
Female Oligosita, photographed by Max E. Badgley.

Belongs within: Trichogrammatidae.

Oligosita is a genus of minute wasps including egg parasitoids of Hemiptera.

Characters (from Girault 1918): Antenna seven-segmented, with funicle one-segmented; clava three-segmented, distinct, with true terminal spine. Fore wing with marginal vein long, straight and slender; stigmal vein subsessile; marginal cilia long; discal cilia sparse (or not dense), subnormal, no oblique line of cilia from stigmal vein. Ovipositor inserted at base of abdomen, which is conic-ovate.

<==Oligosita Haliday 1851 GM79 [Oligositini]
    |--O. aesopi Girault 1929 G29a
    |--O. americana Girault 1909 GM79
    |--O. clarimaculosa (Girault 1911) GM79
    |--O. comosipennis (Girault 1911) G18, GM79
    |--O. funiculata Girault 1929 G29a
    |--O. gutenbergi Girault 1929 G29a
    |--O. inermiclava Girault 1915 GM79
    |--O. marilandia Girault 1917 G17
    |--O. oophagus Girault 1916 GM79
    |--O. plebeia Perkins 1912 G18, GM79
    |--O. poincarei Girault 1913 GM79
    |--O. pullicorpus Girault 1915 GM79
    |--O. rustica Girault 1929 G29a
    |--O. sanguinea (Girault 1911) GM79
    |    |--O. s. sanguinea GM79
    |    `--O. s. claripes Girault 1916 GM79
    |--O. subfasciatipennis (Girault 1911) GM79
    |--O. thisbe Girault 1929 G29b
    `--O. xiphidii A71

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A71] Askew, R. R. 1971. Parasitic Insects. Heinemann Educational Books: London.

[G17] Girault, A. A. 1917. Chalcidoidea nova Marilandensis. II. Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 114-115).

[G18] Girault, A. A. 1918. North American Hymenoptera Trichogrammatidae. Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 142-152).

[G29a] Girault, A. A. 1929a. North American Hymenoptera Mymaridae. Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 233-261).

[G29b] Girault, A. A. 1929b. New pests from Australia. VI. Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 266-269).

[GM79] Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 1-400.

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