Belongs within: Macrolepidoptera.
Contains: Hesperioidea, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Nymphalidae, Lycaenidae, Nymphidiini.
The Rhopalocera includes the butterflies and skippers. The butterflies and most skippers are the best known of the day-flying Lepidoptera, but the basal Hedylidae are nocturnal.
Synapomorphies (from Grimaldi & Engel 2005): Abdominal tergite 1 pouched; eggs resting upright; pupa girdled.
|--Hedylidae GE05
| |--Hedyle Guenée 1857 BR05
| `--Macrosoma hedylaria GE05
`--+--Hesperioidea GE05
`--Papilionoidea GE05
| i. s.: Pamphila P27
| |--P. augias WM66
| |--P. hobomoc P27
| `--P. maesa Moore 1865 WM66
| Signeta tymbophora P27
| Motasingha dominula P27
| Argyrophenga antipodum P27
| Archaeprepona GE05
|--Papilionidae GE05
`--+--Pieridae V-W04
`--+--Nymphalidae GE05
`--+--Lycaenidae GE05
`--Riodinidae J03
| i. s.: Petrocerus catiena HH02
| Callistium HH02
| Emesis HH02
| |--E. guttata [=Audre guttata] HH02
| |--E. mandana (Cramer 1780) S55
| `--E. xanthosa HH02
| Calydna caieta HH02
| Stalachtis HH02
| Apodemia mormo HH02
| |--A. m. mormo USDI77
| `--A. m. langei USDI77
| Polystichtis S55
| |--P. emylius S55
| | |--P. e. emylius S55
| | `--P. e. crispinella Stichel 1911 S55
| `--P. lasthenes FS54
| |--P. l. lasthenes FS54
| `--P. l. zeurippa Boisduval 1836 FS54
| Calephelis virginiensis FS54
| |--C. v. virginiensis FS54
| `--C. v. laverna (Godman & Salvin 1886) FS54
| Lymnas FS54
| |--L. cephise (Ménétriés 1855) FS54
| `--L. pixe (Boisduval 1910) FS54
| Esthemopsis caeruleata (Godman & Salvin 1878) FS54
| Mesosemia S55
| |--M. jeziella S55
| | |--M. j. jeziella S55
| | `--M. j. thyestes Druce 1878 S55
| `--M. judicialis Butler 1874 S55
| Lyropteryx apollonia Westwood 1851 GE05, S55
| Cyrenia martia Westwood 1851 S55
| Ancyluris S55
| |--A. aulestes S55
| | |--A. a. aulestes S55
| | `--A. a. eryxo (Saunders 1858) S55
| `--A. inca GE05
| Rhetus S55
| |--R. arcius GE05
| `--R. periander (Cramer 1777) S55
| Caria S55
| |--C. mantinea (Felder 1861) S55
| `--C. trochilus S55
| |--C. t. trochilus S55
| `--C. t. arete (Felder 1861) S55
| Baeotis nesaea S55
| |--B. n. nesaea S55
| `--B. n. bacaenita Schaus 1902 S55
| Amarynthis meneria (see below for synonymy) S55
| Peplia lamis [incl. P. lamis f. molpe (Hübner 1816)] S55
| Helicopis cupido GE05
| Riodinella nympha GE05
| Voltinia GE05
| |--V. danforthi V-W04
| `--V. dramba GE05
| Euselasia GE05
| Mesenopsis melanochlora GE05
| Eurybiini HH02
| |--Alesa amesis HH02
| `--Eurybia S55
| |--E. nicaea (Fabricius 1775) S55
| `--E. patrona GE05
|--Nymphidiini HH02
`--Hamearinae J03
|--Abisara J03
`--Zemeros J03
Rhopalocera incertae sedis:
Thanatites vetula GE05
Corades B66a
|--C. cybele Butler 1866 B66a
`--C. sareba B66a
Daedelma B66a
|--D. doraete B66a
`--D. emilia Butler 1866 B66a
Debis B66a
|--D. chandica B66a
|--D. europa WM66
|--‘Papilio’ halyma Fabricius 1793 [=Neonympha halyma, Satyrus halyma] B66b
|--D. isabella Butler 1866 B66a
`--D. portlandia B66b
Hetaera B66a
|--H. aurora [incl. H. andromeda] B66a
|--H. esmeralda B66a
|--H. harpalyce Butler 1866 B66a
|--H. pellucida Butler 1866 B6a
|--H. philis B66a
`--H. pireta B66a
Callidryas WM66
|--C. alcmeone WM66
`--C. pyranthe WM66
Messaris erymanthus WM66
Diadema WM66
|--D. auge WM66
`--D. bolina WM66
Hestina assimilis WM66
|--H. a. assimilis I92
