
Diagnostic features of Enhydrosoma curticaudatum, from Sars (1909).

Belongs within: Oligoarthra.
Contains: Leptastacus, Paraleptastacus, Psammastacus, Leptocaris, Amphiascopsis, Amphiascus, Mesamphiascus, Amphiascoides, Robertsonia, Schizopera, Arenopontia, Psammopsyllinae, Stenocaris, Phyllopodopsyllus, Parastenocaris, Forficatocaris, Remaneicaris, Cletodes, Diosaccinae, Stenhelia, Bryocamptus, Attheyella, Elaphoidella, Moraria, Nitocrella, Parapseudoleptomesochra, Nitokra, Stygonitocrella, Laophonte.

The Podogennonta is a major clade of harpacticoid copepods, many of which are interstitial in habitat. Members of the clade are divided between numerous families, some of which (such as Parastenocarididae and Canthocamptidae) are primarily freshwater whereas others (such as Ameiridae and Laophontidae) are predominantly marine. The Laophontidae have a distinctive first leg structure with the two-segmented endopod longer than the one- to three-segmented exopod and ending in a protruding claw.

Synapomorphies (from Seifried 2003): Females with endopod of mandible with 3 proximal lateral setae, 3 more distal lateral setae and 3 + 2 + 2 apical setae; endopod of maxillule with 4 setae; syncoxa of maxilla with (3 + 3), 3, 3 setae, the two proximal endites fused, distal praecoxal endite with 2 flagellate setae; both coxal endites with setae of characteristic shape: anteriorly 1 claw-like seta, posteriorly 2 strong, mostly unilaterally spinulose setae with subterminal flagellum; acessory armature of fused endopod segment: 1 seta on posterior surface, seta 9 displaced to proximal segment of endopod, seta 10 lacking; endopod 3-segmented with armature formula: 2, 1, 3; setae 4 and six lost. Maxilliped 4-segmented with praecoxa and coxa separated, basis, and 1-segmented endopod; endopodal setae 1 to 4 only represented by a group of 4 small setae on anterior surface of endopod, no setae geniculated. Leg 1 of characteristic shape: endopod-1 elongate, endopod-2 and endopod-3 short; endopod-3 with 1 innter seta, terminally with anterior claw, 1 middle geniculate seta and 1 posterior miniaturised seta; 1 inner seta lacking; exopod-3 terminally with 2 geniculated setae, 2 inner setae lacking. Formula of armature of leg 1: coxa 0-0, basis I-I, exopod I-0, I-1, III-2-0, endopod 0-1, 0-1, I-2-1. Leg 5 with endopodal lobe with six setae: 3 inner setae, 2 terminal setae, 1 outer seta; exopod foliated with 8 setae: 3 inner, 2 terminal, 3 outer setae.

