
Common grass yellow Terias hecabe, photographed by Ross Kendall.

Belongs within: Pieridae.

Terias is a genus of butterflies found primarily in the Oriental region.

<==Terias Swainson 1821 F55
    |  i. s.: T. ada F55
    |           |--T. a. ada F55
    |           `--T. a. toba de Nicéville 1895 F55
    |         T. alitha Felder 1862 [=T. tilaha alitha] F55
    |           |--T. a. alitha F55
    |           `--T. a. marosiana Fruhstorfer 1910 F55
    |         T. blanda F55
    |           |--T. b. blanda F55
    |           |--T. b. mensia Fruhstorfer 1910 F55
    |           |--T. b. vallivolans Butler 1883 F55
    |           `--T. b. visellia Fruhstorfer 1910 F55
    |         T. candida (Cramer 1780) [=Eurema candida] F55
    |           |--T. c. candida F55
    |           |--T. c. libera Fruhstorfer 1910 F55
    |           |--T. c. talboti F55
    |           `--T. c. virgo Wallace 1867 [=Eurema virgo] F55
    |         T. daira [=Eurema daira] FS54
    |           |--T. d. daira FS54
    |           |--T. d. eugenia Wallengren 1860 FS54
    |           `--T. d. lydia (Felder 1861) FS54
    |         T. dina [=Pyristia dina] FS54
    |           |--T. d. dina FS54
    |           `--T. d. westwoodi Boisduval 1836 FS54
    |         T. drona WM66
    |         T. hecabe F55
    |           |--T. h. hecabe F55
    |           |--T. h. asanga Fruhstorfer 1910 F55
    |           |--T. h. borneensis Fruhstorfer 1910 F55
    |           |--T. h. floricola [incl. T. hecabe floricola f. ceres Butler 1886] F55
    |           |--T. h. jalendra Fruhstorfer 1910 F55
    |           |--T. h. latimargo Hopffer 1874 F55
    |           |--T. h. luzoniensis (Linné 1764) F55
    |           |--T. h. photophila Butler 1884 F55
    |           |--T. h. senegalensis Boisduval 1836 [incl. T. h. senegalensis f. brenda Doubleday & Hewitson 1847] F55
    |           |--T. h. sintica Fruhstorfer 1910 F55
    |           `--T. h. tamiathis Fruhstorfer 1910 F55
    |         T. laeta WM66
    |         T. lisa Boisduval-Leconte 1833 [=Pyristia lisa] FS54
    |         T. mexicana Boisduval 1836 [=Eurema mexicana] FS54
    |         T. nicippe (Cramer 1779) [=Abaeis nicippe] FS54
    |         T. proterpia (Fabricius 1775) [=Pyristia proterpia] FS54
    |         T. sari Horsfield 1829 F55
    |           |--T. s. sari F55
    |           `--T. s. sarilata Semper 1891 F55
    |         T. simulatrix Semper 1891 F55
    |         T. tilaha F55
    |           |--T. t. tilaha F55
    |           |--T. t. invida Butler 1883 F55
    |           |--T. t. leytensis Fruhstorfer 1910 F55
    |           `--T. t. samarana Fruhstorfer 1910 F55
    |         T. tominia Vollenhoven 1865 F55
    |           |--T. t. tominia F55
    |           `--T. t. horatia Fruhstorfer 1910 F55
    |         T. vagans Wallace & Moore 1866 WM66
    |         T. venata WM66
    |--T. (Maiva Smith & Kirby 1893) F55
    |    `--T. (M.) desjardinsii (see below for synonymy) F55
    `--T. (Nirmula Moore 1906) F55
         `--T. (N.) herla F55
              |--T. h. herla F55
              `--T. h. semperi Moore 1906 F55

Terias (Maiva) desjardinsii [incl. T. desjardinsii f. marshalli Butler 1897, T. desjardinsii f. regularis Butler 1876] F55

*Type species of generic name indicated


[F55] Franz, E. 1955. Die Typen und Typoide des Natur-Museums Senckenberg, 16). Insecta, Lepidoptera, Pieridae. Senckenbergiana Biologica 36: 339-367.

[FS54] Franz, E., & H. Schröder. 1954. Tagfalter (Lep. Rhopalocera) aus El Salvador. Senckenbergiana Biologica 35: 75-87.

[WM66] Wallace, A. R., & F. Moore. 1866. List of lepidopterous insects collected at Takow, Formosa, by Mr. R. Swinhoe. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 355-365.


Dark clouded yellow Colias croceus, photographed by Hans Hillewaert.

Belongs within: Pieridae.

Colias, the clouded yellows, is a subcosmopolitan genus of butterflies with larvae feeding on Vicia species and other Papilionaceae. The dark clouded yellow C. croceus is widespread across most of the Holarctic region; in the western part of its range, it breeds in northern Africa and southern Europe, migrating into the northern parts of Europe over summer.

<==Colias Fabricius 1807 F55
    |--C. alexandra K09
    |--C. baeckeri Kotzsch 1929 F55
    |--C. caesonia [=Zerene caesonia] FS54
    |    |--C. c. caesonia FS54
    |    `--C. c. centralamericana Röber 1909 FS54
    |--C. chlorocoma F55
    |    |--C. c. chlorocoma F55
    |    `--C. c. thatschukovi Bang-Haas 1936 F55
    |--C. cocandica F55
    |    |--C. c. cocandica F55
    |    |--C. c. culminicola Kotzsch 1936 [incl. C. cocandica culminicola ab. xantha Kotzsch 1936] F55
    |    `--C. c. tartarica Bang-Haas 1915 F55
    |--C. croceus (Fourcroy 1785) (see below for synonymy) F55
    |--C. eogene F55
    |    |--C. e. eogene F55
    |    `--C. e. francesca [incl. C. eogene francesca ab. mahdii Bang-Haas 1936] F55
    |--C. europomone Ochsenheimer 1808 B08
    |--C. eurytheme BM76
    |--C. heos F55
    |    |--C. h. heos F55
    |    `--C. h. thia Bang-Haas 1934 [=C. aurora thia] F55
    |--C. hyale (Linnaeus 1760) F55
    |--C. myrmidone P01
    |--C. palaeno F55
    |    |--C. p. palaeno F55
    |    |--C. p. aias Fruhstorfer 1903 I92
    |    |--C. p. poktussana Bang-Haas 1934 F55
    |    `--C. p. sugitanii Esaki 1929 I92
    |--C. staudingeri F55
    |    |--C. s. staudingeri F55
    |    `--C. s. leechi (see below for synonymy) F55
    `--C. wiskotti F55
         |--C. w. wiskotti F55
         `--C. w. aurea Kotzsch 1937 [incl. C. wiskotti aurea ab. blanda Kotzsch 1937] F55

Colias croceus (Fourcroy 1785) [incl. C. edusa ab. decurtata Kitt 1924, C. croceus f. decurtata, C. croceus f. helice (Hübner 1799)] F55

Colias staudingeri leechi [incl. C. leechi ab. carnea Bang-Haas 1937, C. leechi ab. flammula Bang-Haas 1937, C. leechi ab. impunctata Bang-Haas 1937, C. leechi ab. nana Bang-Haas 1937] F55

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B08] Bálint, Z. 2008. Lepidoptera collections of historical importance in the Hungarian Natural History Museum. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 100: 17–35.

