
Golden-breasted fulvetta 'Alcippe' chrysotis, photographed by Yann Muzika.

Belongs within: Passerida.
Contains: Remizidae, Paridae, Stenostiridae, Alaudidae, Hirundinidae, Pycnonotidae, Megalurinae, Acrocephalus, Aegithalidae, Phylloscopus, Cettia, Cisticolidae, Timaliidae, Sylvia, Paradoxornis.

The Sylvioidea is a clade identified by molecular analysis that includes the Old World warblers and related taxa such as tits and bulbuls. Many of these taxa have been classified in the past into the family Sylviidae, but this taxon its broader sense has been shown to be polyphyletic. Most sylvioids are small insectivorous birds. The clade is most diverse in Eurasia and Africa; relatively few lineages have reached the Americas.

Sylvioidea [Acrocephalinae, Panurinae, Paradoxornithinae, Suthorinae, Sylviidae, Sylviinae, Sylviini]
    |--+--+--Remizidae JF06
    |  |  `--Paridae JF06
    |  `--+--Stenostiridae JF06
    |     `--Chelidorhynx hypoxantha JT12
    `--+--+--Nicator JT12
       |  |    |--N. chloris JT12
       |  |    |--N. gularis JT12
       |  |    `--N. vireo JT12
       |  `--+--Alaudidae JT12
       |     `--Panurus Koch 1816 JT12, B94
       |          `--P. biarmicus JF06
       `--+--+--Macrosphenus Cassin 1859 JT12, B94 [Macrospheninae]
          |  |    |--M. concolor JT12
          |  |    |--M. flavicans JF06
          |  |    |--M. kempi JT12
          |  |    `--M. pulitzeri JT12
          |  `--+--‘Macrosphenus’ kretschmeri JT12
          |     `--+--+--Cryptillas victorini BB05 [=Bradypterus victorini JT12]
          |        |  `--+--Melocichla mentalis JT12
          |        |     `--+--Achaetops pycnopygius JT12 [=Chaetops pycnopygius BB05]
          |        |        `--Sphenoeacus afer JT12
          |        `--Sylvietta JT12
          |             |  i. s.: S. denti JF06
          |             |         S. isabellina JT12
          |             |         S. philippae JT12
          |             |         S. ruficapilla JT12
          |             |--+--S. rufescens JT12
          |             |  `--S. whytii JT12
          |             `--+--S. virens JT12
          |                `--+--S. brachyura JT12
          |                   `--S. leucophrys JT12
          `--+--+--Hirundinidae JT12
             |  `--+--+--Pycnonotidae JT12
             |     |  `--Bernieria JT12
             |     |       |  i. s.: B. major S66
             |     |       |         B. minor S66
             |     |       |--B. madagascariensis JT12 [=Phyllastrephus madagascariensis JF06]
             |     |       `--+--B. tenebrosa JT12
             |     |          `--+--B. zosterops JT12
             |     |             `--+--B. apperti JT12
             |     |                `--B. cinereiceps JT12
             |     `--+--+--Hyliota JT12
             |        |  |    |--H. australis JT12
             |        |  |    |--H. flavigaster JT12
             |        |  |    |--H. usambara JT12
             |        |  |    `--H. violacea JT12
             |        |  `--+--Amaurocichla bocagei JT12
             |        |     `--Scotocerca inquieta (Cretzschmar 1830) JT12, S05 [=Malurus inquietus S05]
             |        |          |--S. i. inquieta S05
             |        |          `--S. i. saharae (Loche 1858) S05
             |        `--+--+--Megalurinae JT12
             |           |  `--+--Donacobius JT12
             |           |     |    |--D. atricapillus (see below for synonymy) L03
             |           |     |    `--D. vociferans B94
             |           |     `--+--Xanthomixis JF06
             |           |        |    |--+--X. apperti [=Phyllastrephus apperti] JF06
             |           |        |    |  `--X. cinereiceps [=Phyllastrephus cinereiceps] JF06
             |           |        |    `--+--Crossleyia xanthophrys JT12
             |           |        |       `--X. zosterops [=Phyllastrephus zosterops] JF06
             |           |        `--+--Thamnornis chloropetoides JT12
             |           |           `--+--Oxylabes madagascariensis JT12
             |           |              `--+--‘Neomixis’ flavoviridis JT12
             |           |                 `--Cryptosylvicola randrianasoloi JT12
             |           `--+--Nesillas JT12
             |              |    |--N. aldabranus HSS13
             |              |    |--N. brevicaudata JT12
             |              |    |--N. longicaudata JT12
             |              |    |--N. mariae JT12
             |              |    `--N. typica JT12
