
Mycone metalmark Synargis mycone, photographed by Will Carter.

Belongs within: Nymphidiini.

The Lemoniadina is a somewhat poorly supported grouping of Neotropical butterflies with myrmecophilous larvae. They may be united by the presence of a pair of projections, with length longer than width, from the prothorax in late-instar larvae (Hall & Harvey 2002).

    |--+--Thisbe Hübner 1819 [incl. Esthemopheles Röber 1903, Uraneis Bates 1868] HH02
    |  |    |--+--T. molela (Hewitson 1865) [incl. T. palilis Stichel 1910] HH02
    |  |    |  `--T. rupestre Callaghan 2001 HH02
    |  |    `--+--T. irenea (Stoll 1780) (see below for synonymy) HH02
    |  |       `--+--T. lycorias (Hewitson 1853) (see below for synonymy) HH02
    |  |          `--+--T. hyalina (Butler 1867) [incl. T. zamuro (Thieme 1907)] HH02
    |  |             `--+--T. incubus (Hall, Lamas & Willmott 2001) HH02
    |  |                `--T. ucubis (Hewitson 1870) HH02
    |  `--Lemonias Hübner 1807 [incl. Anatole Hübner 1819] HH02
    |       |--+--L. caliginea (Butler 1867) [incl. L. rossi (Clench 1964)] HH02
    |       |  `--+--L. egaensis (Butler 1867) (see below for synonymy) HH02
    |       |     `--L. zygia Hübner 1807 (see below for synonymy) HH02
    |       |          |--L. z. zygia HH02
    |       |          `--L. z. chea Hewitson 1863 HH02 [=Anatole zygia f. chea S55]
    |       `--+--+--L. sontella (Schaus 1902) HH02
    |          |  `--L. stalachtioides (Butler 1867) [incl. L. canidia (Druce 1904), L. stellidia (Schaus 1902)] HH02
    |          `--+--L. ochracea (Mengel 1902) [incl. L. phyciodes (Hayward 1949)] HH02
    |             `--+--L. albofasciata (Godman 1903) HH02
    |                `--L. theodora (Godman 1903) HH02
    `--+--Juditha Hemming 1964 [incl. Pseudopeplia Hemming 1967] HH02
       |    |--J. odites (Cramer 1775) (see below for synonymy) HH02
       |    |    |--J. o. odites HH02
       |    |    `--J. o. praeclarum (Bates 1866) HH02
       |    `--+--+--J. inambari Hall & Harvey 2001 HH02
       |       |  `--J. pulcherrima (Butler 1867) [incl. J. felicis (Rebillard 1958)] HH02
       |       |       |--J. p. pulcherrima HH02
       |       |       `--J. p. comparata (Stichel 1911) HH02
       |       `--+--J. dorilis (Bates 1866) [=J. ipsea (Godman & Salvin 1886), J. licinias (Staudinger 1887)] HH02
       |          `--+--J. naza Hall & Harvey 2001 HH02
       |             `--+--J. azan (Westwood 1851) (see below for synonymy) HH02
       |                |    |--J. a. azan HH02
       |                |    |--J. a. completa (Lathy 1904) HH02
       |                |    `--J. a. majorina Brévignon & Gallard 1998 HH02
       |                `--+--J. caucana (Stichel 1911) HH02
       |                   `--J. molpe (Hübner 1808) [incl. J. bahiana (Stichel 1929)] HH02
       `--Synargis Hübner 1819 (see below for synonymy) HH02
            |  i. s.: S. sorane Hübner 1819 HH02
            |--+--S. fenestrella (Lathy 1932) (see below for synonymy) HH02
            |  `--+--S. paulistina (Stichel 1910) (see below for synonymy) HH02
            |     |--S. phliasus (Clerk 1764) [incl. S. hewitsoni (Rebel 1901), S. phillone (Godart 1824)] HH02
            |     |    |--S. p. phliasus HH02
            |     |    |--S. p. maravalica (Seitz 1913) HH02
            |     |    `--S. p. velabrum (Godman & Salvin 1878) HH02
            |     `--S. victrix (Rebel 1901) HH02
            `--+--+--S. sylvarum (Bates 1867) HH02
               |  `--+--S. regulus (Fabricius 1793) [incl. S. attilius (Stichel 1925), S. ingens (Stichel 1925)] HH02
               |     `--+--S. axenus (Hewitson 1876) (see below for synonymy) HH02
               |        |    |--S. a. axenus HH02
               |        |    `--S. a. ochrophlegma (Stichel 1911) HH02
               |        `--S. bifasciata (Mengel 1902) [=Ematurgina bifasciata; incl. S. mabildei (Röber 1903)] HH02
               `--+--+--S. chaonia (Hewitson 1853) [incl. S. indivisa Brévignon 1998] HH02
                  |  `--+--S. pittheus (Hoffmannsegg 1818) (see below for synonymy) HH02
                  |     `--+--S. agle (Hewitson 1853) [=S. furva (Stichel 1911), S. menalcidas (Seitz 1913)] HH02
                  |        `--+--S. dirca (Stichel 1911) HH02
                  |           `--S. ochra (Bates 1868) [incl. S. sicyon (Godman & Salvin 1878)] HH02
                  `--+--S. galena (Bates 1868) [=*Thysanota galena] HH02
                     `--+--+--S. nymphidioides (Butler 1872) [incl. S. labdacus (Godman & Salvin 1886)] HH02
                        |  `--+--S. ethelinda (Hewitson 1870) HH02
                        |     `--S. palaeste (Hewitson 1870) (see below for synonymy) HH02
                        `--+--S. gela (Hewitson 1853) [incl. S. ferruginea (Lathy 1932)] HH02
                           `--+--S. calyce (Felder & Felder 1862) (see below for synonymy) HH02
                              `--+--S. mycone (Hewitson 1865) HH02
                                 `--+--S. tytia (Cramer 1777) (see below for synonymy) HH02
                                    `--+--S. abaris (Cramer 1776) (see below for synonymy) HH02
                                       `--+--S. orestessa Hübner 1819 (see below for synonymy) HH02
                                          `--S. soranus (Stoll 1781) HH02

