
Female Munna minuta, from here.

Belongs within: Eumalacostraca.
Contains: Asellidae, Stenasellidae, Protojaniridae, Microparasellidae, Janiridae.

The Asellota are a group of aquatic isopods. The members of the Aselloidea are freshwater, while the members of the other superfamilies are marine. The Janiroidea are marked by a tendency to progressive fusion of the free pleonites into a single pleotelson (Henry et al. 1986).

Characters (from Menzies & Kruczynski 1983): First and second pairs of pleopods modified, unlike succeeding biramours pairs. Uropods usually biramous, tubular, leaf-like or absent. Pleon composed of one to three somites including pleotelson. Antenna II with or without antennal scale.

    |  i. s.: Antias Richardson 1906 [Antiasidae] MK83
    |           |--*A. charcoti Richardson 1906 MK83
    |           `--A. milleri Menzies & Glynn 1968 MK83
    |         Munnoides caribea Carvacho 1977 MK83
    |         Notasellus N29
    |           `--‘Stenetrium’ inerme N29
    |--Protallocoxidae [Protallocoxoidea] MD01
    |--Aselloidea HLM86
    |    |--Asellidae HLM86
    |    `--Stenasellidae HLM86
    |--Gnathostenetroidoidea [Parastenetroidea] HLM86
    |    |--Protojaniridae HLM86
    |    |--Vermectias BP03 [Vermectiadidae MD01]
    |    |    `--V. nelladanae Just & Poore 1992 BP03
    |    `--Gnathostenetroididae HLM86
    |         |--Neostenetroides Carpenter & Magniez 1982 HLM86
    |         |    `--N. stocki Carpenter & Magniez 1982 HLM86
    |         `--Caecostenetroides Fresi & Schiecke 1968 HLM86
    |              |--C. ischitanum Fresi & Schiecke 1968 HLM86
    |              `--C. nipponicum Nunomura 1975 HLM86
    |--Stenetrioidea HLM86
    |    |--Pseudojaniridae [Pseudojaniroidea] MD01
    |    `--Stenetrium Haswell 1881 [Stenetriidae] HLM86
    |         |--*S. armatum Haswell 1881 MK83
    |         |--S. chiltoni N29
    |         |--S. crassimanus N29
    |         |--S. dagama N29
    |         |--S. fractum N29
    |         |--S. glauerti Nicholls 1929 N29
    |         |--S. haswelli N29
    |         |--S. longicorne N29
    |         |--S. macrochirium Nicholls 1929 N29
    |         |--S. minocule Menzies & Glynn 1968 MK83
    |         |--S. serratum Hansen 1905 MK83
    |         |--S. siamense N29
    |         |--S. spinirostrum Nicholls 1929 N29
    |         |--S. stebbingi Richardson 1902 (see below for synonymy) MK83
    |         |--S. suldhana N29
    |         `--S. truncatum Nicholls 1929 N29
    `--Janiroidea HLM86
         |  i. s.: Protocharon Chappuis & Delamare 1956 C86
         |           |--P. antarctica Chappuis 1958 C86
         |           `--P. arenicola Chappuis & Delamare 1956 C86
         |--Microparasellidae C86
         |--Janiridae C86
         |--Paramunnidae [Abyssianiridae, Pleurogoniidae] MD01
         |--Desmosomatidae [Pseudomesidae] MD01
         |--Acanthaspididae MD01
         |--Dendrotiidae MD01
         |--Echinothambematidae MD01
         |--Haplomunnidae MD01
         |--Ischnomesidae MD01
         |--Janirellidae MD01
         |--Joeropsididae MD01
         |--Katianiridae MD01
         |--Mesosignidae MD01
         |--Mictosomatidae MD01
         |--Nannoniscidae MD01
         |--Santiidae MD01
         |--Thambematidae MD01
         |--Munnopsididae [Ilyarachnidae] MD01
         |    |--Ilyarachna antarctica [incl. I. bicornis] BH88
         |    `--Bathybadistes spinosissima [=Ilyarachna spinosissima] BH88
         |--Haploniscus B88 [Haploniscidae MD01]
         |    `--H. tangaroae B88
         |--Munna H47 [Munnidae MD01]
         |    |--M. boecki BK77
         |    |--M. kroyeri H47
         |    `--M. minuta H47
         |--Jaeropsis Koehler 1885 H47, MK83 [Jaeropsidae]
         |    |--*J. curvicornis (Nicolet 1849) [=Jaera curvicornis] MK83
         |    |--J. brevicornis BBB-S95
         |    |--J. coralicola Schultz & McCloskey 1967 MK83
         |    |--J. lobata H47
         |    `--J. rathbunae Richardson 1902 MK83
         `--Macrostylis Sars 1864 M03 [Macrostylidae MD01]
              |--M. amplinexa Mezhov 1989 M03
              |--M. capito Mezhov 1989 M03
              |--M. confinis Mezhov 2003 M03
              |--M. medioxima Mezhov 2003 M03
              |--M. minuscularia Mezhov 2003 M03
              |--M. prolixa Mezhov 2003 M03
              |--M. sensitiva Birstein 1970 M03
              `--M. urceolata Mezhov 1989 M03

