
Rhynchopora sp., photographed by Neron.

Belongs within: Rhynchonellata.
Contains: Atriboniidae, Stenoscismatidae, Rhynchonellidae, Pugnacidae, Camarotoechiidae, Yunnanellidae, Wellerellidae, Dimerellidae, Basiliolidae, Hemithyrididae, Frieleiidae, Rhynchotrematoidea, Uncinuloidea.

The Rhynchonellida are a lineage of brachiopods that are first known from the Middle Ordovician, surviving into the present day (Ager et al. 1965). Members of the Middle Devonian to Upper Permian Stenoscismatacea possessed an elongate trough-shaped structure, called the camarophorium, on a high median septum duplex in the brachial valve, and typically also possessed a spondylium in the pedicle valve. The Rhynchonellacea lack a camarophorium, and commonly also lack a spondylium. Both are also absent in the Carboniferous to Permian genus Rhynchopora, which possesses a punctate shell in contrast to the impunctate shell of Rhynchonellacea (Ager et al. 1965).

Characters (from Ager et al. 1965): Articulate brachiopods, usually with rostrate shell, functional pedicle developed, delthyrium partially closed by deltidial plates. Mantle canals much branched, with one pair of main trunks in each mantle. Median septum commonly supporting septalium or hinge plates in brachial valve; dental plates usually present; spondylia normally absent. Recent representatives mostly with two pairs of metanephridia, lophophore spirolophous, with ventrodorsally directed cones supported by crura. Shell substance normally impunctate, rarely with inner fibrous layer punctate.

