
Philodendron insigne, copyright Bernard Dupont.

Belongs within: Araceae.
Contains: Arisaema.

The Aroideae is a clade within the family Araceae with the spadix (flower-spike) divided into a male and female region. Members of the Aroideae except the Zamioculcadeae are united by the presence of lactifers and of pollen with a thin thin ectexine, thick and spongy endexine and massive intine (Angiosperm Phylogeny Website). Notable members of the clade include taro Colocasia esculenta, widely grown for its edible corms. Many, such as species of Philodendron, are popular ornamental plants grown primarily for their foliage. The titan arum Amorphophallus titanum produces the world's largest unbranched inflorescence, reaching a height of up to 2.5 metres.

Synapomorphies (from the Angiosperm Phylogeny Website, as 'Zamioculcadoideae + Aroideae'): Spathe differentiated into tube plus blade, spadix differentiated into zones with staminate and carpellate flowers; flowers imperfect; pollen inaperturate.

    |--Zamioculcas [Zamioculcadeae] TB04
    |    `--Z. zamiifolia TB04
    `--+--+--Nephthytideae TB04
       |  |    |--Anchomanes difformis TB04
       |  |    `--Nephthytis afzelii TB04
       |  `--Aglaonema [Aglaonemateae] TB04
       |       |--A. griffithii P88
       |       |--A. modestum TB04
       |       `--A. oblongifolium K03
       `--+--Anubias [Anubiadeae] TB04
          |    `--A. barteri TB04
          |         |--A. b. var. barteri TB04
          |         `--A. b. var. caladiifolia TB04
          |--+--Culcasieae TB04
          |  |    |--Culcasia saxatilis TB04
          |  |    `--+--Cercestis stigmaticus TB04
          |  |       `--Rhektophyllum mirabile TB04
          |  `--+--Dieffenbachia [Dieffenbachieae] TB04
          |     |    `--D. pittieri TB04
          |     `--Spathicarpa [Spathicarpeae] TB04
          |          `--S. sagittifolia TB04
          |--+--Montrichardia [Montrichardieae] TB04
          |  |    `--M. arborescens [incl. M. aculeata] BTA75
          |  `--+--Homalomena [Homalomeneae] TB04
          |     |    |--H. propinga K03
          |     |    `--H. rubescens TB04
          |     `--Philodendron [Philodendreae, Philodendroideae] TB04
          |          |  i. s.: P. callosum NS06
          |          |         P. consanguineum J87
          |          |         P. sinuatum MM96
          |          |--P. insigne TB04
          |          |--P. rudgeanum TB04
          |          |--P. solimoesense TB04
          |          `--+--P. fragrantissimum TB04
          |             `--+--P. billietiae TB04
          |                `---P. melinonii TB04
          `--+--+--Caladieae TB04
             |  |    |--Caladium TB04
             |  |    |    |--‘Arum’ arborescens V01
             |  |    |    |--‘Arum’ auritum V01
             |  |    |    |--C. bicolor TB04 [=Arum bicolor V01]
             |  |    |    |--‘Arum’ helleborifolium V01
             |  |    |    |--C. nymphaeaefolium V01
             |  |    |    |--‘Arum’ sagittaefolium V01
             |  |    |    |--‘Arum’ seguinum V01
             |  |    |    `--C. solocasia AP80
             |  |    `--Xanthosoma TB04
             |  |         |--X. sagittifolium TB04
             |  |         `--X. undipes C09
             |  `--Thomsonieae TB04
             |       |--Pseudodracontium FPC04
             |       `--Amorphophallus TB04
             |            |--A. galbra LK14
             |            |--A. gigas B14
             |            |--A. paeoniifolius TB04
             |            |    |--A. p. var. paeoniifolius TB04
             |            |    `--A. p. var. campanulatus TB04
             |            `--A. titanum CG12
             `--+--Peltandra [Peltandreae] TB04
                |    `--P. virginica TB04
                `--+--+--Arisaema TB04
                   |  `--Pistia [Pistieae] TB04
                   |       `--P. stratiotes TB04
                   `--Colocasieae [Colocasioideae] TB04
                        |--Protarum FPC04
                        |--Steudnera FPC04
                        |--Colocasia HE80
                        |    |--C. esculenta (Linnaeus) Schott in Schott & Endlicher 1832 HE80 (see below for synonymy)
                        |    |    |--C. e. var. esculenta LK14
                        |    |    `--C. e. var. aquatilis LK14
                        |    `--C. macrorrhiza M87
                        `--Alocasia TB04
                             |--A. cuprea H03
                             |--A. denudata P88
                             |--A. macrorrhiza (Linnaeus) Don in Sweet 1839 HE80
                             `--A. odora TB04

Aroideae incertae sedis:
  Arum HE80
    |--A. dioscoridis PT98
    |--A. dracunculus D97
    |--A. italicum Miller 1768 HE80
    `--A. maculatum TG88
  Arisarum [Arisareae] FPC04
    `--A. vulgare PT98
  Ambrosina [Ambrosineae] FPC04
  Calla [Calloideae] NS06
    `--C. palustris NS06

Colocasia esculenta (Linnaeus) Schott in Schott & Endlicher 1832 HE80 [=Arum esculentum V01, Caladium esculentum HE80; incl. C. esculenta var. antiquorum HE80, Arum colocasia C55]

*Type species of generic name indicated


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Last updated: 13 November 2018.

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