
Manticoceras, from here.

Belongs within: Ammonoidea.

Manticoceras is a genus of ammonoid from the Upper Devonian, of which some species were only about 15 mm in diameter. A number of species of this genus have been used as index fossils for stratigraphic dating (House 1979; Norris 1979).

Characters (from Kirchgasser 1975): Compressed, subevolute conch. Suture with six primary lobes; umbilical lobe strongly developed, typically acute.

<==Manticoceras Hyatt 1884 H84
    |--*M. simulator [=Goniatites simulator] H84
    |--M. adorfense (Wedekind 1913) D02
    |--M. ammon (Keyserling 1844) D02
    |--M. amplexum P68
    |--M. bisulcatum [=Goniatites bisulcatus] H84
    |--M. cataphractum N79
    |--M. complanatum H84
    |--M. cordatum H79
    |--M. cordiforme N79
    |--M. drevermanni (Wedekind 1913) D02
    |--M. goniolobus (Meek 1877) H84, P68 [=Goniatites goniolobus H84]
    |--M. intumescens (Beyrich 1837) D02 [=Goniatites intumescens H84]
    |--M. inversum Wedekind 1913 D02
    |--M. lamed (Sandberger & Sandberger 1850) D02 [=Goniatites lamed H84]
    |--M. latidorsatum [=Goniatites latidorsatus] H84
    |--M. pattersoni [=Goniatites pattersoni] H84
    |--M. regulare Fenton & Fenton 1924 P68
    |--M. rhynchostoma N79
    |--M. sinuosum KU04
    |--M. styliophillum N79
    `--M. tripartitum [=Goniatites tripartitus] H84

*Type species of generic name indicated


[D02] Dzik, J. 2002. Emergence and collapse of the Frasnian conodont and ammonoid communities in the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 47: 565–650.

[H79] House, M. R. 1979. Devonian in the Eastern Hemisphere. In: Robison, R. A., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt A. Introduction. Fossilisation (Taphonomy), Biogeography and Biostratigraphy pp. A183–A217. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).

[H84] Hyatt, A. 1883–1884. Genera of fossil cephalopods. Boston Soc. Nat. History, Proc. 22: 253–338.

Kirchgasser, W. T. 1975. Revision of Probeloceras Clarke, 1898 and related ammonoids from the Upper Devonian of western New York. Journal of Paleontology 49 (1): 58-90.

[KU04] Klapper, G., T. T. Uyeno, D. K. Armstrong & P. G. Telford. 2004. Conodonts of the Williams Island and Long Rapids Formations (Upper Devonian, Frasnian–Famennian) of the Onakawana B Drillhole, Moose River Basin, northern Ontario, with a revision of the Lower Famennian species. Journal of Paleontology 78: 371–387.

[N79] Norris, A. W. 1979. Devonian in the Western Hemisphere. In: Robison, R. A., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt A. Introduction. Fossilisation (Taphonomy), Biogeography and Biostratigraphy pp. A218–A253. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).

[P68] Purnell, L. R. 1968. Catalog of the type specimens of invertebrate fossils. Part I: Paleozoic Cephalopoda. United States National Museum Bulletin 262: 1–198.

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