
Ceratophysella denticulata, copyright Scott Justis.

Belongs within: Collembola.
Contains: Hypogastrura (Hypogastrura).

The Hypogastruridae are a group of elongate springtails with a granular, ridged molar plate on the mandible but lacking pseudocelli. The body is usually pigmented and ocelli are usually present, as is the furca; the antenna 3 organ is simple, with only two or three rod-shaped sensilla and no papillae or sensorial bodies; and the postantennal organ, if present, is usually round or oval with a maximum of six vesicles (Greenslade 1991).

<==Hypogastruridae [Hypogastrurinae]
    |--Gomphiocephalus Carpenter 1908 W67
    |    `--G. hodgsoni Carpenter 1908 [=Gomphocephalus (l. c.) hodgsoni] W67
    |--Beckerella W39
    |--Proxenyllodes W39
    |--Xenyllogastrura W39
    |--Paraxenylla G91
    |--Cosberella conatoa Wray 1963 (n. d.) CB81
    |--Knowltonella Wray 1958 CB80a
    |    `--*K. idahoensis Wray 1958 CB80a
    |--Stenogastrura Christiansen & Bellinger 1980 CB80a
    |    `--*S. hiemalis Christiansen & Bellinger 1980 CB80a
    |--Bonetogastrura Thibaud 1975 CB80a
    |    `--*B. balazuci (Delamare 1951) [=Typhlogastrura balazuci] CB80a
    |--Tafallia Bonet 1947 [incl. Hoffia Scott 1961] CB80a
    |    |--*T. insularis Bonet 1947 CB80a
    |    `--T. robusta (Scott 1961) [=*Hoffia robusta] CB80a
    |--Microgastrura Stach 1922 CB80a
    |    |--*M. duodecimoculata Stach 1922 CB80a
    |    `--M. minutissima (Mills 1934) [=Achorutes (Schoettella) minutissima] CB80a
    |--Mesachorutes Absolon 1900 CB80a
    |    |--*M. (Mesachorutes) quadriocellata Absolon 1900 CB80a
    |    `--M. (Denigastrura Stach 1949) CB80a
    |         |--M. (*D.) tetrophthalma (Denis 1928) [=Hypogastrura tetrophthalma] CB80a
    |         `--M. (D.) thomomys (Chamberlain 1943) [=Achorutes thomomys, Hypogastrura thomomys] CB80a
    |--Acherontiella Absolon 1913 CB80a
    |    |  i. s.: A. prominentia MC13
    |    |--A. (Acherontiella) [incl. Acherontiellina Salmon 1964] CB80a
    |    |    |--*A. (A.) onychiuriformis Absolon 1913 CB80a
    |    |    |--A. (A.) epigea CB80a
    |    |    `--A. (A.) sabina Bonet 1945 [=*Acherontiellina sabina] CB80a
    |    `--A. (Acherontides) CB80a
    |         |--A. (A.) atoyacensis CB80a
    |         `--A. (A.) potosinus CB80a
    |--Willemia Börner 1901 CB80a
    |    |--*W. anophthalma Börner 1901 CB80a
    |    |--W. biseta Christiansen & Bellinger 1980 CB80a
    |    |--W. bulbosa CB80a
    |    |--W. denisi Mills 1932 CB80a
    |    |--W. dubia Christiansen & Bellinger 1980 CB80a
    |    |--W. intermedia Mills 1934 CB80a
    |    |--W. persimilis CB80a
    |    |--W. similis Mills 1934 CB80a
    |    `--W. vashtia Wray 1950 CB80a
    |--Triacanthella Schäffer 1897 CB80a
    |    |--*T. michaelseni Schäffer 1897 CB80a
    |    |--T. alba Carpenter 1909 W39
    |    |--T. biroi Stach 1924 W39
    |    |--T. clavata [=Triacanthura clavata] W39
    |    |--T. copelandi (Wray 1963) [=*Clingmantha copelandi] CB80a
    |    |--T. inopinata Denis 1924 W39
    |    |--T. perfecta Denis 1927 W39
    |    |--T. rosea Wahlgren 1906 W39
    |    `--T. violacea Womersley 1939 W39
    |--Schaefferia W39
    |    |  i. s.: S. coeca (Cassagnau 1959) TM86
    |    |         S. decemoculata (Stach 1939) DB21
    |    |         S. subterranea V73
    |    |--S. (Schaefferia) C90
    |    |    |--*S. (S.) emucronata Absolon 1900 CB80a
    |    |    |--S. (S.) cheoha Wray 1963 CB80a
    |    |    |--S. (S.) duodecimocellata CB80a
    |    |    `--S. (S.) guerrerense CB80a
    |    `--S. (Typhlogastrura Bonet 1930) CB80a