[BM76] Bohart, R. M., & A. S. Menke. 1976. Sphecid Wasps of the World. University of California Press: Berkeley.

[F55] Franz, E. 1955. Die Typen und Typoide des Natur-Museums Senckenberg, 16). Insecta, Lepidoptera, Pieridae. Senckenbergiana Biologica 36: 339–367.

[FS54] Franz, E., & H. Schröder. 1954. Tagfalter (Lep. Rhopalocera) aus El Salvador. Senckenbergiana Biologica 35: 75–87.

[I92] Iwahashi, J. (ed.) 1992. Reddo Deeta Animaruzu: a pictorial of Japanese fauna facing extinction. JICC: Tokyo.

[K09] Krantz, G. W. 2009. Habits and habitats. In: Krantz, G. W., & D. E. Walter (eds) A Manual of Acarology 3rd ed. pp. 64–82. Texas Tech University Press.

[P01] Pável, J. 1901. Lepkék [Lepidopteren]. In: Horváth, G. (ed.) Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazása [Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] vol. 2. Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazásának Állattani Eredményei [Zoologische Ergebnisse der Dritten Asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] pp. 171–177. Victor Hornyánszky: Budapest, and Karl W. Hierseman: Leipzig.

Last updated: 20 August 2017.


Asian cabbage white Pieris canidia, photographed by John Horstman.

Belongs within: Pieridae.

Pieris, the whites, is a genus of butterflies with caterpillars feeding on Brassicaceae. Some species of this genus have become cosmopolitan pests on Brassica species.

<==Pieris Schrank 1801 F55
    |--P. beckerii GE05
    |--P. brassicae GE05
    |--P. bryoniae Ochsenheimer 1808 B08
    |--P. canidia Sparrman 1768 F55
    |--P. cisseis F55
    |    |--P. c. cisseis F55
    |    `--P. c. reducta Mell 1938 F55
    |--P. formosana Wallace & Moore 1866 WM66
    |--P. hippo [incl. P. eleonora] WM66
    |--P. napi (Linnaeus 1758) B08
    `--P. rapae (Linnaeus 1758) F55

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B08] Bálint, Z. 2008. Lepidoptera collections of historical importance in the Hungarian Natural History Museum. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 100 (17-35).

[F55] Franz, E. 1955. Die Typen und Typoide des Natur-Museums Senckenberg, 16). Insecta, Lepidoptera, Pieridae. Senckenbergiana Biologica 36: 339-367.

[GE05] Grimaldi, D., & M. S. Engel. 2005. Evolution of the Insects. Cambridge University Press: New York.

[WM66] Wallace, A. R., & F. Moore. 1866. List of lepidopterous insects collected at Takow, Formosa, by Mr. R. Swinhoe. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 355-365.


Common gull Cepora nerissa, photographed by Raju Kasambe.

Belongs within: Pieridae.

Cepora, the gulls, is an Indoaustralian genus of butterflies.

<==Cepora Dalman 1820 [incl. Huphina Moore 1881] F55
    |--C. aspasia (Stoll 1790) [=Pieris aspasia] F55
    |    |--C. a. aspasia F55
    |    |--C. a. emma (Vollenhoven 1865) [=Pieris aspasia var. emma] F55
    |    |--C. a. fulcinia (Fruhstorfer 1911) [=Huphina aspasia fulcinia] F55
    |    |--C. a. irma (Fruhstorfer in Seitz 1910) [=Huphina aspasia irma] F55
    |    |--C. a. olga (Eschscholtz 1821) [=Huphina olga] F55
    |    |--C. a. olgina (Staudinger 1889) [=Huphina aspasia olgina, H. emma var. olgina] F55
    |    |--C. a. orantia (Fruhstorfer in Seitz 1910) [=Huphina aspasia orantia] F55
    |    |--C. a. poetelia (Fruhstorfer in Seitz 1910) [=Huphina aspasia poetelia] F55
    |    |--C. a. rhemia (Fruhstorfer in Seitz 1910) [=Huphina aspasia rhemia] F55
    |    `--C. a. tolmida (Fruhstorfer 1911) [=Huphina aspasia tolmida] F55
    |--C. boisduvaliana (Felder 1862) [=Huphina boisduvaliana] F55
    |    |--C. b. boisduvaliana F55
    |    |--C. b. balbagona (Semper 1890) [=Huphina boisduvaliana var. balbagona] F55
    |    |--C. b. cirta Fruhstorfer in Seitz 1910 F55
    |    `--C. b. semperi (Semper 1890) [=Huphina boisduvaliana var. semperi] F55
    |--C. nerissa F55
    |    |--C. n. nerissa F55
    |    `--C. n. dissimilis Rothschild 1892 F55
    `--C. perimale F55
         |--C. p. perimale F55
         |--C. p. bolana (Fruhstorfer 1903) F55
         `--C. p. inopinata PP02

*Type species of generic name indicated


[F55] Franz, E. 1955. Die Typen und Typoide des Natur-Museums Senckenberg, 16). Insecta, Lepidoptera, Pieridae. Senckenbergiana Biologica 36: 339-367.

[PP02] Patrick, B., & H. Patrick. 2002. Butterflies of Fiji. Weta 24: 5-12.


Melinaea maenius, photographed by Rich Hoyer.

Belongs within: Obtectomera.
Contains: Catagramma, Adelpha, Satyrinae, Morphinae, Charaxinae, Heliconiinae, Limenitidinae, Biblidinae, Nymphalinae, Apaturinae, Danaini.

The Nymphalidae, brush-footed butterflies, are a cosmopolitan group of butterflies in which only four normal walking legs are usually present. The first pair of legs is reduced and pressed against the thorax except in females of the basal subfamily Libytheinae. The Libytheinae are a small but widely distributed subfamily whose larvae feed on plants of the genus Celtis (Braby 2000b).

Characters (from Braby 2000b): Adults with antennae relatively close together at base; fore wing with five branches in radial vein, some staked, and one anal vein; hind wing with humeral vein usually present (sometimes vestigial or absent), two anal veins, and tornus usually rounded, rarely tailed; both sexes with only four normal functional legs, fore legs substantially smaller in size, pressed against thorax and non-functional except in female Libytheinae, male with fore tarsus often reduced to a single elongate segment that may be clubbed or brush-like without an apical claw, female with fore tarsus usually five-segmented and clawed apically; fore tibia lacking epiphysis. Egg very variable in shape, may be spherical, almost spherical with apex flattened, dome-shaped, barrel-shaped, or elongate and subconical with apex slightly truncate; base always flattened; chorion often with strong longitudinal ribs and fine transverse ribs, sometimes smooth. Final instar larva cylindrical with fine hairs, may also have numerous bristles, branched spines or several long paired filaments; head sometimes bearing horns; osmeterium usually absent; crochets of prolegs in uni-, bi- or triordinal mesoseries. Pupa normally suspended by cremaster, occasionally lying unattached on ground, never provided with central silken girdle.

