisebachii (Hooker) Adams 1995 A95; incl. Gentiana novae-zelandiae Armstrong 1872 A61, G. grisebachii var. novae-zealandiae C06, G. montana f. novae-zelandiae Kirk 1895 A61]

Gentianella lineata (Kirk) Ho & Liu 1993 A95 [=Gentiana lineata Kirk 1895 A95, Chionogentias lineata (Kirk) Adams 1995 A95; incl. Gentiana verecunda Simpson 1952 A61]

Gentianella matthewsii (Petrie) Ho & Liu 1993 [=Gentiana matthewsii Petrie 1912, Chionogentias matthewsii (Petrie) Adams 1995, Gentiana grisebachii var. matthewsii (Petrie) Cheeseman 1925] A95

Gentianella montana (Forster) Holub 1967 [=Gentiana (sect. *Antarctophila) montana Forster 1786, Chionogentias montana (Forster) Adams 1995] A95

Gentianella patula (Cheeseman) Holub 1968 A95 [=Gentiana bellidifolia var. patula Kirk 1895 A95, Chionogentias patula (Kirk) Adams 1995 A95, Gentiana patula (Kirk) Cheeseman 1906 A95; incl. Gentiana spedenii Petrie 1926 A61]

Gentianella saxosa (Forster) Holub 1968 SK02, A95 [=Gentiana saxosa Forster 1777 A95, *Chionogentias saxosa (Forster) Adams 1995 A95; incl. Gentiana hookeri Armstrong 1881 A61, Gentiana saxosa var. recurvata Kirk 1885 A61]

Gentianella serotina (Cockayne) Ho & Liu 1993 A95 [=Gentiana serotina Cockayne 1915 A95, Chionogentias serotina (Cockayne) Adams 1995 A95, Gentiana scrotina (l. c.) CA27]

Gentianella spenceri (Kirk) Ho & Liu 1993 [=Gentiana spenceri Kirk 1895, Chionogentias spenceri (Kirk) Adams 1995] A95

Gentianella tenuifolia (Petrie) Ho & Liu 1993 [=Gentiana tenuifolia Petrie 1913, Chionogentias tenuifolia (Petrie) Adams 1995] A95

Gentianella tereticaulis (Petrie) Ho & Liu 1993 [=Gentiana tereticaulis Petrie 1917, Chionogentias tereticaulis (Petrie) Adams 1995] A95

Gentianella townsonii (Cheeseman) Ho & Liu 1993 [=Gentiana townsoni Cheeseman 1906, Chionogentias townsonii (Cheeseman) Adams 1995] A95

Gentianella vernicosa (Cheeseman) Ho & Liu 1993 [=Gentiana vernicosa Cheeseman 1906, Chionogentias vernicosa (Cheeseman) Adams 1995] A95

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A95] Adams, L. G. 1995. Chionogentias (Gentianaceae), a new generic name for the Australasian ‘snow-gentians’, and a revision of the Australian species. Australian Systematic Botany 8: 935–1011.

[A61] Allan, H. H. 1961. Flora of New Zealand vol. 1. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones. R. E. Owen, Government Printer: Wellington (New Zealand).

[BC02] Bouman, F., L. Cobb, N. Devente, V. Goethals, P. J. M. Maas & E. Smets. 2002. The seeds of Gentianaceae. In: Struwe, L., & V. A. Albert (eds) Gentianaceae: Systematics and Natural History pp. 498–572. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

[C06] Cheeseman, T. F. 1906. Manual of the New Zealand Flora. John Mackay, Government Printer: Wellington.

[CA27] Cockayne, L., & H. H. Allan. 1927. Notes on New Zealand floristic botany, including descriptions of new species, &c. (No. 5). Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 48–72.

[H93] Hickman, J. C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press: Berkeley (California).

[JS02] Jensen, S. R., & J. Schripsema. 2002. Chemotaxonomy and pharmacology of Gentianaceae. In: Struwe, L., & V. A. Albert (eds) Gentianaceae: Systematics and Natural History pp. 573–631. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

[O88] Ohba, H. 1988. The alpine flora of the Nepal Himalayas: an introductory note. In: Ohba, H., & S. B. Malla (eds) The Himalayan Plants vol. 1. The University Museum, University of Tokyo, Bulletin 31: 19–46.

[RJ11] Rising, J. D., A. Jaramillo, J. L. Copete, P. G. Ryan & S. C. Madge. 2011. Family Emberizidae (buntings and New World sparrows). In: Hoyo, J. del, A. Elliott & D. A. Christie (eds) Handbook of the Birds of the World vol. 16. Tanagers to New World Blackbirds pp. 428–683. Lynx Edicions: Barcelona.

[SK02] Struwe, L., J. W. Kadereit, J. Klackenberg, S. Nilsson, M. Thiv, K. B. von Hagen & V. A. Albert. 2002. Systematics, character evolution, and biogeography of Gentianaceae, including a new tribal and subtribal classification. In: Struwe, L., & V. A. Albert (eds) Gentianaceae: Systematics and Natural History pp. 21–309. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.


Logania albiflora, copyright John Tann.

Belongs within: Loganiaceae.

Logania is a genus of shrubs found in Australia and New Zealand.

Characters (from Black & Robertson 1965): Shrubs; leaves connected at base by a more or less distinct stipular line. Flowers small, in corymbose dichotomous or trichotomous axillary and terminal cymes, with two opposite bracts at each branching of peduncles, rarely clustered. Calyx 5-sect, usually purplish or blackish; corolla usually white, with five imbricate, rounded spreading lobes about as long as tube; stamens 5; ovary two-celled, with several ovules in each cell; style simple, with capitate or oblong stigma; capsule coriaceous, ovoid and contracted towards summit, dehiscing septicidally and loculicidally at summit, so that it appears to open by four teeth, the two carpels finally almost separating.

Logania Br. 1810 [Euloganieae] A61
    |--L. albiflora SK02
    |--L. campanulata GK00
    |--L. crassifolia BR65
    |    |--L. c. var. crassifolia BR65
    |    `--L. c. var. minor BR65
    |--L. depressa Hooker 1854 A61
    |--L. exilis G04
    |--L. flaviflora G04
    |--L. floribunda H87
    |--L. insularis BR65
    |--L. judithiana G04
    |--L. linifolia BR65
    |--L. nuda BR65
    |--L. ovata BR65
    |--L. perryana G04
    |--L. recurva [incl. L. longifolia var. subsessilis] BR65
    |--L. serpyllifolia GK00
    |--L. stenophylla BR65
    `--L. vaginalis BJ99 (see below for synonymy)

Logania vaginalis BJ99 [=Exacum vaginale Labillardière 1804 BR65; incl. L. latifolia BR65, L. longifolia Brown 1810 BR65]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A61] Allan, H. H. 1961. Flora of New Zealand vol. 1. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones. R. E. Owen, Government Printer: Wellington (New Zealand).