             |              `--+--Hippolais Baldenstein 1827 JT12, M02
             |                 |    |--+--H. icterina JF06
             |                 |    |  `--H. polyglotta JF06
             |                 |    `--+--H. languida JF06
             |                 |       `--H. olivetorum JF06
             |                 `--+--Acrocephalus JT12
             |                    `--+--‘Chloropeta’ gracilirostris JT12
             |                       `--+--‘Acrocephalus’ aedon JT12
             |                          `--+--+--‘Hippolais’ caligata JT12
             |                             |  `--‘Hippolais’ rama JT12
             |                             `--+--+--‘Hippolais’ opaca JT12
             |                                |  `--‘Hippolais’ pallida JT12
             |                                `--Chloropeta JT12
             |                                     |--C. natalensis JF06
             |                                     `--C. similis JT12
             `--+--+--+--Erythrocercus JT12
                |  |  |    |--E. holochlorus JT12
                |  |  |    |--E. livingstonei JT12
                |  |  |    `--E. mccallii JF06
                |  |  `--Hyliidae SPS03
                |  |       |--Hylia Cassin 1859 JT12, B94 [Hyliinae]
                |  |       |    `--H. prasina (Cassin 1855) SPS03
                |  |       `--Pholidornis Hartlaub 1857 SPS03, B94 [Pholidornithidae]
                |  |            `--P. rushiae (Cassin 1855) SPS03
                |  `--+--Aegithalidae JT12
                |     `--+--Phylloscopus JT12
                |        `--+--+--Abroscopus JT12
                |           |  |    |--A. albogularis JF06
                |           |  |    |--A. schisticeps JT12
                |           |  |    `--A. superciliaris JF06
                |           |  `--+--‘Orthotomus’ cuculatus JT12
                |           |     `--+--Tickellia hodgsoni JT12
                |           |        `--Cettia JT12
                |           `--+--‘Cettia’ cetti JT12
                |              `--+--Urosphena JT12
                |                 |    |--U. squameiceps JF06
                |                 |    |--U. subulata JT12
                |                 |    `--U. whiteheadi JT12
                |                 `--Tesia JT12
                |                      |--T. castaneocoronata JT12
                |                      |--T. cyaniventer JT12 [=Oligura cyaniventer S89]
                |                      |--T. everetti JT12
                |                      |--T. olivea JF06
                |                      `--T. superciliaris JT12
                `--+--Cisticolidae JT12
                   `--+--Timaliidae BB05
                      `--+--+--+--+--‘Alcippe’ brunneicauda JT12
                         |  |  |  `--‘Alcippe’ grotei JT12
                         |  |  `--+--‘Alcippe’ morrisonia JT12
                         |  |     |    |--A. m. morrisonia
                         |  |     |    `--A. m. hueti
                         |  |     `--‘Alcippe’ peracensis JT12
                         |  `--+--‘Alcippe’ rufogularis JT12
                         |     `--+--+--‘Alcippe’ brunnea JT12
                         |        |  |    |--A. b. brunnea
                         |        |  |    |--A. b. genestieri
                         |        |  |    `--A. b. superciliaris
                         |        |  `--‘Alcippe’ dubia JT12
                         |        `--+--‘Alcippe’ castaneiceps JT12
                         |           `--‘Alcippe’ cinerea JT12
                         `--+--Sylvia JT12
                            `--+--‘Alcippe’ chrysotis JT12
                               `--+--Paradoxornis JT12
                                  `--+--Chrysomma JT12
                                     |    |--C. altirostre JT12
                                     |    |--C. poecilotis JT12
                                     |    `--C. sinense JF06
                                     `--+--Rhopophilus pekinensis JT12
                                        `--+--‘Alcippe’ ruficapilla JT12
                                           `--+--‘Alcippe’ striaticollis JT12
                                              `--+--‘Alcippe’ vinipectus JT12
                                                 `--+--‘Alcippe’ formosana JT12
                                                    `--+--‘Alcippe’ cinereiceps JT12
                                                       `--‘Alcippe’ manipurensis JT12