    |--Argestidae S03
    |--Adenopleurellidae S03
    |--Cancrincolidae S03
    |--Cletopsyllus Willey 1935 N41b [Cletopsyllidae S03, Cletopsyllinae]
    |--Cristacoxidae S03
    |--Normanella Brady 1880 N41b [Normanellidae S03, Normanellinae]
    |--‘Stenhelia’ glacialis Brady 1918 N41b [Pseudotachidiidae S03, Pseudotachidiinae]
    |--Ismardis Leigh-Sharpe 1936 [Ismardiidae] S03
    |--Thompsonula N41b [Thompsonulidae S03]
    |    `--T. hyaenae (Thompson 1889) [incl. Robertsonia aculeifera Klie 1913] N41b
    |--Balaenophilus W81 [Balaenophilidae S03]
    |    `--B. unisetus W81
    |--Lourinia Wilson 1924 N41a (see below for synonymy)
    |    `--L. armata (Claus 1866) W67 (see below for synonymy)
    |--Laophontopsis Sars 1908 N41b [=Cleta Claus 1863 (preoc.) N41b; Laophontopsidae S03]
    |    |--*L. lamellifera (Claus 1863) [=*Cleta lamellifera] N41b
    |    `--L. secunda (Sewell 1924) N41b
    |--Parastenhelia Thompson & Scott 1903 N41b [incl. Microthalestris N41b; Parastenheliidae S03]
    |    |--‘Microthalestris’ forficula B26
    |    |--P. hornelli Thompson & Scott 1903 W67
    |    `--P. spinosa (Fischer 1860) W67
    |--Rhynchothalestris [Rhynchothalestridae] S03
    |    |--R. helgolandica (Claus 1863) S03
    |    |--R. rufocincta N44
    |    `--R. vanhoeffeni Brady 1910 N44
    |--Laophontodes Scott 1894 N41b [Ancorabolidae S03]
    |    |--L. armatus (Lang 1936) W67 [incl. Laophonte echinata Willey 1930 N41b]
    |    |--L. bicornis Scott 1896 N44
    |    |--L. brevis Nicholls 1944 N44
    |    `--L. typicus N44
    |--Huntemanniidae S03
    |    |--Huntemannia Poppe 1884 S03
    |    `--Nannopus S03
    |         |--N. abyssi Sars 1921 S03
    |         `--N. palustris Brady 1880 S03
    |--Dactylopusia N41b [Dactylopusiidae S03]
    |    |--D. micronyx N41b
    |    |--D. oculata Gurney 1927 N41b
    |    |--D. platysoma Thompson & Scott 1903 N41a
    |    |--D. tisboides N41b
    |    `--D. vulgaris N44
    |--Delamarella Chappuis 1954 W86 [Latiremidae S03]
    |    |--D. arenicola Chappuis 1954 W86
    |    |--D. eximia (Božić 1969) W86
    |    |--D. galateae Cottarelli 1971 W86
    |    |--D. karamani Petkovski 1957 W86
    |    `--D. phyllosetosa Kunz 1984 W86
    |--Phyllognathopodidae S03
    |    |--Allophyllognathopus Kiefer 1967 R86
    |    |    `--A. brasiliensis Kiefer 1967 R86
    |    `--Phyllognathopus Mrazek 1893 R86
    |         |--P. bassoti Rouch 1972 R86
    |         `--P. viguieri (Maupas 1892) B01
    |--Leptastacidae [Leptastacinae] S03
    |    |--Leptastacus W86
    |    |--Paraleptastacus W86
    |    |--Psammastacus W86
    |    `--Arenocaris Nicholls 1935 W86
    |         `--A. bifida Nicholls 1935 W86
    |--Orthopsyllus Brady & Robertson 1873 N41a [Orthopsyllidae S03]
    |    |--O. linearis (Claus 1866) W67
    |    |--O. littoralis Nicholls 1942 N42b
    |    |--O. major Klie 1939 N41a
    |    |--O. propinquus Monard 1926 N42b
    |    |--O. rugosus Nicholls 1941 N42b
    |    |--O. similis Nicholls 1942 N42b
    |    `--O. wallini Lang 1934 N42b
    |--Metidae S03
    |    |--Laubieria W67
    |    |    |--*L. corallicola Soyer 1966 W67
    |    |    `--L. secunda Wells 1967 W67
    |    `--Metis Philippi 1843 N41a
    |         |--M. holothuriae (Edwards 1891) W67 [=Abacola holothuriae B26]
    |         |--M. ignea (see below for synonymy) B26
    |         `--M. jousseaumei (Richard 1892) [=Ilyopsyllus jousseaumei] N42b
    |--Darcythompsoniidae S03
    |    |--Kristensenia Por 1983 S03
    |    |--Leptocaris S03
    |    |--Darcythompsonia W86
    |    `--Horsiella N44
    |         |--H. brevicornis N44
    |         |--H. gurneyi Nicholls 1944 N44
    |         `--H. trisetosa Kunz 1935 N44
    |--Miraciidae KM13
    |    |  i. s.: Eoschizopera Wells & Rao 1976 KM13
    |    `--Amphiascinae N41b
    |         |--Amphiascopsis N41b
    |         |--Amphiascus N41b
    |         |--Mesamphiascus N41b
    |         |--Amphiascoides N41b
    |         |--Robertsonia N41b
    |         `--Schizopera KM13
    |--Leptopontiidae [Leptopontiinae] S03
    |    |  i. s.: Arenopontia W86
    |    |         Notopontia Bodiou 1977 W86
    |    |           |--N. galapagoensis Mielke 1982 W86
    |    |           `--N. stephanieae Bodiou 1977 W86
    |    |         Ichnusella Cottarelli 1971 GL04
    |    |           |--I. eione Cottarelli 1971 R86
    |    |           `--I. pasquinii (Cottarelli 1969) R86
    |    |         Parasewellina Cottarelli, Saporito & Puccetti 1986 GL04
    |    |--Psammopsyllinae GL04
    |    `--Leptopontia Scott 1902 [Leptopontiinae] S03
    |         |--L. curvicauda Scott 1902 W86