[BR65] Black, J. M., & E. L. Robertson. 1965. Flora of South Australia. Part IV. Oleaceae–Compositae. W. L. Hawes, Government Printer: Adelaide.

[BJ99] Bremer, B., R. K. Jansen, B. Oxelman, M. Backlund, H. Lantz & K.-J. Kim. 1999. More characters or more taxa for a robust phylogeny—case study from the coffee family (Rubiaceae). Systematic Biology 48 (3): 413–435.

[G04] Gibson, N. 2004. Flora and vegetation of the Eastern Goldfields Ranges: part 7. Middle and South Ironcap, Digger Rock and Hatter Hill. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 87 (2): 49–62.

[GK00] Gibson, N., & G. J. Keighery. 2000. Flora and vegetation of the Byenup-Muir reserve system, south-west Western Australia. CALMScience 3 (3): 323–402.

[H87] Haviland, E. 1887. Flowering seasons of Australian plants. No. I—List of plants indigenous in the neighbourhood of Sydney, flowering during July. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (4): 1049–1051.

[SK02] Struwe, L., J. W. Kadereit, J. Klackenberg, S. Nilsson, M. Thiv, K. B. von Hagen & V. A. Albert. 2002. Systematics, character evolution, and biogeography of Gentianaceae, including a new tribal and subtribal classification. In: Struwe, L., & V. A. Albert (eds) Gentianaceae: Systematics and Natural History pp. 21–309. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.


Greater dodder Cuscuta europaea on dwarf elder Sambucus ebulus, copyright Bogdan.

Belongs within: Convolvulaceae.

Cuscuta, the dodders, is a cosmopolitan genus of parasitic vines. They lack both roots and chlorophyll, and grow as slender, twining stems attached to hosts by haustoria.

Characters (from Stefanović et al. 2003): Plants parasitic, with little or no chlorophyll, attached to hosts by haustoria. Roots absent. Stems twining, slender, pale to bright orange, with no internal phloem. Leaves reduced, scale-like. Flowers actinomorphic, bisexual, with infrastaminal fimbriate scales. Sepals equal, non-accrescent. Styles entire or partially to completely divided. Stigmas elongate, capitate, ovoid. Fruit dehiscent, capsular, 2-locular, 1–4-seeded. Embryo spirally coiled, almost acotyledonous. Pollen 3-colpate or pantocolpate, non-echinate.

Cuscuta Linnaeus 1753 [Cuscutaceae, Cuscuteae, Cuscutoideae] A61
    |--C. americana L. 1753 L95
    |--C. approximata ST98 [incl. C. epithymum H93, C. novae-zelandiae Kirk 1888 (n. n.) C06, A61]
    |    |--C. a. ssp. approximata ST98
    |    |--C. a. ssp. episonchum ST98
    |    `--C. ‘epithymum’ var. trifolii C06
    |--C. australis ST98
    |--C. californica H93
    |    |--C. c. var. californica H93
    |    |--C. c. var. apiculata H93
    |    |--C. c. var. breviflora (see below for synonymy) H93
    |    `--C. c. var. papillosa H93
    |--C. campestris Yuncker 1932 [incl. C. pentagona var. calycosa Engelmann 1843] L95
    |--C. cephalanthi H93
    |--C. chinensis LK14
    |    |--C. c. var. chinensis S72
    |    `--C. c. var. ciliaris S72
    |--C. corymbosa C55
    |--C. denticulata [incl. C. veatchii] H93
    |--C. epilinum Weihe 1824 C06
    |--C. europaea SAO03
    |    |--C. e. var. europaea O88
    |    `--C. e. var. indica O88
    |--C. exaltata MS10
    |--C. globulosa Benth. 1845 L95
    |--C. howelliana H93
    |--C. hyalina S72
    |--C. indecora Choisy 1842 L95
    |    |--C. i. var. indecora [incl. C. jepsonii] H93
    |    `--C. i. var. neuropetala H93
    |--C. japonica SAO03
    |--C. lupuliformis CS77
    |--C. obtusiflora Kunth 1819 L95
    |    |--C. o. var. obtusiflora L95
    |    `--C. o. var. glandulosa Engelm. 1859 [=C. glandulosa (Engelm.) Small 1903] L95
    |--C. palaestina ST98
    |--C. pentagona H93
    |--C. planiflora AGF98
    |--C. racemosa C06
    |    |--C. r. var. racemosa C06
    |    `--C. r. var. chiliana [incl. C. hassiaca Pfeiff. 1843] C06
    |--C. reflexa D07
    |--C. salina H93
    |    |--C. s. var. salina H93
    |    |--C. s. var. major H93
    |    `--C. s. var. papillata H93
    |--C. suaveolens Sér. 1840 A61
    |    |--C. s. var. suaveolens A61
    |    `--C. s. var. densiflora (Hooker) Yuncker 1932 [=C. densiflora Hooker 1854] A61
    |--C. subinclusa H93
    |--C. tasmanica BR65
    |--C. umbellata HBK. 1818 L95
    `--C. victoriana BR65

Cuscuta californica var. breviflora [incl. C. brachycalyx var. apodanthera, C. brachycalyx, C. occidentalis, C. suksdorfii var. subpedicellata, C. suksdorfii] H93

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AGF98] Abd El-Ghani, M. M., & A. G. Fahmy. 1998. Composition of and changes in the spontaneous flora of Feiran Oasis, S Sinai, Egypt, in the last 60 years. Willdenowia 28: 123–134.

[A61] Allan, H. H. 1961. Flora of New Zealand vol. 1. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones. R. E. Owen, Government Printer: Wellington (New Zealand).

[BR65] Black, J. M., & E. L. Robertson. 1965. Flora of South Australia. Part IV. Oleaceae–Compositae. W. L. Hawes, Government Printer: Adelaide.

[C55] Candolle, A. de. 1855. Géographie Botanique Raisonée: Ou exposition des faits principaux et des lois concernant la distribution géographique des plantes de l’époque actuelle vol. 2. Librairie de Victor Masson: Paris.

