
Reed sac spider Clubiona phragmites, from Pavouci.

Belongs within: Clubionoidea.

Clubiona is a large, cosmopolitan genus of sac spiders in which the fourth pair of legs is longer than the remainder. Members of the genus are nocturnal hunters on vegetation, sheltering in rolled leaves or under stones or leaf litter during the day (Chen & Huang 2012).

Characters (from Chen & Huang 2012): Yellow or brownish; carapace concave and gradually narrowing towards cephalic region; thoracic groove distinct; abdomen cylindrical. Eyes homogeneous, arranged in two parallel transverse rows occupying most of head width; posterior eye row straight or slightly procurved, wider than anterior row. Male palp with retrolateral tibial apophysis; retrobasal cymbial spur absent. Legs prograde; tarsi with two claws; leg I as long as or shorter than leg II, leg IV longest.

Clubiona Latreille 1804 CH12
    |--*C. pallidula (Clerck 1757) CH12 [incl. Aranea holosericea Linnaeus 1758 C01, Clubiona holosericea C01]
    |--C. aloma [=Aranea aloma] C01
    |--C. amarantha [=Aranea amarantha] C01
    |--C. asrevida Ono 1992 CH12
    |--C. bandoi Hayashi 1995 CH12
    |--C. barbara Lucas 1846 E12
    |--C. blesti Forster 1979 PVD10
    |--C. brevipes V09
    |--C. brevispina Huang & Chen in Chen & Huang 2012 CH12
    |--C. cada Forster 1979 PVD10
    |--C. cambridgei Koch 1873 PVD10
    |--C. canadensis Emerton 1890 PS08
    |--C. chathamensis Simon 1905 PVD10
    |--C. cirrosa Ono 1989 CH12
    |--C. clima Forster 1979 PVD10
    |--C. compta Koch 1839 K55
    |--C. consensa Forster 1979 PVD10
    |--C. contrita Forster 1979 PVD10
    |--C. convoluta Forster 1979 PVD10
    |--C. corrugata Bösenberg & Strand 1906 [incl. C. coerulescens sinensis Hu 1979] CH12
    |--C. corticalis CH12
    |--C. cycladata E07
    |--C. damirkovaci Deeleman-Reinhold 2001 CH12
    |--C. deletrix P.-Cambridge 1885 [incl. C. maculata Song & Chen 1979, C. reichlini Schenkel 1944] CH12
    |--C. delicata Forster 1979 PVD10
    |--C. diversa P.-Cambridge 1862 CH12
    |--C. elaphines B96
    |--C. epimelas [=Aranea epimelas] C01
    |--C. exilipes Lucas 1846 E12
    |--C. expansa Huang & Chen in Chen & Huang 2012 CH12
    |--C. femorocalcarata Huang & Chen in Chen & Huang 2012 CH12
    |--C. frisia Wunderlich & Schuett 1995 BBM02
    |--C. genevensis Koch 1866 PO08
    |--C. hilaris Simon 1878 K55
    |--C. huttoni Forster 1979 PVD10
    |--C. hystrix CH12
    |--C. insulana Ono 1989 CH12
    |--C. japonica Koch 1878 CH12
    |--C. japonicola Bösenberg & Strand 1906 [incl. C. parajaponicola Schenkel 1963] CH12
    |--C. jucunda (Karsch 1879) (see below for synonymy) CH12
    |--C. kayashimai Ono 1994 CH12
    |--C. kigabensis Strand 1915 J98
    |--C. kuanshanensis Ono 1994 CH12
    |--C. kurilensis Bösenberg & Strand 1906 CH12
    |--C. kurosawai Ono 1986 CH12
    |--C. lutescens Westring 1851 BBM02
    |--C. mandibularis Lucas 1846 E12
    |--C. maritima R14
    |--C. moesta Banks 1896 PO08
    |--C. moralis Song & Zhu in Song et al. 1991 CH12
    |--C. neglecta V09
    |--C. oblonga Lucas 1846 E12
    |--C. ornata Lucas 1846 E12
    |--C. pallipes Lucas 1846 E12
    |--C. parvula Lucas 1846 E12
    |--C. peculiaris Koch 1873 PVD10
    |--C. pelasgica K18
    |--C. phragmites Koch 1843 BBM02
    |--C. producta Forster 1979 PVD10
    |--C. pteronetoides CH12
    |--C. reclusa Cambridge 1863 BBM02
    |--C. rufipes Lucas 1846 E12
    |--C. sapporensis Hayashi 1986 CH12
    |--C. scatula Forster 1979 PVD10
    |--C. subnotabilis Strand 1907 J98
    |--C. subrostrata Zhang & Hu 1991 CH12
    |--C. subtilis Koch 1867 BBM02
    |--C. taiwanica Ono 1994 [incl. C. bonicula Ono 1994] CH12
    |--C. tanikawai Ono 1989 CH12
    |--C. terrestris Westring 1851 SL14
    |--C. torta Forster 1979 PVD10
    |--C. trivialis Koch 1843 BBM02
    |--C. viridula Ono 1989 CH12
    |--C. wolongica Zhu & An 1999 CH12
    |--C. yaginumai Hayashi 1989 CH12
    |--C. yangmingensis Hayashi & Yoshida 1993 CH12
    |--C. yoshidai Hayashi 1989 CH12
    `--C. zilla CH12

Clubiona jucunda (Karsch 1879) [=Liocranum jucundum; incl. C. mantis Bösenberg & Strand 1906, C. sakatensis Saito 1939] CH12

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BBM02] Bonte, D., L. Baert & J.-P. Maelfait. 2002. Spider assemblage structure and stability in a heterogeneous coastal dune system (Belgium). Journal of Arachnology 30 (2): 331–343.

[B96] Brunet, B. 1996. Spiderwatch: A Guide to Australian Spiders. Reed New Holland: Sydney.

[C01] Cambridge, F. O. P. 1901. A revision of the genera of the Araneae or spiders with reference to their type species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 7, 7: 51–65.

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[E07] Elliott, M. G. 2007. Annotated catalogue of the Pompilidae (Hymenoptera) of Australia. Zootaxa 1428: 1–83.

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[PVD10] Paquin, P., C. J. Vink & N. Dupérré. 2010. Spiders of New Zealand: annotated family key and species list. Manaaki Whenua Press: Lincoln (New Zealand).

[PS08] Pinzón, J., & J. Spence. 2008. Performance of two arboreal pitfall trap designs in sampling cursorial spiders from tree trunks. Journal of Arachnology 36 (2): 280–286.

[PO08] Pluess, T., I. Opatovsky, E. Gavish-Regev, Y. Lubin & M. H. Schmidt. 2008. Spiders in wheat fields and semi-desert in the Negev (Israel). Journal of Arachnology 36 (2): 368–373.

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Last updated: 17 January 2022.

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