    |  i. s.: Oligoptycherhynchus Sartenaer 1970 RG04
    |           |--*O. daleidensis (Roemer 1844) RG04
    |           `--O. hexatoma RG04
    |                |--O. h. hexatoma RG04
    |                `--O. h. wetteldorfensis (Schmidt 1941) RG04
    |         Uncinuloides King 1931 AG65
    |           `--*U. guadelupae (Shumard 1858) [=Rhynchonella guadelupae, U. guadelupensis King 1931] AG65
    |--Stenoscismatacea [Camerophoriacea, Stenoscismacea] AG65
    |    |--Atriboniidae AG65
    |    `--Stenoscismatidae AG65
    |--Rhynchopora King 1865 [=Rhynchoporina Oehlert 1887; Rhynchoporacea, Rhynchoporidae] AG65
    |    |--*R. geinitziana (de Verneuil 1845) [=Terebratula geinitziana, *Rhynchoporina geinitziana] AG65
    |    `--R. basedowi Etheridge 1918 F71
    `--Rhynchonellacea AG65
         |  i. s.: Rhynchonellidae AG65
         |         Ancistrorhynchidae [Ancistrorhynchinae] AG65
         |           |--Ancistrorhyncha Ulrich & Cooper 1942 AG65
         |           |    `--*A. costata Ulrich & Cooper 1942 AG65
         |           `--Drepanorhyncha Cooper 1956 AG65
         |                `--*D. ottawaensis (Billings 1862) [=Porambonites ottawaensis] AG65
         |         Oligorhynchiidae AG65
         |           |--Oligorhynchia Cooper 1935 AG65
         |           |    `--*O. subplana Cooper 1935 AG65
         |           |--Dorytreta Cooper 1956 AG65
         |           |    `--*D. bella Cooper 1956 AG65
         |           |--Rhynchotreta Hall 1879 AG65
         |           |    `--*R. ‘cuneata’ (Dalman 1828) [=Terebratula cuneata non Risso 1826] AG65
         |           `--Sphenotreta Cooper 1956 AG65
         |                `--*S. cuneata Cooper 1956 AG65
         |         Pugnacidae AG65
         |         Basilicorhynchus Crickmay 1952 AG65
         |           `--*B. basilicum (Crickmay 1952) [=Leiorhynchus basilicum] AG65
         |         Ladogioides McLaren 1961 [incl. Athabaschia Crickmay 1963] AG65
         |           `--*L. pax McLarren 1961 AG65
         |         Linguopugnoides Havlíček 1960 AG65
         |           `--*L. carens (Barrande 1879) [=Rhynchonella nympha carens] AG65
         |         Pugnoides Weller 1910 AG65
         |           `--*P. ottumwa (White 1862) [=Rhynchonella ottumwa] AG65
         |         Trifidorostellum Sartenaer 1961 [incl. Pseudoleiorhynchus Rozman 1962] AG65
         |           |--*T. dunbarense (Haynes 1916) [=Leiorhynchus dunbarense] AG65
         |           `--‘Leiorhynchus’ uralicus Nalivkin 1947 [=*Pseudoleiorhynchus uralicus] AG65
         |         Camarotoechiidae AG65
         |         Camerophorina Schmidt 1941 [Camarophorinidae, Camerophorinidae] AG65
         |         Yunnanellidae AG65
         |         Tetracameridae [Tetracamerinae] AG65
         |           |--Tetracamera Weller 1910 AG65
         |           |    `--*T. subcuneata (Hall 1858) [=Rhynchonella subcuneata] AG65
         |           |--Rotaia Rzhonsnitskaya 1959 [=Welleria Rotay 1941 non Ulrich & Bassler 1923] AG65
         |           |    `--*R. subtrigona (Meek & Worthen 1860) [=Rhynchonella subtrigona, *Welleria subtigona] AG65
         |           `--Yanishewskiella Likharev 1957 AG65
         |                `--*Y. angulata (Linné 1767) [=Anomia angulata, Goniophoria angulata] AG65
         |         Rhynchotetradidae [Rhynchotetraidae, Rhynchotetridae AG65
         |           |--Axiodeaneia Clark 1917 AG65
         |           |    `--*A. platypleura Clark 1917 AG65
         |           |--Rhynchotetra Weller 1910 AG65
         |           |    |--*R. caputtestudinis (White 1862) [=Rhynchonella caputtestudinis] AG65
         |           |    `--R. missouriensis AG65
         |           `--Goniophoria Yanishevskiy 1910 AG65
         |                |--*G. monstrosa Yanishevskiy 1910 AG65
         |                `--G. carinata AG65
         |         Wellerellidae AG65
         |         Cardiarina Cooper 1956 [Cardiarinidae] AG65
         |           `--*C. cordata Cooper 1956 AG65
         |         Diabolirhynchia Drot 1964 M65
         |           `--*D. hollardi Drot 1964 M65
         |         Dorsisinus Sanders 1958 AG65
         |           `--*D. louisianensis (Weller 1914) [=Centronella louisianensis] AG65
         |         Katunia Kulkov 1963 AG65
         |           `--*K. subtrigonata Kulkov 1963 AG65
         |         Ladogifornix Schmidt 1964 AG65
         |           `--*L. fornicata (Schnur 1853) [=Terebratula fornix] AG65
         |         Laosia Mansuy 1913 AG65
         |           `--*L. dussaulti Mansuy 1913 AG65
         |         Leiorhynchoides Dovgal 1953 AG65
         |           `--*L. gratianovae Dovgal 1953 AG65
         |         Lissopleura Whitfield 1896 AG65
         |           `--*L. aequivalvis (Hall 1857) [=Rhynchonella aequivalvis] AG65
         |         Monadotoechia Havlíček 1960 AG65
         |           |--*M. monas (Barrande 1847) [=Terebratula monas] AG65
         |           `--M. monadina AG65
         |         Nantanella Grabau 1936 AG65
         |           `--*N. mapingensis Grabau 1936 AG65
         |         Nemesa Schmidt 1941 AG65
         |           `--*N. nemesana Schmidt 1941 AG65
         |         Nyege Veevers 1959 AG65
         |           `--*N. scopimus Veevers 1959 AG65
         |         Payuella Grabau 1934 AG65
         |           `--*P. obscura Grabau 1934 AG65
         |         Phoenitoechia Havlíček 1960 AG65
         |           `--*P. phoenix (Barrande 1847) [=Terebratula phoenix] AG65
         |         Plectorhynchellidae M03
         |           |--Sibiritoechia Alekseeva 1966 M03
         |           |    `--S. convexa Alekseeva 1966 [incl. S. lata Alekseeva 1966, S. oblonga Alekseeva 1966] M03
         |           `--Plectorhynchella Cooper & Muir-Wood 1951 [=Monticola Nalivkin 1930 non Boie 1822] AG65
         |                |--*P. collinensis (Frech 1902) [=Athyris collinensis, *Monticola collinensis] AG65
         |                `--P. markovskii AG65
         |         Pleiopleurina Schmidt 1964 AG65
         |           `--*P. pleiopleura (Conrad 1841) [=Atrypa pleiopleura] AG65
         |         Praegnantenia Havlíček 1961 AG65
         |           `--*P. praegnans (Barrande 1847) [=Terebratula praegnans] AG65
         |         Protorhyncha Hall & Clarke 1893 AG65
         |           `--*P. dubia (Hall 1847) [=Atrypa dubia] AG65
         |         Straelenia Maillieux 1935 [incl. Dinapophysia Maillieux 1935] AG65
         |           `--*S. dunensis (Drevermann 1902) (see below for synonymy) AG65
         |         Sulcatina Schmidt 1964 AG65
         |           `--*S. sulcata (Cooper 1942) [=Trigonirhynchia sulcata] AG65
         |         Tetratomia Schmidt 1941 AG65
         |           `--*T. tetratoma (Schnur 1851) [=Terebratula tetratoma] AG65
         |         Zilimia Nalivkin 1947 AG65
         |           |--*Z. polonica (Gürich 1896) [=Rhynchonella polonica] AG65
         |           `--Z. mugodjarica AG65
         |         Dimerellidae AG65
         |         Septirhynchia Muir-Wood 1935 [Septirhynchiidae] AG65
         |           `--*S. azaisi (Cottreau 1924) [=Rhynchonella azaisi] AG65
         |         Cryptopora Jeffreys 1869 (see below for synonymy) AG65
         |           |--*C. gnomon (Jeffreys 1876) [=*Atretia gnomon, *Neatretia gnomon] AG65
         |           |--C. brazieri (Crane 1886) [=Atretia brazieri] H09
         |           `--*Mannia’ nysti Davidson 1874 AG65
         |         Basiliolidae AG65
         |         Hemithyrididae AG65
         |         Frieleiidae AG65
         |         Erymnaria Cooper 1959 [Erymnariidae] AG65
         |           `--*E. polymorpha (Massalongo 1850) [=Terebratula polymorpha] AG65
         |--Rhynchotrematoidea AG65
         `--Uncinuloidea AG65