Juditha azan (Westwood 1851) [incl. J. australis (Felder 1862), J. lamis (Stoll 1780) (preocc.)] HH02

Juditha odites (Cramer 1775) [incl. J. apame (Hewitson 1865), J. laodamia (Stichel 1923), J. magnifica (Stichel 1911), J. oditis (Hübner 1819), J. orontes (Stichel 1923), J. phylacis (Godart 1824), J. phyllea (Hübner 1819), J. phylleus (Cramer 1775)] HH02

Lemonias egaensis (Butler 1867) [incl. L. reducta Brévignon 1998, L. restricta (Talbot 1928), L. suffusa (Lathy 1932)] HH02

Lemonias zygia Hübner 1807 [incl. L. baroptenosa (Stichel 1910), L. caletor (Dalman 1823), L. epone (Godart 1824), L. peristera (Stichel 1910)] HH02

Synargis Hübner 1819 [incl. Acystipoda Röber 1892, Ematurgina Röber 1903, Nymula Boisduval 1836, Thysanota Stichel 1910 non Albers 1860] HH02

Synargis abaris (Cramer 1776) [incl. S. abarissa (Hübner 1819), S. sperthias (Felder & Felder 1865), S. tenes (Doubleday 1847)] HH02

Synargis axenus (Hewitson 1876) [=Ematurgina axenus; incl. S. acervata (Seitz 1932), S. dissimilis (Hayward 1949), S. distincta (Hayward 1949), S. leucomelaina (Breyer 1930), S. perrupta (Seitz 1932), S. roeberi (Seitz 1932)] HH02

Synargis calyce (Felder & Felder 1862) [incl. S. brennus (Stichel 1910), S. manius (Stichel 1910), S. mesoleucum (Bates 1868), S. pernambuco Callaghan 1999] HH02

Synargis fenestrella (Lathy 1932) [=Thisbe fenestrella; incl. S. cayennensis (Brévignon & Gallard 1992)] HH02

Synargis orestessa Hübner 1819 [incl. S. arche (Hewitson 1865), S. cinerea (Stichel 1925), S. orestes (Cramer 1780), S. pseudomandana (Röber 1927)] HH02

Synargis palaeste (Hewitson 1870) [incl. S. grande (Godman 1903), S. salvator (Stichel 1911)] HH02

Synargis paulistina (Stichel 1910) [incl. S. enimanga (Seitz 1917), S. pedronia (Stichel 1910), S. velatum (Stichel 1914)] HH02

Synargis pittheus (Hoffmannsegg 1818) [incl. S. cavifascia (Butler 1877), S. pelope (Hübner 1819), S. pelops (Cramer 1777), S. quinoni (Weeks 1906)] HH02

Synargis tytia (Cramer 1777) [incl. S. arctos (Hewitson 1853), S. ariadne (Stichel 1911), S. eroe (Hewitson 1865), S. gnosis (Boisduval 1836)] HH02

Thisbe irenea (Stoll 1780) [incl. T. atlantis Stichel 1910, T. belides Stichel 1910, T. belise (Stoll 1781), T. branca Penz & DeVries 2001, T. interjecta Talbot 1928, T. prodiga Stichel 1929] HH02

Thisbe lycorias (Hewitson 1853) [incl. T. adelphinum (Godman & Salvin 1878), T. germanus (Godman & Salvin 1886), T. incarum Seitz 1916] HH02

*Type species of generic name indicated


[HH02] Hall, J. P. W., & D. J. Harvey. 2002. Basal subtribes of the Nymphidiini (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae): phylogeny and myrmecophily. Cladistics 18: 539-569.

[S55] Schröder, H. 1955. Eine Falter-Ausbeute aus dem westlichen Bolivien. (Ins. Lepid. Rhopal.) Senckenbergiana Biologica 36: 329-338.

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