    |--Libytheinae [Libytheidae] WWN03
    |    |--Prolibythea vagabunda GE05
    |    |--Barbarothea florissanti GE05
    |    |--Libytheana Michener 1943 B00b
    |    `--Libythea Fabricius 1807 B00b
    |         |--L. carinenta (Cramer 1779) S55
    |         |--L. celtis WWN03
    |         `--L. geoffroy Godart 1824 B00b
    |              |--L. g. geoffroy B12
    |              |--L. g. genia Waterhouse 1938 B12
    |              `--L. g. nicevillei Olliff 1891 B00b
    `--+--+--+--Satyrinae WWN03
       |  |  `--+--Morphinae WWN03
       |  |     `--+--Charaxinae WWN03
       |  |        `--Calinaga Moore 1857 WWN03, B00b [Calinaginae]
       |  |             `--C. buddha WWN03
       |  `--+--+--Heliconiinae WWN03
       |     |  `--Limenitidinae WWN03
       |     `--+--+--Biblidinae WWN03
       |        |  `--+--Nymphalinae WWN03
       |        |     `--Apaturinae WWN03
       |        `--Cyrestinae WWN03
       |             |--Cyrestini WWN03
       |             |    |--Cyrestis thyodamas WWN03
       |             |    `--Dicorrhagia WWN03
       |             `--Pseudergolini WWN03
       |                  |--Amnosia decora WWN03
       |                  |--Stibochiona nicea WWN03
       |                  `--Pseudergolis WWN03
       `--Danainae [Danaidae, Euploeiinae, Ithomiinae, Limnadinae] WWN03
            |  i. s.: Hirsutis salvadoris (Staudinger 1885) FS54
            |         Mechanitis FS54
            |           |--M. doryssus Bates 1864 FS54
            |           |--M. istmia FS54
            |           |    |--M. i. istmia FS54
            |           |    `--M. i. lycidice Bates 1863 FS54
            |           `--M. polymnia [=Heliconius (Mechanitis) polymnia] G20
            |         Napeogenes tolosa (Hewitson 1856) FS54
            |         Dircenna S55
            |           |--D. dero (Hübner 1823) S55
            |           |--D. klugii (Geyer 1837) FS54
            |           `--D. loreta Haensch 1903 S55
            |         Leucothyris victorina FS54
            |           |--L. v. victorina FS54
            |           `--L. v. paula Weymer 1884 FS54
            |         Hymenitis FS54
            |           |--H. nero (Hewitson 1854) FS54
            |           `--H. oto (Hewitson 1854) FS54
            |         Thyridia confusa S55
            |           |--T. c. confusa S55
            |           `--T. c. psamathe (Godman & Salvin 1898) S55
            |         Xanthocleis psidii (Linnaeus 1758) S55
            |         Ceratinia S55
            |           |--C. nise S55
            |           |    |--C. n. nise S55
            |           |    `--C. n. peruensis (Haensch 1905) S55
            |           `--C. tutia S55
            |                |--C. t. tutia S55
            |                `--C. t. chanchamaya (Haensch 1905) S55
            |         Corbulis cassotis S55
            |           |--C. c. cassotis S55
            |           `--C. c. cajona (Haensch 1905) S55
            |         Heterosais edessa S55
            |           |--H. e. edessa S55
            |           `--H. e. nephele (Bates 1862) S55
            |         Archaeolycorea ferreirai GE05
            |         Parantica Moore 1880 NS07
            |--Danaini WWN03
            |--Tellervo Kirby 1894 B00b [Tellervinae, Tellervini WWN03]
            |    `--T. zoilus (Fabricius 1775) B00b
            |         |--T. z. zoilus B00a
            |         |--T. z. digulica B00a
            |         `--T. z. gelo Waterhouse & Lyell 1914 B00b
            `--Ithomiini WWN03
                 |--Greta oto WWN03
                 |--Ithomia patilla Hewitson 1852 FS54
                 `--Melinaea maenius GE05, S55
                      |--M. m. maenius S55
                      |--M. m chincha Druce 1876 S55
                      `--M. m. mothone (Hewitson 1866) S55

Nymphalidae incertae sedis:
  Aglais KIR02
    |--A. karaganica KIR02
    `--A. urticae A71
  Percnodaimon pluto (Fereday 1872) H82
  Philaethria dido S55
    |--P. d. dido S55
    `--P. d. ostara (Röber 1906) S55
  Eueides eanes S55
    |--E. e. eanes S55
    `--E. e. eanides Stichel 1903 S55
  Historis orion (Fabricius 1775) S55
  Gynaecia dirce (Linnaeus 1764) S55
  Pyrrhogyra S55
    |--P. edocla S55
    |    |--P. e. edocla S55
    |    `--P. e. maculata Staudinger 1888 S55
    `--P. otolais Bates 1864 S55
  Temenis laothoe S55
    |--T. l. laothoe S55
    |--T. l. ottonis Fruhstorfer 1907 S55
    `--T. l. violetta Fruhstorfer 1907 S55
  Nessaea obrinus (Linnaeus 1764) S55
  Myscelia sophronia (Godtart 1823) S55
  Eunica excelsa Godman & Salvin 1877 S55
  Catagramma S55
  Adelpha S55
  Doxocopa S55
    |--D. agathina (Cramer 1777) S55
    |--D. cherubina S55
    |    |--D. c. cherubina S55
    |    `--D. c. parva (Röber 1916) S55
    `--D. lavinia (Butler 1866) S55
  Polygrapha cyanea (Godman & Salvin 1868) S55
  Zaretes isidora S55
    |--Z. i. isidora S55
    `--Z. i. cacica Staudinger 1888 S55
  Paramo Adams & Bernard 1977 O08
    `--*P. aculata (Krüger 1924) [=Pedaliodes aculata] O08
  Blepolensis catherinae GE05
  Neorinopis sepulta GE05
  Eugonia GE05
    |--E. angularia R13
    `--E. atava GE05
  Batesia hypochlora GE05
  Hypanartia lethe (Fabricius 1793) S55
  Archimestra L88
  Issoria sinha TYM08
    |--I. s. sinha TYM08
    `--I. s. pelewensis Nakamura 1932 TYM08
  Callerebia cyclopia TYM08
    |--C. c. cyclopia TYM08
    `--C. c. yoshikurana Kishida & Nakamura 1941 TYM08
  Neorinopsis sepulta RJ93
  Limnas chrysippus B01a (see below for synonymy)
  Samanta B01a
    |--S. perspicua B01a
    `--S. simonsi B01a
  Monotrichtis B01b
    |--M. auricruda B01b
    |--M. kenia B01b
    `--M. sufitza B01a
  Neocoenyra B01b
    |--N. duplex B01a
    `--N. gregorii B01b
  Physcoenura leda B01a
  Panopea expansa B01a
  Euralia B01a
    |--E. deceptor B01a
    `--E. wahlbergi B01a
  Hamanumida daedalus B01a
  Euphaedra B01a
    |--E. neophron B01a
    `--E. violacea B01a
  Euryphene senegalensis B01a
  Hypanis ilithyia B01a
  Pardopsis punctatissima B01a
  Crenis boisduvali B01b
  Atella B01b
    |--A. columbina B01c
    `--A. phalantha B01b
  Neptidopsis ophione [incl. N. ophione var. velleda] B01b
  Byblia B01b
    |--B. ilithyia [incl. B. ilithyia var. simplex] B01b
    `--B. vulgaris B01b
  Planema B01b
    |--P. aganice B01b
    |--P. gea B01b
    `--P. montana [incl. P. bertha, P. meruana] B01b

Limnas chrysippus B01a [incl. L. alcippoides B01c, L. alcippus B01c, L. chrysippus var. dorippus B01a, L. chrysippus var. klugii B01b]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A71] Askew, R. R. 1971. Parasitic Insects. Heinemann Educational Books: London.

