
Embidopsocus laticeps, copyright Graham Montgomery.

Belongs within: Nanopsocetae.

The Embidopsocinae include liposcelid barklice which lack a boss on the anterior margin of the hind femur and which may be winged or apterous.

<==Embidopsocinae YL10
    |--Chaetotroctes Badonnel 1973 YL10
    |    `--C. lenkoi Badonnel 1973 YL10
    |--Embidopsocopsis Badonnel 1973 YL10
    |    `--E. newi Badonnel 1973 YL10
    |--+--Belapha Enderlein 1917 YL10 [incl. Semnopsocus B55]
    |  |    |--B. globifer (Laing 1925) YL10
    |  |    `--B. schoutedeni Enderlein 1917 B55
    |  |--+--Troctulus Badonnel 1955 YL10
    |  |  |    `--*T. machadoi Badonnel 1955 B55
    |  |  `--Belaphopsocus Badonnel 1955 YL10 [=Belaphapsocus (l. c.) NL07]
    |  |       |--*B. vilhenai Badonnel 1955 B55
    |  |       |--B. badonneli New 1971 YL10
    |  |       |--B. dominicus Grimaldi & Engel 2006 YL10
    |  |       `--B. murphyi Lienhard 1991 YL10
    |  `--Belaphotroctes Roesler 1943 YL10 [incl. Eutroctes Ribaga 1911 (preoc.) M93]
    |       |--*B. traegardhi (Ribaga 1911) NL07, YL10 [=Eutroctes traegardhi NL07]
    |       |--B. alleni Mockford 1978 YL10
    |       |--B. angolensis Badonnel 1955 YL10
    |       |--B. antennalis Badonnel 1973 YL10
    |       |--B. atlanticus Lienhard 1996 YL10
    |       |--B. badonneli Mockford 1963 YL10
    |       |--B. brunneus Badonnel 1970 YL10
    |       |--B. fallax Badonnel 1973 YL10
    |       |--B. ghesquierei Badonnel 1949 YL10 [incl. B. okalensis Mockford 1963 M93, B. similis Mockford 1969 M93]
    |       |--B. hermosus Mockford 1963 YL10
    |       |--B. major Badonnel 1973 YL10
    |       |--B. mimulus Badonnel 1973 YL10
    |       |--B. ocularis Badonnel 1970 YL10
    |       |--B. remyi Badonnel 1967 YL10
    |       |--B. simberloffi Mockford 1972 YL10
    |       |--B. similis Mockford 1969 YL10
    |       |--B. simulans Badonnel 1974 YL10
    |       |--B. striatus Badonnel 1970 YL10
    |       `--B. vaginatus Badonnel 1973 YL10
    `--Embidopsocus Hagen 1866 YL10 (see below for synonymy)
         |  i. s.: E. antennalis Badonnel 1949 YL10
         |         E. eocenicus Nel, De Ploëg & Azar 2004 YL10
         |         E. hainanicus Li 2002 YL10
         |         E. intermedius Badonnel 1969 YL10
         |         E. jikuni Li 2002 YL10
         |         E. kumaonensis Badonnel 1981 YL10
         |         E. lenah Schmidt & New 2008 YL10
         |         E. leucomelas (Enderlein 1910) YL10 [=*Trigonosceliscus leucomelas NL07]
         |         E. mendax Badonnel 1973 YL10
         |         E. minor (Pearman 1931) [=Stenotroctes minor] L98
         |         E. paradoxus (Enderlein 1905) YL10 [=*Embidotroctes paradoxus NL07]
         |         E. pilosus Badonnel 1973 YL10
         |         E. porphyreus Li 2002 YL10
         |         E. reticulatus Badonnnel 1972 L02
         |         E. sacchari Mockford 1996 YL10
         |         E. saxonicus Günther 1989 YL10
         |         E. similis Badonnel 1973 YL10
         |         E. trifasciatus Badonnel 1973 YL10
         |         E. zhouyaoi Li 2002 YL10
         |--E. femoralis (Badonnel 1931) [=Stenotroctes femoralis] M93
         |--Group I M93
         |    |  i. s.: E. ambiguus Badonnel 1955 B55
         |    |--Subgroup A B55
         |    |    |--E. angolensis Badonnel 1955 B55
         |    |    |--E. echinus Badonnel 1955 B55
         |    |    `--E. granulosus Badonnel 1949 B55, YL10
         |    `--Subgroup B M93
         |         |--*E. luteus Hagen 1866 SN08, M74, SN08
         |         |--E. bousemani Mockford 1987 M93
         |         |--E. brasiliensis Badonnel 1973 M93, YL10
         |         |--E. cubanus Mockford 1987 M93, YL10
         |         |--E. distinctus Badonnel 1955 B55
         |         |--E. laticeps Mockford 1963 M93
         |         |--E. machadoi Badonnel 1955 B55
         |         |--E. mexicanus Mockford 1987 M93
         |         |--E. pallidus Badonnel 1955 B55
         |         |--E. pauliani Badonnel 1955 B55
         |         |--E. vilhenai Badonnel 1955 B55
         |         `--E. virgatus (Enderlein 1905) M93, YL10
         `--Group II M93
              |--Subgroup A M93
              |    |--E. citrensis Mockford 1963 M93
              |    |--E. congolensis Badonnel 1948 B55
              |    |--E. flexuosus Badonnel 1962 M93, YL10
              |    |--E. frater Badonnel 1973 M93, YL10
              |    |--E. oleaginus (Hagen 1865) B55, YL10 [=Atropos oleagina NL07, *Tropusia oleagina NL07]
              |    `--E. thorntoni Badonnel 1971 M93
              `--Subgroup B M93
                   |--E. enderleini (Ribaga 1905) M93, YL10 (see below for synonymy)
                   |--E. needhami (Enderlein 1903) M93 [=Troctes needhami NL07, *Stenotroctes needhami NL07]
                   `--E. trichurensis Menon 1942 M93, YL10

