
New Guinea spiny bandicoot Echymipera kalubu, photographed by Michael Pennay.

Belongs within: Marsupialia.

The Peramelemorphia includes the bandicoots, a group of long-snouted Australian marsupials. Most species are insectivorous or carnivorous, though the now-extinct pig-footed bandicoot Chaeropus ecaudatus may have been a grazer (Long et al. 2002.

Characters (from Long et al. 2002): Lower molars with very large, un-notched anterior cingulid; upper molars with large adjacent stylar cusps C and D, and buccally shifted centrocrista. Hind feet syndactylous (at least in Perameloidea), with second and third toes reduced and joined by a web of skin).

    |--Yarala Muirhead & Filan 1995 [Yaralidae, Yaraloidea] LA02
    |    |--*Y. burchfieldi Muirhead & Filan 1995 LA02
    |    `--Y. kida MJ11
    `--Perameloidea [Peramelidae] LA02
         |--Chaeropus ecaudatus CB-E04
         `--+--Thylacomyidae LA02
            |    |--Ischnodon Stirton 1955 LA02
            |    |    `--*I. australis Stirton 1955 LA02
            |    |--Macrotis CB-E04
            |    |    |--M. lagotis CB-E04
            |    |    `--M. leucura CB-E04
            |    `--Thylacomys nigripes WJ26
            `--+--+--Isoodon CB-E04
               |  |    |--I. macrourus (Gould 1842) CB-E04, K92
               |  |    `--+--I. auratus CB-E04
               |  |       `--I. obesulus (Shaw 1797) CB-E04, BD-D09
               |  `--Perameles Geoffroy 1803 CB-E04, LA02
               |       |  i. s.: P. allinghamensis Archer 1976 LA02
               |       |         P. bowensis Muirhead, Dawson & Archer 1997 LA02
               |       |         P. eremiana CB-E04
               |       |         P. wombeyensis Broom 1896 F71
               |       |--P. bougainville CB-E04
               |       `--+--*P. nasuta Geoffroy 1804 LA02, CB-E04, LA02
               |          `--P. gunnii CB-E04
               `--Peroryctidae LA02
                    |--Rhynchomeles prattorum LA02, BP87
                    |--Peroryctes CB-E04
                    |    |--P. broadbenti CB-E04
                    |    |--P. longicaudata TL70
                    |    `--P. raffrayana CB-E04
                    |--Microperoryctes LA02
                    |    |--M. longicauda CB-E04
                    |    |--M. murina CB-E04
                    |    `--M. papuensis CB-E04
                    `--Echymipera Lesson 1842 LA02
                         |--*E. kalubu (Lesson 1828) [=Perameles kalubu] R64
                         |--E. clara CB-E04
                         |--E. davidi CB-E04
                         |--E. doreyana TL70
                         |--E. echinista CB-E04
                         `--E. rufescens CB-E04
                              |--E. r. rufescens R64
                              `--E. r. australis Tate 1948 R64

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BD-D09] Beveridge, I. & M.-C. Durette-Desset. 2009. A new species of the nematode genus Copemania (Nematoda: Trichostrongylida), parasitic in the western quoll, Dasyurus geoffroii and short-nosed bandicoot, Isoodon obesulus from south-western Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 25 (3): 345-349.

[BP87] Burton, J. A., & B. Pearson. 1987. Collins Guide to the Rare Mammals of the World. Collins: London.

[CB-E04] Cardillo, M., O. R. P. Bininda-Emonds, E. Boakes & A. Purvis. 2004. A species-level phylogenetic supertree of marsupials. Journal of Zoology 264: 11-31.

[F71] Fletcher, H. O. 1971. Catalogue of type specimens of fossils in the Australian Museum, Sydney. Australian Museum Memoir 13: 1-167.

[K92] Klompen, J. S. H. 1992. Phylogenetic relationships in the mite family Sarcoptidae (Acari: Astigmata). Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 180: i-vi, 1-154.

[LA02] Long, J., M. Archer, T. Flannery & S. Hand. 2002. Prehistoric Mammals of Australia and New Guinea: One Hundred Million Years of Evolution. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney.

[MJ11] Meredith, R. W., J. E. Janečka, J. Gatesy, O. A. Ryder, C. A. Fisher, E. C. Teeling, A. Goodbla, E. Eizirik, T. L. L. Simão, T. Stadler, D. L. Rabosky, R. L. Honeycutt, J. J. Flynn, C. M. Ingram, C. Steiner, T. L. Williams, T. J. Robinson, A. Burk-Herrick, M. Westerman, N. A. Ayoub, M. S. Springer & W. J. Murphy. 2011. Impacts of the Cretaceous terrestrial revolution and KPg extinction on mammal diversification. Science 334: 521-524.

[R64] Ride, W. D. L. 1964. A list of mammals described from Australia between the years 1933 and 1963 (comprising newly proposed names and additions to the Australian faunal list). Australian Mammal Society Bulletin 7 (Suppl.): 1-15.

[TL70] Turnbull, W. D. & E. L. Lundelius, Jr. 1970. The Hamilton fauna: a Late Pliocene mammalian fauna from the Grange Burn, Victoria, Australia. Fieldiana Geology 19: 1-163.

[WJ26] Wood Jones, F. 1926. The R. M. Johnston Memorial Lecture, 1925. The mammalian toilet and some considerations arising from it. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 1925: 14-62.


Central American woolly opossum Caluromys derbianus, photographed by Adam von Haden.

Belongs within: Marsupialia.
Contains: Didelphinae.

The Didelphidae includes the opossums of North and South America (some sources divide them between the Didelphidae sensu stricto and Caluromyidae, but the 'Caluromyidae' are probably paraphyletic to the other didelphids). Morphological synapomorphies for the Didelphidae remain uncertain, but the monophyly of this clade is supported by molecular analysis, and side-by-side epididymal sperm-pairing has been found in all species investigated for this trait (Jansa & Voss 2005).