[B00a] Braby, M. F. 2000a. Butterflies of Australia: their identification, biology and distribution vol. 1. CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood (Victoria).

[B00b] Braby, M. F. 2000b. Butterflies of Australia: their identification, biology and distribution vol. 2. CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood (Victoria).

[B12] Braby, M. F. 2012. The butterflies of El Questro Wilderness Park, with remarks on the taxonomy of the Kimberley fauna, Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 27 (2): 161–175.

[B01a] Butler, A. G. 1901a. An account of a collection of butterflies made by the Rev. K. St. Aubyn Rogers between Mombasa and the forests of Taveta. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 7, 7: 22–35.

[B01b] Butler, A. G. 1901b. An account of a collection of butterflies obtained by Lord Delamere, chiefly at Munisu, near Mount Kenya. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 7, 7: 197–203.

[B01c] Butler, A. G. 1901c. On a collection of butterflies from the Uganda Protectorate, forwarded by C. Steuart Betton, Esq., in 1900. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 7, 7: 562.

[FS54] Franz, E., & H. Schröder. 1954. Tagfalter (Lep. Rhopalocera) aus El Salvador. Senckenbergiana Biologica 35: 75–87.

[G20] Goldfuss, G. A. 1820. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte vol. 3. Handbuch der Zoologie pt 1. Johann Leonhard Schrag: Nürnberg.

[GE05] Grimaldi, D., & M. S. Engel. 2005. Evolution of the Insects. Cambridge University Press: New York.

[H82] Helmore, D. W. 1982. Drawings of New Zealand insects. Bulletin of the Entomological Society of New Zealand 8: 1–52.

[KIR02] Kozlov, M. V., V. D. Ivanov & A. P. Rasnitsyn. 2002. Order Lepidoptera Linné, 1758. The butterflies and moths (=Papilionida Laicharting, 1781). In: Rasnitsyn, A. P., & D. L. J. Quicke (eds) History of Insects pp. 220–227. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht.

[L88] Liebherr, J. K. 1988. General patterns in West Indian insects, and graphical biogeographic analysis of some circum-Caribbean Platynus beetles (Carabidae). Systematic Zoology 37 (4): 385–409.

[NS07] Nässig, W. A., & C. H. Schulze. 2007. A second species with diurnal males of the genus Eupterote from Indonesia: Eupterote (Eupterote) splendens sp. n. from Sulawesi (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Bombycoidea, Eupterotidae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 87 (2): 189–194.

[O08] Özdikmen, H. 2008. Nomenclatural changes for some preoccupied harvestman genus group names (Arachnida: Opiliones). Turkish Journal of Arachnology 1 (1): 37–43.

[R13] Reuter, O. M. 1913. Lebensgewohnheiten und Instinkte der Insekten bis zum Erwachen der sozialen Instinkte. R. Friedländer & Sohn: Berlin.

[RJ93] Ross, A. J., & E. A. Jarzembowski. 1993. Arthropoda (Hexapoda; Insecta). In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 363–426. Chapman & Hall: London.

[S55] Schröder, H. 1955. Eine Falter-Ausbeute aus dem westlichen Bolivien. (Ins. Lepid. Rhopal.) Senckenbergiana Biologica 36: 329–338.

[TYM08] Tennent, W. J., M. Yasuda & K. Morimoto. 2008. Lansania Journal of arachnology and zoology—a rare and obscure Japanese natural history journal. Archives of Natural History 35 (2): 252–280.

[WWN03] Wahlberg, N., E. Weingartner & S. Nylin. 2003. Towards a better understanding of the higher systematics of Nymphalidae (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 28: 473–484.

Last updated: 27 February 2021.


Common evening brown Melanitis leda, photographed by Ravi Vaidyanathan.

Belongs within: Nymphalidae.
Contains: Calisto, Oreixenica, Elymniini, Satyrini.

The Satyrinae are a cosmopolitan group of butterflies with the greater diversity in the tropics. Most species are relatively drab in coloration, with browns and greys predominating, though there are some more colourful tropical species. Larvae have bifid tails and mostly feed on monocots.

<==Satyrinae [Satyridae]
    |--+--Elymniini WWN03
    |  `--Satyrini WWN03
    `--+--Manataria maculata WWN03
       `--Melanitis Fabricius 1807 WWN03, B00 [Melanitini]
            |--M. amabilis (Boisduval 1832) B00
            |    |--M. a. amabilis B00
            |    `--M. a. valentina Fruhstorfer 1908 B00
            |--M. ariadne [=Biblis (Melanitis) ariadne] G20
            |--M. constantia (Cramer 1777) B00
            |--M. ismene RD77
            |--M. leda (Linnaeus 1758) B00
            |    |--M. l. leda B12
            |    |--M. l. bankia (Fabricius 1775) B12
            |    |--M. l. levuna PP02
            |    `--M. l. saipanensis Nakamura 1929 TYM08
            `--M. undularis WM66

Satyrinae incertae sedis:
  Haetera GE05 [Haeterini WWN03]
    |--H. diaphana [=Satyrus (Haetera) diaphanus] G20
    `--H. macleannania GE05
  Eritini WWN03
  Ragadiini WWN03
  Taygetis S55
    |--T. andromeda (Cramer 1779) S55
    |--T. kerea Butler 1869 FS54
    `--T. uncinata Weymer 1907 FS54
  Pierella lena (Linnaeus 1767) S55
  Bia [Biini] S55
    `--B. actorion (Linnaeus 1767) S55
  Dodonidia helmsi T27
  Neorinella garciae GE05
  Lethe GE05
    |--L. corbieri GE05
    `--L. diana I92
         |--L. d. diana I92
         `--L. d. mikuraensis Shirôzu 1975 I92
  Pseudoneorina coulleti GE05
  Tisiphone Hübner 1819 B00
    |--T. abeona (Donovan 1805) B00
    |    |--T. a. abeona B00
    |    |--T. a. albifascia Waterhouse 1904 [incl. T. abeona antoni Tindale 1947] B00
    |    |--T. a. aurelia Waterhouse 1915 B00
    |    |--T. a. morrisi Waterhouse 1914 B00
    |    |--T. a. rawnsleyi (Miskin 1876) B00
    |    `--T. a. regalis Waterhouse 1928 B00
    `--T. helena (Olliff 1888) [=T. abeona helena] B00
  Calisto L88
  Eretris L88
  Pararge P01
    |--P. achine P01
    |--P. aegeria KP19
    `--P. megaera P01
  Epinephele P01
    |--E. hyperanthus P01
    |--E. janira F92
    `--E. lycaon P01
  Oreixenica B00
  Nesoxenica Waterhouse & Lyell 1914 B00
    `--N. leprea (Hewitson 1864) B00
         |--N. l. leprea B00
         `--N. l. elia Waterhouse & Lyell 1914 B00
  Argynnina Butler 1867 B00
    |--A. cyrila Waterhouse & Lyell 1914 [=A. hobartia cyrila] B00
    `--A. hobartia (Westwood 1851) B00
         |--A. h. hobartia B00
         |--A. h. montana Couchman & Couchman 1977 B00
         `--A. h. tasmanica (Lyell 1900) B00
  Geitoneura Butler 1867 B00
    |--G. acantha (Donovan 1805) B00
    |--G. klugii (Guérin-Méneville 1830) [incl. G. k. insula Burns 1951, G. k. mulesi (Burns 1948)] B00
    `--G. minyas (Waterhouse & Lyell 1914) [incl. G. minyas mjobergi (Aurivillius 1920)] B00
  Lethites reynesii RJ93
  Cithaerias RD77

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B00] Braby, M. F. 2000. Butterflies of Australia: their identification, biology and distribution vol. 2. CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood (Victoria).