Cryptopora Jeffreys 1869 [=Atretia Jeffreys 1870, Neatretia Fischer & Oehlert 1891; incl. Mannia Davidson 1874; Cryptoporidae] AG65

*Straelenia dunensis (Drevermann 1902) [=Rhynchonella dunensis; incl. R. dannenbergi mut. minor Drevermann 1902] AG65

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AG65] Ager, D. V., R. E. Grant, D. J. McLaren & H. Schmidt. 1965. Rhynchonellida. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt H. Brachiopoda vol. 2 pp. H552–H632. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas Press: Lawrence (Kansas).

[F71] Fletcher, H. O. 1971. Catalogue of type specimens of fossils in the Australian Museum, Sydney. Australian Museum Memoir 13: 1–167.

[H09] Hedley, C. 1909. The Marine Fauna of Queensland: Address by the President of Section D. Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science: Brisbane.

[M03] Modzalevskaya, T. L. 2003. Silurian and Devonian brachiopods from Severnaya Zemlya (Russian Arctic). Geodiversitas 25 (1): 73–107.

[M65] Moore, R. C. (ed.) 1965. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt H. Brachiopoda vol. 2. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas Press: Lawrence (Kansas).

[RG04] Racheboeuf, P. R., R. Gourvennec, M. Deynoux & D. Brice. 2004. The Devonian of the Hodh area (Islamic Republic of Mauritania): paleontology and stratigraphy. Journal of Paleontology 78 (1): 98–110.

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