
The flaming ribbon worm Nipponnemertes pulchra, photographed by Jean-Michel Crouzet.

Belongs within: Neonemertea.
Contains: Amphiporidae.

The Monostilifera is a clade of nemertean worms characterised by the possession of a proboscis armed by a single stylet (Thollesson & Norenburg 2003).

    |  i. s.: Cryptonemertes actinophila (Bürger 1904) G02
    |--Nipponnemertes Friedrich 1968 TN03, G02 [Cratenemertea, Cratenemertidae, Paramonostilifera]
    |    |--*N. pulchra (Johnston 1837) G02
    |    |--N. bimaculatus (Coe 1901) TN03
    |    |--N. punctatulus (Coe 1905) TN03
    |    `--N. sanguinea Riser 1998 G02
    `--Distromatonemertea [Distromatorhynchocoelomia] TN03
         |  i. s.: Plectonemertidae G02
         |           |--Acteonemertes Pantin 1961 G02
         |           |    `--*A. bathamae Pantin 1961 G02
         |           |--Campbellonemertes Moore & Gibson 1972 G02
         |           |    `--*C. johnsi Moore & Gibson 1972 G02
         |           |--Argonemertes Moore & Gibson 1981 G02
         |           |    |--*A. australiensis (Dendy 1892) G02
         |           |    `--A. dendyi (Dakin 1915) [=Geonemertes dendyi] G02
         |           |--Potamonemertes Moore & Gobson 1973 K86, G02
         |           |    |--*P. percivali Moore & Gobson 1973 G02
         |           |    `--P. gibsoni Hickman & Moore 1990 G02
         |           `--Antiponemertes Moore & Gibson 1981 G02
         |                |--*A. novaezealandiae (Dendy 1895) (see below for synonymy) G02
         |                |--A. allisonae (Moore 1973) [=Geonemertes allisonae] G02
         |                `--A. pantini (Southgate 1954) [=Geonemertes pantini, Antipodonemertes (l. c.) pantini] G02
         |         Prosorhochmidae G02
         |           |--Heilogonemertes Gibson 2002 G02
         |           |    `--*H. cooki Gibson 2002 G02
         |           |--Notogaeanemertes Riser 1988 G02
         |           |    `--*N. folzae Riser 1988 G02
         |           `--*Prosorhochmus claparediii Keferstein 1862 G02
         |--Carcinonemertes [Carcinonemertidae] TN03
         |    `--C. carcinophila TN03
         |         |--C. c. carcinophila TN03
         |         `--C. c. imminuta (Kölliker 1845) TN03
         `--+--Amphiporidae TN03
            `--Tetrastemmatidae TN03
                 |  i. s.: Prostoma Dugès 1828 G02
                 |           |--*P. graecense (Böhmig 1892) [=Tetrastemma graecensis] G02
                 |           |--P. eilhardi (Montgomery 1894) [=Stichostemma eilhardi] G02
                 |           |--P. hercegovinense Tarman 1961 K86
                 |           `--P. puteale Beauchamp 1932 [=P. clepsinoides var. putealis] K86
                 |         Tetrastemma K92
                 |           |--T. flavidum K92
                 |           `--T. vermiculus K92
                 |         Meionemertes Gibson 1986 G02
                 |           `--*M. polygonimos Gibson 1986 G02
                 |--Nemertellina yamaokai (Iwata 1954) TN02
                 `--+--+--Antarctonemertes varverae Chernyshev 1999 TN03
                    |  `--‘Tetrastemma’ elegans (Girard 1852) TN03
                    `--+--‘Tetrastemma’ wilsoni Coe 1943 TN03
                       `--Oerstedia TN03 [incl. Oerstediella G02, Paroerstedia G02]
                            |--O. dorsalis PH06
                            |--O. tenuicollis (Kirsteuer 1963) [=Oerstediella tenuicollis] G02
                            |--O. venusta Iwata 1954 TN03
                            `--O. zebra (Chernyshev 1993) TN03

Nomen nudum: Tetrastemma flavidum var. lactaeum Caullery & Mesnil 1901 K92

*Antiponemertes novaezealandiae (Dendy 1895) [=Geonemertes novaezealandiae, G. novaezelandiae (l. c.), G. novozelandiae (l. c.), Antipodonemertes (l. c.) novaezealandiae] G02

*Type species of generic name indicated


[G02] Gibson, R. 2002. The Invertebrate Fauna of New Zealand: Nemertea (ribbon worms). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 118. National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research: Wellington.

[K86] Kirsteuer, E. 1986. Nemertina. In Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) (L. Botosaneanu, ed.) pp. 72-75. E. J. Brill / Dr. W. Backhuys: Leiden.

[K92] Kozloff, E. N. 1992. The genera of the phylum Orthonectida. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 33: 377-406.

[PH06] Passamaneck, Y., & K. M. Halanych. 2006. Lophotrochozoan phylogeny assessed with LSU and SSU data: Evidence of lophophorate polyphyly. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 40 (1): 20-28.

[TN03] Thollesson, M., & J. L. Norenburg. 2003. Ribbon worm relationships: A phylogeny of the phylum Nemertea. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B – Biological Sciences 270: 407-415.

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