    |         `--L. punctata Huys & Conroy-Dalton 1996 S03
    |--Cylindropsyllidae [Cylindropsyllinae] S03
    |    |--Stenocaris W86
    |    |--Boreopontia Willems 1981 W86
    |    |    `--B. heipi Willems 1981 W86
    |    |--Cylindropsyllus Brady 1880 W86
    |    |    |--C. laevis Brady 1880 W86
    |    |    `--C. remanei Kunz 1949 W86
    |    |--Syrticola Willems & Claeys 1982 W86
    |    |    |--S. flandricus Willems & Claeys 1982 W86
    |    |    `--S. galapagoensis (Mielke 1982) W86
    |    `--Evansula Scott 1906 W86
    |         |--E. arenicola Nicholls 1939 W86
    |         |--E. incerta (Scott 1892) W86
    |         `--E. pygmaea (Scott 1903) W86
    |--Rhizothrix Brady & Robertson 1875 W86 [Rhizothricidae S03]
    |    |  i. s.: R. curvata Brady & Robertson 1880 W86
    |    |         R. gracilis (Scott 1903) W86
    |    |         R. minuta (Scott 1903) W86
    |    |         R. reducta Noodt 1952 W86
    |    |           |--R. r. reducta W86
    |    |           `--R. r. noodti Galhano 1970 W86
    |    |         R. scotti Lang 1936 W86
    |    |         R. spinosa Coull 1971 W86
    |    |         R. tenella (Wilson 1932) W86
    |    |         R. wilsoni Bodin 1977 W86
    |    `--R. (Rhizothrix) W67
    |         |--R. (R.) pubescens Por 1959 W67
    |         `--R. (R.) quadriseta Wells 1967 W67
    |--Tetragonicipitidae [Pteropsyllidae, Tetragonicepsidae] S03
    |    |--Phyllopodopsyllus PH13
    |    |--Diagoniceps N44
    |    |--Laophontella Thompson & Scott 1903 W67, N41b
    |    |    `--L. armata (Willey 1935) [=Phyllopodopsyllus armatus] N44
    |    |--Tetragoniceps W67
    |    |    |--T. bergensis W67
    |    |    |--T. brownei Wells 1967 W67
    |    |    `--T. scotti W67
    |    `--Pteropsyllus W67
    |         |--P. consimilis (Scott 1894) W67
    |         `--P. plebius Monard 1935 W67
    |              |--P. p. plebius W67
    |              `--P. p. furcatus Kunz 1938 W67
    |--Parastenocarididae [Fontinalicaridinae, Parastenocaridinae] S03
    |    |--Parastenocaris CMA05
    |    |--Forficatocaris CMA05
    |    |--Remaneicaris CMA05
    |    |--Cafferocaris Jakobi 1972 GL04
    |    |--Paraforficatocaris Jakobi 1972 R86
    |    |    `--P. paranaensis Jakobi 1972 R86
    |    |--Murunducaris Reid 1994 CMA05
    |    |    `--M. juneae Reid 1994 CMA05
    |    |--Potamocaris Dussart 1970 CMA05
    |    |    |--P. bidens (Noodt 1955) GL04
    |    |    |--P. bifida Dussart 1979 R86
    |    |    `--P. estevesi Reid 1991 GL04
    |    `--Simplicaris Galassi & De Laurentiis 2004 CMA05
    |         |--*S. lethaea Galassi & De Laurentiis 2004 FS14
    |         |--‘Parastenocaris’ aedes Hertzog 1938 [=Pannonicaris aedes] GL04
    |         |--‘Parastenocaris’ hippuris Hertzog 1938 GL04
    |         `--S. veneris (Cottarelli & Maiolini 1980) [=Parastenocaris veneris] GL04
    |--Cletodidae [Cletodoidea] S03
    |    |--Cletodes N41b
    |    |--Parepactophanes Kunz 1935 W86
    |    |    |--P. dubia Noodt 1958 W86
    |    |    `--P. minuta Kunz 1935 W86
    |    |--Cletocamptus Schmankevitch 1875 R86
    |    |    |--C. albuquerquensis G88
    |    |    |--C. deitersi (Richard 1897) S-MR03
    |    |    `--C. xenuus Por 1968 R86
    |    |--Tryphoema Monard 1926 W86
    |    |    |--T. bocqueti (Božić 1954) W86
    |    |    |--T. lusitanica (Wells & Clark 1965) W86
    |    |    |--T. porca Monard 1926 W86
    |    |    |--T. ramabula (Pennak 1942) W86
    |    |    |--T. riedli Coull 1971 W86
    |    |    `--T. scilloniensis (Wells 1968) W86
    |    |--Paranannopus W56
    |    `--Enhydrosoma W86
    |         |--E. barnishi Wells 1967 W67
    |         |--E. buchholtzi (Boeck 1872) W67
    |         |--E. curticaudatum N41b
    |         |--E. curvirostre W67
    |         |--E. latipes (Scott 1909) W67
    |         |--E. littorale Wells 1967 W67
    |         |--E. longifurcatum Sars 1909 W67
    |         `--E. parapropinquum Gomez 2003 S03
    |--Harpacticidae S03
    |    |--Harpacticella SS03
    |    |    |--H. inopinata B50
    |    |    |--H. lacustris B50
    |    |    `--H. paradoxa B50
    |    |--Perissocope litoralis Lang 1934 S03
    |    |--Zausopsis mirabilis Lang 1934 S03
    |    |--Zausodes S03
    |    |    |--Z. septimus Lang 1965 S03
    |    |    `--Z. sextus Lang 1965 S03
    |    |--Tigriopus SS03
    |    |    |--T. brevicornis CCG01
    |    |    |--T. californicus SC17
    |    |    |--T. fulvus W67 [=Harpacticus fulvus PP64]
    |    |    `--T. japonicus WS10
    |    |--Harpacticus S03
    |    |    |--H. chelifer (Müller 1776) W67
    |    |    |--H. compsonyx Monard 1926 W67