[B12] Braby, M. F. 2012. The butterflies of El Questro Wilderness Park, with remarks on the taxonomy of the Kimberley fauna, Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 27 (2): 161–175.

[F92] Fan Z. 1992. Key to the Common Flies of China 2nd ed. Science Press: Beijing.

[FS54] Franz, E., & H. Schröder. 1954. Tagfalter (Lep. Rhopalocera) aus El Salvador. Senckenbergiana Biologica 35: 75–87.

[G20] Goldfuss, G. A. 1820. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte vol. 3. Handbuch der Zoologie pt 1. Johann Leonhard Schrag: Nürnberg.

[GE05] Grimaldi, D., & M. S. Engel. 2005. Evolution of the Insects. Cambridge University Press: New York.

[I92] Iwahashi, J. (ed.) 1992. Reddo Deeta Animaruzu: a pictorial of Japanese fauna facing extinction. JICC: Tokyo.

[KP19] Kawahara, A. Y., D. Plotkin, M. Espeland, K. Meusemann, E. F. A. Toussaint, A. Donath, F. Gimnich, P. B. Frandsen, A. Zwick, M. dos Reis, J. R. Barber, R. S. Peters, S. Liu, X. Zhou, C. Mayer, L. Podsiadlowski, C. Storer, J. E. Yack, B. Misof & J. W. Breinholt. 2019. Phylogenomics reveals the evolutionary timing and pattern of butterflies and moths. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 116 (45): 22657–22663.

[L88] Liebherr, J. K. 1988. General patterns in West Indian insects, and graphical biogeographic analysis of some circum-Caribbean Platynus beetles (Carabidae). Systematic Zoology 37 (4): 385–409.

[PP02] Patrick, B., & H. Patrick. 2002. Butterflies of Fiji. Weta 24: 5–12.

[P01] Pável, J. 1901. Lepkék [Lepidopteren]. In: Horváth, G. (ed.) Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazása [Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] vol. 2. Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazásának Állattani Eredményei [Zoologische Ergebnisse der Dritten Asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] pp. 171–177. Victor Hornyánszky: Budapest, and Karl W. Hierseman: Leipzig.

[RD77] Richards, O. W., & R. G. Davies. 1977. Imms' General Textbook of Entomology 10th ed. vol. 2. Classification and Biology. Chapman and Hall: London.

[RJ93] Ross, A. J., & E. A. Jarzembowski. 1993. Arthropoda (Hexapoda; Insecta). In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 363–426. Chapman & Hall: London.

[S55] Schröder, H. 1955. Eine Falter-Ausbeute aus dem westlichen Bolivien. (Ins. Lepid. Rhopal.) Senckenbergiana Biologica 36: 329–338.

[TYM08] Tennent, W. J., M. Yasuda & K. Morimoto. 2008. Lansania Journal of arachnology and zoology—a rare and obscure Japanese natural history journal. Archives of Natural History 35 (2): 252–280.

[T27] Thomson, G. M. 1927. The pollination of New Zealand flowers by birds and insects. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 106–125.

[WWN03] Wahlberg, N., E. Weingartner & S. Nylin. 2003. Towards a better understanding of the higher systematics of Nymphalidae (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 28: 473–484.

[WM66] Wallace, A. R., & F. Moore. 1866. List of lepidopterous insects collected at Takow, Formosa, by Mr. R. Swinhoe. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 355–365.

Last updated: 27 February 2021.


Lohora (Lohora) ophthalmicus, photographed by Antonio Guidici.

Belongs within: Satyrinae.

The Elymniini are a group of butterflies including the bushbrowns and palmflies.

    |  i. s.: Bicyclus anynana WWN03
    |         Lasiommata WWN03
    |           |--L. dejanira B66
    |           `--L. megera WWN03
    |         ‘Papilio’ canthus Linné 1766 (see below for synonymy) B66
    `--Mycalesina V-WF03
         |--Orsotriaena medus V-WF03
         |--Nirvana Tsukada & Nishiyama 1979 V-WF03
         |    `--N. hypnus V-WF03
         |--Mycalesis V-WF03
         |    |--*M. francisca [=Papilio francisca] V-WF03
         |    |--M. drusia [incl. M. mineus] WM66
         |    |--M. otrea WM66
         |    |--‘Papilio’ peribaea Fabricius 1793 [=Neonympha peribaea, Satyrus peribaea] B66
         |    `--M. samba [incl. M. lalassis] WM66
         `--Lohora Moore 1880 [=Lohara (l. c.); incl. Celebina Fruhstorfer 1899] V-WF03
              |--L. (Lohora) V-WF03
              |    |--*L. (L.) dexamenus (Hewitson 1862) [=Mycalesis dexamenus] V-WF03
              |    |--L. (L.) anna Vane-Wright & Fermon 2003 V-WF03
              |    |--L. (L.) dinon (Hewitson 1862) [=Mycalesis dinon, M. dexamenus dinon] V-WF03
              |    |--L. (L.) haasei (Röber 1887) [=Mycalesis haasei] V-WF03
              |    |--L. (L.) ophthalmicus (Westwood 1888) (see below for synonymy) V-WF03
              |    |--L. (L.) tilmara (Fruhstorfer 1906) [=Mycalesis tilmara] V-WF03
              |    |--L. (L.) transiens (Fruhstorfer 1908) (see below for synonymy) V-WF03
              |    `--L. (L.) unipapillata Fruhstorfer 1899 (see below for synonymy) V-WF03
              |--L. (Physcon de Nicéville 1898) [=Phycona (l. c.)] V-WF03
              |    |--L. (*P.) pandaea (Hopffer 1874) [=Mycalesis pandaea, M. (Physcon) pandaea] V-WF03
              |    |--L. (P.) decipiens (Martin 1929) [=Mycalesis decipiens] V-WF03
              |    |--L. (P.) deianira (Hewitson 1862) [=Mycalesis deianira, M. dora Hewitson 1864] V-WF03
              |    |--L. (P.) deianirina (Fruhstorfer 1897) (see below for synonymy) V-WF03
              |    |--L. (P.) erna (Fruhstorfer 1899) [=Celebina erna, Mycalesis erna] V-WF03
              |    |--L. (P.) imitatrix (Martin 1929) [=Mycalesis imitatrix] V-WF03
              |    |--L. (P.) inga (Fruhstorfer 1899) [=*Celebina inga, Mycalesis inga] V-WF03
              |    `--L. (P.) umbrosa Roos 1997 V-WF03
              `--L. (Pseudomycalesis Tsukada & Nishiyama 1979) V-WF03
                   `--L. (*P.) tanuki (Tsukada & Nishiyama 1979) [=*Pseudomycalesis tanuki] V-WF03