[C06] Cheeseman, T. F. 1906. Manual of the New Zealand Flora. John Mackay, Government Printer: Wellington.

[CS77] Cramp, S., & K. E. L. Simmons (eds) 1977. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa: The Birds of the Western Palaearctic vol. 1. Ostrich to Ducks. Oxford University Press: Oxford.

[D07] Dash, S. S. 2007. Useful plants of Kabi Sacred Grove, Sikkim. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 49: 79–88.

[H93] Hickman, J. C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press: Berkeley (California).

[L95] Liogier, H. A. 1995. Descriptive Flora of Puerto Rico and Adjacent Islands: Spermatophyta-Dicotyledoneae vol. 4. Melastomataceae to Lentibulariaceae. Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico.

[LK14] Lyons, M. N., G. J. Keighery, L. A. Gibson & T. Handasyde. 2014. Flora and vegetation communities of selected islands off the Kimberley coast of Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 81: 205–244.

[MS10] Moore, M. J., P. S. Soltis, C. D. Bell, J. G. Burleigh & D. E. Soltis. 2010. Phylogenetic analysis of 83 plastid genes further resolves the early diversification of eudicots. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 107 (10): 4623–4628.

[O88] Ohba, H. 1988. The alpine flora of the Nepal Himalayas: an introductory note. In: Ohba, H., & S. B. Malla (eds) The Himalayan Plants vol. 1. The University Museum, University of Tokyo, Bulletin 31: 19–46.

[ST98] Schimming, T., B. Tofern, P. Mann, A. Richter, K. Jenett-Siems, B. Dräger, N. Asano, M. P. Gupta, M. D. Correa & E. Eich. 1998. Distribution and taxonomic significance of calystegines in the Convolvulaceae. Phytochemistry 49: 1989–1995.

[S72] Singh, N. P. 1972. Cuscuta campestris Yuncker: a new record for western India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 69 (2): 456.

[SAO03] Stefanović, S., D. F. Austin & R. G. Olmstead. 2003. Classification of Covolvulaceae: a phylogenetic approach. Systematic Botany 28 (4): 791–806.

Last updated: 31 December 2021.


Bindweed Convolvulus arvensis, copyright Matt Lavin.

Belongs within: Convolvuloideae.

Convolvulus is a cosmopolitan genus of tufted or twining herbs with flowers bearing one style, two stigmas and unlobed ovaries (Hickman 1993); members of this genus have historically been divided between the genera Convolvulus and Calystegia but phylogenetic analysis indicates that the latter is nested within the former (Stefanović et al. 2003).

<==Convolvulus Linnaeus 1753 A61 [incl. Calystegia Br. 1810 SAO03, A61]
    |--C. althaeoides PT98
    |--C. angustissimus KM08
    |--C. argillicola CV06
    |--C. arvensis SAO03
    |--‘Calystegia’ atriplicifolia H93
    |    |--C. a. ssp. atriplicifolia H93
    |    `--C. a. ssp. buttensis [incl. Convolvulus nyctagineus] H93
    |--C. auricomus PP07
    |--C. cantabrica Linnaeus 1753 PL04
    |--C. caput-medusae ST98
    |--C. chilensis ST98
    |--C. cneorum ST98
    |--C. collinus [=Calystegia collina, Co. malacophyllus ssp. collinus] H93
    |    |--C. c. ssp. collinus H93
    |    |--‘Calystegia collina’ ssp. oxyphylla H93
    |    |--‘Calystegia collina’ ssp. tridactylosa [=Convolvulus tridactylosus] H93
    |    `--‘Calystegia collina’ ssp. venusta H93
    |--C. dissectus C55b
    |--C. elegantissimus PT98
    |--C. erubescens KM08
    |--C. fracto-saxosa Petrie 1913 A61
    |--C. glaucifolius C55a
    |--C. incanus C01
    |--C. lanuginosus C55a
    |--C. lineatus C55a
    |--C. longipes [=Calystegia longipes; incl. Co. linearilobus] H93
    |--C. macrostegius [=Calystegia macrostegia, C. occidentalis var. macrostegius] H93
    |    |--C. m. ssp. macrostegia ST98
    |    |--‘Calystegia macrostegia’ ssp. amplissima H93
    |    |--‘Calystegia macrostegia’ ssp. arida [=Convolvulus aridus] H93
    |    |--‘Calystegia macrostegia’ ssp. cyclostegia [=Convolvulus cyclostegius] H93
    |    |--‘Calystegia macrostegia’ ssp. intermedia (see below for synonymy) H93
    |    `--‘Calystegia macrostegia’ ssp. tenuifolia [=Convolvulus aridus ssp. tenuifolius] H93
    |--C. malacophyllus [=Calystegia malacophylla] H93
    |    |--C. m. ssp. malacophyllus [incl. Calystegia malacophyllus var. berryi] H93
    |    `--C. m. ssp. pedicellatus [=Calystegia malacophylla ssp. pedicellata] H93
    |--C. marginatus C06 [=Calystegia marginata Br. 1810 A61]
    |--C. minor PT01
    |--C. occidentalis [=Calystegia occidentalis] H93
    |    |--C. o. ssp. occidentalis [incl. C. fruticetorum, C. polymorphus] H93
    |    `--‘Calystegia’ o. ssp. fulcrata [=Convolvulus fulcratus; incl. Co. deltoideus] H93
    |--C. oleifolius PT98
    |--‘Calystegia’ peirsonii H93
    |--C. platanifolius C55b
    |--C. prostratus PP07
    |--‘Calystegia’ purpurata H93
    |    |--C. p. ssp. purpurata [=Convolvulus occidentalis var. purpuratus; incl. Co. occidentalis var. solanensis] H93
    |    `--C. p. ssp. saxicola [=Convolvulus occidentalis var. saxicola] H93
    |--C. purpureus C55b
    |--C. sabatius ST98
    |    |--C. s. ssp. sabatius ST98
    |    `--C. s. ssp. mauritanicus ST98
    |--C. sepium Linnaeus 1753 [=Calystegia sepium (Linnaeus) Br. 1810] A61
    |    |--C. s. ssp. sepium H93
    |    |--‘Calystegia’ s. ssp. binghamiae [=Convolvulus binghamiae; incl. Co. sepium var. dumetorum] H93
    |    `--‘Calystegia’ s. ssp. limnophila [=Convolvulus limnophilus; incl. Co. sepium var. repens] H93
    |--C. siculus PT98
    |--C. simulans H93
    |--C. sindicus Stock in Hook 1852 [incl. C. brachyphyllus Boiss. 1856] P06
    |--C. soldanella Linnaeus 1753 A61 [=Calystegia soldanella (Linnaeus) Br. 1810 A61; incl. Ca. reniformis C55b]
    |--‘Calystegia’ stebbinsii H93
    |--C. subacaulis [=Calystegia subacaulis] H93
    |    |--C. s. ssp. subacaulis H93
    |    `--‘Calystegia’ s. ssp. episcopalis H93
    |--‘Calystegia’ sylvatica H59
    |--C. tuguriorum Forster 1786 (see below for synonymy) A61
    |--C. undulatus C55a
    `--C. verecundus Allan 1961 A61

