
Saemundssonia lari, from the Spencer Entomological Collection.

Belongs within: Phthiraptera.
Contains: Columbicola, Austrogoniodes.

The Philopteridae are a group of lice parasitic on birds, characterised by paired claws on the legs, a smoothly curved front margin on the clypeus, and a cylindrical last antennal segment (Richards & Davies 1977).

    |--Saemundssonia Timmermann 1936 GE05, HPP80
    |    |--S. africana CM91
    |    |--S. calva A71
    |    |--S. celidoxa A71
    |    |--S. cephalus (Denny 1842) (see below for synonymy) P04
    |    |--S. desolata Timmermann 1959 HPP80
    |    |--S. fraterculae A71
    |    |--S. gaini (Neumann 1913) HPP80
    |    |--S. grylle A71
    |    |--S. lari (Fabricius 1780) HPP80
    |    |--S. lockleyi Clay 1949 HPP80
    |    |--S. merguli A71
    |    |--S. platygaster CM91
    |    |--S. stammeri Timmermann 1959 HPP80
    |    `--S. stresemanni Timmermann 1949 HPP80
    `--+--Austrogoniodes GE05
       `--+--Trabeculus Rudow 1866 GE05, HPP80
          |    |--T. flemingi GE05
          |    `--+--T. hexakon (Waterston 1914) GE05, HPP80
          |       `--T. schillingi Rudow 1866 GE05, HPP80
          `--+--Harrisoniella GE05
             |    |--H. densa RD77
             |    `--H. hopkinsi GE05
             `--Halipeurus Thompson 1936 GE05, HPP80
                  |--H. consimilis Timmermann 1960 GE05, HPP80
                  `--+--H. pelagicus GE05
                     `--+--H. falsus GE05
                        |    |--H. f. falsus HPP80
                        |    `--H. f. pacificus Edwards 1961 HPP80
                        `--+--H. diversus (Kellogg 1896) GE05, HPP80
                           `--H. spadix GE05

