
Elipsocus hyalinus, copyright Ken Schneider.

Belongs within: Elipsocidae.

Hemineura is a genus of barklice found in the western Palaearctic, suggested by phylogenetic analysis to be paraphyletic to the more widespread genus Elipsocus (Schmidt & New 2004).

Characters (from Schmidt & New 2004, for Elipsocus + Hemineura): Antenna with thirteen segments, two placoid sensilla at apex of flagellomere 10, three at base of flagellomere 1; lacinia truncate; setae on fore wing posterior margin emerging from centre of costa; marginal wing scales triangular, not equilateral, with distal apices sharply pointed; hind wing vein Cu1 meeting posterior margin at acute angle; tarsi three-segmented; abdomen ovoid, abdominal vesicles absent; sides of phallosome frame parallel; dorsal gonapophysis valve spine reduced on mesial margin of lobe, valve apically broadening from base, ventral valve normal; subgenital plate anterior diverging arms of uniform width or apically wide.

<==Hemineura Tetens 1891 [incl. Actenotarsus Enderlein 1907] SN04
    |  i. s.: H. blascoi Baz 1994 L98
    |         H. clunialis Lienhard 1995 L98
    |         H. hispanica (Enderlein 1907) [=Actenotarsus hispanicus; incl. H. francescae Badonnel 1989] L98
    |         H. trudiae Lienhard & Halperin 1988 L98
    |         H. turanica Vishnyakova in Vishnyakova & Kaplin 1980 L98
    |         H. wittmeri Badonnel 1981 L98
    |--H. sclerophallina Lienhard 1986 SN04, L98
    `--+--+--*H. dispar Tetens 1891 G74, SN04 [incl. H. fusca Reuter 1904 L98]
       |  `--H. bigoti Badonnel 1970 SN04, L98 [=Elipsocus bigoti L98]
       `--Elipsocus Hagen 1866 SN04 [incl. Cabarer Navás 1908 M93; Elipsocini]
            |--E. pumilis (Hagen 1861) M93 (see below for synonymy)
            |--E. abdominalis Reuter 1904 SN04 (see below for synonymy)
            |--E. annulatus Roesler 1954 G74
            |--E. azoricus Meinander 1975 L98
            |--E. brincki Badonnel 1963 L98
            |--E. coloripennis Lienhard 1996 L98
            |--E. fasciatus (Navás 1908) L98 [=*Cabarer fasciatus NL07]
            |--E. guentheri Mockford 1980 M93
            |--E. hyalinus (Stephens 1836) M93 (see below for synonymy)
            |--E. labralis Lienhard 1996 L98
            |--E. lanceloticus Baz 1991 L98
            |--E. marplatensis Williner 1943 SN04
            |--E. moebiusi Tetens 1891 (see below for synonymy) L98
            |--E. nuptialis Roesler 1954 G74
            |--E. obscurus Mockford 1980 M93
            |--E. oligotrichus Thornton 1959 NL07
            |--E. pallidus Jentsch 1938 G74
            |--E. pusillus Lienhard 1996 L98
            |--E. rubrostigma Navás 1934 SN04
            `--E. viridimicans Enderlein 1900 SN04

Elipsocus abdominalis Reuter 1904 SN04 [=E. hyalinus var. abdominalis M93; incl. E. mclachlani Kimmins 1941 M93, E. occidentalis Banks 1907 M93]

Elipsocus hyalinus (Stephens 1836) M93 [=Psocus hyalinus M93; incl. E. abietis Kolbe 1880 M93, P. bipunctatus Stephens 1836 (preoc.) M93, E. bipunctatus G74, E. abietis ab. tharandtensis Enderlein 1901 G74]

Elipsocus moebiusi Tetens 1891 [incl. E. balmesi Navás 1910, E. brevistylus Reuter 1893, E. pallidus Jentsch 1938] L98

*Elipsocus pumilis (Hagen 1861) M93 [=Psocus pumilis M93; incl. P. quadrimaculatus Westwood 1840 nec Stephens 1836 nec Latreille 1794 M93, Elipsocus quadrimaculatus M93, *E. westwoodii McLachlan 1867 L98]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[G74] Günther, K. K. 1974. Staubläuse, Psocoptera. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 61: 1–315.

[L98] Lienhard, C. 1998. Faune de France. France et Régions Limitrophes. 83. Psocoptères Euro-Méditerranéens. Fédération Française des Sociétés de Sciences Naturelles: Paris.

[M93] Mockford, E. L. 1993. North American Psocoptera (Insecta). Sandhill Crane Press, Inc.

[NL07] New, T. R., & C. Lienhard. 2007. The Psocoptera of Tropical South-east Asia. Brill: Leiden.

[SN04] Schmidt, E. R., & T. R. New. 2004. A systematic and phylogenetic revision of the family Elipsocidae (Insecta: Psocoptera), with the erection of two new families: Lesneiidae and Sabulopsocidae. Invertebrate Systematics 18: 157–213.

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