‘Calystegia macrostegia’ ssp. intermedia [=Convolvulus aridus ssp. intermedius; incl. Co. aridus ssp. longilobus] H93

Convolvulus tuguriorum Forster 1786 [=Calystegia tuguriorum (Forster) Br. ex Hooker 1854; incl. Ca. truncatella Colenso 1889] A61

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A61] Allan, H. H. 1961. Flora of New Zealand vol. 1. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones. R. E. Owen, Government Printer: Wellington (New Zealand).

[C55a] Candolle, A. de. 1855a. Géographie Botanique Raisonée: Ou exposition des faits principaux et des lois concernant la distribution géographique des plantes de l’époque actuelle vol. 1. Librairie de Victor Masson: Paris.

[C55b] Candolle, A. de. 1855b. Géographie Botanique Raisonée: Ou exposition des faits principaux et des lois concernant la distribution géographique des plantes de l’époque actuelle vol. 2. Librairie de Victor Masson: Paris.

[C06] Cheeseman, T. F. 1906. Manual of the New Zealand Flora. John Mackay, Government Printer: Wellington.

[C01] Cockerell, T. D. A. 1901. Contributions from the New Mexico Biological Station.—X. Observations on bees collected at Las Vegas, New Mexico, and in the adjacent mountains. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 7, 7: 125–131.

[CV06] Craven, P., & P. Vorster. 2006. Patterns of plant diversity and endemism in Namibia. Bothalia 36 (2): 175–189.

[H59] Healy, A. J. 1959. Contributions to a knowledge of the adventive flora of New Zealand, no. 7. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand 86 (1): 113–118.

[H93] Hickman, J. C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press: Berkeley (California).

[KM08] Keighery, G. J., & W. Muir. 2008. Vegetation and vascular flora of Faure Island, Shark Bay, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 75: 11–19.

[PP07] Pandey, R. P., & P. M. Padhye. 2007. Studies on phytodiversity of Arid Machia Safari Park-Kailana in Jodhpur (Rajasthan). Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 49: 15–78.

[PT98] Panitsa, M., & D. Tzanoudakis. 1998. Contribution to the study of the Greek flora: flora and vegetation of the E Aegean islands Agathonisi and Pharmakonisi. Willdenowia 28: 95–116.

[P06] Parmar, P. J. 2006. Additions to the flora of Gujarat from Mehsana and Kutch districts (N. Gujarat). Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 48: 191–196.

[PT01] Pemberton, L. M. S., S.-L. Tsai, P. H. Lovell & P. J. Harris. 2001. Epidermal patterning in seedling roots of eudicotyledons. Annals of Botany 87: 649–654.

[PL04] Pohl, G., & I. Lenski. 2004. Zur Verbreitung und Vergesellschaftung von Pennisetum orientale Rich. in Nordeuböa (Griechenland) (Poaceae, Paniceae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 83 (2): 209–223.

[ST98] Schimming, T., B. Tofern, P. Mann, A. Richter, K. Jenett-Siems, B. Dräger, N. Asano, M. P. Gupta, M. D. Correa & E. Eich. 1998. Distribution and taxonomic significance of calystegines in the Convolvulaceae. Phytochemistry 49: 1989–1995.

[SAO03] Stefanović, S., D. F. Austin & R. G. Olmstead. 2003. Classification of Covolvulaceae: a phylogenetic approach. Systematic Botany 28 (4): 791-806.


Elephant creeper Argyreia nervosa, copyright Loi Miao.

Belongs within: Convolvulaceae.
Contains: Merremieae, Convolvulus, Ipomoea.

The Convolvuloideae are a clade of plants defined by Stefanović et al. (2003) as the smallest clade including Convolvulus arvensis, Ipomoea pes-tigridis and Aniseia martinicensis.

Characters (from Stefanović et al. 2003): Plants mainly herbaceous; predominantly cordate leaf base; cymes nearly always dichasial; corolla with five interplical veins; style single, undivided; pollen grains of medium to large size (≥50 µm in diameter).

Convolvuloideae SAO03
    |--Aniseieae SAO03
    |    |--Odonellia hirtiflora SAO03
    |    |--Tetralocularia SAO03
    |    `--Aniseia [incl. Iseia] SAO03
    |         |--‘Iseia’ luxurians ST98
    |         `--A. martinicensis SAO03
    `--+--Merremieae SAO03
       |--Convolvuleae SAO03
       |    |--Convolvulus SAO03
       |    `--Polymeria SAO03
       |         |--P. ambigua LK14
       |         |--P. calycina PWP96
       |         |--P. distigma LK14
       |         |--P. longifolia BR65
       |         `--P. pusilla SAO03
       `--Ipomoeeae [Argyreieae] SAO03
            |  i. s.: Lepistemonopsis SAO03
            |--Astripomoeinae SAO03
            |    |--Astripomoea SAO03
            |    |    |--A. lachnosperma SAO03
            |    |    `--A. malvacea SAO03
            |    `--‘Ipomoea’ coccinea SAO03
            `--Argyreiinae SAO03
                 |--Stictocardia campanulata SAO03, ST98
                 |--Paralepistemon SAO03
                 |--Blinkworthia SAO03
                 |--Ipomoea SAO03
                 |--Lepistemon binectariferum SAO03, ST98
                 |    |--L. b. var. binectariferum ST98
                 |    `--L. b. var. borneense ST98
                 |--Turbina SAO03
                 |    |--T. abutiloides ST98
                 |    `--T. corymbosa ST98
                 `--Argyreia [incl. Rivea] SAO03
                      |--A. argentea BB07
                      |--A. capitata ST98
                      |--A. hookeri ST98
                      |--‘Rivea’ hypocrateriformis PP07
                      |--A. mollis ST98
                      |--A. nervosa ST98
                      |--A. obtusifolia SAO03
                      `--‘Rivea’ tiliaefolia [=Convolvulus tiliaefolius] C55

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB07] Baishya, A. K., & P. J. Bora. 2007. Cross community ethno-medico botany of Dibru-Saikhowa Biosphere Reserve, Assam. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 49: 121–154.

