
Female of Prospaltella perniciosi preparing to oviposit on Quadraspidiotus perniciosus, from here.

Belongs within: Chalcidoidea.

Prospaltella is a genus of wasps parasitic on scale insects, currently regarded as a junior synonym of Encarsia.

    |--P. aurantii (Howard 1894) GM79
    |--P. beethoveni Girault 1931 [=P. singularis Silvestri 1930 non Coccophagus singularis Girault 1915] G31
    |--P. berlesei (Howard 1906) GM79
    |--P. citrifolia C81
    |--P. clypealis C81
    |--P. divergens C81
    |--P. opulenta C81
    |--P. perniciosi C81
    |--P. singularis (Girault 1915) [=Coccophagus singularis] G31
    `--P. smithi C81

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C81] Caltagirone, L. E. 1981. Landmark examples in classical biological control. Annual Review of Entomology 26: 213-232.

[G31] Girault, A. A. 1931. A new habit in an old insect, Homo pudicus and new Eurytomidae. Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 280-283).

[GM79] Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 1-400.

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