
Female of Teinocoptes vandeuseni, from Klompen (1992).

Belongs within: Sarcoptoidea.
Contains: Notoedres.

Teinocoptinae is a lineage of scabies mites. With the exception of some species of Notoedres, all teinocoptines are parasites of bats (primarily pteropodids).

Characters (from Klompen 1992): Setae c1 and c2 simple, leg setae s I-II and ra I-II spinose; imatures with setae cp reduced; nymphs with delay in addition and weak development of setae f2; tritonymph and female with setae e III-IV absent; female with anus dorsoterminal or terminal, body comparatively high (except in Notoedres subgenus Notoedres); male with free anterior lateral shields, well-developed posterior lateral shields, setae kT III-IV spinose.

<==Teinocoptinae [Bakerocoptidae, Bakerocoptinae, Notoedrinae, Teinocoptidae]
    |--+--Chirophagoides Fain 1963 K92
    |  |    `--*C. mystacopis Fain 1963 [=C. mystacops] K92
    |  `--+--Notoedres K92
    |     `--Chirnyssoides Fain 1959 K92
    |          |--C. (Noctiliocoptes Fain & Lukoschus 1971) K92
    |          |    `--C. (*N.) noctilionis (Dusbabek 1970) [=Notoedres (Bakeracarus) noctilionis] K92
    |          `--C. (Chirnyssoides) [incl. Carollicoptes Fain & Lukoschus 1971] K92
    |               |--+--*C. (C.) caparti Fain 1959 K92
    |               |  `--C. (C.) amazonae Fain 1959 [incl. C. carolliae Fain 1962] K92
    |               `--+--C. (C.) vampyrops Fain & Lukoschus 1975 K92
    |                  `--+--C. (C.) surinamensis Fain & Lukoschus 1971 (see below for synonymy) K92
    |                     `--+--C. (C.) stenoderma Fain & Lukoschus 1975 K92
    |                        `--+--C. (C.) parvisuctus Fain & Lukoschus 1975 K92
    |                           `--+--C. (C.) brasiliensis Fain 1959 K92
    |                              `--+--C. (C.) phyllostomus Fain & Lukoschus 1975 K92
    |                                 `--C. (C.) venezuelae Fain 1959 K92
    `--+--Nycteridocoptes Oudemans 1898 [incl. Bakerocoptes Fain 1962] K92
       |    |  i. s.: N. cynopteri (Fain 1962) [=Bakerocoptes cynopteri] K92
       |    |         N. malayi Fain 1963 K92
       |    |--N. heidemanni Klompen 1992 K92
       |    `--+--+--N. microphallus Fain 1959 [incl. N. microphallus celebensis Fain 1963] K92
       |       |  `--N. rousetti Fain 1958 K92
       |       `--+--N. notopteris Klompen 1992 K92
       |          `--+--N. lavoipierrei Fain 1958 K92
       |             `--+--N. pteropi Rodhain & Gedoelst 1921 [incl. N. pteropodi Rodhain 1923] K92
       |                `--+--N. asiaticus Fain 1959 K92
       |                   `--+--N. macrophallus Fain 1958 K92
       |                      `--+--N. orientalis Fain 1963 K92
       |                         `--+--N. miniopteri Fain 1959 K92
       |                            `--+--*N. poppei Oudemans 1898 K92
       |                               `--+--N. eyndhoveni Fain 1959 K92
       |                                  `--N. hoogstraali Fain 1961 K92
       `--+--Cynopterocoptes Klompen 1992 K92
          |    `--*C. heaneyi Klompen 1992 K92
          `--+--Rousettocoptes Klompen 1992 K92
             |    `--*R. mammophilus Klompen 1992 K92
             `--+--Tychosarcoptes Fain 1976 K92
                |    |--*T. orphanus Fain 1976 K92
                |    |--T. amphipterinon (Klompen, Lukoschus et al. 1984) [=Teinocoptes amphipterinon] K92
                |    `--T. ptenochirus Klompen 1992 K92
                `--+--Chirobia Fain 1959 K92
                   |    |--+--C. thoopterus Klompen 1992 K92
                   |    |  `--+--C. brevior (Fain, Lukoschus & Nadchatram 1982) [=Teinocoptes brevior] K92
                   |    |     `--+--C. cynopteri Klompen, Lukoschus & Nadchatram 1985 K92
                   |    |        |--C. haplonycteris Klompen 1992 K92
                   |    |        |--C. jagori Klompen 1992 K92
                   |    |        `--C. minor Klompen 1992 K92
                   |    `--+--C. angolensis Klompen 1992 K92
                   |       |--C. eonycteris Klompen, Lukoschus et al. 1982 K92
                   |       |--C. rousettus Klompen 1992 K92
                   |       |--C. squamata Fain 1959 K92
                   |       `--+--*C. congolensis Fain 1959 K92
                   |          `--C. otophaga Fain 1959 K92
                   `--Teinocoptes Rodhain 1923 K92
                        |--T. katherinae Mitchell & Fain 1963 K92
                        |--T. strandtmanni Mitchell & Fain 1963 K92
                        |--T. wilsoni Mitchell & Fain 1963 K92
                        |--+--T. vandeuseni Mitchell & Fain 1963 K92
                        |  `--+--T. malayi Fain & Nadchatram 1962 K92
                        |     `--+--+--*T. epomophori Rodhain 1923 K92
                        |        |  `--T. pahangensis Fain, Lukoschus & Nadchatram 1982 K92
                        |        `--+--T. asiaticus Fain & Domrow 1961 K92
                        |           `--+--T. astridae Fain 1959 K92
                        |              `--T. rousetti Fain 1959 K92
                        `--+--+--T. aingworthi Mitchell & Fain 1963 K92
                           |  `--T. philippinensis Klompen 1992 K92
                           `--+--+--T. eonycteris Fain, Lukoschus & Nadchatram 1982 K92
                              |  `--T. johnsoni Fain 1963 K92
                              `--+--T. haymani Fain 1963 K92
                                 `--+--T. eidoloni Fain 1959 K92
                                    `--+--T. donrowi Fain 1961 K92
                                       `--+--T. harpyionycteris (Klompen & OConnor 1987) (see below for synonymy) K92
                                          `--+--T. auricularis Fain 1959 K92
                                             `--T. ituriensis Fain 1967 K92

Chirnyssoides (Chirnyssoides) surinamensis Fain & Lukoschus 1971 [=C. (*Corallicoptes) surinamensis; incl. C. (Co.) zanderyensis Fain & Lukoschus 1971] K92

Teinocoptes harpyionycteris (Klompen & OConnor 1987) [=Chirobia harpyionycteris] K92

*Type species of generic name indicated


[K92] Klompen, J. S. H. 1992. Phylogenetic relationships in the mite family Sarcoptidae (Acari: Astigmata). Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 180: i-vi, 1-154.

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