
Female Enoplognatha mordax, from Pavouci.

Belongs within: Theridiidae.

Enoplognatha is a cosmopolitan genus of cobweb spiders that commonly have patterned abdomens. Males of this genus have large spines on the front margin of the chelicerae; females have a single tooth on the hind margin of the cheliceral furrow (Wunderlich 1976).

<==Enoplognatha Pavesi 1880 W76
    |--*E. ovata (Clerck 1757) [incl. Theridion redimitum (Linnaeus 1758)] W76
    |--E. ambigua Kulczynski 1894 W76
    |--E. camtschadalica Kulczynski 1885 W76
    |--E. crucifera (Thorell 1875) [incl. E. maritima Simon 1884, E. schaufussi (Koch 1882)] W76
    |--E. deserta Levy & Amitai 1981 PO08
    |--E. diversa (Blackwall 1859) W76
    |--E. gemina Bosmans & Van Keer 1999 PO08
    |--E. hungarica Kolosvary 1934 W76
    |--E. intrepida (Sørensen 1898) PS08
    |--E. jacksoni Schenkel 1927 W76
    |--E. japonica Bösenberg & Strand 1906 W76
    |--E. macrochelis Levy & Amitai 1981 PO08
    |--E. mandibularis (Lucas 1846) [incl. E. mandibularis nigrocincta Simon 1884] W76
    |--E. marmorata (Hentz 1850) W76
    |--E. mordax (Thorell 1875) W76
    |--E. oelandica (Thorell 1875) [incl. Drepanodus corollatus Bertkau 1883, E. corollata] W76
    |--E. robusta Simon 1884 W76
    |--E. sattleri Bösenberg 1895 W76
    |--E. selma Chamberlin & Ivie 1946 W76
    |--E. serratostignata (Koch 1879) W76
    |--E. tecta (Keyserling 1884) W76
    |--E. testacea Simon 1884 W76
    |--E. thoracica (Hahn 1833) BBM02
    |--E. thoracicoides Nosek 1905 W76
    `--E. transiversifoveata (Bösenberg & Strand 1906) [=Teutana transiversifoveata] W76

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BBM02] Bonte, D., L. Baert & J.-P. Maelfait. 2002. Spider assemblage structure and stability in a heterogeneous coastal dune system (Belgium). Journal of Arachnology 30 (2): 331–343.

[PS08] Pinzón, J., & J. Spence. 2008. Performance of two arboreal pitfall trap designs in sampling cursorial spiders from tree trunks. Journal of Arachnology 36 (2): 280–286.

[PO08] Pluess, T., I. Opatovsky, E. Gavish-Regev, Y. Lubin & M. H. Schmidt. 2008. Spiders in wheat fields and semi-desert in the Negev (Israel). Journal of Arachnology 36 (2): 368–373.

[W76] Wunderlich, J. 1976. Zur Spinnenfauna Deutschlands, XVI. Zur Kenntnis der mitteleuropäischen Arten der Gattungen Enoplognatha Pavesi und Robertus O. Pick.-Cambridge (Araneida: Theridiidae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 57 (1–3): 97–112.

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