    |    |    |--H. gracilis Claus 1863 W67
    |    |    |--H. littoralis B26
    |    |    |--H. trisetosus Lang 1948 S03
    |    |    `--H. uniremis B26
    |    `--Zaus Goodsir 1845 S03, N42a
    |         |--Z. abbreviatus Sars 1911 N42a
    |         |--Z. aurelii Poppe 1884 [incl. Z. caeruleus Campbell 1929, Z. intermedius Nicholls 1939] N42a
    |         |--Z. contractus Thomson 1883 N42a
    |         |--Z. goodsiri Brady 1880 N42a
    |         |--Z. sarsi Nicholls 1942 N42a
    |         `--Z. spinatus Goodsir 1845 N42a
    |--Thalestridae S03
    |    |  i. s.: Amenophia Boeck 1865 S03
    |    |         Paradactylopodia brevicornis (Claus 1866) W67
    |    |         Diarthrodes W67
    |    |           |--D. dissimilis W67
    |    |           |--D. glaber Wells 1967 W67
    |    |           |--D. minutus (Claus 1863) W67
    |    |           |--D. nanus (Scott 1914) W67
    |    |           `--D. sarsi (Scott 1909) W67
    |    |         Idomene [incl. Xouthous] W67
    |    |           |--I. aberrans Por 1964 W67
    |    |           |--I. aemula Thompson & Scott 1903 W67
    |    |           |--I. laticaudata (Thompson & Scott 1903) W67
    |    |           |--‘Xouthous’ maldivae Sewell 1940 W67
    |    |           `--I. simulans (Brady 1910) W67
    |    |         Dactylopodella flava N41b
    |    |--Dactylopodiinae N41a
    |    |    |--Dactylopodia tisboides (Claus 1863) W67
    |    |    `--Eudactylopus Scott 1909 N41a
    |    |         |--E. australis Nicholls 1941 N42b
    |    |         |--E. latipes (Scott 1894) N41a
    |    |         |--E. robustus (Claus 1863) W67
    |    |         `--E. spectabilis (Brian 1923) N41a
    |    `--Thalestrinae N41a
    |         |--Thalestris longimana BK77
    |         `--Phyllothalestris Sars 1905 N41a
    |              |--P. lata Nicholls 1942 N42b
    |              |--P. mysis (Claus 1863) N41a
    |              |    |--P. m. mysis N42b
    |              |    `--P. m. harringtoni Willey 1935 N42b
    |              |--P. paramysis Monard 1928 N42b
    |              |--P. royi (Monard 1928) N42b
    |              `--P. sarsi Sewell 1940 W67
    |--Diosaccidae S03
    |    |  i. s.: Pseudamphiascopsis ismaelensis (Monard 1936) W67
    |    |         Bulbamphiascus imus (Brady 1872) W67
    |    |         Haloschizopera junodi (Monard 1935) W67
    |    |         Paramphiascella robinsoni (Scott 1902) W67
    |    |         Melima W67
    |    |         Helmutkunzia W86
    |    |         Typhlamphiascus Lang 1948 R86
    |    |           `--T. latifurcata Por 1968 R86
    |    |         Pseudostenhelia Wells 1967 W67
    |    |           `--*P. prima Wells 1967 W67
    |    |         Paramphiascoides Wells 1967 W67
    |    |           `--*P. mixtus Wells 1967 W67
    |    |         Actopsyllus Wells 1967 W67
    |    |           `--*A. longipes Wells 1967 W67
    |    |         Schizoperoides Por 1968 R86
    |    |           `--S. expeditionis Por 1968 R86
    |    |         Goffinella Wilson 1932 W86
    |    |           `--G. stylifer Wilson 1932 W86
    |    |         Balucopsylla Rao 1972 W86
    |    |           `--B. similis Rao 1972 W86
    |    |         Protopsammotopa Geddes 1968 W86
    |    |           |--P. norvegica Geddes 1968 W86
    |    |           `--P. wilsoni Wells 1977 W86
    |    |         Robertgurneya W67
    |    |           |--R. rostrata (Gurney 1927) W67
    |    |           |--R. similis (Scott 1896) W67
    |    |           `--R. spinulosa (Sars 1911) W67
    |    |         Psammotopa Pennak 1942 W86
    |    |           |--P. chappuisi Noodt 1955 W86
    |    |           |--P. phyllosetosa (Noodt 1952) W86
    |    |           |--P. polyphylla Noodt 1955 W86
    |    |           `--P. vulgaris Pennak 1942 W86
    |    |--Diosaccinae N41b
    |    `--Stenheliinae N41b
    |         |--Stenhelia N41b
    |         `--Pseudomesochra Scott 1902 [incl. Stenheliopsis Sars 1906] N41b
    |--Canthocamptidae S03
    |    |--Nannomesochra arupinensis (Brian 1925) W67
    |    |--Bryocamptus S-MR03
    |    |--Attheyella S-MR03
    |    |--Elaphoidella KM13
    |    |--Moraria S-MR03
    |    |--Australocamptus hamondi Karanovic 2004 KM13
    |    |--Gulcamptus Miura 1969 R86
    |    |    `--G. uenoi Miura 1969 R86
    |    |--Antarctobiotus Chappuis 1930 R86
    |    |    `--A. bahamondei Ebert & Noodt 1975 R86
    |    |--Epactophanoides Borutzky 1966 R86
    |    |    `--E. udegeicus Borutzky 1966 R86
    |    |--Stygepactophanes Moeschler & Rouch 1984 R86
    |    |    `--*S. jurassicus Moeschler & Rouch 1984 R86
    |    |--Echinocamptus Chappuis 1928 R86
