Belongs within: Psocodea.
The Trogioidea is a group of small barklice with wings reduced or absent. The majority of living species are included in the subfamily Trogiinae with the South American genus Anomocopeus sometimes treated as a distinct family.
Characters (from Li 2002; translated using Mandarin Tools, all errors my own): Small size, wings (if present) not more than buds. Antennae with more than twenty segments, not annulated. Epicranial sutures complete or lateral arms absent; eyes large and not hairy, ocelli absent or three present, closely placed; lacinia tip not toothed or with only one large tooth, labial palp with four slender segments, terminal segment axe-shaped. Tarsus three-segmented, claw without preapical tooth.
|--Archaeatropidae R02
|--Anomocopeus Badonnel 1967 [Anomocopeidae] L02
`--Trogiidae [Atropidae] SN08
|--Empheriinae [Empheriidae] NL07
`--Trogiinae NL07
|--Myrmicodipnella Enderlein 1909 M93
| `--*M. aptera Enderlein 1909 M93
|--Helminotrogia Li 2002 [=Heliminotrogia] L03
| `--*H. bipunctata Li 2002 [=H. bipuctata, H. bipunctatia] L03
|--Phlebotrogia Li 2002 [=Philebotrogia, Phlebotrogius] L03
| `--*P. chinensis Li 2002 L03
|--Trogium Illiger 1798 SN08 (see below for synonymy)
| |--*T. pulsatorium (Linnaeus 1758) SN08 (see below for synonymy) M93
| |--‘Troctes’ atropos R13
| `--‘Troctes’ divinatorius E07
|--Lepinotus Heyden 1850 SN08 (see below for synonymy)
| |--*L. inquilinus Heyden 1850 SN08 (see below for synonymy)
| |--L. angolensis Badonnel 1955 B55
| |--L. huoni Schmidt & New 2008 SN08
| |--L. patruelis Pearman 1931 SN08 (see below for synonymy)
| |--L. reticulatus Enderlein 1905 SN08
| |--L. stoneae SN08
| |--L. tasmaniensis Hickman 1934 SN08
| `--L. vermicularis Lienhard 1996 L98
`--Cerobasis Kolbe 1882 SN08 (see below for synonymy) M93
| i. s.: C. albipes Lienhard 1996 L98
| C. amorosa Lienhard 1995 L98
| C. denticulata Lienhard 1996 L98
| C. ericacea Baz 1993 [=C. ericaceus] L98
| C. insularis Lienhard 1996 L98
| C. longicornis Baz 1993 L98
| C. nigra Lienhard 1996 L98
| C. pineticola Baz 1991 L98
| C. rosae Baz 1993 L98
| C. socotrae Lienhard 1995 L98
|--Group I M93
| |--C. guestfalica (Kolbe 1880) M93 (see below for synonymy)
| |--C. alfredi Lienhard 1984 M93, L98
| |--C. annulata (Hagen 1865) M93 (see below for synonymy)
| |--C. canariensis (Enderlein 1910) M93, L98 (see below for synonymy)
| |--C. lapidaria Badonnel 1955 M93, B55 [=C. lapidarius MG56]
| |--C. maculiceps M93
| |--C. maderensis Lienhard 1983 M93, L98
| `--C. recta M93
`--Group II M93
|--C. caboverdensis Lienhard 1984 M93, L98
|--C. harteni Lienhard 1984 M93, L98
|--C. intermedia Lienhard 1984 M93, L98
|--C. lambda M93
|--C. papillata M93
`--C. treptica M93
Cerobasis Kolbe 1882 SN08 [incl. Albardia Kakobson in Jakobson & Bianchi 1904 (preoc.) L98, Hyperetes Kolbe 1880 (preoc.) M93, Myopsocnema Enderlein 1905 M93, Tichobia Kolbe 1882 M93, Zlinia Obr 1948 M93]
Cerobasis annulata (Hagen 1865) M93 [=Clothilla annulata NL07, Atropos annulata M93, *Myopsocnema annulata NL07; incl. Cerobasis bundyi Turner 1977 L98, *Zlinia multispinosa NL07, L98, Ce. multispinosa M93]
Cerobasis canariensis (Enderlein 1910) M93, L98 [=Myopsocnema canariensis L98; incl. C. anagaensis Baz 1993 L98, C. palmensis Baz 1993 L98]
Cerobasis guestfalica (Kolbe 1880) M93 [=*Hyperetes guestfalicus NL07; incl. *Tichobia alternans Kolbe 1882 NL07, M93, *Albardia alternans NL07, *Cerobasis muraria Kolbe 1882 SN08, M93, Hyperetes pinicola Kolbe 1881 M93, H. tessulatus Hagen 1883 M93]
