Belongs within: Mymaridae.
The Ooctonini are a subgroup of the Mymaridae (fairy flies) characterised by a basally rounded gaster and five-segmented tarsi (Girault 1929).
Characters (from Girault 1929): Tarsi five-segmented; transverse sclerite present between scutum and scutellum; abdomen convexly rounded at base, phragma absent; ovipositor free.
|--Macrocamptoptera Girault 1910 G29, GM79
| `--M. metotarsa Girault 1905 GM79
|--Eomymar Perkins 1912 G29, GM79
| `--E. camptopteroides Girault 1916 GM79
|--Boudiennyia Girault 1937 G37
| `--*B. saintpierrei Girault 1937 G37
|--Camptoptera Foerster 1856 G29, GM79
| |--C. immensa Girault 1933 G33
| `--C. pulla Girault 1909 GM79
|--Ooctonus Haliday 1833 G29, GM79 [incl. Cosmocomoidea Howard 1908 G29, GM79]
| |--O. americanus Girault 1916 GM79
| |--O. angustiventris G30
| |--O. citriscapus Girault 1930 G30
| |--O. flavipes Girault & Dodd 1915 GM79
| |--O. ignipes Girault 1930 G30
| |--O. iona Girault 1930 G30
| |--O. morrilli (Howard 1908) GM79
| |--O. quadricarinatus Girault 1916 GM79
| `--O. silvensis Girault 1916 GM79
`--Gonatocerus Nees 1834 G29, GM79 [=Conatocerus (l. c.) G36b]
|--G. americanus Brues 1907 GM79
|--G. anthonomi Girault 1905 GM79 [incl. G. texanus Girault 1911 G29, GM79]
|--G. ashmeadi Girault 1916 GM79
|--G. aureus Girault 1911 GM79
|--G. brunneus Girault 1911 GM79 [incl. G. maevius Girault 1911 G29, GM79]
|--G. californicus Girault 1911 GM79
|--G. dies Girault 1913 GM79
|--G. dolichocerus Ashmead 1887 GM79
|--G. elizabethae Girault 1925 G25
|--G. ella Girault 1931 G31
|--G. fasciatus Girault 1911 GM79
|--G. gregi Girault 1915 GM79
|--G. grotiusi Girault 1913 GM79
|--G. illinoisensis Girault 1917 GM79
|--G. juvator Perkins 1912 GM79
|--G. kochi Girault 1936 [=Conatocerus (l. c.) kochi] G36a
|--G. koebelei Perkins 1912 GM79
|--G. latipennis Girault 1911 GM79
|--G. maga Girault 1911 GM79
|--G. marilandicus Girault 1917 GM79
|--G. maximus Girault 1911 GM79
|--G. mexicanus Perkins 1912 GM79 [incl. G. eximius Gahan 1913 G29, GM79, G. gibsoni Crawford 1915 G29, GM79]
|--G. nigritarsis Ashmead 1887 GM79
|--G. novifasciatus Girault 1911 GM79
|--G. nox Girault 1913 GM79
|--G. nuntius G30
|--G. ovicenatus Leonard & Crosby 1915 GM79
|--G. partifuscipennis Girault 1916 GM79
|--G. pygmaeus Girault 1911 GM79
|--G. renani Girault 1913 GM79
|--G. rivalis Girault 1911 GM79
|--G. romae Girault 1928 G28
|--G. tenuipennis Girault 1911 GM79
|--G. titillatus Girault 1917 GM79
|--G. triguttatus Girault 1916 GM79
| |--G. t. triguttatus G17
| `--G. t. atriclavus Girault 1917 G17
`--G. utahensis Girault 1917 GM79
*Type species of generic name indicated
[G17] Girault, A. A. 1917. Descriptiones stellarum novarum. Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 80-101).
[G25] Girault, A. A. 1925. Some gem-like or marvellous inhabitants of the woodlands heretofore unknown and by most never seen or dreamt of. Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 191-193).
[G28] Girault, A. A. 1928. A prodigeous discourse on wild animals. Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 218-220).
[G29] Girault, A. A. 1929. North American Hymenoptera Mymaridae. Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 233-261).
[G30] Girault, A. A. 1930. New pests from Australia. VIII. Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 273-277).
[G31] Girault, A. A. 1931. A new habit in an old insect, Homo pudicus and new Eurytomidae. Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 280-283).
[G33] Girault, A. A. 1933. Some beauties inhabitant not of commercial boudoirs but of Nature’s bosom, notably new insects. Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 299-303).
[G35] Girault, A. A. 1935. Microhymenoptera Australiensis nova, mostly Chalcididae. Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 315-318).
[G36a] Girault, A. A. (as ‘L. de St. Fargeau’). 1936a. Chalcididae, Capsidae species nova Australiensis Giraulti. Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 319-321).
[G36b] Girault, A. A. 1936b. Terror-errors; and novitates of Pterygota (or earth realities not state-bound). Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 322-325).
[G37] Girault, A. A. 1937. New naturals, unorthodoxies and non-pollutions, viz. new hexapods. Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 326-328).
[GM79] Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 1-400.
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