<==Didelphidae [Caluromyidae, Caluromyinae, Pedimana]
    |--Glironia Thomas 1912 JV05, C57
    |    |--*G. venusta Thomas 1912 [incl. G. aequatorialis Anthony 1926] C57
    |    `--G. criniger Anthony 1926 C57
    `--+--+--Didelphinae JV05
       |  `--Hyladelphys Voss et al. 2001 JV05
       |       `--*H. kalinowskii (Hershkovitz 1992) [=Gracilinanus kalinowskii] JV05
       `--+--Caluromysiops Sanborn 1951 JV05, C57
          |    `--*C. irrupta Sanborn 1951 C57
          `--Caluromys Allen 1900 JV05, C57 [incl. Mallodelphis Thomas 1920 C57]
               |--*C. philander (Linnaeus 1758) [=Didelphis philander, Philander philander] C57
               |    |--C. p. philander (see below for synonymy) C57
               |    |--C. p. affinis (Wagner 1842) [=Didelphis affinis, Philander philander affinis] C57
               |    `--C. p. dichrurus (Wagner 1842) [=Didelphis dichrura, Philander philander dichrura] C57
               |--C. derbianus (Waterhouse 1841) (see below for synonymy) C57
               |    |--C. d. derbianus G69
               |    `--C. d. aztecus G69
               `--C. lanatus (Illiger 1815) (see below for synonymy) C57
                    |--C. l. lanatus (see below for synonymy) C57
                    |--C. l. cicur (Bangs 1898) (see below for synonymy) C57
                    |--C. l. ochropus (Wagner 1842) (see below for synonymy) C57
                    `--C. l. ornatus (Tschudi 1845) (see below for synonymy) C57

Didelphidae incertae sedis:
  Thylophorops chapalmensis V91
  Oligobiotherium divisum S32
  Sparassocynus Mercerat 1898 [Sparassocyninae] S74
    |--S. bahiai S74
    `--S. derivatus S74
  ‘Diaphorodon’ Simpson 1927 non Archer 1869 V66
    `--*D. curtus (Marsh 1889) [=Cimolestes curtus] V66
  Hondadelphys M77
  Zygolestes paranensis M77
  Peratherium [incl. Herpetotherium Cope 1873] M60
    |--*Herpetotherium’ fugax Cope 1873 [=H. fuzax] M60
    |--‘Herpetotherium’ huntii Cope 1873 M60
    |--‘Herpetotherium’ stevensonii Cope 1873 M60
    `--‘Herpetotherium’ tricuspis Cope 1873 M60
  Thylacodon Matthew & Granger 1921 SFY02

Caluromys derbianus (Waterhouse 1841) [=Didelphys derbiana, C. (Mallodelphis) derbianus, Philander laniger derbianus; incl. Micoureus antioquiae Matschie 1917, Didelphys guayanus Thomas 1899, Philander laniger guayanus, P. laniger pictus Thomas 1913, Caluromys laniger pyrrhus Thomas 1901, P. laniger senex Thomas 1913] C57

Caluromys lanatus (Illiger 1815) [=Didelphis lanata, Philander lanata; incl. Mallodelphis lanigera hemiura Miranda Ribeiro 1936, Micoureus pulcher Matschie 1917] C57

Caluromys lanatus cicur (Bangs 1898) [=Philander cicur, P. laniger cicur, P. laniger cicus; incl. Micoureus meridensis Matschie 1917] C57

Caluromys lanatus lanatus (Illiger 1815) [incl. Micoureus cahyensis Matschie 1917, Didelphis lanigera Desmarest 1820, Caluromys (Mallodelphis) laniger, Micoureus laniger, Philander laniger, Mallodelphis lanigera modesta Miranda Ribeiro 1936, Ma. lanigera nattereri Miranda Ribeiro 1936] C57

Caluromys lanatus ochropus (Wagner 1842) [=Didelphys ochropus, C. laniger ochropus, Mallodelphis lanigera ochropus; incl. M. lanigera vitalina Miranda Ribeiro 1936] C57

Caluromys lanatus ornatus (Tschudi 1845) [=Didelphys ornata, C. derbianus ornatus, C. laniger ornatus, Philander laniger ornatus; incl. Micoureus bartletti Matschie 1917, P. laniger jivaro Thomas 1913, M. juninensis Matschie 1917] C57

*Caluromys philander philander (Linnaeus 1758) [incl. Philanser cayopollin Burmeister 1856 non Didelphys cayopollin Schreber 1776, Didelphis longicaudata Pelzeln 1883, Caluromys trinitatis leucurus Thomas 1904, D. macrura Pelzeln 1883, C. trinitatis venezuelae Thomas 1903] C57

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C57] Cabrera, A. 1957. Catalogo de los mamiferos de America del Sur. I (Metatheria—Unguiculata—Carnivora). Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” e Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de Las Ciencias Naturales, Ciencias Zoológicas 4 (1): 1–307.

[G69] Goodwin, G. G. 1969. Mammals from the State of Oaxaca, Mexico, in the American Museum of Natural History. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 141 (1): 1–269, 40 pls.

[JV05] Jansa, S. A., & R. S. Voss. 2005. Phylogenetic relationships of the marsupial genus Hyladelphys based on nuclear gene sequences and morphology. Journal of Mammalogy 86 (5): 853–865.

[M77] Marshall, L. G. 1977. Cladistic analysis of borhyaenoid, dasyuroid, didelphoid, and thylacinid (Marsupialia: Mammalia) affinity. Systematic Zoology 26 (4): 410–425.

[M60] McKenna, M. C. 1960. The Geolabidinae: a new subfamily of early Cenozoic erinaceoid insectivores. University of California Publications in Geological Sciences 37 (2): 131–164.

[SFY02] Scott, C. S., R. C. Fox & G. P. Youzwyshyn. 2002. New earliest Tiffanian (late Paleocene) mammals from Cochrane 2, southwestern Alberta, Canada. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 47: 691–704.

[S32] Simpson, G. G. 1932. Some new or little-known mammals from the Colpodon beds of Patagonia. American Museum Novitates 575: 1–12.

[S74] Simpson, G. G. 1974. Notes on Didelphidae (Mammalia, Marsupialia) from the Huayquerian (Pliocene) of Argentina. American Museum Novitates 2559: 1–15.

[V91] Valkenburgh, B. van. 1991. Iterative evolution of hypercarnivory in canids (Mammalia: Carnivora): evolutionary interactions among sympatric predators. Paleobiology 17 (4): 340–362.

[V66] Van Valen, L. 1966. Deltatheridia, a new order of mammals. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 132 (1): 1–126.


Southern hairy-nosed wombat Lasiorhinus latifrons, from Blanchetown Allsorts.

Belongs within: Diprotodontia.
Contains: Diprotodontidae.