Embidopsocus Hagen 1866 YL10 [=Embidopsoues (l. c.) L03; incl. Embidotroctes Enderlein 1905 M93, Stenotroctes Enderlein 1905 M93, Trigonosceliscus Enderlein 1910 M93, Tropusia Hagen 1883 M93]

Embidopsocus enderleini (Ribaga 1905) M93, YL10 [=Stenotroctes enderleini G74; incl. Embidotroctes rectivenis Pearman 1925 G74]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B55] Badonnel, A. 1955. Psocoptères de l'Angola. Diamang Publicações Culturais 26: 11–267.

[G74] Günther, K. K. 1974. Staubläuse, Psocoptera. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 61: 1–315.

[L02] Li F. 2002. Psocoptera of China vol. 1. Science Press: Beijing.

[L98] Lienhard, C. 1998. Faune de France. France et Régions Limitrophes. 83. Psocoptères Euro-Méditerranéens. Fédération Française des Sociétés de Sciences Naturelles: Paris.

[L03] Lienhard, C. 2003. Nomenclatural amendments concerning Chinese Psocoptera (Insecta), with remarks on species richness. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 110 (4): 695–721.

[M74] Mockford, E. L. 1974. Records and descriptions of Cuban Psocoptera. Entomologica Americana 48 (2): 103–215.

[M93] Mockford, E. L. 1993. North American Psocoptera (Insecta). Sandhill Crane Press, Inc.

[NL07] New, T. R., & C. Lienhard. 2007. The Psocoptera of Tropical South-east Asia. Brill: Leiden.

[SN08] Schmidt, E. R., & T. R. New. 2008. The Psocoptera (Insecta) of Tasmania, Australia. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 65: 71–152.

[YL10] Yoshizawa, K., & C. Lienhard. 2010. In search of the sister group of the true lice: a systematic review of booklice and their relatives, with an updated checklist of Liposcelididae (Insecta: Psocodea). Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny 68 (2): 181–195.

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