    |    |    |--E. echinatus (Mrázek 1893) [=Bryocamptus (Echinocamptus) echinatus] FS14
    |    |    `--E. georgevitchi (Chappuis 1924) B01
    |    |--Paracamptus Chappuis 1929 R86
    |    |    |--P. baikalensis W56
    |    |    |--P. gasparoi Stoch 1998 B01
    |    |    |--P. nakamurai Chappuis 1958 R86
    |    |    |--P. reductus Wilson 1956 W56
    |    |    `--P. schmeili W56
    |    |--Morariopsis Borutzky 1931 R86
    |    |    |--M. kieferi Petkovski 1959 R86
    |    |    `--M. scotenophila (Kiefer 1930) B01
    |    |--Canthocamptus Westwood 1836 R86
    |    |    |--C. insoletus Chappuis 1928 R86
    |    |    |--C. morimotoi Miura 1969 R86
    |    |    `--C. staphylinus D01
    |    |--Spelaeocamptus Chappuis 1933 R86
    |    |    |--S. incertus Petkovski 1956 R86
    |    |    |--S. neotropicus Noodt 1963 R86
    |    |    `--S. spelaeus (Chappuis 1925) R86
    |    |--Mesochra Boeck 1865 R86, S03
    |    |    |--M. hiunumaensis Kikuchi 1972 R86
    |    |    |--M. lilljeborgi [incl. Laophonte hecate Brehm 1910] N41b
    |    |    |--M. pygmaea (Claus 1863) W67
    |    |    `--M. rostrata (Gurney 1927) W67
    |    |--Antrocamptus Chappuis 1956 R86
    |    |    |--A. catherinae Chappuis & Rouch 1960 R86
    |    |    |--A. chappuisi Rouch 1970 R86
    |    |    |--A. coiffaiti Chappius 1956 R86
    |    |    |--A. longifurcatus Rouch 1970 R86
    |    |    `--A. stygius Rouch 1970 R86
    |    |--Maraenobiotus Mrazek 1893 R86
    |    |    |--M. brucei R86
    |    |    |    |--M. b. brucei R86
    |    |    |    `--M. b. carpathicus Chappuis 1928 R86
    |    |    `--M. insignipes R86
    |    |         |--M. i. insignipes R86
    |    |         `--M. i. kyzylkumicus Borutzky 1972 R86
    |    `--Ceuthonectes Chappuis 1924 R86
    |         |--C. chappuisi Rouch 1980 R86
    |         |--C. gallicus Chappuis 1928 R86
    |         |--C. hungaricus Ponyi 1958 R86
    |         |--C. mirabilis Miura 1964 R86
    |         |--C. rouchi Petkovski 1984 R86
    |         |--C. serbicus Chappuis 1924 [incl. Morariodes colchidana Borutzky 1930, C. colchidanus] R86
    |         `--C. vievilleae Rouch 1980 R86
    |--Ameiridae S03
    |    |  i. s.: ‘Amphiascus’ mucronatus Brady 1910 N41b
    |    |         ‘Amphiascus’ proximus Scott 1914 N41b
    |    |--Psammoleptomesochra australis (Mielke 1994) [=Paramesochra australis] S03
    |    |--Pseudameira W67
    |    |--Proameira W67
    |    |--Nitocrella R86
    |    |--Leptomesochra W67
    |    |--Parapseudoleptomesochra S-MR03
    |    |--Nitokra PH13
    |    |--Stygonitocrella R86
    |    |--Sicamaeira W86
    |    |--Inermipes humphreysi Lee & Huys 2002 HA13
    |    |--Biameiropsis barrowensis Karanovic 2006 HA13
    |    |--Pseudoleptomesochra Lang 1965 W86
    |    |    `--P. typica Lang 1965 W86
    |    |--Psyllocamptus Scott 1899 R86
    |    |    |--P. minutus Sars 1911 W67
    |    |    `--P. monachus Chappuis 1938 R86
    |    |--Paraleptomesochra Wells 1967 W86
    |    |    |--*P. minima Wells 1967 W67
    |    |    `--P. wellsi Rao 1972 W86
    |    |--Philoleptomesochra Wells 1967 W67
    |    |    |--*P. reductiforma Wells 1967 W67
    |    |    `--P. secunda Wells 1967 W67
    |    |--Karllangia Noodt 1964 W86
    |    |    |--*K. arenicola Noodt 1964 W67, W86
    |    |    |--K. psammophila Wells 1967 W86
    |    |    `--K. tertia Kunz 1975 W86
    |    |--Sarsameira Wilson 1924 [incl. Pseudosarsameira] W67
    |    |    |--S. exilis (Scott & Scott 1894) W67
    |    |    |--S. minor Wells 1967 W67
    |    |    `--S. pendula (Shen & Bai 1956) W67
    |    |--Psammameira Noodt 1952 W67
    |    |    |--*P. hyalina Noodt 1952 W67
    |    |    |--P. grandis (Nicholls 1939) [=Ameira grandis] W67
    |    |    `--P. reducta Wells 1967 W67
    |    |--Nitocrellopsis Petkovski 1976 R86
    |    |    |--N. elegans (Chappuis & Rouch 1959) R86
    |    |    |--N. intermedia (Chappuis 1937) R86
    |    |    `--N. ioneli (Dumont & Decraemer 1974) R86
    |    |--Praeleptomesochra Lang 1965 W86
    |    |    |--P. africana (Kunz 1951) W86
    |    |    |--P. phreatica Pesce 1981 R86
    |    |    |--P. pygmaea (Vervoort 1964) W86
    |    |    `--P. similis Lang 1965 W86
    |    |--Ameira W86
    |    |    |--A. exigua W67
    |    |    |--A. leptoderma (Klie 1950) W67
    |    |    |--A. longipes Boeck 1864 W67
    |    |    |--A. parvula (Claus 1866) [=Amphiascus parvulus] N41b
    |    |    `--A. simulans W67
    |    |--Pseudoleptomesochrella Lang 1965 W86
    |    |    |--P. bisetosa Lindgren 1975 W86
    |    |    |--P. halophila (Noodt 1952) W86