The Vombatomorphia include the living wombats (Vombatidae) and their fossil relatives. These include such diverse forms as the marsupial lions (Thylacoleonidae), the rhinoceros-like Diprotodontidae, and the large clawed herbivores of the Palorchestidae.

    |--Thylacoleonidae [Wakaleoninae] LA02
    |    |--Priscileo Rauscher 1987 LA02
    |    |    |--*P. pitikantensis Rauscher 1987 LA02
    |    |    `--P. roskellyae Gillespie 1997 LA02
    |    `--+--Wakaleo Clemens & Plane 1974 LA02
    |       |    |--*W. vanderleueri Clemens & Plane 1974 LA02
    |       |    |--W. alcootaensis Archer & Rich 1982 LA02
    |       |    `--W. oldfieldi Clemens & Plane 1974 LA02
    |       `--Thylacoleo Gervais 1852 [Thylacoleoninae] LA02
    |            |--*T. carnifex Owen 1858 LA02
    |            |--T. crassidentatus Bartholomai 1962 LA02
    |            |--T. hilli Pledge 1977 LA02
    |            |--T. oweni McCoy 1876 F71
    |            `--T. robustus Krefft 1872 F71
    `--+--Ilariidae LA02
       |    |--Kuterintja Pledge 1987 LA02
       |    |    `--*K. ngama Pledge 1987 LA02
       |    `--Ilaria Tedford & Woodburne 1987 LA02
       |         |--*I. illumidens Tedford & Woodburne 1987 LA02
       |         `--I. lawsoni Tedford & Woodburne 1987 LA02
       |--+--Wynyardiidae LA02
       |  |    |--Muramura Pledge 1987 LA02
       |  |    |    `--*M. williamsi Pledge 1987 LA02
       |  |    |--Namilamadeta Rich & Archer 1979 LA02
       |  |    |    `--*N. snideri Rich & Archer 1979 LA02
       |  |    `--Wynyardia Spencer 1901 LA02
       |  |         `--*W. bassiana Spencer 1901 LA02
       |  `--Diprotodontoidea LA02
       |       |--Diprotodontidae LA02
       |       `--Palorchestidae LA02
       |            |--Propalorchestes Murray 1986 LA02
       |            |    |--*P. novaculacephalus Murray 1986 LA02
       |            |    `--P. ponticulus Murray 1990 LA02
       |            `--Palorchestes Owen 1873 LA02
       |                 |--*P. azael Owen 1873 LA02
       |                 |--P. anulus Black 1997 LA02
       |                 |--P. painei Woodburne 1967 LA02
       |                 |--P. parvus De Vis 1895 LA02
       |                 |--P. rephaim Ramsay 1885 F71
       |                 `--P. selestiae Mackness 1995 LA02
       `--Vombatidae [Phascolomidae, Vombatoidea] LA02
            |  i. s.: Wombatula Troughton 1941 R64
            |           `--*W. gillespiei (De Vis 1900) [=Phascolomys gillespiei] R64
            |--Rhizophascolonus Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne 1967 LA02
            |    `--*R. crowcrofti Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne 1967 LA02
            `--+--Warendja Hope & Wilkinson 1982 LA02
               |    `--*W. wakefieldi Hope & Wilkinson 1982 LA02
               `--+--Vombatus Geoffroy 1803 LA02
                  |    |--*V. ursinus (Shaw 1800) LA02
                  |    `--V. hacketti (Glauert 1910) LA02
                  `--+--Ramsayia Tate 1951 LA02
                     |    |--*R. magna (Owen 1872) LA02
                     |    `--R. lemleyi (Archer 1976) LA02
                     `--+--Lasiorhinus Gray 1863 LA02
                        |    |--*L. latifrons (Owen 1845) LA02
                        |    |    |--L. l. latifrons R64
                        |    |    `--L. l. barnardi Longman 1939 R64
                        |    |--L. angustidens (De Vis 1891) LA02
                        |    |--L. gillespiei USDI77
                        |    `--L. krefftii CB-E04
                        `--+--Phascolonus Owen 1872 LA02
                           |    `--*P. gigas (Owen 1858) LA02 [=Phascolomys (Phascolonus) gigas F71]
                           `--Phascolomys LA02
                                |--P. curvirostris Owen 1885 F71
                                |--P. medius Owen 1872 LA02
                                |--P. ursinus A14
                                `--‘Phascolomis’ vombatus Leach 1815 R64

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A14] Anderson, W. 1914. Notes on the occurrence of the sand-rock containing bones of extinct species of marsupials (emu, kangaroo, wombat, etc.) on King Island, Bass Strait, Tasmania. Records of the Australian Museum 10 (9): 275-283.

[CB-E04] Cardillo, M., O. R. P. Bininda-Emonds, E. Boakes & A. Purvis. 2004. A species-level phylogenetic supertree of marsupials. Journal of Zoology 264: 11-31.

[F71] Fletcher, H. O. 1971. Catalogue of type specimens of fossils in the Australian Museum, Sydney. Australian Museum Memoir 13: 1-167.

[LA02] Long, J., M. Archer, T. Flannery & S. Hand. 2002. Prehistoric Mammals of Australia and New Guinea: One Hundred Million Years of Evolution. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney.

[R64] Ride, W. D. L. 1964. A list of mammals described from Australia between the years 1933 and 1963 (comprising newly proposed names and additions to the Australian faunal list). Australian Mammal Society Bulletin 7 (Suppl.): 1-15.

[USDI77] USDI (United States Department of the Interior). 1977. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants—republication of list of species. Federal Register 42: 36420-36431.


Thylacine Thylacinus cynocephalus, from here.

Belongs within: Marsupialia.
Contains: Dasyuridae.

The Dasyuromorphia is a group of Australian carnivorous marsupials including the marsupial mice and cats (Dasyuridae), numbat Myrmecobius fasciatus and thylacines (Thylacinidae).

Characters (from Long et al. 2002): Small number of incisors (I4/3); intestinal caecum absent.

<==Dasyuromorphia [Dasyura, Dasyurini, Dasyuroidea]
    |  i. s.: Ankotarinja Archer 1976 LA02
    |           `--*A. tirarensis Archer 1976 LA02
    |         Apoktesis Campbell 1976 LA02
    |           `--*A. cuspis Campbell 1976 LA02
    |         Dasylurinja Archer 1982 LA02
    |           `--*D. kokuminola Archer 1982 LA02
    |         Keeuna Archer 1976 LA02
    |           `--*K. woodburnei Archer 1976 LA02
    |         Mayigriphus Wroe 1997 LA02
    |           `--*M. orbus Wroe 1997 LA02
    |         Wakamartha Archer & Rich 1979 LA02
    |           `--*W. tasselli Archer & Rich 1979 LA02
    |--Djarthia Godthelp, Wroe & Archer 1999 LA02
    |    `--*D. murgonensis Godthelp, Wroe & Archer 1999 LA02
    `--+--+--Dasyuridae CB-E04
       |  `--Myrmecobius [Myrmecobiidae, Myrmecobiinae] CB-E04
       |       `--M. fasciatus CB-E04
       |            |--M. f. fasciatus BP87
       |            `--M. f. rufus BP87
       `--Thylacinidae [Thylacininae] CB-E04
            |--Badjacinus Muirhead & Wroe 1998 LA02
            |    `--*B. turnbulli Muirhead & Wroe 1998 LA02
            |--Maximucinus Wroe 2001 LA02
            |    `--*M. muirheadae Wroe 2001 LA02
            |--Muribacinus Wroe 1996 LA02
            |    `--*M. gadiyuli Wroe 1996 LA02
            |--Mutpuracinus Murray & Megirian 2000 LA02
            |    `--*M. archibaldi Murray & Megirian 2000 LA02
            |--Nimbacinus Muirhead & Archer 1990 LA02
            |    |--*N. dicksoni Muirhead & Archer 1990 LA02
            |    `--N. richi Murray & Megirian 2000 LA02
            `--+--Ngamalacinus Muirhead 1997 LA02
               |    `--*N. timmulvaneyi Muirhead 1997 LA02
               `--+--Wabulacinus Muirhead 1997 LA02
                  |    `--*W. ridei Muirhead 1997 LA02
                  |--Tyarrpecinus Murray & Megirian 2000 LA02
                  |    `--*T. rothi Murray & Megirian 2000 LA02
                  `--Thylacinus Temminck 1824 LA02
                       |--*T. cynocephalus (Harris 1808) LA02
                       |--T. macknessi Muirhead 1992 LA02
                       |--T. megiriani Murray 1997 LA02
                       |--T. potens Woodburne 1967 LA02
                       `--T. spelaeus F71