Lohora (Lohora) ophthalmicus (Westwood 1888) [=Messaras ophthalmicus, Mycalesis ophthalmica, My. ophthalmicus] V-WF03

Lohora (Lohora) transiens (Fruhstorfer 1908) [=Mycalesis dexamenus transiens; incl. M. transiens f. obscurata Martin 1929] V-WF03

Lohora (Lohora) unipapillata Fruhstorfer 1899 [=Lohara (l. c.) dinon unipapillata, Mycalesis haasei unipapillata] V-WF03

Lohora (Physcon) deianirina (Fruhstorfer 1897) [=Mycalesis deianirina, Celebina pandaea deianirina, Lohora pandaea deianirina, Mycalesis deianira deianirina] V-WF03

‘Papilio’ canthus Linné 1766 [=Neonympha canthus, Satyrus canthus, S. cantheus; incl. Papilio eurydice Linn. 1789] B66

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B66] Butler, A. G. 1866. A monograph of the genus Euptychia, a numerous race of butterflies belonging to the family Satyridae; with descriptions of sixty species new to science, and notes on their affinities &c. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 458-504.

[V-WF03] Vane-Wright, R. I., & H. Fermon. 2003. Taxonomy and identification of Lohora Moore (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae), the Sulawesi bush browns. Invertebrate Systematics 17: 129-141.

[WWN03] Wahlberg, N., E. Weingartner & S. Nylin. 2003. Towards a better understanding of the higher systematics of Nymphalidae (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 28: 473-484.

[WM66] Wallace, A. R., & F. Moore. 1866. List of lepidopterous insects collected at Takow, Formosa, by Mr. R. Swinhoe. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 355-365.


Catagramma cynosura, photographed by Alberto Salguero.

Belongs within: Nymphalidae.

Catagramma is a genus of butterflies found in Central and South America, the males of which have unusually thickened forelegs.

    |--C. anna B66
    |--C. astarte (Cramer 1780) [=Papilio astarte, Callicore astarte] B66
    |--C. codomannus (Fabricius 1781) [=Papilio codomannus, Nymphalis codomanus] B66
    |--C. cynosura B66
    |--C. eluina Hewitson 1855 B66
    |--C. eunomia S55
    |    |--C. e. eunomia S55
    |    `--C. e. incarnata S55
    |--C. janeira Felder 1862 B66
    |--C. marchalii B66
    `--C. pygas (Godtart 1823) S55

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B66] Butler, A. G. 1866. Notes on some species of butterflies belonging to the genus Catagramma. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 578-580.

[S55] Schröder, H. 1955. Eine Falter-Ausbeute aus dem westlichen Bolivien. (Ins. Lepid. Rhopal.) Senckenbergiana Biologica 36: 329-338.


Jahnula aquatica, photographed by Ascomycètes 44.

Belongs within: Dothideomycetes.

The Aliquandostipitaceae are a family of aquatic fungi found growing on submerged wood, characterised by wide hyphae and dimorphic ascomata.

Characters (from Pang et al. 2002, as Jahnulales): Ascomata globose, with a stalk or sessile, immersed or superficial, ostiolate, papillate, coriaceous to subcarbonaceous, hyaline, pale brown. Peridium thick, comprising a few layers of relatively large cells. Hamathecium pseudoparaphyses, hyphal-like, filamentous, septate, unbranched between the asci, branching and anastomosing above the asci or septate, branched and persistent, dividing to form loose locules. Asci ovoid, saccate, clavate or cylindrical, thick-walled, bitunicate, persistent or deliquescing, with an apical apparatus. Ascospores ellipsoid-fusiform, apical cell slightly larger, hyaline to brown, slightly constricted at the septum, with or without a mucilaginous sheath.

Aliquandostipitaceae [Jahnulales]
    |--Aliquandostipite Inderbitzin in Inderbitzin, Landvik et al. 2001 IL01
    |    `--*A. khaoyaiensis Inderbitzin in Inderbitzin, Landzik et al. 2001 IL01
    |--Patescospora Abdel-Wahab & El-Sharouney in Pang, Abdel-Wahab et al. 2002 PA-W02
    |    `--*P. separans Abdel-Wahab & El-Sharouney in Pang, Abdel-Wahab et al. 2002 PA-W02
    `--Jahnula PA-W02
         |--*J. aquatica PA-W02
         |--J. australiensis PA-W02
         |--J. bipolaris PA-W02
         |--J. poonythii PA-W02
         |--J. potamophila PA-W02
         |--J. siamensiae Sivichai & Jones in Pang, Abdel-Wahab et al. 2002 PA-W02
         |--J. sunyatsenii (Inderbitzin) Pang, Jones & Sivichai in Pang, Abdel-Wahab et al. 2002 (see below for synonymy) PA-W02
         `--J. systyla PA-W02

Jahnula sunyatsenii (Inderbitzin) Pang, Jones & Sivichai in Pang, Abdel-Wahab et al. 2002 [=Aliquandostipite sunyatsenii Inderbitzin in Inderbitzin, Landvik et al. 2001] PA-W02

*Type species of generic name indicated


[IL01] Inderbitzin, P., S. Landvik, M. A. Abdel-Wahab & M. L. Berbee. 2001. Aliquandostipitaceae, a new family for two new tropical ascomycetes with unusually wide hyphae and dimorphic ascomata. American Journal of Botany 88 (1): 52-61.

[PA-W02] Pang, K.-L., M. A. Abdel-Wahab, S. Sivichai, H. M. El-Sharouney & E. B. G. Jones. 2002. Jahnulales (Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota): A new order of lignicolous freshwater ascomycetes. Mycological Research 106 (9): 1031-1042.


Jamesdicksonia brunkii on Dichanthium sericeum, from Roger Shivas. Scale bar = 5 mm.

Belongs within: Ustilaginomycotina.

The Georgefischeriales are a clade of smut fungi, most species of which occur on grasses.

