Belongs within: Ranunculaceae.
Delphinium is a genus of perennial herbs bearing bilateral flowers with the upper sepals spurred (Hickman 1993).
Characters (from Hickman 1993): Perennial; root gen <10 cm, more or less fibrous or fleshy; buds generally obscure. Stem generally 1, erect, generally unbranched; base generally more or less as wide as root, generally firmly attached to root, generally more or less reddish or purplish. Leaves simple, basal and cauline, petioled; blades generally palmately lobed, deep lobes generally 3-5, generally <6 mm wide, generally also lobed; lower leaves generally dry, often absent in flower; cauline merging into bracts upward. Inflorescence a raceme or somewhat branched, terminal; flowers generally 10-25; pedicels generally more or less spreading. Flower bilateral; sepals 5, petal-like, generally spreading, generally more or less dark blue, uppermost spurred; petals 4, smaller than sepals, upper 2 with nectar-secreting spurs enclosed in uppermost sepal, lower 2 clawed, with blades generally 4-8 mm, notched, generally more or less perpendicular to claws, generally colored like sepals, generally obviously hairy; pistils 3(—5). Fruit an aggregate of 3(-5) erect follicles, generally 2.5-4x longer than wide. Seed dark brown to black, often appearing white, generally winged when immature, generally without inflated collar; coat cell margins generally straight.
|--D. ajacis TG88
|--D. andersonii [incl. D. andersonii ssp. cognatum, D. decorum ssp. nevadense] H93
|--D. anthriscifolium WC00
| |--D. a. var. anthriscifolium WC00
| `--D. a. var. savatieri (Franch.) Munz. 1967 WC00
|--D. antoninum H93
|--D. bakeri H93
|--D. brunonianum O88
|--D. caeruleum O88
|--D. californicum H93
| |--D. c. ssp. californicum H93
| `--D. c. ssp. interius H93
|--D. cardinale H93
|--D. carolinianum S72
|--D. consolida C55
|--D. cooperi O88
|--D. decorum H93
| |--D. d. ssp. decorum H93
| `--D. d. ssp. tracyi H93
|--D. densiflorum O88
|--D. depauperatum [incl. D. diversifolium ssp. harneyense] H93
|--D. drepanocentrum O88
|--D. elatum R35
|--D. glaciale O88
|--D. glaucum H93
|--D. gracilentum [incl. D. patens ssp. greenei, D. pratense] H93
|--D. gypsophilum H93
| |--D. g. ssp. gypsophilum H93
| `--D. g. ssp. parviflorum H93
|--D. halteratum H90
|--D. hansenii H93
| |--D. h. ssp. hansenii [incl. D. hansenii var. arcuatum] H93
| |--D. h. ssp. ewanianum H93
| `--D. h. ssp. kernense H93
|--D. hesperium H93
| |--D. h. ssp. hesperium H93
| |--D. h. ssp. cuyamacae H93
| `--D. h. ssp. pallescens H93
|--D. himalayai O88
|--D. hutchinsoniae H93
|--D. × inflexum H93
|--D. inopinum H93
|--D. kamaonense O88
|--D. luteum H93
|--D. nepalense O88
|--D. nortonii O88
| |--D. n. var. nortonii O88
| `--D. n. var. curvicalcaratum O88
|--D. nudicaule H93
|--D. nuttallianum [incl. D. sonnei] H93
|--D. parishii H93
| |--D. p. ssp. parishii H93
| |--D. p. ssp. pallidum H93
| `--D. p. ssp. subglobosum H93
|--D. parryi H93
| |--D. p. ssp. parryi [incl. D. parryi ssp. seditiosum] H93
| |--D. p. ssp. blochmaniae H93
| |--D. p. ssp. eastwoodiae H93
| |--D. p. ssp. maritimum H93
| `--D. p. ssp. purpureum [=D. parishii ssp. purpureum] H93
|--D. patens H93
| |--D. p. ssp. patens H93
| |--D. p. ssp. hepaticoideum H93
| `--D. p. ssp. montanum H93
|--D. polycladon H93
|--D. purpusii H93
|--D. recurvatum H93
|--D. stachydeum H93
|--D. tricorne J23
|--D. trolliifolium H93
|--D. uliginosum H93
|--D. umbraculorum H93
|--D. variegatum H93
| |--D. v. ssp. variegatum [incl. D. variegatum f. superbum] H93
| |--D. v. ssp. kinkiense H93
| `--D. v. ssp. thornei H93
|--D. vestitum O88
`--D. viscosum O88
*Type species of generic name indicated
[C55] Candolle, A. de. 1855. Géographie Botanique Raisonée: Ou exposition des faits principaux et des lois concernant la distribution géographique des plantes de l’époque actuelle vol. 2. Librairie de Victor Masson: Paris.
[H90] Harden, G. J. (ed.) 1990. Flora of New South Wales vol. 1. New South Wales University Press.
[H93] Hickman, J. C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press: Berkeley (California).
[J23] James, E. 1823. Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, performed in the years 1819 and '20, by order of the Hon. J. C. Calhoun, sec'y of war: under the command of Major Stephen H. Long. From the notes of Major Long, Mr. T. Say, and other gentlemen of the exploring party vol. 1. H. C. Carey & I. Lea: Philadelphia.
[O88] Ohba, H. 1988. The alpine flora of the Nepal Himalayas: an introductory note. In: Ohba, H., & S. B. Malla (eds) The Himalayan Plants vol. 1. The University Museum, University of Tokyo, Bulletin 31: 19–46.
[R35] Rayment, T. 1935. A Cluster of Bees: Sixty essays on the life-histories of Australian bees, with specific descriptions of over 100 new species. Endeavour Press: Sydney.
[S72] Shields, O. 1972. Flower visitation records for butterflies (Lepidoptera). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 48 (3): 189–203.
[TG88] Tepfer, D., A. Goldmann, N. Pamboukdjian, M. Maille, A. Lepingle, D. Chevalier, J. Dénarié & C. Rosenberg. 1988. A plasmid of Rhizobium meliloti 41 encodes catabolism of two compounds from root exudate of Calystegium sepium. Journal of Bacteriology 170 (3): 1153–1161.
[WC00] Wang R.-J. & Chen Z.-Y. 2000. New data of some Ranunculaceae plants in China. Acta Botanica Yunnanica 22: 126–128.
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