Lepinotus Heyden 1850 SN08 [incl. Cuixa Navás 1927 M93, Heterolepinotus Obr 1948 M93, Paradoxenus Molshulsky 1852 M93, Paradoxides Motschulsky 1851 (preoc.) M93]
*Lepinotus inquilinus Heyden 1850 SN08 [=Clothilla inquilina M93, Atropos inquilina M93; incl. *Cuixa canaria Navás 1927 NL07, M93, A. distincta Kolbe 1888 M93, Clothilla distincta M93, Cl. picea Hagen 1861 M93, Atropos picea M93, Lepinotus piceus M93, *Paradoxides psocoides Motschulsky 1851 NL07, M93, *Paradoxenus psocoides NL07, Termes pulsatorium Scopoli 1763 non Linnaeus 1758 M93, Atropos sericea Kolbe 1883 M93, Lepinotus sericeus M93, Paradoxenus tubericola Hagen 1858 G74]
Lepinotus patruelis Pearman 1931 SN08 [incl. *Heterolepinotus quadrispinosus Obr 1948 NL07, G74, L. (Heterolepinotus) quadrispinosus NL07]
Trogium Illiger 1798 SN08 [=Troctes Burmeister 1839 B50; incl. Atropos Leach 1815 M93, Clothilla Westwood 1841 M93]
*Trogium pulsatorium (Linnaeus 1758) SN08 [=Termes pulsatorium SN08, Atropos pulsatoria M93, Clothilla pulsatoria M93, Hemerobius pulsatorius Fabricius 1775 M93, Psocus pulsatorius M93, Psylla pulsatoria Billburg 1820 M93, *Troctes pulsatorius B50; incl. Termes lignarium de Geer 1778 M93, *Atropos lignaria NL07, Clothilla ocelloria Weber 1906 M93, *C. studiosa Westwood 1841 NL07, M93]
*Type species of generic name indicated
[B55] Badonnel, A. 1955. Psocoptères de l'Angola. Diamang Publicações Culturais 26: 11–267.
[B50] Broadhead, E. 1950. A revision of the genus Liposcelis Motschulsky with notes on the position of this genus in the order Corrodentia and on the variability of ten Liposcelis species. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 101 (10): 335–388, pls 1–3.
[E07] Enderlein, G. 1907. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Zoologischen Expedition nach dem Kilimandjaro, dem Meru und den Umgebenden Massaisteppen Deutsch-Ostafrikas 1905–1906 vol. 15. Corrodentia pt 2. Copeognatha. Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri-A. B.: Uppsala.
[G74] Günther, K. K. 1974. Staubläuse, Psocoptera. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 61: 1–315.
[L02] Li F. 2002. Psocoptera of China vol. 1. Science Press: Beijing.
[L98] Lienhard, C. 1998. Faune de France. France et Régions Limitrophes. 83. Psocoptères Euro-Méditerranéens. Fédération Française des Sociétés de Sciences Naturelles: Paris.
[L03] Lienhard, C. 2003. Nomenclatural amendments concerning Chinese Psocoptera (Insecta), with remarks on species richness. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 110 (4): 695–721.
[M93] Mockford, E. L. 1993. North American Psocoptera (Insecta). Sandhill Crane Press, Inc.
[MG56] Mockford, E. L., & A. B. Gurney. 1956. A review of the psocids, or book-lice and bark-lice, of Texas (Psocoptera). Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 46 (11): 353–368.
[NL07] New, T. R., & C. Lienhard. 2007. The Psocoptera of Tropical South-east Asia. Brill: Leiden.
[R02] Rasnitsyn, A. P. 2002. Superorder Psocidea Leach, 1815. In: Rasnitsyn, A. P., & D. L. J. Quicke (eds) History of Insects pp. 125–133. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht.
[R13] Reuter, O. M. 1913. Lebensgewohnheiten und Instinkte der Insekten bis zum Erwachen der sozialen Instinkte. R. Friedländer & Sohn: Berlin.
[SN08] Schmidt, E. R., & T. R. New. 2008. The Psocoptera (Insecta) of Tasmania, Australia. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 65: 71–152.
Last updated: 22 August 2020.