`--H. a. shirakii Shirôzu 1955 I92
Neptis aceris WM66
Athyma leucothoe WM66
Ergolis coryta WM66
Cyllo leda WM66
Pterygospidea folus [incl. P. cicero] WM66
Ismene ladon WM66
Chionobas bore [incl. Papilio polixenes Fabricius 1793, Neonympha polixenes] B66b
Paralucia pyrodiscus NS04
|--P. p. pyrodiscus NS04
`--P. p. lucida NS04
Hesperilla NS04
|--H. flavescens NS04
| |--H. f. flavescens NS04
| `--H. f. flavia NS04
`--H. idothea NS04
|--H. i. idothea NS04
`--H. i. clara NS04
Anisynta cynone NS04
Herimosa albovenata NS04
Argyreus hyperbius NS04
|--A. h. hyperbius NS04
`--A. h. inconstans NS04
Oreixenica NS04
|--O. kershawi NS04
| |--O. k. kershawi NS04
| `--O. k. kanunda NS04
`--O. ptunarra NS04
|--O. p. ptunarra NS04
`--O. p. roonina NS04
Candalides noelkeri NS04
Jalmenus NS04
|--J. aridus NS04
|--J. evagoras NS04
| |--J. e. evagoras NS04
| `--J. e. eubulus NS04
`--J. lithochroa NS04
Pseudalmenus chlorinda NS04
|--P. c. chlorinda NS04
`--P. c. myrsilus NS04
Amarynthis meneria [incl. A. meneria f. maecenas (Fabricius 1793), A. meneria f. micalia (Cramer 1776)] S55
*Type species of generic name indicated
[BR05] Bouchet, P., J.-P. Rocroi, J. Frýda, B. Hausdorf, W. Ponder, Á. Valdés & A. Warén. 2005. Classification and nomenclator of gastropod families. Malacologia 47 (1-2): 1-397.
[B66a] Butler, A. G. 1866a. Descriptions of some new exotic butterflies in the National Collection. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 39-42.
[B66b] Butler, A. G. 1866b. A monograph of the genus Euptychia, a numerous race of butterflies belonging to the family Satyridae; with descriptions of sixty species new to science, and notes on their affinities &c. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 458-504.
[FS54] Franz, E., & H. Schröder. 1954. Tagfalter (Lep. Rhopalocera) aus El Salvador. Senckenbergiana Biologica 35: 75-87.
[GE05] Grimaldi, D., & M. S. Engel. 2005. Evolution of the Insects. Cambridge University Press: New York.
[HH02] Hall, J. P. W., & D. J. Harvey. 2002. Basal subtribes of the Nymphidiini (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae): phylogeny and myrmecophily. Cladistics 18: 539-569.
[I92] Iwahashi, J. (ed.) 1992. Reddo Deeta Animaruzu: a pictorial of Japanese fauna facing extinction. JICC: Tokyo.
[J03] Jong, R. de. 2003. Are there butterflies with Gondwanan ancestry in the Australian region? Invertebrate Systematics 17: 143-156.
[NS04] New, T. R., & D. P. A. Sands. 2004. Management of threatened insect species in Australia, with particular reference to butterflies. Australian Journal of Entomology 43 (3): 258-270.
[P27] Philpott, A. 1927. The maxillae in the Lepidoptera. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 721-746.
[S55] Schröder, H. 1955. Eine Falter-Ausbeute aus dem westlichen Bolivien. (Ins. Lepid. Rhopal.) Senckenbergiana Biologica 36: 329-338.
[USDI77] USDI (United States Department of the Interior). 1977. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants - republication of list of species. Federal Register 42: 36420-36431.
[V-W04] Vane-Wright, D. 2004. Butterflies at that awkward age. Nature 428: 477-480.
[WM66] Wallace, A. R., & F. Moore. 1866. List of lepidopterous insects collected at Takow, Formosa, by Mr. R. Swinhoe. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 355-365.
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