
Skull of Protemnodon anak, from the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery.

Belongs within: Macropodidae.
Contains: Macropodini.

The Macropodinae includes the 'true' kangaroos and wallabies, as well as the tree kangaroos of the Dendrolagini.

Characters (from Long et al. 2002): Lower incisors occluding inside upper incisor arcade; I2 absent; molars bilophodont; masseteric canal extending as far anteriorly as M1; hind foot lacking hallux.

    |  i. s.: Congruus McNamara 1994 LA02
    |           `--*C. congruus McNamara 1994 LA02
    |         Watutia Flannery & Hoch in Flannery, Hoch & Aplin 1989 LA02
    |           `--*W. novaeguineae Flannery & Hoch in Flannery, Hoch & Aplin 1989 LA02
    |--Dorcopsoides Woodburne 1967 LA02
    |    `--*D. fossilis Woodburne 1967 LA02
    `--+--Protemnodon Owen 1874 LA02
       |    |--*P. anak Owen 1874 LA02 [=Macropus (Protemnodon) anak F71]
       |    |--P. agilis S61
       |    |--P. antaeus Owen 1877 F71
       |    |--P. bandharr Dawson, Muirhead & Wroe 1999 LA02
       |    |--P. brehus (Owen 1874) LA02 [=Sthenurus brehus F71]
       |    |--P. buloloensis Plane 1967 LA02
       |    |--P. chinchillaensis Bartholomai 1973 LA02
       |    |--P. devisi Bartholomai 1973 LA02
       |    |--P. dorsalis S61
       |    |--P. eugenii A61
       |    |--P. hopei Flannery 1992 LA02
       |    |--P. irma S61
       |    |--P. mimas Owen 1874 F71
       |    |--P. nombe Flannery, Mountain & Aplin 1983 LA02
       |    |--P. og Owen 1874 F71
       |    |--P. otibandus Plane 1967 LA02
       |    |--‘Macropus’ piltonensis Bartholomai 1975 LA02
       |    |--P. roechus Owen 1874 LA02
       |    |--P. rufogrisea [=Wallabia rufogrisea] S61
       |    |--P. snewini Bartholomai 1978 LA02
       |    `--P. tumbuna Flannery, Mountain & Aplin 1983 LA02
       `--+--Prionotemnus Stirton 1955 LA02
          |    `--*P. palankarinnicus Stirton 1955 LA02
          `--+--+--Dorcopsulus CB-E04
             |  |    |--D. macleayi CB-E04 [=Dorcopsis macleayi BP87]
             |  |    `--D. vanheurni CB-E04
             |  `--Dorcopsis Schlegel & Müller 1845 LA02
             |       |--*D. muelleri (Schlegel 1866) LA02
             |       |--D. atrata CB-E04
             |       |--D. hageni CB-E04
             |       |--D. luctuosa CB-E04
             |       `--D. wintercookorum Flannery, Rich et al. 1992 LA02
             `--+--Macropodini CB-E04
                `--Dendrolagini LA02
                     |--Bohra Flannery & Szalay 1982 PW09
                     |    |--*B. paulae Flannery & Szalay 1982 PW09
                     |    |--B. illuminata Prideaux & Warburton 2008 PW09
                     |    `--B. nullarbora Prideaux & Warburton 2009 PW09
                     `--Dendrolagus Müller 1840 LA02
                          |  i. s.: D. mbaiso LA02
                          |         D. noibano Flannery, Mountain & Aplin 1983 LA02
                          |--D. bennettianus CB-E04
                          `--+--D. lumholtzi CB-E04
                             `--+--D. inustus CB-E04
                                `--+--*D. ursinus Müller 1840 LA02, CB-E04, LA02
                                   `--+--+--D. dorianus CB-E04
                                      |  `--D. scottae CB-E04
                                      `--+--D. goodfellowi CB-E04
                                         `--+--D. matschiei CB-E04
                                            `--D. spadix CB-E04

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BP87] Burton, J. A., & B. Pearson. 1987. Collins Guide to the Rare Mammals of the World. Collins: London.

[CB-E04] Cardillo, M., O. R. P. Bininda-Emonds, E. Boakes & A. Purvis. 2004. A species-level phylogenetic supertree of marsupials. Journal of Zoology 264: 11-31.

[F71] Fletcher, H. O. 1971. Catalogue of type specimens of fossils in the Australian Museum, Sydney. Australian Museum Memoir 13: 1-167.

[LA02] Long, J., M. Archer, T. Flannery & S. Hand. 2002. Prehistoric Mammals of Australia and New Guinea: One Hundred Million Years of Evolution. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney.

[PW09] Prideaux, G. J., & N. Warburton. 2009. Bohra nullarbora sp. nov., a second tree-kangaroo (Marsupialia: Macropodidae) from the Pleistocene of the Nullarbor Plain, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 25 (2): 165-179.

[S61] Sharman, G. B. 1961. The mitotic chromosomes of marsupials and their bearing on taxonomy and phylogeny. Australian Journal of Zoology 9 (1): 38-60.

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