Characters (from Bauer et al. 2001): Local interaction zones present; septa poreless. Haustoria or other intracellular fungal organs absent. Mostly on grasses; generally sporulating in vegetative part of host. Teliospore masses usually not powdery; sori usually not exposed by rupture of host tissues.

    |  i. s.: ‘Tilletiopsis’ minor BB01
    |         ‘Entyloma’ majus BB01
    |         ‘Entyloma’ parvum BB01
    |--Eballistra Bauer, Begerow et al. 2001 [Eballistraceae] BB01
    |    |--*E. oryzae (Sydow & Sydow) Bauer, Begerow et al. 2001 [=Entyloma oryzae Sydow & Sydow 1914] BB01
    |    |--E. brachiariae (Viégas) Bauer, Begerow et al. 2001 [=Melanotaenium brachiariae Viégas 1944] BB01
    |    `--E. lineata (Cooke) Bauer, Begerow et al. 2001 [=Ustilago lineata Cooke 1882, Entyloma lineatum] BB01
    |--Tilletiariaceae BB01
    |    |--Tilletiaria anomala BB01
    |    |--Tolyposporella chrysopogonis BB01
    |    |--Phragmotaenium Bauer, Begerow et al. 2001 BB01
    |    |    `--*P. indicum (Vánky, Patil & Sharma) Bauer, Begerow et al. 2001 (see below for synonymy) BB01
    |    `--Tilletiopsis BB01
    |         |--T. flava BB01
    |         `--T. fulvescens BB01
    `--Georgefischeriaceae BB01
         |--Georgefischeria riveae BB01
         `--Jamesdicksonia Thirum., Pavgi & Payak 1960 BB01
              |--*J. obesa (Sydow & Sydow) Thirum., Pavgi & Payak 1960 BB01
              |--J. brunkii (Ellis & Galloway) Walker & Shivas 1998 BB01
              |--J. dactylidis (Pass.) Bauer, Begerow et al. 2001 (see below for synonymy) BB01
              |--J. eleochartis (Sawada) Bauer, Begerow et al. 2001 (see below for synonymy) BB01
              |--J. irregularis (Johanson) Bauer, Begerow et al. 2001 [=Entyloma irregulare Johanson 1884] BB01
              |--J. ischaemiana (Thirum. & Pavgi) Bauer, Begerow et al. 2001 (see below for synonymy) BB01
              `--J. scirpicola (Thirum. & Dicks) Bauer, Begerow et al. 2001 (see below for synonymy) BB01

Jamesdicksonia dactylidis (Pass.) Bauer, Begerow et al. 2001 [=Thecaphora dactylidis Pass. 1876, Entyloma dactylidis] BB01

Jamesdicksonia eleochartis (Sawada) Bauer, Begerow et al. 2001 [=Ustilago eleocharidis Sawada 1943, Entyloma eleochartis, E. eleocharidis (l. c.)] BB01

Jamesdicksonia ischaemiana (Thirum. & Pavgi) Bauer, Begerow et al. 2001 [=Melanotaenium ischaemianum Thirum. & Pavgi 1967] BB01

Jamesdicksonia scirpicola (Thirum. & Dicks) Bauer, Begerow et al. 2001 [=Entyloma scirpicola Thirum. & Dicks 1949] BB01

*Phragmotaenium indicum (Vánky, Patil & Sharma) Bauer, Begerow et al. 2001 [=Melanotaenium indicum Vánky, Patil & Sharma 1997] BB01

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB01] Bauer, R., D. Begerow, A. Nagler & F. Oberwinkler. 2001. The Georgefischeriales: A phylogenetic hypothesis. Mycological Research 105 (4): 416-424.


Adelpha iphicla, photographed by Jesus Linares.

Belongs within: Nymphalidae.

Adelpha, the sisters, is a New World genus of butterflies with wings that are primarily dark brown above and black below, usually with lighter postdiscal stripes.

See also: Deceptive and poisonous sisters.

Characters (from Willmott 2003): Medium to large butterflies with essentially sexually monomorphic wing patterns, consisting of contrasting ventral and dorsal surfaces. Dorsal surface always with a dark brown ground colour and almost always a postdiscal band on one or both wings, which may be vertical or oblique, and orange, white, or red in colour; postdiscal series usually fused on the dorsal surface of the forewing to form a subapical marking. Ventral surface typically with a black ground colour which is usually obscured by much reddish brown colouring, and in addition to the postdiscal bands that appear on the dorsal surface it has a number of lighter postdiscal and submarginal lines and other more basal pattern elements; dark brown longitudinal line usually present on the hindwing ventral surface extending from the base of cell 3A-2A to the middle of the anal margin in this cell, though this line may be fused to a band of colour that fills the anterior half of the cell, or broken in the basal half of the wing; venal stripe usually present at vein 3A on the ventral hindwing, may be split along the vein into two halves and variously modified or reduced.

    |--A. cytherea S55
    |    |--A. c. cytherea S55
    |    `--A. c. lanilla Fruhstorfer 1915 S55
    |--A. erotia (Hewitson 1847) S55
    |--A. iphicla S55
    |    |--A. i. iphicla S55
    |    `--A. i. pharae Fruhstorfer 1915 S55
    |--A. lara S55
    |    |--A. l. lara S55
    |    `--A. l. mainas Fruhstorfer 1915 S55
    `--A. mesentina (Cramer 1779) S55

*Type species of generic name indicated


[S55] Schröder, H. 1955. Eine Falter-Ausbeute aus dem westlichen Bolivien. (Ins. Lepid. Rhopal.) Senckenbergiana Biologica 36: 329-338.

Willmott, K. R. 2003. The Genus Adelpha: Its systematics, biology and biogeography (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Limenitidini). Scientific Publishers.


Bare-backed fruit bat Dobsonia moluccensis magna, photographed by Bruce Thomson.

Belongs within: Pteropini.

Dobsonia includes the naked-backed fruit bats, a group of bats found from Sulawesi to the Solomon Islands, characterised byu the attachment of the wing membranes along the midline of the back.

Characters (from Miller 1907): Dental formula i1/1, c1/1, p2/3, m2/3. Upper incisors short, but well developed, in contact or nearly so, the crowns about as wide as long and with distinct cutting edge. Lower incisors almost structureless spicules with barely indicated blunt crowns. Canines rather short, not peculiar in form, without secondary cusps, those of the lower jaw nearly in contact. No small upper premolar (pm2). The corresponding tooth in the lower jaw relatively larger than in Pteropus, not separated from canine or from first large premolar by any appreciable space. Other premolars both above and below differing from those of Pteropus in greater development of cusps and in more trenchant ridges. Small posterior molars (m2 and m3) as in Pteropus. Anterior molars (m1 and m1, m2) resembling the large premolars in their general characteristics as compared with the corresponding teeth in Pteropus, the crown of each with a distinct median longitudinal ridge at middle of furrow. This ridge is continuous nearly from end to end of m2, in m1 and m1 it is confined to the region behind the cusps, and in some specimens is obsolete in the first lower molar. Skull much shorter and more heavily built than that of Pteropus but of essentially the same type. Distance from orbit to nares about equal to lachrymal width. Posterior portion of brain case slightly tubular, and occipital region so deflected that alveolar line projected backward passes just below root of zygoma. Premaxillaries very narrow, the width scarcely more than that of crown of incisor. The inner extremities barely come in contact. Audital bullae somewhat wider than in Pteropus but less developed than in Cynopterus. External characters unlike those of Pteropus in the absence of the claw of index finger, the presence of a distinct tail, and the attachment of the wing membranes along middle of back.

