
Pleurostomella subnodosa, copyright AMNH, Invertebrate Paleobiology.

Belongs within: Rotaliida.

The Pleurostomellidae are a group of Foraminifera known from the Lower Cretaceous (possibly Jurassic) to the present, characterised by the presence of an internal siphon running between the apertures of successive chambers (Loeblich & Tappan 1964).

Characters (from Loeblich & Tappan 1964): Early stage triserial or biserial, later uniserial, or uniserial throughout; aperture a curved narrow slit, lateral or terminal, with internal siphon between those of adjacent chambers.

<==Pleurostomellidae [Pleurostomellacea]
    |--Wheelerellinae G-B87
    |    |--Czarkowyella Gawor-Biedowa 1987 G-B87
    |    |    `--*C. czarkowyensis Gawor-Biedowa 1987 G-B87
    |    |--Wheelerella Petters 1954 LT64
    |    |    `--*W. magdalenaensis Petters 1954 LT64
    |    `--Bandyella Loeblich & Tappan 1962 LT64
    |         `--*B. greatvalleyensis (Trujillo 1960) [=Pleurostomella greatvalleyensis] LT64
    |--Pazdroellinae G-B87
    |    |--Pazdroella Gawor-Biedowa 1987 G-B87
    |    |    `--*P. olgae Gawor-Biedowa 1987 G-B87
    |    |--Triaperturina Gawor-Biedowa 1987 G-B87
    |    |    `--*T. polonica Gawor-Biedowa 1987 G-B87
    |    `--Quadriaperturina Gawor-Biedowa 1987 G-B87
    |         `--*Q. varsoviensis Gawor-Biedowa 1987 G-B87
    `--Pleurostomellinae [Ellipsoidinidae] LT64
         |  i. s.: Daucina Bornemann in Erman 1855 LT64
         |           `--*D. ermaniana Bornemann in Erman 1855 LT64
         |         Pinaria Bermúdez 1937 C40
         |           `--*P. heterosculpta Bermúdez 1937 C40
         |         Ellipsodimorphina Silvestri 1901 LT64
         |           `--*E. subcompacta Silvestri 1901 LT64
         |         Ellipsoidella Heron-Allen & Earland 1910 LT64
         |           `--*E. pleurostomelloides Heron-Allen & Earland 1910 LT64
         |--Pleurostomella Reuss 1860 [=Ellipsodentalina Franke 1928; incl. Pleurostomellina Schubert 1911] LT64
         |    |--*P. subnodosa (Reuss 1851) [=Dentalina subnodosa, Ellipsonodosaria (*Ellipsodentalina) subnodosa] LT64
         |    |--P. alternans JW99
         |    |--P. barroisi Berthelin 1880 [=*Pleurostomellina barroisi] LT64
         |    |--P. brevis LT64
         |    |--P. clavata C40
         |    |--P. copiosa BL79
         |    |--P. mirabilis BL79
         |    |--P. obtusa BL79
         |    |--P. pleurostomella C40
         |    |--P. reussi RC02
         |    |--P. subbotinae BL79
         |    `--P. wadowicensis G-B87
         `--+--Ellipsobulimina Silvestri 1903 C40
            |    `--*E. seguenzai Silvestri 1903 C40
            |--Ellipsopolymorphina Silvestri 1901 LT64 [incl. Ellipsopleurostomella Silvestri 1903 C40, LT64]
            |    |--*E. fornasinii Galloway 1933 LT64
            |    |--‘Ellipsopleurostomella’ curta C40
            |    `--E. schlichti (Silvestri 1903) [=*Ellipsopleurostomella schlichti] LT64
            `--+--Ellipsolingulina Silvestri 1907 C40
               |    |--*E. impressa (Terquem 1882) [=Lingulina impressa] LT64
               |    `--E. silvestrii LT64
               |--Nodosarella Rzehak 1895 C40 [incl. Ellipsonodosaria Silvestri 1900 LT64]
               |    |--*N. tuberosa (Gümbel 1870) [=Lingulina tuberosa] LT64
               |    |--N. coalingensis C40
               |    |--N. rotundata (d’Orbigny 1846) [=Lingulina rotundata, *Ellipsonodosaria rotundata] LT64
               |    |--N. salmojraghii C40
               |    `--‘Ellipsonodosaria’ subconica B49
               `--+--Ellipsoidina Seguenza 1859 C40
                  |    `--*E. ellipsoides Seguenza 1859 C40
                  `--Ellipsoglandulina Silvestri 1900 C40
                       |--*E. laevigata Silvestri 1900 C40
                       |--E. labiata C40
                       `--E. velascoensis C40

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BL79] Basov, V. A., B. G. Lopatin, I. S. Gramberg, A. I. Danjushevskaya, V. Ya. Kaban’kov, V. M. Lazurkin & D. K. Patrunov. 1979. Lower Cretaceous lithostratigraphy near Galicia Bank. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 47: 683–717.

[B49] Battey, M. H. 1949. The geology of the Tuakau-Mercer area, Auckland. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 77 (3): 429–455.

[C40] Cushman, J. A. 1940. Foraminifera: Their classification and economic use 3rd ed. Harvard University Press: Cambridge (Massachusetts).

[G-B87] Gawor-Biedowa, E. 1987. New benthic foraminifers from the Late Cretaceous of Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 32 (1–2): 49–72.

[JW99] Jian, Z.-M., L.-J. Wang, M. Kienast, M. Sarnthein, W. Kuhnt, H.-L. Lin & P.-X. Wang. 1999. Benthic foraminiferal paleoceanography of the South China Sea over the last 40,000 years. Marine Geology 156: 159–186.

[LT64] Loeblich, A. R., Jr & H. Tappan. 1964. Sarcodina: chiefly “thecamoebians” and Foraminiferida. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt C. Protista 2 vol. 2. The Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas Press.

[RC02] Riding, J. B., & J. A. Crame. 2002. Aptian to Coniacian (Early–Late Cretaceous) palynostratigraphy of the Gustav Group, James Ross Basin, Antarctica. Cretaceous Research 23: 739–760.

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