
Larva of small bronze azure Ogyris otanes being tended by ant Camponotus terebrans, photographed by R. Fisher.

Belongs within: Lycaenidae.

The Theclini are a group of sexually monomorphic butterflies. Members include the genus Ogyris, azures, which is found in Australasia and usually has the termen of the hind wings dentate and slightly produced at the ends of veins M2 to CuA2 (Braby 2000b).

Characters (from Eliot 1973): Fore wing with 11 veins; veins 6 and 7 connate or stalked from apex of cell. Hind wing never with more than a single tail at vein 2. No secondary sexual characters. Eyes hairy or smooth. Antenna with cylindrical club; nudum extending down shaft, sometimes almost to base, in a taper or series of detached patches of decreasing size. Palpi with second joint almost always clothed with hair-like scales. Male fore tarsus exceptionally variable. Male genitalia rather variable, but juxta always present, and usually also brachia. Larvae onisciform; pupa girdled, unless reclining or retaining larval skin.

<==Theclini [Zesiini]
    |--Shirozua AV04
    |--Zesius AV04
    |--Pseudalmenus Druce 1902 B00b
    |    `--P. chlorinda (Blanchard 1848) B00b
    |         |--P. c. chlorinda B00b
    |         |--P. c. barringtonensis Waterhouse 1928 B00b
    |         |--P. c. chloris Waterhouse & Lyell 1914 B00b
    |         |--P. c. conara Couchman 1965 B00b
    |         |--P. c. myrsilus (Westwood 1851) B00b
    |         `--P. c. zephyrus Waterhouse & Lyell 1914 [incl. P. chlorinda fisheri Tindale 1953] B00b
    |--Acrodipsas Sands 1980 AV04, B00b
    |    |--A. arcana (Miller & Edwards 1978) B00b
    |    |--A. aurata Sands 1997 B00b
    |    |--A. brisbanensis (Miskin 1884) [incl. A. brisbanensis cyrilus (Anderson & Spry 1897)] B00b
    |    |--A. cuprea (Sands 1965) B00b
    |    |--A. hirtipes Sands 1980 B00b
    |    |--A. illidgei (Waterhouse & Lyell 1914) B00b
    |    |--A. melania Sands 1980 B00b
    |    |--A. mortoni Sands, Miller & Kerr 1997 B00b
    |    `--A. myrmecophila (Waterhouse & Lyell 1913) B00b
    |--Thecla S55
    |    |--T. cecrops FS54
    |    |    |--T. c. cecrops FS54
    |    |    `--T. c. beon Cramer 1782 FS54
    |    |--T. damo Druce 1870 FS54
    |    |--T. ilicis F92
    |    |--T. linus (Sulzer 1776) S55
    |    |--T. pruni [=Polymmatus (Thecla) pruni] G20
    |    |--T. sicrana Jones 1912 FS54
    |    |--T. w-album F92
    |    `--T. yojoa Reakirt 1886 FS54
    |--Arhopala Boisduval 1832 AV04, B00b
    |    |--A. centaurus (Fabricius 1775) B00b
    |    |--A. eupolis B12
    |    |    |--A. e. eupolis B12
    |    |    `--A. e. asopus Waterhouse & Lyell 1914 B12 [=A. centaurus asopus B00b]
    |    |--A. madytus Fruhstorfer 1914 B00b
    |    |--A. micale Boisduval 1853 B00b
    |    |    |--A. m. micale B00b
    |    |    |--A. m. amydon Waterhouse 1942 B00b
    |    |    `--A. m. amytis (Hewitson 1862) [incl. A. micale amphis Waterhouse 1942] B00b
    |    |--A. philander Felder & Felder 1865 B00b
    |    `--A. wildei Miskin 1891 B00b
    |--Jalmenus Hübner 1818 B00b
    |    |--J. aridus Graham & Moulds 1988 B00b
    |    |--J. clementi Druce 1902 B00b
    |    |--J. daemeli Semper 1879 B00b
    |    |--J. eichhorni Staudinger 1888 B00b
    |    |--J. evagoras (Donovan 1805) B00b
    |    |    |--J. e. evagoras B00b
    |    |    `--J. e. eubulus Miskin 1876 B00b
    |    |--J. icilius Hewitson 1865 (see below for synonymy) B00b
    |    |--J. ictinus Hewitson 1865 B00b
    |    |--J. inous Hewitson 1865 B00b
    |    |    |--J. i. inous B00b
    |    |    `--J. notocrucifer Johnson, Hay & Bollam 1992 B00b
    |    |--J. lithochroa Waterhouse 1903 B00b
    |    `--J. pseudictinus Kerr & Macqueen 1967 B00b
    `--Ogyris Angas 1847 AV04, B00b [Ogyrini]
         |--O. abrota (Westwood 1851) B00b
         |--O. aenone (Waterhouse 1902) B00b
         |--O. amaryllis (Hewitson 1862) B12 [incl. O. amaryllis hopensis Burns 1948 B00a]
         |    |--O. a. amaryllis B00b
         |    |--O. a. amata (Waterhouse 1934) B00b
         |    |--O. a. hewitsoni (Waterhouse 1902) B00b
         |    `--O. a. meridionalis (Bethune-Baker 1905) [incl. O. amaryllis parsonsi (Angel 1951)] B00b
         |--O. barnardi (Miskin 1890) B00b
         |    |---O. b. barnardi B00b
         |    `--O. b. delphis (Tindale 1952) B00b
         |--O. genoveva (Hewitson 1853) B00b
         |--O. ianthis (Waterhouse 1900) B00b
         |--O. idmo (Hewitson 1862) B00b
         |    |--O. i. idmo B00b
         |    `--O. i. halmaturia (Tepper 1890) B00b
         |--O. iphis (Waterhouse & Lyell 1914) B00b
         |    |--O. i. iphis B00b
         |    `--O. i. doddi (Waterhouse & Lyell 1914) B00b
         |--O. meeki Rothschild 1900 B00b
         |--O. olane (Hewitson 1862) B00b
         |--O. oroetes (Hewitson 1862) B00b
         |    |--O. o. oroetes B00b
         |    `--O. o. apicaulata (Quick 1972) B00b
         |--O. otanes (Felder & Felder 1865) B00b
         |--O. subterrestris Field 1999 B00b
         |    |--O. s. subterrestris B00b
         |    `--O. s. petrina Field 1999 B00b
         `--O. zosine (Hewitson 1853) (see below for synonymy) B00b