    |         |--S. (*T.) mendizabali (Bonet 1930) [=Hypogastrura (*T.) mendizabali] CB80a
    |         |--S. (T.) alabamensis (Thibaud 1975) [=Typhlogastrura alabamensis] CB80a
    |         |--S. (T.) christianseni (Thibaud 1975) CB80a
    |         `--S. (T.) variabilis Christiansen 1952 CB80a
    |--Hypogastrura Bourlet 1839 W39
    |    |  i. s.: H. antarctica Salmon 1962 W67
    |    |         H. papillata Gisin 1949 SL06
    |    |         H. pseudopurpurascens Womersley 1928 W39
    |    |         H. purpurascens H44
    |    |         H. rufescens W39
    |    |         H. sahlbergi RD77
    |    |--H. (Hypogastrura) CB80a
    |    |--H. (Mitchellania Wray 1953) [incl. Cyclograna Yosii 1961, Spinifacies Scott 1963] CB80a
    |    |    |--H. (*M.) hermosa (Wray 1953) [=*Mitchellania hermosa] CB80a
    |    |    |--H. (M.) californica (Bacon 1914) [=Achorutes californica] CB80a
    |    |    |--H. (M.) gibbomucronata (Hammer 1953) CB80a
    |    |    |--H. (M.) hiawatha (Yosii 1962) [=Cyclograna hiawatha] CB80a
    |    |    |--H. (M.) horrida Yosii 1960 CB80a
    |    |    |--H. (M.) loricata Yosii 1960 CB80a
    |    |    |--*Spinifacies’ oregonensis Scott 1963 CB80a
    |    |    |--H. (M.) virga Christiansen & Bellinger 1980 CB80a
    |    |    `--H. (M.) vulgaris Yosii 1960 [=H. (*Cyclograna) vulgaris] CB80a
    |    `--H. (Schoettella Schäffer 1896) CB80a
    |         |--H. (*S.) ununguiculata (Tullberg 1869) [=Achorutes ununguiculatus] CB80a
    |         |--H. (S.) albamaculata Scott 1960 CB80a
    |         |--H. (S.) banksi Maynard 1951 CB80a [incl. Tullbergia neomexicana Scott 1961 CB80b]
    |         |--H. (S.) glasgowi (Folsom 1916) [=Achorutes glasgowi; incl. A. magnoliana Wray 1952] CB80a
    |         |--‘Schoettella’ poppei S00
    |         `--‘Schoettella’ subcrassa S00
    |--Xenylla Tullberg 1869 CB80a
    |    |--*X. maritima Tullberg 1869 CB80a
    |    |--X. acauda Gisin 1947 CB80a
    |    |--X. californica Gama 1976 CB80a
    |    |--X. canadensis Hammer 1953 CB80a
    |    |--X. carolinensis Wray 1946 CB80a
    |    |--X. christianseni Gama 1974 CB80a
    |    |--X. collis Bacon 1914 (n. d.) CB80a
    |    |--X. duchesnea Wray 1958 CB80a
    |    |--X. grisea Axelson 1900 [incl. X. gracilis Guthrie 1903] CB80a
    |    |--X. humicola (Fabricius 1780) [=Podura humicola; incl. X. baconae Folsom 1916] CB80a
    |    |--X. littoralis Womersley 1934 W39
    |    |--X. louisiana Gama 1976 CB80a
    |    |--X. mucronata Axelson 1903 [incl. Achorutes speciosa Rainbow 1907] W39
    |    |--X. neomexicana Scott 1960 (n. d.) CB80a
    |    |--X. occidentalis Womersley 1934 W39
    |    |--X. pallescens (Scott 1960) [=Xenyllodes pallescens; incl. Xenyllodes alpina Scott 1960] CB80a
    |    |--X. paludis Bacon 1914 (n. d.) CB80a
    |    |--X. proxima Denis 1931 CB80a
    |    |--X. pseudomaritima James 1933 CB80a
    |    |--X. simberloffi Gama 1974 CB80a
    |    |--X. similata H83
    |    |--X. thibaudi H83
    |    |--X. welchi Folsom 1916 CB80a
    |    |--X. wilsoni Gama 1974 CB80a
    |    `--X. yucatana MC13
    |--Biscoia Salmon 1962 W67
    |    `--B. sudpolaris Salmon 1962 W67
    `--Ceratophysella Börner 1932 S07 [incl. Spinachorutes Scott 1962 CB80a]
         |  i. s.: C. alachuensis Skarżyński 2007 S07
         |         C. annae Babenko 1994 S07
         |         C. caucasica Martynova 1964 S07
         |         ‘Achorutes’ citri Bacon 1914 (n. d.) CB80a
         |         ‘Hypogastrura’ gravesi Wray 1971 CB80a
         |         C. kennethi Skarżyński 2007 S07
         |         C. kutyrevae Babenko 1994 S07