    |    |    |--P. incerta (Chappuis & Delamare Deboutteville 1956) W86
    |    |    |--P. marina (Chappuis & Rouch 1960) W86
    |    |    `--P. pontica Apostolov 1969 W86
    |    |--Parevansula Guille & Soyer 1966 W86
    |    |    |--P. elegans (Marinov 1974) W86
    |    |    |--P. mediterranea Guille & Soyer 1966 W86
    |    |    |--P. reductiforma (Wells 1967) W86
    |    |    |--P. secunda (Wells 1967) W86
    |    |    |--P. vermiformis Moore 1976 W86
    |    |    `--P. wellsi (Marinov 1973) W86
    |    `--Interleptomesochra Lang 1965 W86
    |         |--I. attenuata (Scott 1896) W86
    |         |--I. boguensis Lindgren 1975 W86
    |         |--I. elongata (Božić 1955) W86
    |         |--I. eulitoralis (Noodt 1952) W86
    |         |--I. noodti Galhano 1968 W86
    |         |--I. reducta Lang 1965 W86
    |         `--I. tenuicornis (Sars 1911) W86
    `--Laophontidae [Namakosiramiidae] S03
         |--Heterolaophonte quinquespinosa (Sewell 1924) W67
         |--Klieonychocamptus W67
         |--Pseudocletopsyllus Vervoort 1964 W67
         |--Mictyricola Nicholls 1957 W67
         |--Pholenota Vervoort 1964 W67
         |--Novolaophonte viatorum Cottarelli, Saporito & Puccetti 1983 W86
         |--Laophonte N41b
         |--Platychelipus Brady 1880 N41b
         |--Sarsocletodes Wilson 1924 [=Pseudocletodes Sars 1921 (preoc.), Pseudoplatychelipus Lang 1936] N41b
         |--Donsiella Stephenson 1935 N41b
         |--Psammolaophonte Wells 1967 W86
         |    `--*P. spinicauda Wells 1967 W67
         |--Apolethon Wells 1967 W67
         |    `--*A. fumator Wells 1967 W67
         |--Esola Edwards 1891 N41b
         |    `--E. spelea (Chappuis 1938) R86
         |--Cubanocleta Petkovski 1977 R86
         |    `--C. noodti Petkovski 1977 R86
         |--Mexicolaophonte Cottarelli 1977 W86
         |    `--M. arganoi Cottarelli 1977 W86
         |--Arenolaophonte Lang 1965 W86
         |    `--A. stygia Lang 1965 W86
         |--Stygolaophonte Lang 1965 W86
         |    `--S. arenophila Lang 1965 W86
         |--Pseudolaophonte Scott 1896 N41b
         |    `--P. spinosa (Thompson 1893) [incl. P. aculeata Scott 1896] N41b
         |--Harrietella Scott 1906 N41b
         |    `--H. simulans (Scott 1894) N41b
         |--Hemilaophonte Jakubisiak 1932 N41b
         |    `--H. janinae Jakubisiak 1932 N41b
         |--Lobitella Monard 1934 N41b
         |    `--L. apoda Monard 1934 N41b
         |--Onychocamptus PH13
         |    |--O. bengalensis (Sewell 1934) PH13
         |    `--O. mohammed (Blanchard & Richard 1891) S-MR03 (see below for synonymy)
         |--Tapholeon Wells 1967 W67
         |    |--*T. ornatus Wells 1967 W67
         |    `--T. uniarticulatus Wells 1967 W67
         |--Paralaophonte W67
         |    |--P. brevirostris (Claus 1863) W67
         |    |--P. congenera (Sars 1908) W67
         |    |--P. quinquespinosa P71
         |    `--P. tenera (Sars 1920) W67
         |--Asellopsis Brady & Robertson 1873 N41b
         |    |--A. duboscqui Monard 1926 N41b
         |    |--A. hispida Brady & Robertson 1873 N41b
         |    |--A. intermedia (Scott 1895) N41b
         |    `--A. littoralis Nicholls 1939 N41b
         |--Klieonychocamptoides Noodt 1958 W86
         |    |--K. arenicola (Chappuis & Delamare Deboutteville 1956) W86
         |    |--K. arganoi Cottarelli & Mura 1980 W86
         |    |--K. itoi Mielke 1981 W86
         |    `--K. remanei Noodt 1958 W86
         |--Echinolaophonte Nicholls 1941 N41b
         |    |--*E. horrida (Norman 1876) [=Laophonte horrida] N41b
         |    |--E. armiger (Gurney 1927) (see below for synonymy) N41b
         |    |--E. brevispinosa (Sars 1908) [=Laophonte brevispinosa] N41b
         |    `--E. mirabilis (Gurney 1927) [=Laophonte mirabilis] N41b
         |--Laophontina Norman & Scott 1905 N41b
         |    |--L. acantha Noodt 1955 W86
         |    |--L. distincta Wells 1967 W86
         |    |--L. dubia Norman & Scott 1905 N41b
         |    |--L. noodti Kunz 1983 W86
         |    |--L. reducta Coull & Zo 1980 W86
         |    |--L. triarticulata Coull & Zo 1980 W86
         |    `--L. variabilis Coull & Zo 1980 W86
         `--Aphrolaophonte Chappuis 1960 W86
              |--A. aequatorialis Cottarelli & Mura 1982 W86
              |--A. brevipes (Chappuis 1954) W86
              |--A. leonis Cottarelli & Mura 1982 W86
              |--A. michaelae Cottarelli & Mura 1982 W86
              |--A. monodi Chappuis 1960 W86
              |--A. pori Masry 1970 W86
              |--A. renaudi (Chappuis & Delamare Deboutteville 1956) W86
              `--A. schmidti Mielke 1981 W86

