
Podospora anserina, from here.

Belongs within: Sordariales.

The Lasiosphaeriaceae are a family of saprobes found in dung, soil and rotting vegetation (Cannon & Kirk 2007).

Characters (from Cannon & Kirk 2007): Stromata absent, rarely with a basal subiculum. Ascomata perithecial, dark, often thick-walled, ostiolate or not, often hairy or ornamented, the ostiole if presen t periphysate. Interascal tissue often present, of wide thin-walled paraphyses, often inconspicuous and usually evanescent. Asci cylindric-davate to clavate, fairly thin-walled and not fissitunicate, rarely evanescent, usually with a small J- apical ring. Ascospores variable, usually with at least one dark brown and one hyaline cell, occasionally ornamented, with gelatinous appendages or caudae (often long), normally lacking a sheath. Anamorphs varied but rarely prominent, hyphomycetous, probably spermatial in function.

    |--Acrospermoides EB03
    |--Adomia EB03
    |--Anopodium EB03
    |--Apiosordaria EB03
    |--Apodospora EB03
    |--Arniella EB03
    |--Arnium EB03
    |--Ascovaginospora EB03
    |--Biconiosporella EB03
    |--Bizzozeria EB03
    |--Bombardia EB03
    |--Bombardioidea EB03
    |--Camptosphaeria EB03
    |--Caudatispora EB03
    |--Ceratosphaeria EB03
    |--Cercophora septentrionalis EB03, JC03
    |--Diffractella EB03
    |--Emblemospora EB03
    |--Eosphaeria EB03
    |--Fimetariella EB03
    |--Jugulospora EB03
    |--Lasiobertia EB03
    |--Lasiosphaeria EB03
    |--Lasiosphaeriella EB03
    |--Merugia EB03
    |--Mycomedusiospora flavida EB03, RS99 [=Cyanocephalium flavidum RS99]
    |--Myelosperma tumidum EB03, E99
    |--Periamphispora EB03
    |--Phaeotrichosphaeria EB03
    |--Phragmodiscus EB03
    |--Plagiosphaeria EB03
    |--Pseudocercophora EB03
    |--Pseudohalonectria EB03
    |--Schizothecium EB03
    |--Spinulosphaeria EB03
    |--Strattonia EB03
    |--Tripterosporella EB03
    |--Zopfiella EB03
    |--Zygopleurage EB03
    |--Zygospermella EB03
    |--Pulmosphaeria Taylor, Hyde & Jones 1996 EB03, E99
    |    `--*P. archontophoenicis Taylor, Hyde & Jones 1996 E99
    `--Podospora EB03
         |--P. anserina JC03
         `--P. pauciseta SL02

*Type species of generic name indicated


Cannon, P. F., & P. M. Kirk. 2007. Fungal Families of the World. CABI.

[E99] Eriksson, O. E. (ed.) 1999. Notes on ascomycete systematics. Nos 2440-2755. Myconet 2: 1-41.

[EB03] Eriksson, O. E., H. O. Barah, R. S. Currah, K. Hansen, C. P. Kurtzman, G. Rambold & T. Laessøe (eds.) 2003. Outline of Ascomycota—2003. Myconet 9: 1-89.

[JC03] Jacobs, A., M. P. A. Coetzee, B. D. Wingfield, K. Jacobs & M. J. Wingfield. 2003. Phylogenetic relationships among Phialocephala species and other ascomycetes. Mycologia 95 (4): 637-645.

[RS99] Rossman, A. Y., G. J. Samuels, C. T. Rogerson & R. Lowen. 1999. Genera of Bionectriaceae, Hypocreaceae and Nectriaceae (Hypocreales, Ascomycetes). Studies in Mycology 42: 1-248.

[SL02] Schweigkofler, W., K. Lopandic, O. Molnár & H. Prillinger. 2002. Analysis of phylogenetic relationships among Ascomycota with yeast phases using ribosomal DNA sequences and cell wall sugars. Organisms Diversity & Evolution 2: 1-17.

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