
Licneremaeus licnophorus, copyright R. Penttinen.

Belongs within: Licneremaeoidea.

Licneremaeus is a cosmopolitan genus of oribatid mites.

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992): Prodorsum with costulae present, translamella absent; sensillus leaf-shaped. Anterior part of notogaster usually with circular lenticulus; thirteen pairs of notogastral setae; two pairs of slightly visible areae porosae; pteromorphae absent. Five pairs of genital setae; aggenital setae absent; two pairs of anal setae; two pairs of adanal setae. Legs tridactyle.

<==Licneremaeus Paoli 1908 S04
    |--*L. licnophorus (Michael 1882) [=Notaspis licnophorus] S04
    |--L. costulatus Mahunka 1982 S04
    |--L. cristatus Mahunka 1984 S04
    |--L. cubanus Balogh & Mahunka 1980 S04
    |--L. discoidalis Willmann 1930 [incl. L. antillensis Mahunka 1985] S04
    |--L. embeyisztini Mahunka 1980 S04
    |--L. exornatus Grandjean 1931 S04
    |--L. giustii Bernini 1973 S04
    |--L. linieatus Hammer 1979 S04
    |--L. novaeguineae Balogh 1968 S04
    |--L. novus Karppinen & Shtanchaeva 1987 S04
    |--L. polygonalis Hammer 1971 S04
    |--L. prodigiosus Schuster 1958 S04
    |--L. propinquus Balogh 1958 (n. d.) S04
    |--L. semiareolatus Mahunka 1978 S04
    `--L. similis Pérez-Íñigo 1990 S04

*Type species of generic name indicated


Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.

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