Inorganic: Myrmecobius fasciatus protominilorientalus Okamura 1987 O87

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BP87] Burton, J. A., & B. Pearson. 1987. Collins Guide to the Rare Mammals of the World. Collins: London.

[CB-E04] Cardillo, M., O. R. P. Bininda-Emonds, E. Boakes & A. Purvis. 2004. A species-level phylogenetic supertree of marsupials. Journal of Zoology 264: 11-31.

[F71] Fletcher, H. O. 1971. Catalogue of type specimens of fossils in the Australian Museum, Sydney. Australian Museum Memoir 13: 1-167.

[LA02] Long, J., M. Archer, T. Flannery & S. Hand. 2002. Prehistoric Mammals of Australia and New Guinea: One Hundred Million Years of Evolution. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney.

[O87] Okamura, C. 1987. New facts: Homo and all Vertebrata were born simultaneously in the former Paleozoic in Japan. Original Report of the Okamura Fossil Laboratory 15: 347-573.


Northern bettong Bettongia tropica, from the Queensland Government.

Belongs within: Diprotodontia.
Contains: Macropodidae.

The Macropodiformes are a group of mostly herbivorous marsupials (though the Hypsiprymnodontidae are omnivorous), including the wallabies and kangaroos. Members of this group have the hind feet enlarged for rapid, often bounding locomotion.

Characters (from Long et al. 2002, as Macropodoidea): Dentary bearing masseteric canal. Hind foot with fourth digit hypertrophied.

Macropodiformes [Potoroinae]
    |--Balbaridae [Balbarinae] LA02
    |    |--Wururoo Cooke 1997 LA02
    |    |    `--*W. dayamayi Cooke 1997 LA02
    |    |--Balbaroo Flannery, Archer & Plane 1983 LA02
    |    |    |--*B. camfieldensis Flannery, Archer & Plane 1983 LA02
    |    |    |--B. fangaroo Cooke 2000 LA02
    |    |    `--B. gregoriensis Flannery, Archer & Plane 1983 LA02
    |    |--Ganawamaya Cooke 1992 LA02
    |    |    |--*G. acris Cooke 1992 LA02
    |    |    |--G. aediculis Cooke 1992 LA02
    |    |    `--G. ornata Cooke 1992 LA02
    |    `--Nambaroo Flannery & Rich 1986 LA02
    |         |--*N. tarrinyeri Flannery & Rich 1986 LA02
    |         |--N. couperi Cooke 1997 LA02
    |         |--N. novus Flannery & Rich 1986 LA02
    |         `--N. saltavus Flannery & Rich 1986 LA02
    `--+--Hypsiprymnodontidae LA02
       |    |--Hypsiprymnodon Ramsay 1876 [Hypsiprymnodontinae] LA02
       |    |    |--*H. moschatus Ramsay 1876 [=Pleopus moschatus] LA02
       |    |    `--H. bartholomaii Flannery & Archer 1987 LA02
       |    `--Propleopinae LA02
       |         |--Jackmahoneya Ride 1993 LA02
       |         |    `--*J. toxoniensis Ride 1993 LA02
       |         |--Ekaltadeta Archer & Flannery 1985 LA02
       |         |    |--*E. ima Archer & Flannery 1985 LA02
       |         |    `--E. jamiemulvaneyi Wroe 1996 LA02
       |         `--Propleopus Longman 1924 LA02
       |              |--*P. oscillans (De Vis 1888) LA02 [=Triclis oscillans F71]
       |              |--P. chillagoensis Archer, Bartholomai & Marshall 1978 LA02
       |              `--P. wellingtonensis Archer & Flannery 1985 LA02
       `--Macropodoidea MJ11
            |--Macropodidae LA02
            `--Potoroidae LA02
                 |--Caloprymnus campestris LA02, CB-E04
                 |--Aepyprymnus rufescens LA02
                 |--Borungaboodie Prideaux 1999 LA02
                 |    `--*B. hatcheri Prideaux 1999 LA02
                 |--Milliyowi Flannery, Rich et al. 1992 LA02
                 |    `--*M. bunganditj Flannery, Rich et al. 1992 LA02
                 |--Potorous CB-E04
                 |    |--P. longipes CB-E04
                 |    |--P. morgani Finlayson 1938 R64
                 |    |--P. platyops CB-E04
                 |    `--P. tridactylus CB-E04
                 |         |--P. t. tridactylus F71
                 |         |--P. t. antiquus Broom 1896 F71
                 |         |--P. t. apicalis BP87
                 |         |--P. t. benormi Courtney 1963 R64
                 |         `--P. t. gilberti BP87
                 `--Bettongia Gray 1837 [Bettongini] LA02
                      |--*B. gaimardi (Desmarest 1822) LA02
                      |--B. anhydra Finlayson 1957 [=B. penicillata anhydra] B08
                      |--B. cuniculus S61
                      |--B. lesueur CB-E04
                      |    |--B. l. lesueur B32
                      |    `--B. l. grayi B32
                      |--B. moyesi Flannery & Archer 1987 LA02
                      |--B. penicillata B08
                      |    |--B. p. penicillata R64
                      |    `--B. p. francisca Finlayson 1957 R64
                      |--B. pusilla McNamara 1997 LA02
                      `--B. tropica BP87

Macropodiformes incertae sedis:
  Galanarla Flannery, Archer & Plane 1983 LA02
    `--*G. tessellata Flannery, Archer & Plane 1983 LA02
  Gumardee Flannery, Archer & Plane 1983 LA02
    `--*G. pascuali Flannery, Archer & Plane 1983 LA02
  Palaeopotorous Flannery & Rich 1986 LA02
    `--*P. priscus Flannery & Rich 1986 LA02
  Purtia Case 1984 LA02
    `--*P. mosaicus Case 1984 LA02
  Wakiewakie Woodburne 1984 LA02
    `--*W. lawsoni Woodburne 1984 LA02

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B08] Baynes, A. 2008. The original non-volant land mammal fauna of Faure Island, Shark Bay, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 75: 25-31.