Podogennonta incertae sedis:
  Antiboreodiosaccus Lang 1944 S03
  Dactylopina Brady 1910 S03
  Flavia Brady 1899 S03
  Mawsonella Brady 1918 S03
  Pyrocletodes Coull 1973 S03
  Tisemus Monard 1928 S03
  Metahuntemannia Smirnov 1946 S03
    |--M. spinipes Dahms & Pottek 1992 S03
    `--M. triarticulata Schriever 1984 S03
  Schizacron vervoorti (Fiers 1987) S03
  Psammonitocrella Rouch 1992 GL04

Echinolaophonte armiger (Gurney 1927) [=Laophonte armiger; incl. L. hystrix Brian 1928, L. steueri van Douwe 1929] N41b

Lourinia Wilson 1924 N41a [=Jurinia Claus 1866 (preoc.) N41a; incl. Ceylonia Thompson & Scott 1903 N41a, Ceyloniella Wilson 1924 N41a; Ceyloniellidae, Louriniidae S03]

Lourinia armata (Claus 1866) W67 [=Jurina armata N41a, Ceylonia armata N41a, Ceyloniella armata N41a; incl. Ceylonia aculeata Thompson & Scott 1903 N41a, Ceyloniella aculeata N41a, Ceylonia aculeata var. adriatica Brian 1923 N41a, Ceyloniella aculeata var. adriatica N41a]