[BR65] Black, J. M., & E. L. Robertson. 1965. Flora of South Australia. Part IV. Oleaceae–Compositae. W. L. Hawes, Government Printer: Adelaide.

[C55] Candolle, A. de. 1855. Géographie Botanique Raisonée: Ou exposition des faits principaux et des lois concernant la distribution géographique des plantes de l’époque actuelle vol. 2. Librairie de Victor Masson: Paris.

[LK14] Lyons, M. N., G. J. Keighery, L. A. Gibson & T. Handasyde. 2014. Flora and vegetation communities of selected islands off the Kimberley coast of Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 81: 205–244.

[PWP96] Palmer, W. A., B. W. Willson & K. R. Pullen. 1996. The host range of Aconophora compressa Walker (Homoptera: Membracidae): a potential biological control agent for Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 98 (4): 617–624.

[PP07] Pandey, R. P., & P. M. Padhye. 2007. Studies on phytodiversity of Arid Machia Safari Park-Kailana in Jodhpur (Rajasthan). Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 49: 15–78.

[ST98] Schimming, T., B. Tofern, P. Mann, A. Richter, K. Jenett-Siems, B. Dräger, N. Asano, M. P. Gupta, M. D. Correa & E. Eich. 1998. Distribution and taxonomic significance of calystegines in the Convolvulaceae. Phytochemistry 49: 1989–1995.

[SAO03] Stefanović, S., D. F. Austin & R. G. Olmstead. 2003. Classification of Covolvulaceae: a phylogenetic approach. Systematic Botany 28 (4): 791–806.


Brazilian dwarf morning-glory Evolvulus glomeratus, copyright Dinesh Valke.

Belongs within: Convolvulaceae.

The Cresseae are a group of convolvulaceous plants with two or bifid styles in each flower and fruits a dehiscent capsule.

Characters (from Stefanović et al. 2003): Plants suffrutescent herbs to shrubs, less often lianas. Leaf base not cordate. Flowers actinomorphic, usually bisexual (unisexual in Hildebrandtia). Sepals equal or unequal, usually non-accrescent (accrescent in Hildebrandtia female flowers and some Seddera spp.) Styles two or bifid. Stigmas globose, reniform, or lobed. Filaments usually straight, glabrous. Fruit dehiscent, capsular (rarely utricular), 1–4 locular, 1–4-seeded. Pollen 3-colpate or pantocolpate, non-echinate.

Cresseae [Evolvuleae, Neuropeltidae, Neuropeltideae, Wilsonieae, Wilsoniinae, Wilsonioideae] SAO03
    |--Hildebrandtia [incl. Cladostigma, Sabaudiella; Hildebrandieae, Hildebrandtieae] SAO03
    |--Seddera latifolia SAO03, PP07
    |--Stylisma SAO03
    |--Itzaea sericea SAO03
    |--Neuropeltis racemosa SAO03
    |--Neuropeltopsis SAO03
    |--Cressa SAO03
    |    |--C. australis LK14
    |    |--C. creteica SAO03
    |    `--C. truxillensis [incl. C. truxillensis var. vallicola] H93
    |--Wilsonia SAO03
    |    |--W. backhousei BR65
    |    |--W. humilis SAO03
    |    `--W. rotundifolia BR65
    |--Bonamia SAO03
    |    |--B. media LK14
    |    |--B. pannosa LK14
    |    |--B. semidigyna ST98
    |    `--B. spectabilis ST98
    `--Evolvulus SAO03
         |--E. alsinoides Linnaeus 1762 [incl. E. linifolius] BR65
         |    |--E. a. var. alsinoides LK14
         |    |--E. a. var. decumbens LK14
         |    `--E. a. var. villosicalyx LK14
         |--E. argyreus ST98
         |--E. glomeratus OB08
         `--E. nummularius P03

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BR65] Black, J. M., & E. L. Robertson. 1965. Flora of South Australia. Part IV. Oleaceae–Compositae. W. L. Hawes, Government Printer: Adelaide.

[H93] Hickman, J. C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press: Berkeley (California).

[LK14] Lyons, M. N., G. J. Keighery, L. A. Gibson & T. Handasyde. 2014. Flora and vegetation communities of selected islands off the Kimberley coast of Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 81: 205–244.

[OB08] Olmstead, R. G., L. Bohs, H. A. Migid, E. Santiago-Valentin, V. F. Garcia & S. M. Collier. 2008. A molecular phylogeny of the Solanaceae. Taxon 57 (4): 1159–1181.

[PP07] Pandey, R. P., & P. M. Padhye. 2007. Studies on phytodiversity of Arid Machia Safari Park-Kailana in Jodhpur (Rajasthan). Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 49: 15–78.

[P03] Paul, T. K. 2003. Botanical observations on the Purulia pumped storage hydropower project area, Bagmundi Hills, Purulia district, West Bengal. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 45: 121–142.

[ST98] Schimming, T., B. Tofern, P. Mann, A. Richter, K. Jenett-Siems, B. Dräger, N. Asano, M. P. Gupta, M. D. Correa & E. Eich. 1998. Distribution and taxonomic significance of calystegines in the Convolvulaceae. Phytochemistry 49: 1989–1995.

[SAO03] Stefanović, S., D. F. Austin & R. G. Olmstead. 2003. Classification of Covolvulaceae: a phylogenetic approach. Systematic Botany 28 (4): 791–806.


Dichondra repens, copyright Harry Rose.

Belongs within: Convolvulaceae.

The Dichondreae are a group of mat-forming herbs and lianas characterised by fruits that are indehiscent utricles (Stefanović et al. 2003).

Characters (from Stefanović et al. 2003): Plants prostrate herbs to lianas. Leaf base usually cordate, sometimes cuneate. Flowers actinomorphic, bisexual. Sepals equal, accrescent to non-accrescent. Filaments dilated, pubescent. Styles partially to completely divided. Stigmas globose. Fruits indehiscent, utricles. Pollen 3-colpate, non-echinate.