[B32] Bourne, G. 1932. Sarcosporidia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 19: 1-8.

[BP87] Burton, J. A., & B. Pearson. 1987. Collins Guide to the Rare Mammals of the World. Collins: London.

[CB-E04] Cardillo, M., O. R. P. Bininda-Emonds, E. Boakes & A. Purvis. 2004. A species-level phylogenetic supertree of marsupials. Journal of Zoology 264: 11-31.

[F71] Fletcher, H. O. 1971. Catalogue of type specimens of fossils in the Australian Museum, Sydney. Australian Museum Memoir 13: 1-167.

[LA02] Long, J., M. Archer, T. Flannery & S. Hand. 2002. Prehistoric Mammals of Australia and New Guinea: One Hundred Million Years of Evolution. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney.

[MJ11] Meredith, R. W., J. E. Janečka, J. Gatesy, O. A. Ryder, C. A. Fisher, E. C. Teeling, A. Goodbla, E. Eizirik, T. L. L. Simão, T. Stadler, D. L. Rabosky, R. L. Honeycutt, J. J. Flynn, C. M. Ingram, C. Steiner, T. L. Williams, T. J. Robinson, A. Burk-Herrick, M. Westerman, N. A. Ayoub, M. S. Springer & W. J. Murphy. 2011. Impacts of the Cretaceous terrestrial revolution and KPg extinction on mammal diversification. Science 334: 521-524.

[R64] Ride, W. D. L. 1964. A list of mammals described from Australia between the years 1933 and 1963 (comprising newly proposed names and additions to the Australian faunal list). Australian Mammal Society Bulletin 7 (Suppl.): 1-15.

[S61] Sharman, G. B. 1961. The mitotic chromosomes of marsupials and their bearing on taxonomy and phylogeny. Australian Journal of Zoology 9 (1): 38-60.


Mounted skeleton of Zygomaturus trilobus, from the Museum Victoria.

Belongs within: Vombatomorphia.

The Diprotodontidae are a group of sometimes large herbivorous marsupials known from the late Oligocene to the Pleistocene of Australia.

Characters (from Long et al. 2002): Medium-sized to large browsing quadrupeds. Dental formula I1-3/1, C1/0, P3/3, M1-4/1-4; molars simple, transversely lophodont but lacking longitudinal links. Lower jaw with masseteric foramen absent.

<==Diprotodontidae [Nototheriidae]
    |--Diprotodontinae [Nototheriinae] LA02
    |    |  i. s.: Nototherium Owen 1845 (n. d.) LA02
    |    |           `--*N. inerme Owen 1845 (n. d.) LA02
    |    |--+--Pitikantia Stirton 1967 LA02
    |    |  |    `--*P. dailyi Stirton 1967 LA02
    |    |  `--Ngapakaldia Stirton 1967 LA02
    |    |       |--*N. tedfordi Stirton 1967 LA02
    |    |       `--N. bonythoni Stirton 1967 LA02
    |    `--+--Bematherium Tedford 1967 LA02
    |       |    `--*B. angulum Tedford 1967 LA02
    |       `--+--Pyramios Woodburne 1967 LA02
    |          |    `--*P. alcootense Woodburne 1967 LA02
    |          `--+--+--Meniscolophus Stirton 1955 LA02
    |             |  |    `--*M. mawsoni Stirton 1955 LA02
    |             |  `--Euowenia De Vis 1891 [=Owenia De Vis 1887 non Gray 1855] LA02
    |             |       |--*E. grata (De Vis 1887) [=*Owenia grata] LA02
    |             |       `--E. robusta De Vis 1891 LA02
    |             `--+--Euryzygoma Longman 1921 LA02
    |                |    `--*E. dunense (De Vis 1888) LA02 [=Nototherium dunense F71]
    |                `--Diprotodon Owen 1838 LA02
    |                     |--*D. optatum Owen 1838 LA02
    |                     |--D. annextans McCoy 1861 LA02
    |                     |--D. australis F71
    |                     |--D. bennettii Krefft 1873 F71
    |                     |--D. loderi Krefft 1873 LA02
    |                     `--D. minor Huxley 1862 LA02
    `--Zygomaturinae LA02
         |--Raemeotherium Rich, Archer & Tedford 1978 LA02
         |    `--*R. yatkolai Rich, Archer & Tedford 1978 LA02
         |--Silvabestius Black & Archer 1997 LA02
         |    |--*S. johnnilandi Black & Archer 1997 LA02
         |    `--S. michaelbirti Black & Archer 1997 LA02
         `--+--Alkwertatherium Murray 1990 LA02
            |    `--*A. webborum Murray 1990 LA02
            `--+--Nimbadon Hand, Archer et al. 1993 LA02
               |    |--*N. lavarackorum Hand, Archer et al. 1993 LA02
               |    `--N. whitelawi Hand, Archer et al. 1993 LA02
               `--+--+--Kolopsoides Plane 1967 LA02
                  |  |    `--*K. cultridens Plane 1967 LA02
                  |  `--Plaisiodon Woodburne 1967 LA02
                  |       `--*P. centralis Woodburne 1967 LA02
                  `--+--Neohelos Stirton 1967 LA02
                     |    |--*N. tirarensis Stirton 1967 LA02
                     |    |--N. scottorrorum (Hand, Archer et al. 1993) LA02
                     |    `--N. stirtoni Murray, Megirian et al. 2000 LA02
                     `--+--Kolopsis Woodburne 1967 LA02
                        |    |--*K. torus Woodburne 1967 LA02
                        |    |--K. rotundus Plane 1967 LA02
                        |    |--K. watutense (Anderson 1937) [=Nototherium watutense] LA02
                        |    `--K. yperus Murray, Megirian & Wells 1993 LA02
                        `--+--+--Hulitherium Flannery & Plane 1986 LA02
                           |  |    `--*H. tomasettii Flannery & Plane 1986 LA02
                           |  `--Maokopia Flannery 1992 LA02
                           |       `--*M. ronaldi Flannery 1992 LA02
                           `--Zygomaturus Macleay 1857 LA02
                                |--*Z. trilobus Macleay 1858 (see below for synonymy) LA02
                                |--Z. creedii Krefft 1873 F71
                                |--Z. gilli Stirton 1967 LA02
                                |--Z. keanei Stirton 1967 LA02
                                |--Z. macleayi Krefft 1921 LA02
                                `--Z. nimborensia Hardjasasmita 1985 LA02

*Zygomaturus trilobus Macleay 1858 [incl. Nototherium mitchelli Owen 1845, N. tasmanicum Scott 1911, N. tasmaniense Noetling 1912, N. victoriae Owen 1872] LA02

*Type species of generic name indicated


[F71] Fletcher, H. O. 1971. Catalogue of type specimens of fossils in the Australian Museum, Sydney. Australian Museum Memoir 13: 1-167.

