
Gnathophausia zoea, copyright Alexander Semenov.

Belongs within: Eumalacostraca.
Contains: Mysida.

The Mysidacea are small, mostly marine shrimp-like crustaceans with an extensive carapace covering part of the first thorax section but originally connected to only one thoracic segment. There is some doubt as to whether the two major living groups, the Lophogastrida and Mysida, actually form a monophyletic unit. Lophogastrida differ from Mysida in the presence of gills on most thoracopods (Casanova et al. 1998).

    |  i. s.: Gastrosaccus sanctus PP64
    |         Iiella ohshimai (Ii 1964) HM03
    |         Nipponomysis ornata (Ii 1964) HM03
    |         Bowmaniella S74
    |         Mesodopsis woolridgei VS14
    |         Rhopalophtalmus terranatalis VS14
    |--+--Mysida MD01
    |  `--Pygocephalomorpha MD01
    |       |--Jerometchenoria [Jerometichenoriidae] BWW93
    |       |    `--J. grandis Schram 1978 BWW93
    |       |--Tealliocarididae BWW93
    |       |    |--Tealliocaris loudensis S74
    |       |    `--Pseudogalathea macconochiei (Etheridge 1879) BWW93
    |       |--Notocarididae S74
    |       |    |--Notocaris tapscotti Broom 1931 S74
    |       |    `--Paulocaris pachecoi Clarke 1920 G88, S77
    |       `--Pygocephalidae S74
    |            |--Anthracaris gracilis G88
    |            |--Mamayocaris S74
    |            |    |--M. jaskoskii Schram 1974 S74
    |            |    `--M. jepseni Brooks 1962 BWW93
    |            |--Pygocephalus G88
    |            |    |--P. aisenvergi G88
    |            |    `--P. dubius [=Anthrapalaemon dubius] G88
    |            `--Pseudotealliocaris BWW93
    |                 |--P. caudafimbriata G88
    |                 |--P. etheridgei G88
    |                 `--P. palincsari Schram 1988 BWW93
    `--Lophogastrida MD01
         |--Peachocaris [Peachocarididae] BWW93
         |    |--P. acanthouraea Schram 1984 BWW93
         |    `--P. strongi (Brooks 1962) BWW93
         |--Eucopiidae CJF98
         |    |--Schimperella BWW93
         |    |    |--S. beneckei Bill 1914 BWW93
         |    |    `--S. kessleri Bill 1914 BWW93
         |    `--Eucopia CJF98
         |         |--E. sculpticauda (Faxon 1893) CJF98
         |         `--+--E. australis Dana 1852 CJF98
         |            |--E. crassicornis Casanova 1997 CJF98
         |            |--E. grimaldii Nouvel 1942 CJF98
         |            |--E. linguicauda Tattersall 1957 CJF98
         |            `--E. unguiculata (Willemoës-Suhm 1875) CJF98
         `--Lophogastridae CJF98
              |--Chalaraspidum CJF98
              |--Paralophogaster CJF98
              |--Lophogaster CJF98
              |    |--L. spinosus Ortman 1906 CJF98
              |    |--L. typicus Sars 1857 CJF98
              |    `--L. voultensis Secretan & Riou 1986 BWW93
              `--Gnathophausia [incl. Neognathophausia Petryashov 1992] CJF98
                   |--G. gracilis Willemoës-Suhm 1875 CJF98
                   `--+--+--G. gigas Willemoës-Suhm 1875 [=Neognathophausia gigas] CJF98
                      |  `--G. ingens (Dohrn 1870) [=Neognathophausia ingens] CJF98
                      `--+--G. affinis Sars 1883 CJF98
                         |--G. childressi Casanova 1996 CJF98
                         |--G. elegans Sars 1883 CJF98
                         |--G. fagei Casanova 1996 CJF98
                         |--G. longispina Sars 1883 CJF98
                         `--G. zoea Willemoës-Suhm 1873 CJF98

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BWW93] Briggs, D. E. G., M. J. Weedon & M. A. Whyte. 1993. Arthropoda (Crustacea excluding Ostracoda). In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 321–342. Chapman & Hall: London.

[CJF98] Casanova, J.-P., L. D. Jong & E. Faure. 1998. Interrelationships of the two families constituting the Lophogastrida (Crustacea: Mysidacea) inferred from morphological and molecular data. Marine Biology 132: 59–65.

[G88] Gray, J. 1988. Evolution of the freshwater ecosystem: the fossil record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 62: 1–214.

[HM03] Hanamura, Y., & M. Matsuoka. 2003. Feeding habits of the sand shrimp, Crangon uritai Hayashi & Kim, 1999, in the central Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Crustaceana 76 (8): 1017–1024.

[MD01] Martin, J. W., & G. E. Davis. 2001. An updated classification of the Recent Crustacea. Natural History Museum Los Angeles County, Science Series 39: 1–124.

[PP64] Peres, J. M., & J. Picard. 1964. Nouveau manuel de bionomie benthique de la mer Mediterranee. Recueil des Travaux de la Station Marine d'Endoume, Bulletin 31 (27): 5–137.

[S74] Schram, F. R. 1974. Convergences between Late Paleozoic and modern caridoid Malacostraca. Systematic Zoology 23 (3): 323–332.

[S77] Schram, F. R. 1977. Paleozoogeography of Late Paleozoic and Triassic Malacostraca. Systematic Zoology 26 (4): 367–379.

[VS14] Vinther, J., M. Stein, N. R. Longrich & D. A. T. Harper. 2014. A suspension-feeding anomalocarid from the Early Cambrian. Nature 507: 496–499.

Last updated: 10 March 2022.

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