         |         C. longispina (Tullberg 1876) [=Achorutes longispina, Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) longispina] CB80a
         |         ‘Hypogastrura’ macrospinata Maynard 1951 (n. d.) CB80a
         |         ‘Achorutes’ marmorata Packard 1873 (n. d.) CB80a
         |         C. maya [=Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) maya] CB80a
         |         C. orizabae [=Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) orizabae] CB80a
         |         C. robustiseta Skarżyński & Smolis 2006 S07
         |         ‘Achorutes’ scotica Carpenter & Evans 1899 CB80a
         |         ‘Achorutes’ sigillata Uzel 1891 CB80a
         |         C. stercoraria Stach 1963 S07
         |         ‘Achorutes’ texensis Packard 1873 (n. d.) CB80a
         |         C. tolteca Yosii 1962 S07 [=Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) tolteca CB80a]
         |--C. armata group CB80a
         |    |--*C. armata (Nicolet 1841) CB80a, SL06 (see below for synonymy)
         |    |--C. bengtssoni (Ågren 1904) [=Achorutes bengtssoni, Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) bengtssoni] CB80a
         |    |--C. brevisensillata Yosii 1961 [=Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) brevisensillata] CB80a
         |    |--C. glancei (Hammer 1953) [=Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) glancei] CB80a
         |    |--C. jondavi (Wray 1946) [=Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) jondavi] CB80a
         |    `--C. pseudarmata (Folsom 1916) [=Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) pseudarmata] CB80a
         |--C. boletivora group CB80a
         |    |--C. biloba (Christiansen & Bellinger 1980) [=Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) biloba] CB80a
         |    |--C. boletivora (Packard 1873) [=Achorutes boletivorus, Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) boletivora] CB80a
         |    |--C. communis (Folsom 1897) [=Achorutes communis, Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) communis] CB80a
         |    `--C. pratorum (Packard 1873) [=Achorutes pratorum] CB80a
         |--C. densornata (Maynard 1951) [=Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) densornata] CB80a
         |--C. denticulata group CB80a
         |    |--C. brevis (Christiansen & Bellinger 1980) [=Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) brevis] CB80a
         |    |--C. denticulata (Bagnall 1941) (see below for synonymy) CB80a
         |    |--C. gibbosa (Bagnall 1940) CB80a, S07 (see below for synonymy)
         |    |--C. granulifera Yosii 1962 [=Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) granulifera] CB80a
         |    |--C. lucifuga (Packard 1888) [=Achorutes lucifuga, Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) lucifuga] CB80a
         |    |--C. pecki (Christiansen & Bellinger 1980) [=Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) pecki] CB80a
         |    |--C. scotti Yosii 1962 [=Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) scotti] CB80a
         |    `--C. succinea (Gisin 1949) [=Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) succinea] CB80a
         `--C. maheuxi group CB80a
              |--C. guthriei (Folsom 1916) [=Achorutes guthriei, Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) guthriei] CB80a
              |--C. krafti (Scott 1962) [=*Spinachorutes krafti, Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) krafti] CB80a
              `--C. maheuxi (Butler 1966) [=Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) maheuxi] CB80a