[LA02] Long, J., M. Archer, T. Flannery & S. Hand. 2002. Prehistoric Mammals of Australia and New Guinea: One Hundred Million Years of Evolution. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney.


Mounted skeleton of Simosthenurus occidentalis in the Victoria Fossil Cave, photographed by ccdoh1.

Belongs within: Macropodidae.

The Sthenurinae include the fossil short-faced kangaroos, some of which are among the largest known kangaroos. The late-surviving Procoptodon goliah reached approximately two metres in height and may have weighed over 200 kg. Sthenurines probably would have been browsers on leaves rather than grazers like modern kangaroos.

Characters (from Long et al. 2002): Skulls relatively short and deep, with wide rostra and thick ectotympanic bones. I1-3 tending to form narrow V-shaped arcade; I3 with elongate crown relative to I1 and I2. Lower jaws often fused at symphysis. Premolars usually wide, high-crowned, complex; molars with crenulated enamel, postlink crest on rear of upper molars; lower molars often with well-developed premetacristid blade extending forward to join paracristid. Digits I and IV on fore foot often greatly reduced, digits II and III elongate; hind foot usually with all digits except IV reduced or lost. Astragalus with high, rounded crests on tibial surface.

    |  i. s.: Rhizosthenurus Kear 2002 BA12
    |           `--*R. flanneryi Kear 2002 BA12
    |         Archaeosimos BA12
    |           |--A. cegsai (Pledge 1992) BA12
    |           `--A. correlli Prideaux 2004 BA12
    |--Wanburoo Cooke 1999 PW10, LA02
    |    `--*W. hilarus Cooke 1999 LA02
    `--+--Hadronomas Woodburne 1967 LA02
       |    `--*H. puckridgi Woodburne 1967 LA02
       `--+--Sthenurus Owen 1873 LA02
          |    |  i. s.: S. notabilis Bartholomai 1963 LA02
          |    |--S. andersoni Marcus 1962 FS15, M62
          |    `--+--*S. atlas (Owen 1838) LA02, FS15, LA02 [=Macropus atlas F71]
          |       `--+--S. stirlingi Wells & Tedford 1995 FS15, LA02
          |          `--S. tindalei Tedford 1966 FS15, LA02
          `--+--Metasthenurus newtonae (Prideaux 2004) FS15, BA12
             `--+--Procoptodon Owen 1874 LA02
                |    |  i. s.: P. oreas D07
                |    |         P. pusio Owen 1874 LA02
                |    |         P. rapha Owen 1874 LA02
                |    |         P. texasensis Archer 1978 LA02
                |    |--P. browneorum FS15
                |    `--+--*P. goliah (Owen 1845) LA02, FS15, LA02 [=Macropus goliah F71]
                |       `--P. gilli FS15
                `--Simosthenurus Tedford 1966 LA02
                     |--*S. occidentalis (Glauert 1910) [=Sthenurus (*Simosthenurus) occidentalis] LA02
                     |--S. antiquus (Bartholomai 1963) LA02 [=Sthenurus (Simosthenurus) antiquus F71]
                     |--S. baileyi (Prideaux & Wells 1998) LA02
                     |--S. brachyselenis (Prideaux & Wells 1997) LA02
                     |--S. browneorum (Merrilees 1968) LA02
                     |--S. cegsai (Pledge 1992) LA02
                     |--S. euryskaphus (Prideaux & Wells 1997) LA02
                     |--S. gilli (Merrilees 1965) LA02
                     |--S. maddocki (Wells & Murray 1979) LA02
                     |--S. mccoyi Turnbull, Lundelius & Tedford 1992 LA02
                     |--S. newtonae Prideaux 2000 LA02
                     |--S. oreas (De Vis 1895) LA02 [=Sthenurus (Simosthenurus) oreas F71]
                     |--S. orientalis (Tedford 1966) LA02 [=Sthenurus (Simosthenurus) orientalis F71]
                     |--S. pales (De Vis 1895) LA02 [=Sthenurus (Simosthenurus) pales F71]
                     `--S. tirarensis Prideaux 2004 BA12

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BA12] Black, K. H., M. Archer, S. J. Hand & H. Godthelp. 2012. The rise of Australian marsupials: a synopsis of biostratigraphic, phylogenetic, palaeoecologic and palaeobiogeographic understanding. In: Talent, J. A. (ed.) Earth and Life: Global biodiversity, extinction intervals and biogeographic perturbations through time pp. 983–1078. Springer.

[D07] Dixon, D. 2007. The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Creatures. Hermes House: London.

[FS15] Faurby, S., & J.-C. Svenning. 2015. A species-level phylogeny of all extant and late Quaternary extinct mammals using a novel heuristic-hierarchical Bayesian approach. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 84: 14–26.

[F71] Fletcher, H. O. 1971. Catalogue of type specimens of fossils in the Australian Museum, Sydney. Australian Museum Memoir 13: 1–167.

[LA02] Long, J., M. Archer, T. Flannery & S. Hand. 2002. Prehistoric Mammals of Australia and New Guinea: One Hundred Million Years of Evolution. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney.

[M62] Marcus, L. F. 1962. A new species of Sthenurus (Marsupialia, Macropodidae) from the Pleistocene of New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 25 (14): 299–304.

[PW10] Prideaux, G. J., & N. M. Warburton. 2010. An osteology-based appraisal of the phylogeny and evolution of kangaroos and wallabies (Macropodidae: Marsupialia). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 159 (4): 954–987.

Last updated: 21 August 2018.


Reconstruction of Wabularoo naughtoni, by Dorothy Dunphy.

Belongs within: Macropodiformes.
Contains: Sthenurinae, Macropodinae.

The Macropodidae includes the larger living wallabies and kangaroos, characterised by the presence of lophodont molars (semilophodont in the fossil Bulungamyinae) (Long et al. 2002).