Metis ignea [incl. Ilyopsyllus coriaceus Brady & Robertston 1873, I. natans Williams 1907, I. sarsi Sharpe 1911] B26

Onychocamptus mohammed (Blanchard & Richard 1891) S-MR03 [=Laophonte mohammed S-MR03; incl. L. humilis Brian 1929 N41b]

*Type species of generic name indicated


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[KM13] Karanovic, T. & J. McRae. 2013. The genus Schizopera (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, with description of a new species and its molecular and morphological affinities. Records of the Western Australian Museum 28 (2): 119–140.

[N41a] Nicholls, A. G. 1941a. Littoral Copepoda from South Australia. (I) Harpacticoida. Records of the South Australian Museum 6 (4): 381–427.

[N41b] Nicholls, A. G. 1941b. A revision of the families Diosaccidae Sars, 1906 and Laophontidae T. Scott, 1905 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida). Records of the South Australian Museum 7 (1): 65–110.

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[N42b] Nicholls, A. G. 1942b. Marine Copepoda from Western Australia. I. Littoral harpacticoids from Rottnest Island. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 27: 135–141.

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[PH13] Poore, G. C. B., & W. F. Humphreys. 2013. Bunderanthura bundera gen. et sp. nov. from Western Australia, first anchialine Leptanthuridae (Isopoda) from the Southern Hemisphere. Records of the Western Australian Museum 28 (1): 21–29.

[P71] Por, F. D. 1971. One hundred years of Suez Canal—a century of Lessepsian migration: retrospect and viewpoints. Systematic Zoology 20 (2): 138–159.

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Last updated: 6 March 2022.


  1. Dear Chris, that is an Anoplosomella. It is not considered Ameiridae anymore, being transfered to Argestidae.

    1. Thank you, Paulo, I've edited the picture caption accordingly.


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