
Centrophthalmus punctipennis, from here.

Belongs within: Staphylinidae.

The Pselaphitae are a large group of beetles that usually have eleven-segmented antennae and greatly developed maxillary palpi (Imms et al. 1977).

    |--Ctenistes [Ctenistini] NG05
    |    |--C. mitis Schaufuss 1882 NG05
    |    `--C. parviceps G89
    |--Odontalgus [Odontalgini] NG05
    |    `--O. vestitus Schaufuss 1886 NG05
    |--Sabarhytus Löbl 2000 [Arhytodini] NG05
    |    `--S. kinabalu Löbl 2000 NG05
    |--Pselaphus [Pselaphini] NG05
    |    |--P. biocellatus Reitter 1883 NG05
    |    |--P. calopygaeus Schaufuss 1887 NG05
    |    |--P. lativentris Reitter 1882 NG05
    |    |--P. parvipalpis Reitter 1882 [incl. P. bivestitus Schaufuss 1887] NG05
    |    |--P. sexstriatus Reitter 1883 NG05
    |    `--P. unipunctatus Reitter 1883 NG05
    |--Hybocephalini NG05
    |    |--Stipesa [incl. Filiger] NG05
    |    |--Pseudapharina prima (Reitter 1883) NG05
    |    |--Apharinodes NG05
    |    |    |--A. miranda Raffray 1895 NG05
    |    |    `--A. squamosa Raffray 1890 NG05
    |    |--Apharina NG05
    |    |    |--A. borneensis Raffray 1896 NG05
    |    |    `--A. fuscipennis Reitter 1883 NG05
    |    `--Hybocephalodes NG05
    |         |--H. dentiventris Reitter 1883 NG05
    |         |--H. informis Reitter 1883 NG05
    |         `--H. telangensis Reitter 1883 NG05
    |--Tmesiphorini NG05
    |    |--Ctenotillus NG05
    |    |--Raphitreus dentimanus Raffray 1890 NG05
    |    |--Chandleriella Hlavac 2000 NG05
    |    |    `--*C. termitophila (Bryant 1915) [=Lasinus termitophilus] NG05
    |    |--Tmesiphorus NG05
    |    |    |--T. armatus Raffray 1882 NG05
    |    |    |--T. clavatus Raffray 1895 NG05
    |    |    `--T. matangensis Bryant 1915 NG05
    |    |--Dacnotillus NG05
    |    |    |--D. pilosus Raffray 1895 NG05
    |    |    |--D. transversus Raffray 1895 NG05
    |    |    `--D. tuberculatus Raffray 1895 NG05
    |    |--Ancystrocerus NG05
    |    |    |--A. longicornis Raffray 1895 NG05
    |    |    |--A. pallidus Raffray 1895 NG05
    |    |    |--A. punctatus Raffray 1895 NG05
    |    |    `--A. rugicollis Raffray 1895 NG05
    |    `--Pseudophanias Raffray 1890 NG05
    |         |--*P. malaianus Raffray 1890 NG05
    |         |--P. cribricollis Raffary 1895 NG05
    |         |--P. heterocerus Raffray 1895 NG05
    |         |--P. pilosus Raffray 1895 NG05
    |         |--P. puberulus Raffray 1904 NG05
    |         `--P. punctatus Raffray 1904 NG05
    `--Tyrini NG05
         |--Centrophthalmina NG05
         |    |--Enantius NG05
         |    |    |--E. fortis Raffray 1895 NG05
         |    |    |--E. rostratus Reitter 1883 NG05
         |    |    `--E. singapuriensis Raffray 1895 NG05
         |    `--Centrophthalmus NG05
         |         |--C. bispina Reitter 1883 NG05
         |         |--C. divisus Reitter 1883 NG05
         |         `--C. punctipennis NG05
         |              |--C. p. punctipennis NG05
         |              `--C. p. punctatissimus Schaufuss 1882 NG05
         `--Tyrina NG05
              |--Labomimus heterocerus (Raffray 1882) [=Pselaphodes heterocerus; incl. P. antennatus Bryant 1915] NG05
              |--Paralasinus NG05
              |--Taiwanophodes Hlavác 2002 NG05
              |--Nomuraius Hlavác 2002 NG05
              |--Linan Hlavác 2002 NG05
              |--Indophodes Hlavác 2002 NG05
              |--Tyrodes clavatus Raffray 1895 NG05
              |--Ryxabis anthicoides Westwood 1870 NG05
              |--Tyrus NG05
              |    |--T. corticalis (Raffray 1890) NG05
              |    `--T. myrmecophilus Bryant 1915 NG05
              `--Pselaphodes NG05
                   |--P. clavatus Raffray 1895 NG05
                   |--P. foveolatus Raffray 1892 NG05
                   `--P. villosulus Westwood 1870 NG05

*Type species of generic name indicated


[G89] Gestro, R. 1889. Viaggio ab Assab nel Mar Rosso dei signori G. Doria ed O. Beccari con il R. Avviso «Esploratore» dal 16 Novembre 1879 al 26 Febbraio 1880. – IV. Coleotteri. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, Serie 2a 7: 5-72.

Imms, A. D., O. W. Richards & R. G. Davies. 1977. Imms' General Textbook of Entomology. Springer.

[NG05] Nomura, S., & I. Abd Ghani. 2005. Faunistic notes on the pselaphine species of the supertribes Goniaceritae, Pselaphitae and Clavigeritae from Malaysia and Singapore (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae). Serangga 10 (1-2): 1-36.

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