Characters (from Long et al. 2002): Dental formula I1-3/1 (or 1-2), C0 or 1/0, P2-3/2-3, M1-4/1-4; premolars not as single ridges; molars lophodont (Macropodinae and Sthenurinae) or semilophodont (Bulungamayinae). Calcaneum with rugose surface extending to distal facet (at least in Macropodinae and Sthenurinae, unknown in Bulungamayinae).

    |  i. s.: Halmaturus MB66
    |           |--H. agilis MB66
    |           |--H. bennettii MB66
    |           |--H. coxenii Gray 1866 G66
    |           |--H. derbianus MB66
    |           |--H. dorsalis G66
    |           |--H. irma MB66
    |           |--H. scottii Krefft 1870 F71
    |           |--H. thomsonii Krefft 1870 F71
    |           `--H. wombeyensis (Broom 1896) [=Macropus (Halmaturus) wombeyensis] F71
    |--+--Sthenurinae LA02
    |  `--Macropodinae LA02
    `--Bulungamayinae LA02
         |--Bulungamaya Flannery, Archer & Plane 1983 LA02
         |    `--*B. delicata Flannery, Archer & Plane 1983 LA02
         |--Ganguroo Cooke 1997 LA02
         |    `--*G. bilamina Cooke 1997 LA02
         |--Nowidgee Cooke 1997 LA02
         |    `--*N. matrix Cooke 1997 LA02
         |--Wabularoo Archer 1979 LA02
         |    `--*W. naughtoni Archer 1979 LA02
         `--Wanburoo Cooke 1999 LA02
              `--*W. hilarus Cooke 1999 LA02

*Type species of generic name indicated


[F71] Fletcher, H. O. 1971. Catalogue of type specimens of fossils in the Australian Museum, Sydney. Australian Museum Memoir 13: 1-167.

[G66] Gray, J. E. 1866. Notes on some Mammalia from Port Albany (Cape York Peninsula), North Australia, with the descriptions of some new species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 219-221.

[LA66] Long, J., M. Archer, T. Flannery & S. Hand. 2002. Prehistoric Mammals of Australia and New Guinea: One Hundred Million Years of Evolution. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney.

[MB66] Murie, J., & A. D. Bartlett. 1866. On the movement of the symphysis of the lower jaw in the kangaroos. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 28-34.


Red-necked wallaby Macropus rufogriseus, photographed by J. J. Harrison.

Belongs within: Macropodini.

Macropus is a genus of mostly grass-eating kangaroos, including the larger living kangaroos and a number of smaller wallabies.

<==Macropus Shaw 1790 ICZN66 [incl. Yerbua Forster 1778 (nom. rej.) R64]
    |  i. s.: M. bennetti [incl. Protemnodon rufogrisea frutica] M64
    |         M. bicolor O81
    |         M. dryas De Vis 1895 LA02
    |         M. narada Bartholomai 1978 LA02
    |         M. rama Bartholomai 1975 LA02
    |         M. ruficollis F71
    |         M. woodsi Bartholomai 1975 LA02
    |--+--+--M. dorsalis (Gray 1837) CB-E04, CO03
    |  |  `--M. parma CB-E04
    |  |--+--M. greyi CB-E04 [=Wallabia greyi WJ26]
    |  |  `--M. irma Jourdan 1837 CB-E04, RL05
    |  |--+--M. parryi Bennett 1835 CB-E04, S11 [=Protemnodon parryi S61]
    |  |  `--M. rufogriseus CB-E04
    |  `--+--M. eugenii (Desmarest 1817) CB-E04, CO03
    |     `--M. (Notamacropus Dawson & Flannery 1985) LA02
    |          |--M. (*N.) agilis (Gould 1842) LA02
    |          `--M. (N.) thor (De Vis 1895) LA02
    `--+--+--M. bernardus Rothschild 1904 CB-E04, S11
       |  `--+--+--M. altus WH02
       |     |  `--M. robustus Gould 1841 CB-E04, S02 [=Osphranter robustus CMR63]
       |     |       |--M. r. robustus COA02
       |     |       `--M. r. erubescens COA02
       |     `--+--M. rufus (Desmarest 1822) CB-E04, S02 [=Megaleia rufa M64]
       |        `--M. (Osphranter Gould 1842) LA02
       |             |--M. (*O.) antilopinus (Gould 1842) LA02
       |             `--M. (O.) pavana Bartholomai 1978 LA02
       `--+--M. fuliginosus Desmarest 1817 CB-E04, RL05 [=M. major fuliginosus S61]
          |    |--M. f. fuliginosus COA02
          |    `--M. f. melanops COA02 [=M. major melanops S61]
          `--M. (Macropus) [incl. Fissuridon Bartholomai 1973] LA02
               |--*M. (M.) giganteus Shaw 1790 ICZN66 (see below for synonymy)
               |    |--M. g. giganteus LA02
               |    |--M. ‘major’ ocydromus S61
               |    |--M. g. tasmaniensis USDI77 [=M. major tasmaniensis S61]
               |    `--M. g. titan Owen 1838 LA02, F71
               |--M. (M.) ferragus Owen 1874 LA02 [=Pachysiagon ferragus F71]
               |--M. (M.) mundjabus Flannery 1980 LA02
               |--M. (M.) pan De Vis 1895 LS01
               `--M. (M.) pearsoni (Bartholomai 1973) [=*Fissuridon pearsoni] LA02

*Macropus (Macropus) giganteus Shaw 1790 ICZN66 [=Mus canguru Statius Müller 1776 (nom. rej.) CMR63, Didelphis canguru ICZN66, Didelphys canguru ICZN66, Jaculus canguru ICZN66, Macropus canguru ICZN66, Wallabia canguru CMR63, Yerbua kangaru ICZN66, Zerbua canguru ICZN66, Jaculus giganteus Erxleben 1777 (nom. rej.) ICZN66, Didelphis giganteus ICZN66, Didelphys giganteus ICZN66, Yerboa gigantea Zimmermann 1777 (nom. inv.) R64, Macropus major Shaw 1800 CMR63]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[CMR63] Calaby, J. H., G. Mack & W. D. L. Ride. 1963. The generic name Macropus Shaw, 1790 (Mammalia). Z.N.(S.) 1584. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 20 (5): 376-379.

[CO03] Cameron, S. L., & P. J. O’Donoghue. 2003. Trichostome ciliates from Australian marsupials. II. Polycosta gen. nov. (Litostomatea: Polycostidae fam. nov.) European Journal of Protistology 39: 83-99.

[COA02] Cameron, S. L., P. J. O’Donoghue & R. D. Adlard. 2002. Species diversity within Macropodinium (Litostomatea: Trichostomatia): endosymbiotic ciliates from Australian macropodid marsupials. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 48 (1): 49-69.

[CB-E04] Cardillo, M., O. R. P. Bininda-Emonds, E. Boakes & A. Purvis. 2004. A species-level phylogenetic supertree of marsupials. Journal of Zoology 264: 11-31.

[F71] Fletcher, H. O. 1971. Catalogue of type specimens of fossils in the Australian Museum, Sydney. Australian Museum Memoir 13: 1-167.

[ICZN66] ICZN. 1966. Opinion 760: Macropus Shaw, 1790 (Mammalia): addition to the official list together with the validation under the plenary powers of Macropus giganteus Shaw, 1790. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 22 (5-6): 292-295.

