Belongs within: Staphylinidae.
Contains: Abrotelina, Termitogastrina.
The Corotocini are a group of physogastric staphylinid beetles found mostly in association with nasutitermitine termites, with a very few species found with the termitine genus Anoplotermes (Seevers 1957).
See also: The Corotocini in their gut-swollen glory.
Characters (from Seevers 1957): Mentum fused to submentum; mesocoxal acetabula not margined; metepimera abbreviated; hind coxae triangular; physogastric.
<==Corotocini S57
| i. s.: Termitochara Wasmann 1893 [Termitocharina] S57
| `--*T. kraatzi Wasmann 1893 S57
|--Timeparthenina S57
| |--Termituncula Borgmeier 1950 S57
| | `--*T. gracilipes Borgmeier 1950 S57
| `--+--Termitozophilus Silvestri 1901 [incl. Corymbogaster Mann 1923] S57
| | |--*T. laetus Silvestri 1901 S57
| | `--T. mirandus (Mann 1923) [=*Corymbogaster miranda] S57
| `--+--Autuoria Silvestri 1946 S57
| | `--*A. elegantulum Silvestri 1946 [incl. A. orthocephali ms] S57
| `--+--Ptocholellus Silvestri 1946 S57
| | `--*P. mimus Silvestri 1946 S57
| `--Timeparthenus Silvestri 1901 S57
| |--*T. regius Silvestri 1901 S57
| `--T. oglobini Silvestri 1946 [=Timeparthemus (l. c.) oglobini] S57
`--+--+--Abrotelina S57
| `--Termitogastrina S57
`--Corotocina S57
| i. s.: Eutermitoptochus Silvestri 1921 S57
| `--*E. novaehollandiae Silvestri 1921 S57
|--Corotoca Schiødte 1853 S57
| |--*C. melantho Schiødte 1854 S57
| |--C. araujoi Seevers 1957 S57
| |--C. guyanae Mann 1923 S57
| `--C. phylo Schiødte 1854 S57
`--+--+--Termitomimus Trägärdh 1907 S57
| | |--*T. entendveniensis Trägärdh 1907 S57
| | |--T. emersoni Seevers 1957 S57
| | `--T. latipes Seevers 1957 S57
| `--+--Termitopullus Reichensperger 1922 [incl. Termitoscapha Bernhauer 1938] S57
| | `--*T. sociusculus Reichensperger 1922 [incl. *Termitoscapha gestroi Bernhauer 1938] S57
| |--Termitoptocinus Silvestri 1921 S57
| | `--*T. australiensis Silvestri 1921 S57
| `--Eburniola Mann 1923 S57
| |--*E. leucogaster Mann 1923 S57
| |--E. gastrovittata Seevers 1937 S57
| `--E. lujae Seevers 1957 S57
`--+--Spirachtha Schiødte 1853 S57
| |--*S. eurymedusa Schiødte 1854 S57
| |--S. mirabilis Mann 1923 S57
| `--S. schioedtei Mann 1923 S57
`--+--Oideprosoma Silvestri 1920 S57
| `--*O. mirandum Silvestri 1920 S57
`--Thyreoxenus Mann 1923 S57
|--*T. parviceps Mann 1923 S57
|--T. albidus Seevers 1946 S57
|--T. autuorii Silvestri 1946 S57
|--T. boliviae Seevers 1946 S57
|--T. brevitibialis Seevers 1946 S57
|--T. convexinotus Seevers 1946 S57
|--T. cucullatus Seevers 1946 S57
|--T. major S57
|--T. pulchellus Mann 1923 S57
`--T. solomonensis Seevers 1937 S57
*Type species of generic name indicated
[S57] Seevers, C. H. 1957. A monograph on the termitophilous Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Fieldiana Zoology 40: 1–334.
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