Sylvioidea incertae sedis:
  Eremiornis carteri Noreth 1900 [incl. E. c. assimilis Montague 1913, E. c. rogersi Mathews 1913] WS48
  Bebrornis rodericanus FP64, USDI77
  Trichocichla rufa FP64
    |--T. r. rufa HSS13
    `--T. r. clunei HSS13
  Cichlornis grosvenori FP64
  Calamodus Kaup 1829 [incl. Calamodyta Kaup 1829; Calamodytinae] B94
    `--‘Calamodyta’ newtoni S66
  Reguloides S89
    |--R. pulcher S89
    `--R. superciliosus [=Phylloscopus superciliosus] S89
  Eroessa Hartlaub 1866 H66
    `--*E. tenella Hartlaub 1866 H66 [incl. Damia pusilla Pollen in Schlegel 1866 (n. n.) S66]
  Randia pseudozosterops JT12
  Poliolais lopezi JT12
  Chaetornis striata JT12
  Amphilais seebohmi JT12
  Buettikoferella bivittata JT12
  Graueria vittata JT12
  Hemitesia neumanni JT12

Donacobius atricapillus [=Turdus atricapillus; incl. D. albolineatus, T. brasiliensis, Mimus brasiliensis] L03

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB05] Beresford, P., F. K. Barker, P. G. Ryan & T. M. Crowe. 2005. African endemics span the tree of songbirds (Passeri): Molecular systematics of several evolutionary ‘enigmas’. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B—Biological Sciences 272: 849-858.

[B94] Bock, W. J. 1994. History and nomenclature of avian family-group names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 222: 1-281.

[FP64] Fisher, J., & R. T. Peterson. 1964. The World of Birds: A comprehensive guide to general ornithology. Macdonald: London.

[H66] Hartlaub, G. 1866. On a new genus and species of birds from Madagascar. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 218-219.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444-448.

[JF06] Jønsson, K. A., & J. Fjeldså. 2006. A phylogenetic supertree of oscine passerine birds. Zoologica Scripta 35: 149-186.

[L03] LeCroy, M. 2003. Type specimens of birds in the American Museum of Natural History. Part 5. Passeriformes: Alaudidae, Hirundinidae, Motacillidae, Campephagidae, Pycnonotidae, Irenidae, Laniidae, Vangidae, Bombycillidae, Dulidae, Cinclidae, Troglodytidae, and Mimidae. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 278: 1-156.

[M02] Mlíkovský, J. 2002. Cenozoic Birds of the World. Part 1: Europe. Ninox Press: Praha.

[S89] Salvadori, T. 1889. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea nella Birmania e nelle regioni vicine. XIX.—Uccelli raccolti nei Monti Carin a nord-est di Tounghoo, nel Pegù presso Rangoon e Tounghoo e nel Tenasserim presso Malewoon. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, Serie 2a 7: 369-438.

[S66] Schlegel, H. 1866. Communication from, on mammals and birds collected in Madagascar. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 419-426.

[SPS03] Sefc, K. M., R. B. Payne & M. D. Sorenson. 2003. Phylogenetic relationships of African sunbird-like warblers: Moho (Hyperergus atriceps), green hylia (Hylia prasina) and tit-hylia (Pholidornis rushiae). Ostrich 74: 8-17.

[S05] Steinheimer, F. D. 2005. Eduard Rüppel’s avian types at the Natural History Museum, Tring (Aves). Senckenbergiana Biologica 85 (2): 233-264.

[USDI77] USDI (United States Department of the Interior). 1977. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants—republication of list of species. Federal Register 42: 36420-36431.

[WS48] Whittell, H. M. & D. L. Serventy. 1948. A systematic list of the birds of Western Australia. Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of Western Australia, Special Publication 1: 1-126.

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