[LA02] Long, J., M. Archer, T. Flannery & S. Hand. 2002. Prehistoric Mammals of Australia and New Guinea: One Hundred Million Years of Evolution. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney.

[M64] Mykytowycz, R. 1964. Coccidia in wild populations of the red kangaroo, Megaleia rufa (Desmarest), and the grey kangaroo, Macropus canguru (Müller). Parasitology 54: 105-115.

[O81] O’Brien, C. O. 1981. A. A. Book of New Zealand Wildlife: A guide to the native and introduced animals of New Zealand. Lansdowne Press: Auckland.

[RL05] Rafferty, C., & B. B. Lamont. 2005. Selective feeding by macropods on vegetation regenerating following fire. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88 (4): 155-165.

[R64] Ride, W. D. L. 1964. A list of mammals described from Australia between the years 1933 and 1963 (comprising newly proposed names and additions to the Australian faunal list). Australian Mammal Society Bulletin 7 (Suppl.): 1-15.

[S61] Sharman, G. B. 1961. The mitotic chromosomes of marsupials and their bearing on taxonomy and phylogeny. Australian Journal of Zoology 9 (1): 38-60.

[S11] Smales, L. R. 2011. New species and new locality records of the nematode genus Labiosimplex (Strongylida: Chabertiidae) from macropodid marsupials in Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 26 (2): 183-190.

[USDI77] USDI (United States Department of the Interior). 1977. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants—republication of list of species. Federal Register 42: 36420-36431.

[WJ26] Wood Jones, F. 1926. The R. M. Johnston Memorial Lecture, 1925. The mammalian toilet and some considerations arising from it. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 1925: 14-62.

[WH02] Worthy, T. H., & R. N. Holdaway. 2002. The Lost World of the Moa: Prehistoric life of New Zealand. Indiana University Press: Bloomington (Indiana).


Skull of Protemnodon anak, from the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery.

Belongs within: Macropodidae.
Contains: Macropodini.

The Macropodinae includes the 'true' kangaroos and wallabies, as well as the tree kangaroos of the Dendrolagini.

Characters (from Long et al. 2002): Lower incisors occluding inside upper incisor arcade; I2 absent; molars bilophodont; masseteric canal extending as far anteriorly as M1; hind foot lacking hallux.

    |  i. s.: Congruus McNamara 1994 LA02
    |           `--*C. congruus McNamara 1994 LA02
    |         Watutia Flannery & Hoch in Flannery, Hoch & Aplin 1989 LA02
    |           `--*W. novaeguineae Flannery & Hoch in Flannery, Hoch & Aplin 1989 LA02
    |--Dorcopsoides Woodburne 1967 LA02
    |    `--*D. fossilis Woodburne 1967 LA02
    `--+--Protemnodon Owen 1874 LA02
       |    |--*P. anak Owen 1874 LA02 [=Macropus (Protemnodon) anak F71]
       |    |--P. agilis S61
       |    |--P. antaeus Owen 1877 F71
       |    |--P. bandharr Dawson, Muirhead & Wroe 1999 LA02
       |    |--P. brehus (Owen 1874) LA02 [=Sthenurus brehus F71]
       |    |--P. buloloensis Plane 1967 LA02
       |    |--P. chinchillaensis Bartholomai 1973 LA02
       |    |--P. devisi Bartholomai 1973 LA02
       |    |--P. dorsalis S61
       |    |--P. eugenii A61
       |    |--P. hopei Flannery 1992 LA02
       |    |--P. irma S61
       |    |--P. mimas Owen 1874 F71
       |    |--P. nombe Flannery, Mountain & Aplin 1983 LA02
       |    |--P. og Owen 1874 F71
       |    |--P. otibandus Plane 1967 LA02
       |    |--‘Macropus’ piltonensis Bartholomai 1975 LA02
       |    |--P. roechus Owen 1874 LA02
       |    |--P. rufogrisea [=Wallabia rufogrisea] S61
       |    |--P. snewini Bartholomai 1978 LA02
       |    `--P. tumbuna Flannery, Mountain & Aplin 1983 LA02
       `--+--Prionotemnus Stirton 1955 LA02
          |    `--*P. palankarinnicus Stirton 1955 LA02
          `--+--+--Dorcopsulus CB-E04
             |  |    |--D. macleayi CB-E04 [=Dorcopsis macleayi BP87]
             |  |    `--D. vanheurni CB-E04
             |  `--Dorcopsis Schlegel & Müller 1845 LA02
             |       |--*D. muelleri (Schlegel 1866) LA02
             |       |--D. atrata CB-E04
             |       |--D. hageni CB-E04
             |       |--D. luctuosa CB-E04
             |       `--D. wintercookorum Flannery, Rich et al. 1992 LA02
             `--+--Macropodini CB-E04
                `--Dendrolagini LA02
                     |--Bohra Flannery & Szalay 1982 PW09
                     |    |--*B. paulae Flannery & Szalay 1982 PW09
                     |    |--B. illuminata Prideaux & Warburton 2008 PW09
                     |    `--B. nullarbora Prideaux & Warburton 2009 PW09
                     `--Dendrolagus Müller 1840 LA02
                          |  i. s.: D. mbaiso LA02
                          |         D. noibano Flannery, Mountain & Aplin 1983 LA02
                          |--D. bennettianus CB-E04
                          `--+--D. lumholtzi CB-E04
                             `--+--D. inustus CB-E04
                                `--+--*D. ursinus Müller 1840 LA02, CB-E04, LA02
                                   `--+--+--D. dorianus CB-E04
                                      |  `--D. scottae CB-E04
                                      `--+--D. goodfellowi CB-E04
                                         `--+--D. matschiei CB-E04
                                            `--D. spadix CB-E04

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BP87] Burton, J. A., & B. Pearson. 1987. Collins Guide to the Rare Mammals of the World. Collins: London.

[CB-E04] Cardillo, M., O. R. P. Bininda-Emonds, E. Boakes & A. Purvis. 2004. A species-level phylogenetic supertree of marsupials. Journal of Zoology 264: 11-31.

[F71] Fletcher, H. O. 1971. Catalogue of type specimens of fossils in the Australian Museum, Sydney. Australian Museum Memoir 13: 1-167.

[LA02] Long, J., M. Archer, T. Flannery & S. Hand. 2002. Prehistoric Mammals of Australia and New Guinea: One Hundred Million Years of Evolution. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney.

[PW09] Prideaux, G. J., & N. Warburton. 2009. Bohra nullarbora sp. nov., a second tree-kangaroo (Marsupialia: Macropodidae) from the Pleistocene of the Nullarbor Plain, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 25 (2): 165-179.

[S61] Sharman, G. B. 1961. The mitotic chromosomes of marsupials and their bearing on taxonomy and phylogeny. Australian Journal of Zoology 9 (1): 38-60.