
Bipassalozetes sp., copyright Monica Young.

Belongs within: Licneremaeoidea.

Bipassalozetes is a genus of oribatid mites found in Eurasia, Africa and North America, with a well-defined circular lenticulus on the notogaster and bidactylous legs.

Characters (from Balogh & Balogh 1992): Sensillus setiform. Anterior part of notogaster with circular lenticulus; ten pairs of notogastral setae; three pairs of small areae porosae. Genital plates with four pairs of setae; aggenital setae present. Legs bidactyle.

<==Bipassalozetes Mihelčič 1957 S04
    |--B. (Bipassalozetes) [incl. Salpasozetes Mahunka 1977] S04
    |    |--*B. (B.) permixtus (Mihelčič 1957) [=Passalozetes (*B.) permixtus] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) berndhauseri (Mahunka 1997) [=Passalozetes (B.) berndhauseri] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) bidactylus (Coggi 1900) [=Scutovertex bidactylus] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) deserticus Bayartogtokh & Aoki 1997 S04
    |    |--B. (B.) elegans (Sitnikova 1975) [=Passalozetes elegans] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) gobiensis (Mahunka 1964) [=Passalozetes gobiensis] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) intermedius (Mihelčič 1954) [=Passalozetes intermedius; incl. P. variatepictus Mihelčič 1956] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) lineolatus (Sitnikova 1975) [=Passalozetes lineolatus] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) mahunkai Bayartogtokh & Aoki 1997 S04
    |    |--B. (B.) microsculptratus Bayartogtokh & Aoki 1997 S04
    |    |--B. (B.) mongolicus Bayartogtokh & Aoki 1997 S04
    |    |--B. (B.) moniles (Higgins & Woolley 1975) [=Passalozetes moniles] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) nitidus (Bayoumi & Al-Khalifa 1984) [=Passalozetes nitidus] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) pectinatus (Wallwork 1964) [=Passalozetes pectinatus] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) perforatus (Berlese 1910) (see below for synonymy) S04
    |    |--B. (B.) reticulatus (Mihelčič 1957) [=Passalozetes reticulatus] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) rugosus (Sitnikova 1975) [=Passalozetes rugosus] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) striatus (Mihelčič 1955) [=Passalozetes striatus; incl. P. kaszabi Mahunka 1964] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) tibialis (Nicolet 1855) (n. d.) [=Eremaeus tibialis] S04
    |    |--B. (B.) vicinus (Mihelčič 1957) [=Passalozetes vicinus] S04
    |    `--B. (B.) wolwekransensis (Engelbrecht 1974) [=Passalozetes wolwekransensis] S04
    `--B. (Passalobates Pérez-Íñigo & Peña 1996) S04
         |--B. (*P.) asper (Pérez-Íñigo & Peña 1996) [=*Passalobates asper] S04
         |--B. (P.) linearis (Higgins & Woolley 1962) [=Passalozetes linearis] S04
         `--B. (P.) sabulosus (Shtanchaeva 1986) [=Passalozetes sabulosus] S04

Bipassalozetes (Bipassalozetes) perforatus (Berlese 1910) [=Scutovertex perforatus; incl. Passalozetes granulatus Mihelčič 1955, P. propinquus Mihelčič 1956] S04

*Type species of generic name indicated


Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.

[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.

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