
Termitohospes unicolor, from Seevers (1957).

Belongs within: Staphylinidae.

The Termitohospitina is a South American group of limuloid staphylinid beetles, found in association with termites of the Nasutitermitinae (Seevers 1957).

Characters (from Seevers 1957): Body-form limuloid. Head strongly deflexed; concealed by large, shield-like pronotum except in Paratermitosocius (in which small part of vertex is visible). Pronotum with anterior and lateral margins continuously arcuate; surface not impressed. Anterior margin of submentum straight or slightly arcuate but not emarginate; anterior angles of mentum produced, apex of mentum emarginate. Abdomen slender, acuminate. Ninth tergite bifid, otherwise unmodified.

<==Termitohospitina S57
    |--Termitohospes Seevers 1941 S57
    |    |--*T. miricorniger Seevers 1941 S57
    |    |--T. brasiliana Seevers 1957 S57
    |    |--T. guianae Seevers 1941 S57
    |    |--T. limulus Seevers 1957 S57
    |    |--T. panamensis Seevers 1941 S57
    |    |--T. silvestrii Seevers 1957 S57
    |    |--T. tachyporoides Seevers 1957 S57
    |    `--T. unicolor (Silvestri 1947) [=Termitomus unicolor] S57
    `--+--Paratermitosocius Seevers 1941 S57
       |    `--*P. vestitus (Mann 1923) [=Perinthus vestitus] S57
       |--Termitosocius Seevers 1941 S57
       |    `--*T. microps Seevers 1941 S57
       `--+--Blapticoxenus Mann 1923 [incl. Termitocolonus Seevers 1941] S57
          |    `--*B. brunneus Mann 1923 [incl. *Termitocolonus ericiogaster Seevers 1941] S57
          |--Termitosodalis Seevers 1941 [incl. Termitomus Silvestri 1947] S57
          |    |--*T. barticae Seevers 1941 S57
          |    `--T. fasciatus (Silvestri 1947) [=*Termitomus fasciatus, Termitohospes fasciatus] S57
          `--Hetairotermitina S57
               |--Termitobra Seevers 1957 S57
               |    `--*T. perinthoides Seevers 1957 S57
               `--Hetairotermes Cameron 1920 [=Termophila Lea 1910 non Grassi 1887] S57
                    |--*H. latebricola (Lea 1910) [=*Termophila latebricola] S57
                    |--H. agilis Cameron 1920 S57
                    |--H. bryanti Cameron 1950 S57
                    |--H. formicicola Oke 1933 S57
                    |--H. insulanus Seevers 1957 S57
                    |--H. piceus Cameron 1920 S57
                    `--H. punctiventris (Lea 1910) [=Termophila punctiventris] S57

*Type species of generic name indicated


[S57] Seevers, C. H. 1957. A monograph on the termitophilous Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Fieldiana Zoology 40: 1–334.

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