Dichondreae (see below for synonymy) SAO03
    |--Metaporana SAO03
    |--Calycobolus SAO03
    |--Dipteropeltis poranoides SAO03
    |--Rapona SAO03
    |--Porana SAO03
    |    |--*P. volubilis SAO03
    |    |--P. paniculata KJ05
    |    `--P. speirii CBH93
    `--Dichondrineae SAO03
         |--Petrogenia repens SAO03
         |--Falkia repens SAO03, ST98
         |--Nephrophyllum SAO03
         `--Dichondra Forster & Forster 1776 A61
              |--D. brevifolia Buchan. 1871 [=D. repens var. brevifolia (Buchan.) Kirk 1878] A61
              |--D. donelliana H93
              |--D. micrantha H93
              |--D. occidentalis H93
              `--D. repens Forster & Forster 1776 A61 [incl. D. carolinensis C55]

Dichondreae [Dichondraceae, Dichondrinae, Dichondroideae, Dipteropeltideae, Lepistemonopseae, Nephrophylleae, Poraneae, Prevosteae] SAO03

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A61] Allan, H. H. 1961. Flora of New Zealand vol. 1. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones. R. E. Owen, Government Printer: Wellington (New Zealand).

[C55] Candolle, A. de. 1855. Géographie Botanique Raisonée: Ou exposition des faits principaux et des lois concernant la distribution géographique des plantes de l’époque actuelle vol. 2. Librairie de Victor Masson: Paris.

[CBH93] Collinson, M. E., M. C. Boulter & P. L. Holmes. 1993. Magnoliophyta (‘Angiospermae’). In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 809–841. Chapman & Hall: London.

[H93] Hickman, J. C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press: Berkeley (California).

[KJ05] Katewa, S. S., A. Jain, B. L. Chaudhary & P. Galav. 2005. Some unreported medicinal uses of plants from the tribal area of Southern Rajasthan. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 47: 121–130.

[ST98] Schimming, T., B. Tofern, P. Mann, A. Richter, K. Jenett-Siems, B. Dräger, N. Asano, M. P. Gupta, M. D. Correa & E. Eich. 1998. Distribution and taxonomic significance of calystegines in the Convolvulaceae. Phytochemistry 49: 1989–1995.

[SAO03] Stefanović, S., D. F. Austin & R. G. Olmstead. 2003. Classification of Covolvulaceae: a phylogenetic approach. Systematic Botany 28 (4): 791–806.


Tobacco Nicotiana tabacum, copyright Joachim Müllerchen.

Belongs within: Solanaceae.

Nicotiana, the tobaccos, is a genus of flowering plants, most diverse in the Americas, with funnel-shaped flowers borne in racemes or panicles (Hickman 1993). The leaves of several species, most notably N. tabacum, have a stimulant effect when smoked and they are widely cultivated for this purpose.

Characters (from Hickman 1993): Annual to small tree. Leaves entire. Inflorescence a raceme or panicle, terminal. Flower with calyx five-lobed, more or less enlarging, not fully enclosing fruit; corolla generally radial, generally funnel-shaped to salverform; stamens 5, equal or one smaller. Fruit a capsule. Seeds many, minute, angled.

    |--+--N. glutinosa OB08
    |  `--N. paniculata OB08
    `--+--N. acuminata OB08
       |    |--N. a. var. acuminata H93
       |    `--N. a. var. multiflora H93
       `--+--N. africana OB08
          |--N. glauca OB08
          |--N. tabacum Linnaeus 1753 OB08, CD07
          `--+--N. gossei Domin 1929 OB08, BR65
             `--N. suaveolens Lehmann 1818 OB08, BR65
                  |--N. s. var. suaveolens OB08
                  `--N. s. var. excelsior Black 1915 OB08, BR65 (see below for synonymy)

Nicotiana incertae sedis:
  N. acutiflora C06
  N. alata D51
  N. attenuata H93
  N. auriculata C55
  N. australasiae [incl. N. undulata] C55
  N. benthamiana LK14
  N. bonariensis D51
  N. chinensis [incl. N. fruticosa] C55
  N. clevelandii H93
  N. debneyi P82
  N. digluta D37
  N. goodspeedii Wheeler 1935 BR65
  N. ingulba Black 1933 BR65
  N. langsdorfii D51
  N. longiflora C55
  N. maritima Wheeler 1935 BR65
  N. megalosiphon M99
  N. obtusifolia [incl. N. trigonophylla] H93
  N. occidentalis Wheeler 1935 BR65
    |--N. o. ssp. occidentalis KM08
    `--N. o. ssp. hesperis KM08
  N. persica C55
  N. plumbaginifolia VB02
  N. quadrivalvis [incl. N. bigelovii, N. bigelovii var. wallacei] H93
  N. rotundifolia Lindley 1838 (see below for synonymy) BR65
  N. rusbyi D37
  N. rustica BR65
    |--N. r. var. rustica D51
    |--N. r. var. humilis D51
    `--N. r. var. texana D51
  N. sylvestris D51
  N. tomentosa D37
  N. tomentosiformis GM96
  N. velutina Wheeler 1935 BR65

Nicotiana rotundifolia Lindley 1838 [=N. suaveolens var. rotundifolia Comes 1899; incl. N. fastigiata Nees 1844, N. suaveolens var. rosulata Moore 1898, N. rosulata Domin 1929] BR65

Nicotiana suaveolens var. excelsior Black 1915 OB08, BR65 [=N. excelsior Black 1926 BR65; incl. N. macrocalyx Domin 1929 BR65]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BR65] Black, J. M., & E. L. Robertson. 1965. Flora of South Australia. Part IV. Oleaceae–Compositae. W. L. Hawes, Government Printer: Adelaide.

[C55] Candolle, A. de. 1855. Géographie Botanique Raisonée: Ou exposition des faits principaux et des lois concernant la distribution géographique des plantes de l’époque actuelle vol. 2. Librairie de Victor Masson: Paris.

[CD07] Cantino, P. D., J. A. Doyle, S. W. Graham, W. S. Judd, R. G. Olmstead, D. E. Soltis, P. S. Soltis & M. J. Donoghue. 2007. Towards a phylogenetic nomenclature of Tracheophyta. Taxon 56 (3): E1–E44.

