
Ventral view, longitudinal cross-sections, and transverse section of siphuncle of Proterocameroceras brainerdi. Figures from Teichert (1964).

Belongs within: Endoceratoidea.

The Lower to Middle Ordovician Proterocameroceratidae were an early family of endocerid cephalopods. The siphuncle of proterocameroceratids was smaller than that of many later endocerids.

Characters (from Teichert 1964): Small to medium-sized, straight or slightly cyrtoconic, slender conchs. Siphuncles small to medium-sized, marginal; septal necks achoanitic to nearly holochoanitic; connecting rings thick, occasionally complex; endosiphuncular structures simple or complex.

Proterocameroceratidae [Proterocameroceratinae]
    |--Anthoceras Teichert & Glenister 1954 T64
    |    `--*A. decorum Teichert & Glenister 1954 T64
    |--Campendoceras Teichert & Glenister 1954 T64
    |    `--*C. gracile Teichert & Glenister 1954 T64
    |--Lobendoceras Teichert & Glenister 1954 T64
    |    `--*L. emanuelense Teichert & Glenister 1954 T64
    |--Meniscoceras Flower 1941 T64
    |    `--*M. coronense Flower 1941 T64
    |--Proendoceras Flower 1955 T64
    |    `--*P. annuliferum (Flower 1941) [=Cameroceras annuliferum] T64
    |--Escharendoceras Flower 1956 T64
    |    `--*E. eccentricum Flower 1956 T64
    |--Lobosiphon Flower 1956 T64
    |    `--*L. inexpectans Flower 1956 T64
    |--Mysticoceras Ulrich & Foerste 1936 T64
    |    `--*M. vicinum Ulrich & Foerste 1936 T64
    |--Phragmosiphon Flower 1956 T64
    |    `--*P. septiferum Flower 1956 T64
    |--Platysiphon Flower 1956 T64
    |    `--*P. expansum Flower 1956 T64
    |--Pliendoceras Flower 1956 T64
    |    `--*P. concavum Flower 1956 T64
    |--Retroclitendoceras Flower 1956 T64
    |    `--*R. depressum Flower 1956 T64
    |--Stenosiphon Flower 1956 T64
    |    `--*S. sandoi Flower 1956 T64
    |--Manitouoceras Ulrich, Foerste et al. 1944 T64
    |    |--*M. gracile Ulrich, Foerste et al. 1944 T64
    |    `--M. major Ulrich, Foerste et al. 1944 P68
    |--Proterocameroceras Ruedemann 1905 T64
    |    |--*P. brainerdi (Whitfield 1886) [=Orthoceras brainerdi] T64
    |    `--P. contrarium T64
    |--Mcqueenoceras Ulrich & Foerste 1936 T64
    |    |--*M. jeffersonense Ulrich & Foerste 1936 T64
    |    |--M. franklinense Ulrich, Foerste et al. 1944 P68
    |    `--M. newmanni Ulrich, Foerste et al. 1944 P68
    |--Oderoceras Ulrich, Foerste & Miller 1943 T64
    |    |--*O. depressum Ulrich, Foerste & Miller 1943 T64
    |    |--O. sevierense Ulrich, Foerste & Miller 1943 P68
    |    `--O. virginianum Ulrich, Foerste & Miller 1943 P68
    |--Clitendoceras Ulrich & Foerste 1936 T64
    |    |--*C. saylesi Ulrich & Foerste 1936 T64
    |    |--C. breviconiferum T64
    |    `--C. mesleri Ulrich, Foerste et al. 1944 P68
    |--Cotteroceras Ulrich & Foerste 1936 T64
    |    |--*C. compressum Ulrich & Foerste 1936 T64
    |    |--C. buttsi Ulrich, Foerste et al. 1944 P68
    |    |--C. cullisoni Ulrich, Foerste et al. 1944 P68
    |    `--C. gregeri Ulrich, Foerste et al. 1944 P68
    |--Paraendoceras Ulrich & Foerste in Foerste 1936 (see below for synonymy) T64
    |    |--*P. jeffersonense (Ulricfh & Foerste 1936) [=*Saffordoceras jeffersonense] T64
    |    |--P. chadwickense Ulrich, Foerste et al. 1944 P68
    |    |--P. clinchburgense Ulrich, Foerste et al. 1944 P68
    |    |--P. cullisoni Ulrich, Foerste et al. 1944 P68
    |    |--P. levisense Ulrich, Foerste et al. 1944 P68
    |    `--P. rusti Ulrich, Foerste et al. 1944 P68
    |--Kirkoceras Ulrich & Foerste 1936 T64
    |    |--*K. arcuatum Ulrich & Foerste 1936 T64
    |    |--K. bradleyi Ulrich, Foerste & Miller 1943 P68
    |    |--K. compressum Ulrich, Foerste & Miller 1943 P68
    |    |--K. gracile Ulrich, Foerste & Miller 1943 P68
    |    |--K. missisquoi P68
    |    `--K. obliquum Ulrich, Foerste & Miller 1943 P68
    `--Cyptendoceras Ulrich & Foerste 1936 [incl. Cyptendocerina Ulrich, Foerste et al. 1944] T64
         |--*C. ruedemanni Ulrich & Foerste 1936 T64
         |--C. bridgei Ulrich, Foerste et al. 1944 P68
         |--C. campbelli Ulrich, Foerste et al. 1944 P68
         |--C. depressum Ulrich, Foerste et al. 1944 P68
         |--C. genevievense Ulrich, Foerste et al. 1944 P68
         |--C. mesleri Ulrich, Foerste et al. 1944 P68
         `--C. wellsense Ulrich, Foerste et al. 1944 P68

Paraendoceras Ulrich & Foerste in Foerste 1936 [=Parendoceras (l. c.), Saffordoceras Ulrich & Foerste 1936 non Foerste & Teichert 1930] T64

*Type species of generic name indicated


[P68] Purnell, L. R. 1968. Catalog of the Type Specimens of Invertebrate Fossils. Part I: Paleozoic Cephalopoda. United States National Museum Bulletin 262: 1-198.

[T64] Teichert, C. 1964. Endoceratoidea. In Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt. K. Mollusca 3. Cephalopoda – General Features – Endoceratoidea – Actinoceratoidea – Nautiloidea – Bactritoidea (R. C. Moore, ed.) pp. K160-K189. The Geological Society of America and the University of Kansas Press.

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