
Common pheasant Phasianus colchicus photographed by Lukasz Lukasik.

Belongs within: Phasianidae.

Phasianus is the genus including the common pheasant Phasianus colchicus. This species is native to a wide area across temperate Asia, and has been introduced to many other parts of the world. Phasianus species have long, barred, wedge-shaped tails and bare red skin patches around the eyes. A large number of subspecies of P. colchicus are commonly recognised; those such as the Chinese P. c. torquatus that possess a broad white band around the neck are known as ring-neck pheasants. The green pheasant Phasianus versicolor of Japan is treated by various authors as either a separate species or a subspecies of P. colchicus.

<==Phasianus Linnaeus 1758 CC10
    |--*P. colchicus Linnaeus 1758 CC10
    |    |--P. c. colchicus CC10
    |    |--P. c. alaschanicus RN72
    |    |--P. c. bergii RN72
    |    |--P. c. bianchii RN72
    |    |--P. c. chrysomelas RN72
    |    |--P. c. decollatus RN72
    |    |--P. c. edzinensis RN72
    |    |--P. c. elegans RN72
    |    |--P. c. formosanus L81
    |    |--P. c. hagenbecki RN72
    |    |--P. c. karpowi WBSJ82
    |    |--P. c. kiangsuensis RN72
    |    |--P. c. mongolicus Brandt 1844 R85
    |    |--P. c. pallasi L81
    |    |--P. c. persicus L81
    |    |--P. c. principalis L81
    |    |--P. c. rothschildi RN72
    |    |--P. c. satschuensis L81
    |    |--P. c. septentrionalis RN72
    |    |--P. c. shawii RN72
    |    |--P. c. sohokotensis RN72
    |    |--P. c. strauchi RN72
    |    |--P. c. suehschanensis RN72
    |    |--P. c. takatsukasae RN72
    |    |--P. c. talischensis L81
    |    |--P. c. tarimensis RN72
    |    |--P. c. tenebrosus L81
    |    |--P. c. torquatus Gmelin 1789 CC10
    |    |--P. c. vlangalii RN72
    |    |--P. c. zarudnyi RN72
    |    `--P. c. zerafschanicus RN72
    |--P. alfhildae Shufeldt 1915 [=Elaphrocnemus alfhildae] M02
    |--P. scintillans [=Graphophasianus scintillans] S66
    `--P. versicolor JT12 [=P. colchicus versicolor L81]
         |--P. v. versicolor RN72
         `--P. v. robustipes RN72

Inorganic: Phasianus colchicus minilorientalus Okamura 1987 O87

Nomen nudum: Phasianus nicheti Gaillard in Bastin 1933 M02

*Type species of generic name indicated


[CC10] Checklist Committee (OSNZ). 2010. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands, and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica 4th ed. Ornithological Society of New Zealand and Te Papa Press: Wellington.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444–448.

[L81] Long, J. L. 1981. Introduced Birds of the World: The worldwide history, distribution and influence of birds introduced to new environments. Reed: Sydney.

[M02] Mlíkovský, J. 2002. Cenozoic Birds of the World. Part 1: Europe. Ninox Press: Praha.

[O87] Okamura, C. 1987. New facts: Homo and all Vertebrata were born simultaneously in the former Paleozoic in Japan. Original Report of the Okamura Fossil Laboratory 15: 347–573.

[R85] Robertson, C. J. R. (ed.) 1985. Reader’s Digest Complete Book of New Zealand Birds. Reader’s Digest: Sydney.

[RN72] Rutgers, A., & K. A. Norris (eds) 1972. Encyclopaedia of Aviculture vol. 1. London, Blandford Press.

[S66] Sclater, P. L. 1866. Notice of several interesting species of mammals and birds living in the gardens of the Société Zoologique d'Acclimation of Paris. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 210.

[WBSJ82] Wild Bird Society of Japan. 1982. A Field Guide to the Birds of Japan. Kodansha International Ltd.: Tokyo.

Last updated: 14 June 2019.

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