[C06] Cheeseman, T. F. 1906. Manual of the New Zealand Flora. John Mackay, Government Printer: Wellington.

[D37] Dobzhansky, T. 1937. Genetics and the Origin of Species. Columbia University Press: New York.

[D51] Dobzhansky, T. 1951. Genetics and the Origin of Species 3rd ed. Columbia University Press: New York.

[GM96] Griffiths, A. J. F., J. H. Miller, D. T. Suzuki, R. C. Lewontin & W. M. Gelbart. 1996. An Introduction to Genetic Analysis 6th ed. W. H. Freeman and Company: New York.

[H93] Hickman, J. C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press: Berkeley (California).

[KM08] Keighery, G. J., & W. Muir. 2008. Vegetation and vascular flora of Faure Island, Shark Bay, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 75: 11–19.

[LK14] Lyons, M. N., G. J. Keighery, L. A. Gibson & T. Handasyde. 2014. Flora and vegetation communities of selected islands off the Kimberley coast of Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 81: 205–244.

[M99] Matthews, M. 1999. Heliothine Moths of Australia: A guide to bollworms and related noctuid groups. CSIRO Publishing.

[OB08] Olmstead, R. G., L. Bohs, H. A. Migid, E. Santiago-Valentin, V. F. Garcia & S. M. Collier. 2008. A molecular phylogeny of the Solanaceae. Taxon 57 (4): 1159–1181.

[P82] Pickard, J. 1982. Catastrophic disturbance and vegetation on Little Slope, Lord Howe Island. Australian Journal of Ecology 7: 161–170.

[VB02] Vijay, S. K., & T. N. Bhardwaja. 2002. Vegetation and phenodynamics of wetlands of central Rajasthan. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 99 (3): 573–581.

Last updated: 3 April 2020.


Hairy woodrose Merremia aegyptia, copyright J. M. Garg.

Belongs within: Convolvuloideae.

The Merremieae are a pantropical group of herbaceous vines characterised by globose stigmas (Stefanović et al. 2003).

Characters (from Stefanović et al. 2003): Plants herbaceous, vines. Leaf base usually cordate. Flowers actinomorphic, bisexual. Filaments dilated, usually pubescent. Styles entire. Stigmas globose. Fruits dehiscent, capsular, valvate to operculate. Pericarp chartaceous. Pollen 3-colpate or pantoporate, non-echinate.

<==Merremieae ST98
    |--Hewittia sublobata SAO03, ST98
    |--Hyalocystis SAO03
    |--Decalobanthus SAO03
    |--Xenostegia tridentata SAO03, GYD14
    |--Operculina SAO03
    |    |--O. aequisepala LK14
    |    |--O. brownii LK14
    |    |--O. pteripes ST98
    |    |--O. riedeliana ST98
    |    |--O. triquetra ST98
    |    `--O. turpethum ST98
    `--Merremia SAO03
         |--M. aegyptia PP07
         |--M. aurea ST98
         |--M. bipinnatipartita CV06
         |--M. cissoides ST98
         |--M. dissecta LK14
         |--M. gemella LK14
         |--M. guerichii CV06
         |--M. hederacea P88
         |--M. incisa LK14
         |--M. kimberleyensis LK14
         |--M. medium ST98
         |--M. multisecta CV06
         |--M. peltata SAO03
         |--M. quinata LK14
         |--M. quinquefolia ST98
         |--M. tuberosa ST98
         `--M. umbellata ST98
              |--M. u. ssp. umbellata LK14
              `--M. u. ssp. orientalis LK14

*Type species of generic name indicated


[CV06] Craven, P., & P. Vorster. 2006. Patterns of plant diversity and endemism in Namibia. Bothalia 36 (2): 175–189.

[GYD14] Gibson, L. A., S. Yates & P. Doughty (eds) 2012–2014. Biodiversity Values on Selected Kimberley Islands, Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 81.

[LK14] Lyons, M. N., G. J. Keighery, L. A. Gibson & T. Handasyde. 2014. Flora and vegetation communities of selected islands off the Kimberley coast of Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 81: 205–244.

[PP07] Pandey, R. P., & P. M. Padhye. 2007. Studies on phytodiversity of Arid Machia Safari Park-Kailana in Jodhpur (Rajasthan). Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 49: 15–78.

[P88] Polunin, I. 1988. Plants and Flowers of Malaysia. Times Editions: Singapore.

[ST98] Schimming, T., B. Tofern, P. Mann, A. Richter, K. Jenett-Siems, B. Dräger, N. Asano, M. P. Gupta, M. D. Correa & E. Eich. 1998. Distribution and taxonomic significance of calystegines in the Convolvulaceae. Phytochemistry 49: 1989–1995.

[SAO03] Stefanović, S., D. F. Austin & R. G. Olmstead. 2003. Classification of Covolvulaceae: a phylogenetic approach. Systematic Botany 28 (4): 791–806.


Wood forget-me-nots Myosotis sylvatica, from here.

Belongs within: Cynoglosseae.

Myosotis, the forget-me-nots, is a genus of herbaceous plants found in cooler regions of the world with mostly blue (occasionally white or yellow) flowers.

Characters (from Hickman 1993): Annual or perennial, glabrous to rough-hairy; roots generally diffuse. Stem decumbent to erect. Basal leaves generally oblong or oblanceolate; cauline leaves generally linear to elliptic. Inflorescence coiled, generally raceme-like, eventually more or less open; bracts absent (or leaf-like in lower half); flowers generally in upper half of plant. Flower with five calyx lobes, generally more or less equal; corolla salverform or widely funnel-shaped, white, yellow, or generally blue, tube five-appendaged at top, limb abruptly spreading, five-lobed; stamens 5, included; style generally included. Nutlets smooth, shiny, each with raised outer margin, scar lateral, at base, small.