*Ceratophysella armata (Nicolet 1841) CB80a, SL06 [=Achorutes armatus W39, Hypogastrura (*Ceratophysella) armata CB80a; incl. H. armata var. inermis W39, Achorutes armatus var. pallens S00]

Ceratophysella denticulata (Bagnall 1941) [=Achorutes denticulata, Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) denticulata; incl. H. engadinensis Gisin 1949, H. exilis Yosii 1956] CB80a

Ceratophysella gibbosa (Bagnall 1940) CB80a, S07 [=Achorutes gibbosa CB80a, Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) gibbosa CB80a; incl. H. azteca Yosii 1962 CB80a]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C90] Christiansen, K. A. 1990. Insecta: Collembola. In: Dindal, D. L. (ed.) Soil Biology Guide pp. 965–995. John Wiley & Sones: New York.

[CB80a] Christiansen, K., & P. Bellinger. 1980a. The Collembola of North America north of the Rio Grande: A taxonomic analysis vol. 1. Introduction; general; families Poduridae and Hypogastruridae. Grinnell College: Grinnell (Iowa).

[CB80b] Christiansen, K., & P. Bellinger. 1980b. The Collembola of North America north of the Rio Grande: A taxonomic analysis vol. 2. Families Onychiuridae and Isotomidae. Grinnell College: Grinnell (Iowa).

[CB81] Christiansen, K., & P. Bellinger. 1981. The Collembola of North America north of the Rio Grande: A taxonomic analysis vol. 4. Families Neelidae and Sminthuridae; glossary; bibliography; index. Grinnell College: Grinnell (Iowa).

[DB21] Derkarabetian, S., C. M. Baker, M. Hedin, C. E. Prieto & G. Giribet. 2021. Phylogenomic re-evaluation of Triaenonychoidea (Opiliones: Laniatores), and systematics of Triaenonychidae, including new families, genera and species. Invertebrate Systematics 35: 133–157.

[G91] Greenslade, P. J. 1991. Collembola (springtails). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers vol. 1 pp. 252–264. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).

[H83] Hammen, L. van der. 1983. Contribution to the knowledge of the soil-fauna of New Guinea. Zoologische Verhandelingen 206: 1–36.

[H44] Hammer, M. 1944. Studies on the oribatids and collemboles of Greenland. Meddelelser om Grønland 141 (3): 1–210.

[MC13] Majer, J. D., S. K. Callan, K. Edwards, N. R. Gunawardene & C. K. Taylor. 2013. Baseline survey of the terrestrial invertebrate fauna of Barrow Island. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 83: 13–112.

[RD77] Richards, O. W., & R. G. Davies. 1977. Imms' General Textbook of Entomology 10th ed. vol. 2. Classification and Biology. Chapman and Hall: London.

[S00] Schäffer, C. 1900. Ueber württembergische Collembola. Jahreshefte des Vereins für vaterländische Naturkunde in Württemberg 56: 245–280, pl. 2.

[SL06] Schulz, H.-J., & P. Lymberakis. 2006. First contribution to the knowledge of the Collembola fauna of the White Mountains (Lefká Óri) in west Crete (Insecta, Collembola, Isotomidae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 86 (2): 229–234.

[S07] Skarżyński, D. 2007. Two new species and a new record of the genus Ceratophysella Börner 1932 from North America (Insecta, Collembola, Hypogastruridae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 87 (2): 137–142.

[TM86] Thibaud, J.-M., & Z. Massoud. 1986. Insecta: Collembola. In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 616–617. E. J. Brill/Dr W. Backhuys: Leiden.

[V73] Vuilleumier, F. 1973. Insular biogeography in continental regions. II. Cave faunas from Tessin, southern Switzerland. Systematic Zoology 22 (1): 64–76.

[W67] Wise, K. A. J. 1967. Collembola (springtails). Antarctic Research Series 10: 123–148.

[W39] Womersley, H. 1939. Primitive Insects of South Australia: Silverfish, springtails, and their allies. South Australian Branch of the British Science Guild: Adelaide.

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