Belongs within: Barrandeocerida.
The Nephriticeratidae were a family of barrandeocerid cephalopods found from the Lower to Middle Devonian, making them among the latest surviving members of this group. Mostly coiled species, the Nephriticeratidae also included forms such as the cyrtoconic Nephriticerina and the torticonic Sphyradoceras.
Characteristics (from Sweet 1964): Mostly depressed cyrtocones, gyrocones, serpenticones or sinistral torticones with large orthochoanitic to suborthochoanitic siphuncle, segments of siphuncle tending to be slightly inflated; siphuncle subcentral or displaced towards either dorsum or venter.
<==Nephriticeratidae [Nephritidae, Rhadinoceracea, Rhadinoceratidae, Sphyradoceratidae]
| i. s.: Cyrtoceras Conrad 1838 S64
| |--*C. maximum Conrad 1838 (n. d.) S64
| |--C. baffinensis Schuchert 1900 P68
| |--C. cessator Hall & Whitfield 1877 P68
| |--C. clintonense Foerste 1893 P68
| |--C. cornulum Schuchert 1900 P68
| |--C. expansum Kindle 1901 P68
| |--C. hitzi Foerste 1910 P68
| |--C. lineatum P68
| |--C. nevadense Walcott 1884 P68
| |--C. peculiare Girty 1911 P68
| |--C. rectum Whitfield 1878 P68
| |--C. repletulum T64
| `--C. (Glyptoceras) subcompressum P68
| Heracloceras Teichert 1940 [=Gigantoceras Hyatt in Zittel 1900 non Holland 1893] S64
| `--*H. inelegans (Meek 1871) [=Gyroceratites (Nautilus) inelegans, *Gigantoceras inelegans] S64
| Lyrioceras Foerste 1927 S64
| `--*L. liratum (Hall 1860) [=Gyroceras liratum] S64
| Nephriticerina Foerste 1927 S64
| `--*N. alpenensis Foerste 1927 S64
| Triplooceras Hyatt 1884 S64
| `--*T. insperatum (Barrande 1877) [=Nautilus insperatus] S64
|--Sphyradoceras Hyatt 1884 S64
| `--*S. clio (Hall 1861) [=Trochoceras clio] S64
`--+--Baeopleuroceras Williams in Cooper & Williams 1935 [=Baepleuroceras (l. c.)] S64
| `--*B. incipiens Williams in Cooper & Williams 1935 S64
|--Nephriticeras Hyatt 1884 S64
| `--*N. bucinum (Hall 1860) [=Nautilus bucinum] S64
|--Rhadinoceras Hyatt 1894 S64
| `--*R. cornulum (Hall 1876) [=Nautilus cornulum] S64
`--Endoplanoceras Flower 1938 S64
`--*E. gomphus Flower 1938 S64
*Type species of generic name indicated
[P68] Purnell, L. R. 1968. Catalog of the Type Specimens of Invertebrate Fossils. Part I: Paleozoic Cephalopoda. United States National Museum Bulletin 262: 1-198.
[S64] Sweet, W. C. 1964. Nautiloidea – Barrandeocerida. In Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt. K. Mollusca 3. Cephalopoda – General Features – Endoceratoidea – Actinoceratoidea – Nautiloidea – Bactritoidea (R. C. Moore, ed.) pp. K368-K382. The Geological Society of America and the University of Kansas Press.
[T64] Teichert, C. 1964. Morphology of hard parts. In Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt. K. Mollusca 3. Cephalopoda – General Features – Endoceratoidea – Actinoceratoidea – Nautiloidea – Bactritoidea (R. C. Moore, ed.) pp. K13-K53. The Geological Society of America and the University of Kansas Press.
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