<==Myosotis Linnaeus 1753 A61 [incl. M. sect. Eumyosotis C06, Exarrhena Brown 1810 A61; Myosotideae]
    |--M. albo-sericea Hooker 1867 A61
    |--M. amabilis Cheeseman 1906 A61
    |--M. angustata Cheeseman 1906 A61
    |--M. antarctica Hooker 1844 A61
    |--M. arnoldii Moore in Allan 1961 A61
    |--M. arvensis LC02
    |--M. australis Br. 1810 (see below for synonymy) A61
    |--M. caespitosa HE80
    |--M. capitata Hooker 1844 A61
    |--M. cheesemanii Petrie 1886 A61
    |--M. colensoi (Kirk) Macbride 1916 [=Exarrhena colensoi Kirk 1895; incl. M. decora Kirk ex Cheeseman 1906] A61
    |--M. collina C06
    |--M. concinna Cheeseman 1885 A61
    |--M. discolor [incl. M. versicolor] H93
    |--M. elderi Moore in Allan 1961 A61
    |--M. eximia Petrie 1916 A61
    |--M. explanata Cheeseman 1906 A61
    |--M. forsteri Lehm. 1818 (see below for synonymy) A61
    |--M. glabrescens Moore in Allan 1961 A61
    |--M. goyenii Petrie 1891 A61
    |--M. laeta Cheeseman 1885 A61
    |--M. laingii Cheeseman 1912 A61
    |--M. latifolia H93
    |--M. laxa H93
    |--M. lyallii Hooker 1853 A61 [=Exarrhena lyallii C06]
    |    |--M. l. var. lyallii A61
    |    `--M. l. var. townsonii (Cheeseman) Moore in Allan 1961 [=M. townsonii Cheeseman 1906] A61
    |--M. macrantha (Hooker) Benth. & Hooker 1876 (see below for synonymy) A61
    |--M. matthewsii Moore in Allan 1961 A61
    |--M. micrantha H93
    |--M. monroi Cheeseman 1906 A61
    |--M. oreophila Petrie 1896 A61 [=M. (Exarrhena) oreophila C06]
    |--M. palustris BR65
    |--M. petiolata Hooker 1853 A61 [=Exarrhena petiolata C06]
    |    |--M. p. var. petiolata A61
    |    |--M. p. var. pansa Moore in Allan 1961 A61
    |    `--M. p. var. pottsiana Moore in Allan 1961 A61
    |--M. pulvinaris Hooker 1864 [incl. M. hectori Hooker 1864] A61
    |--M. pygmaea Colenso 1884 (see below for synonymy) A61
    |    |--M. p. var. pygmaea A61
    |    |--M. p. var. drucei Moore in Allan 1961 A61
    |    |--M. p. var. glauca Simpson & Thomson 1943 A61
    |    `--M. p. var. minutiflora Simpson & Thomson 1943 A61
    |--M. rakiura Moore in Allan 1961 (see below for synonymy) A61
    |--M. ramosissima G88
    |--M. refracta C55
    |--M. saxosa Hooker 1853 [=Exarrhena saxosa Hooker 1864] A61
    |--M. scorpioides LDB98
    |--M. spathulata Forster 1786 A61 [=Anchusa spathulata C06; incl. M. orbiculata Simpson 1952 A61]
    |    |--M. s. var. spathulata A61
    |    `--M. s. var. radicata Moore in Allan 1961 A61
    |--M. stricta HE80
    |--*Exarrhena’ suaveolens A61
    |--M. suavis Petrie 1914 A61
    |--M. subvernicosa Colenso 1891 (n. d.) A61
    |--M. sylvatica BR65
    |--M. tenericaulis Petrie 1918 [=M. tenuicaulis (l. c.); incl. M. tenuis Simpson & Thomson 1944] A61
    |--M. traversii Hooker 1864 A61
    |    |--M. t. var. traversii (see below for synonymy) A61
    |    |--M. t. var. cantabrica Moore in Allan 1961 A61
    |    `--M. t. var. cinerascens (Petrie) Moore in Allan 1961 [=M. cinerascens Petrie 1918] A61
    |--M. uniflora Hooker 1864 A61
    |--M. venosa Colenso 1896 [incl. M. astonii Cheeseman 1910, M. diversifolia Petrie 1918] A61
    `--M. verna [incl. M. virginica] H93

Myosotis australis Br. 1810 [incl. M. australis var. conspicua Cheeseman 1906, M. australis var. lytteltonensis Laing & Wall 1924, M. saxatilis Petrie 1918 non Pallas 1795] A61

Myosotis forsteri Lehm. 1818 [incl. M. hamiltonii Colenso 1888, M. polyantha Colenso 1899, M. tenuifolia Colenso 1899] A61

Myosotis macrantha (Hooker) Benth. & Hooker 1876 [=Exarrhena macrantha Hooker 1864; incl. M. macrantha var. diversa Simpson & Thomson 1943, M. macrantha var. pulchra Cheeseman 1906, M. macrantha var. westlandica Petrie 1918] A61

Myosotis pygmaea Colenso 1884 [incl. M. ramificata Simpson 1952, M. antarctica ssp. traillii Kirk 1884, M. pygmaea var. traillii (Kirk) Ckn. 1921] A61

Myosotis rakiura Moore in Allan 1961 [=M. capitata var. albiflora Armstr. 1881 non M. albiflora Banks & Sol. ex Hooker 1847, M. capitata ssp. albida Kirk 1885, M. albida (Kirk) Cheeseman in Cockayne 1909 non Kunth in H.B. & K. 1818] A61

Myosotis traversii Hooker 1864 var. traversii [incl. M. cockayniana Petrie 1913, M. traversii var. cockayniana (Petrie) Cheeseman 1925] A61

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A61] Allan, H. H. 1961. Flora of New Zealand vol. 1. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones. R. E. Owen, Government Printer: Wellington (New Zealand).

[BR65] Black, J. M., & E. L. Robertson. 1965. Flora of South Australia. Part IV. Oleaceae–Compositae. W. L. Hawes, Government Printer: Adelaide.

[C55] Candolle, A. de. 1855. Géographie Botanique Raisonée: Ou exposition des faits principaux et des lois concernant la distribution géographique des plantes de l’époque actuelle vol. 2. Librairie de Victor Masson: Paris.

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[G88] Grubb, P. J. 1988. The uncoupling of disturbance and recruitment, two kinds of seed bank, and persistence of plant populations at the regional and local scales. Annales Zoologici Fennici 25: 23–26.

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[H93] Hickman, J. C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press: Berkeley (California).

[LC02] Långström, E., & M. W. Chase. 2002. Tribes of Boraginoideae (Boraginaceae) and placement of Antiphytum, Echiochilon, Ogastemma and Sericostoma: a phylogenetic analysis based on atpB plastid DNA sequence data. Plant Systematics and Evolution 234: 137–153.

[LDB98] Lenssen, J. P. M., G. E. ten Dolle & C. W. P. M. Blom. 1998. The effect of flooding on the recruitment of reed marsh and tall forb plant species. Plant Ecology 139: 13–23.