
Homalenotus quadridentatus, copyright Arp.

Belongs within: Sclerosomatidae.

Homalenotus is a genus of heavily armoured sclerosomatid harvestmen known from central and southern Europe.

Characters (from Martens 1978): Male genital morphology with truncus of penis slender, narrowed continuously from base to glans, the third of which is almost parallel-margined, glans narrow or broad lancet-shaped, sometimes wider than end of truncus, weakly angled dorsad against truncus. Muscles restricted to basal half of truncus. Body of male and female conspicuously dorso-ventrally flattened, anterior margin of cephalothorax drawn out medially into 2 superimposed, horizontal processes, the upper strikingly large and only this one visible dorsally. Metapeltidium without or with two median humps, opisthosomal areas I–IV with one pair of median humps, laterally often with another pair. Area V extended in 4 horizontally protruding processes. Chelicerae almost completely concealed dorsally. Supracheliceral lamellae weakly developed, only visible ventrally after removal of the chelicerae. Tarsal setation of pedipalp strong, comb-like. Sternites I-VI each with indistinctly differentiated lateral sclerite plate in region of pleura. Corona analis present.

<==Homalenotus Koch 1839 G59 (see below for synonymy)
    |--*H. quadridentatus (Cuvier 1795) C92 (see below for synonymy)
    |--H. armatus (Roewer 1915) G59 [=*Parasclerosoma armatum C92]
    |--H. buchneri Schenkel 1936 (see below for synonymy) G59
    |--H. coriaceus (Simon 1879) G59 (see below for synonymy)
    |--H. graecus Roewer 1957 G59
    |--H. laranderas Grasshoff 1959 G59
    |--‘Phalangium’ mamillatum Gervais 1844 (n. d.) [=Sclerosoma mamillatum] R23
    |--H. monoceros Koch 1839 G59 [=Sclerosoma monoceros D04, H. monocerus (l. c.) D04]
    |--‘Phalangium’ oraniense Lucas 1847 [=Sclerosoma oraniense] R23
    `--H. remyi (Roewer 1957) [=Parasclerosoma remyi] G59

Homalenotus Koch 1839 G59 [=Homalonotus Agassiz 1846 nec Koenig 1825 nec Agassiz 1846 C92, Sclerosoma Lucas 1858 C92; incl. Parasclerosoma Roewer 1915 G59]

Homalenotus buchneri Schenkel 1936 [incl. Parasclerosoma lusitanicum Roewer 1923 non Sclerosoma lusitanicum Kulczynski 1909, H. roeweri Kraus 1959] G59

Homalenotus coriaceus (Simon 1879) G59 [=Sclerosoma coriaceum G59; incl. H. hispanum Koch 1869 (n. n.?) R23, S. hispanum R23, S. lusitanicum Kulczynski 1909 G59, Homalenotus lusitanicus G59]

*Homalenotus quadridentatus (Cuvier 1795) C92 [=Phalangium quadridentatum G59, *Sclerosoma quadridentatum C92; incl. Homalenotus bispinosus Lucas 1856 D04, S. bispinosum D04, Parasclerosoma perssoni brunnea Schenkel 1938 D04, Pa. perssoni Schenkel 1938 D04, Homalenotus romanus Koch 1869 D04, Sclerosoma romanum D04, Phalangium spinosum Latreille 1798 non Bosc 1792 D04]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C92] Crawford, R. L. 1992. Catalogue of the genera and type species of the harvestman superfamily Phalangioidea (Arachnida). Burke Museum Contributions in Anthropology and Natural History 8: 1–60.

[D04] Delfosse, E. 2004. Catalogue préliminaire des Opilions de France métropolitaine (Arachnida Opiliones). Bulletin de Phyllie 20: 34–58.

[G59] Grasshoff, M. 1959. Über Homalenotus und Parasclerosoma. (Arach., Opiliones-Palpatores). Senckenbergiana Biologica 40 (5–6): 283–288.

Martens, J. 1978. Spinnentiere, Arachnida: Weberknechte, Opiliones. Gustav Fischer Verlag: Jena.

[R23] Roewer, C.-F. 1923. Die Weberknechte der Erde: Systematische Bearbeitung der bisher bekannnten Opiliones. Gustav Fischer: Jena.

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