Jalmenus icilius Hewitson 1865 [incl. J. icilius mitchelli Edwards 1951, J. icilius obscurus Edwards 1951, J. icilius parvus Burns 1951] B00b

Ogyris zosine (Hewitson 1853) [incl. O. zosine typhon (Waterhouse & Lyell 1914), O. zosine zolivia (Waterhouse 1941)] B00b

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AV04] Als, T. D., R. Vila, N. P. Kandul, D. R. Nash, S.-H. Yen, Y.-F. Hsu, A. A. Mignault, J. J. Boomsma & N. E. Pierce. 2004. The evolution of alternative parasitic life histories in large blue butterflies. Nature 432: 386–390.

[B00a] Braby, M. F. 2000a. Butterflies of Australia: their identification, biology and distribution vol. 1. CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood (Victoria).

[B00b] Braby, M. F. 2000b. Butterflies of Australia: their identification, biology and distribution vol. 2. CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood (Victoria).

[B12] Braby, M. F. 2012. The butterflies of El Questro Wilderness Park, with remarks on the taxonomy of the Kimberley fauna, Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 27 (2): 161–175.

Eliot, J. N. 1973. The higher classification of the Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera): a tentative arrangement. Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History (Entomology) 28 (6): 371-505.

[F92] Fan Z. 1992. Key to the Common Flies of China 2nd ed. Science Press: Beijing.

[FS54] Franz, E., & H. Schröder. 1954. Tagfalter (Lep. Rhopalocera) aus El Salvador. Senckenbergiana Biologica 35: 75–87.

[G20] Goldfuss, G. A. 1820. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte vol. 3. Handbuch der Zoologie pt 1. Johann Leonhard Schrag: Nürnberg.

[S55] Schröder, H. 1955. Eine Falter-Ausbeute aus dem westlichen Bolivien. (Ins. Lepid. Rhopal.) Senckenbergiana Biologica 36: 329–338.

Last updated: 21 February 2021.

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