Dobsonia Palmer 1898 R64 [=Hypoderma Geoffroy 1828 non Latreille 1825 R64, Hypodermis (l. c.) M07; Dobsoniina]
    |--*D. peroni (Geoffroy 1810) [=Cephalotes peroni, *Hypoderma peroni] R64
    |--D. anderseni AC98
    |--D. beauforti IT07
    |--D. chapmani FS01
    |--D. crenulata AC98
    |--D. emersa IT07
    |--D. exoleta Andersen 1909 K92
    |--D. inermis Andersen 1909 K92
    |    |--D. i. inermis M72
    |    `--D. i. nesea M72
    |--D. minor M72
    |--D. moluccensis (Quoy & Gaimard 1830) K92
    |    |--D. m. moluccensis R64
    |    `--D. m. magna Thomas 1905 R64
    |--D. pannietensis IT07
    |--D. praedatrix IT07
    |--D. remota Cabrera 1920 M72
    |--D. palliata M07
    `--D. viridis M72

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AC98] Alcover, J. A., X. Campillo, M. Macias & A. Sans. 1998. Mammal species of the world: additional data on insular mammals. American Museum Novitates 3248: 1-29.

[FS01] Flannery, T. & P. Schouten. 2001. A Gap in Nature: Discovering the World's Extinct Animals. Text Publishing: Melbourne.

[IT07] Isaac, N. J. B., S. T. Turvey, B. Collen, C. Waterman & J. E. M. Baillie. 2007. Mammals on the EDGE: conservation priorities based on threat and phylogeny. PLoS One 2 (3): e296.

[K92] Klompen, J. S. H. 1992. Phylogenetic relationships in the mite family Sarcoptidae (Acari: Astigmata). Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 180: i-vi, 1-154.

[M72] McKean, J. L. 1972. Notes on some collections of bats (order Chiroptera) from Papua-New Guinea and Bougainville Island. CSIRO Division of Wildlife Research Technical Paper 26: 1-35.

[M07] Miller, G. S., Jr. 1907. The families and genera of bats. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum, Bulletin 57: i-xvii, 1-282, pl. I-XIV.

[R64] Ride, W. D. L. 1964. A list of mammals described from Australia between the years 1933 and 1963 (comprising newly proposed names and additions to the Australian faunal list). Australian Mammal Society Bulletin 7 (Suppl.): 1-15.


Eastern tube-nosed bat Nyctimene robinsoni, photographed by Michael Pennay.

Belongs within: Pteropodidae.
Contains: Cynopterus.

The Cynopterini is a group of generally smaller fruit bats including the dog-faced fruit bats (Cynopterus) and the tube-nosed fruit bats (Nyctimene).

    |--Cynopterina KJ70
    |    |--Cynopterus KJ70
    |    |--Dyacopterus spadiceus KJ70, IT07
    |    |--Chironax melanocephalus (Temminck 1825) KJ70, K92
    |    |--Aethalops alecto (Thomas 1923) KJ70, K92
    |    |--Penthetor lucasi (Dobson 1880) KJ70, K92
    |    |--Haplonycteris fischeri Lawrence 1939 KJ70, K92
    |    |--Sphaerias Miller 1906 KJ70, M07
    |    |    `--*S. blanfordi [=Cynopterus (Thoopterus) blanfordi] M07
    |    |--Balionycteris Matschie 1899 KJ70, M07
    |    |    `--*B. maculata (Thomas 1893) M07, K92 [=Cynopterus maculatus M07]
    |    |--Thoopterus Matschie 1899 KJ70, M07
    |    |    |--*T. nigrescens (Gray 1870) MY12 [=Cynopterus marginatus var. nigrescens MY12; incl. C. latidens M07]
    |    |    |--T. spadiceus M07
    |    |    `--T. suhaniahae Maryanto, Yani et al. 2012 MY12
    |    |--Ptenochirus Peters 1861 KJ70, M07
    |    |    |--*P. jagori (Peters 1861) M07, K92 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |    |--P. lucasi M07
    |    |    `--P. minor Yoshiyuki 1979 K92
    |    `--Megaerops Peters 1865 KJ70, M07 (see below for synonymy)
    |         |--*M. ecaudatus (see below for synonymy) M07
    |         |--M. kusnotoi IT07
    |         |--M. niphanae IT07
    |         `--M. wetmorei IT07
    `--Nyctimenina KJ70
         |--Paranyctimene raptor KJ70, BWB05
         `--Nyctimene Bechstein 1800 (see below for synonymy) M07
              |--*N. cephalotes [=Vespertilio cephalotes] M07
              |--N. aello [incl. N. celaeno] M72
              |--N. albiventer M72 [=Cynopterus albiventer M07, *Uronycteris albiventer M07]
              |    |--N. a. albiventer M72
              |    |--N. a. bougainville M72
              |    |--N. a. minor M72
              |    `--N. a. papuanus M72
              |--N. cyclotis M72
              |    |--N. c. cyclotis M72
              |    `--N. c. certans M72
              |--N. draconilla IT07
              |--N. lullulae M07
              |--N. major [=Harpyia (*Bdelygma) major] M07
              |--N. malaitensis IT07
              |--N. masalai IT07
              |--N. minutus IT07
              |--‘Harpyia’ pallasii G66
              |--N. rabori Heaney & Peterson 1984 K92
              |--N. robinsoni M07
              |--N. sanctacrucis FS01
              `--N. vizcaccia IT07

Megaerops Peters 1865 KJ70, M07 [=Megaera Temminck 1841 nec Wagler 1830 nec Robineau-Devoidy 1830 M07, Megera M07]

*Megaerops ecaudatus [=*Megaera ecaudata, Cynopterus (Megaerops) ecaudatus, Ptenochirus (Megaerops) ecaudatus] M07

Nyctimene Bechstein 1800 [incl. Bdelygma Matschie 1899, Cephalotes Geoffroy 1810, Gelasinus Temminck 1837, Harpyia Illiger 1811 non Ochsenheimer 1810, Uronycteris Gray 1862; Harpyiana, Nyctimeninae] M07

*Ptenochirus jagori (Peters 1861) M07, K92 [=Pachysoma (*Ptenochirus) jagori M07, Cynopterus (*Ptenochirus) jagori M07]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[FS01] Flannery, T. & P. Schouten. 2001. A Gap in Nature: Discovering the World's Extinct Animals. Text Publishing: Melbourne.

[G66] Gray, J. E. 1866. A revision of the genera of pteropine bats (Pteropidae), and the descriptions fo some apparently undescribed species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 62-67.

[IT07] Isaac, N. J. B., S. T. Turvey, B. Collen, C. Waterman & J. E. M. Baillie. 2007. Mammals on the EDGE: conservation priorities based on threat and phylogeny. PLoS One 2 (3): e296.

[K92] Klompen, J. S. H. 1992. Phylogenetic relationships in the mite family Sarcoptidae (Acari: Astigmata). Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 180: i-vi, 1-154.

[KJ70] Koopman, K. F., & J. K. Jones, Jr. 1970. Classification of bats. In About Bats (Slaughter & Walton, eds) pp. 22-28. Southern Methodist University Press: Dallas.

[MY12] Maryanto, I., M. Yani, S. N. Prijono & S. Wiantoro. 2012. A new species of fruit bat (Megachiroptera: Pteropodidae: Thoopterus) from Sulawesi and adjacent islands, Indonesia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 27 (1): 68-84.

[M72] McKean, J. L. 1972. Notes on some collections of bats (order Chiroptera) from Papua-New Guinea and Bougainville Island. CSIRO Division of Wildlife Research Technical Paper 26: 1-35.

[M07] Miller, G. S., Jr. 1907. The families and genera of bats. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum, Bulletin 57: i-xvii, 1-282, pl. I-XIV.