Stenetrium stebbingi Richardson 1902 [incl. S. antillense Hansen 1905, S. gilbertense Nordenstam 1946, S. medipacificum Miller 1941, S. occidentale Hansen 1905] MK83

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BK77] Barel, C. D. N., & P. G. N. Kramers. 1977. A survey of the echinoderm associates of the north-east Atlantic area. Zoologische Verhandelingen 156: 1–159.

[BBB-S95] Boubezari, K., G. Bitar & D. Bellan-Santini. 1995. Structure et organisation de trois moulières (Mytilus galloprovincialis et Perna perna) de la région d'Alger. Mésogée 54: 63–72.

[B88] Boxshall, G. A. 1988. A new genus of tantulocaridan (Crustacea: Tantulocarida) parasitic on a harpacticoid copepod from Tasmania. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology series 54 (6): 271–274.

[BH88] Boxshall, G. A., & K. Harrison. 1988. New nicothoid copepods (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida) from an amphipod and from deep-sea isopods. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology series 54 (6): 285–299.

[BP03] Brandt, A. & G. C. B. Poore. 2003. Higher classification of the flabelliferan and related Isopoda based on a reappraisal of relationships. Invertebrate Systematics 17: 893–923.

[C86] Coineau, N. 1986. Isopoda: Asellota: Janiroidea. In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 465–472. E. J. Brill/Dr. W. Backhuys: Leiden.

[H47] Hatch, M. H. 1947. The Chelifera and Isopoda of Washington and adjacent regions. University of Washington Publications in Biology 10 (5): 155–274.

[HLM86] Henry, J.-P., J. J. Lewis & G. Magniez. 1986. Isopoda: Asellota: Aselloidea, Gnathostenetroidoidea, Stenetrioidea. In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 434–464. E. J. Brill/Dr. W. Backhuys: Leiden.

[MD01] Martin, J. W., & G. E. Davis. 2001. An updated classification of the Recent Crustacea. Natural History Museum Los Angeles County, Science Series 39: 1–124.

[MK83] Menzies, R. J., & W. L. Kruczynski. 1983. Isopod Crustacea (exclusive of Epicaridea). Memoirs of the Hourglass Cruises 6 (1): 1–126.

[M03] Mezhov, B. V. 2003. New abyssal species of the genus Macrostylis G. O. Sars, 1864 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Macrostylidae) from the northwestern part of the Indian Ocean. Arthropoda Selecta 12: 1–8.

[N29] Nicholls, G. E. 1929. Some new species of Stenetrium from Western Australia. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 54 (4): 361–374.

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