Philopteridae incertae sedis:
  Anatoecus CM91
    |--A. dentatus CM91
    `--A. pygaspis (Nitzsch in Giebel 1866) PJ02
  Megalipeurus von Kéler 1958 T62
    `--M. unicolor (Piaget 1880) (see below for synonymy) T62
  Anaticola Clay 1935 HPP80
    |--A. crassicornis (Scopoli 1763) HPP80
    |--A. ewingi (Qadri 1935) [=Columbicola ewingi] T62
    `--A. phoenicopteri (Coinde 1859) PJ02
  Turturicola Clay & Meinertzhagen 1937 T62
    |--*T. salimalii Clay & Meinertzhagen 1937 T62
    `--T. sudanicus (Mjöberg 1910) [=Lipeurus sudanicus, Columbicola sudanicus] T62
  Philopterus Nitzsch 1818 HPP80
    |--P. atratus A71
    |--P. communis [incl. Ricinus emberizae] G20
    |--P. corvi A71
    |--P. guttatus A71
    |--P. ocellatus A71
    `--P. turdi (Denny 1842) HPP80
  Nesiotinus Kellogg 1903 BP04
    `--N. demersus Kellogg 1903 BP04
  Columbicola T62
  Docophorus K08
    |--D. episcopi Kellogg 1908 K08
    |--D. icterodes K08
    |--D. indicus K08
    |--D. platystomus K08
    |--D. sphenophorus K08
    `--D. unifasciatus K08
  Nirmus K08
    |--N. furvus K08
    |--N. kilimandjarensis Kellogg 1908 K08
    |--N. opisthotomus Kellogg 1908 K08
    |--N. pileus K08
    `--N. signatus K08
  Lipeurus CM91
    |--L. afer Kellogg 1908 K08
    |--L. bifasciatus K08
    |--L. caponis CM91
    |--L. hebraeus K08
    |--L. heterographus RD77
    |--L. platalearum K08
    |--L. secretarius K08
    `--L. versicolor K08
  Brueelia Kéler 1936 HPP80
    |--B. cyclothorax (Burmeister 1838) HPP80
    `--B. merulensis (Denny 1842) HPP80
  Dahlemhornia CM91
  Cuclotogaster heterographus CM91
  Goniocotes Burmeister 1838 CM91, BP04
    |--G. bidentatus RD77
    `--G. gallinae CM91
  Degeeriella rufa RD77, T62
  Ardeicola Clay 1935 HPP80
    `--A. pilgrimi Tandan 1972 HPP80
  Docophoroides Giglioli 1864 HPP80
    |--D. brevis RD77
    |--D. harrisoni Waterston 1917 HPP80
    |--D. murphyi (Kellogg 1914) HPP80
    `--D. simplex (Waterston 1914) HPP80
  Haffneria Timmermann 1966 HPP80
    `--H. grandis (Piaget 1880) HPP80
  Naubates Bedford 1930 HPP80
    |--N. prioni (Enderlein 1908) HPP80
    `--N. pterodromi Bedford 1930 HPP80
  Paraclisis Timmermann 1965 HPP80
    |--P. diomedeae (Fabricius 1775) HPP80
    `--P. obscura (Rudow 1869) HPP80
  Pectinopygus Mjöberg 1910 HPP80
    |--P. dispar (Piaget 1880) HPP80
    `--P. gyricornis (Denny 1842) HPP80
  Pelmatocerandra Enderlein 1908 HPP80
    `--P. setosa (Giebel 1876) HPP80
  Perineus Harrison 1936 HPP80
    `--P. circumfasciatus Kéler 1957 HPP80
  Pseudonirmus Mjöberg 1910 HPP80
    `--P. gurli (Taschenberg 1882) HPP80
  Quadraceps Clay & Meinertzhagen 1939 HPP80
    |--Q. coenocoryphae Timmermann 1955 HPP80
    |--Q. punctatus (Burmeister 1838) HPP80
    `--Q. sellatus (Burmeister 1838) HPP80

Megalipeurus unicolor (Piaget 1880) [=Lipeurus unicolor, Oxylipeurus unicolor; incl. Lipeurus piageti Taschenberg 1882, Columbicola longiceps piageti] T62

Saemundssonia cephalus (Denny 1842) [incl. Docophorus atlanticus Kellogg 1914, Philopterus atlanticus, Saemundssonia atlantica] P04

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A71] Askew, R. R. 1971. Parasitic Insects. Heinemann Educational Books: London.

[BP04] Banks, J. C., & A. M. Paterson. 2004. A penguin-chewing louse (Insecta: Phthiraptera) phylogeny derived from morphology. Invertebrate Systematics 18: 89–100.

[CM91] Calaby, J. H., & M. D. Murray. 1991. Phthiraptera (lice). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers vol. 1 pp. 421–428. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).

[G20] Goldfuss, G. A. 1820. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte vol. 3. Handbuch der Zoologie pt 1. Johann Leonhard Schrag: Nürnberg.

[GE05] Grimaldi, D., & M. S. Engel. 2005. Evolution of the Insects. Cambridge University Press: New York.

[HPP80] Horning, D. S., R. L. Palma & R. L. C. Pilgrim. 1980. The lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) from the Snares Islands, New Zealand. National Museum of New Zealand Miscellaneous Series 3: 1–17.

[K08] Kellogg, V. L. 1908. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Zoologischen Expedition nach dem Kilimandjaro, dem Meru und den Umgebenden Massaisteppen Deutsch-Ostafrikas 1905–1906 vol. 3 section 15. Corrodentia pt 4. Mallophaga. Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri-A. B.: Uppsala.

[P04] Palma, R. L. 2004. Designation of a lectotype for Docophorus atlanticus Kellogg, 1914 (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Philopteridae). Tuhinga 15: 13–16.

[PJ02] Palma, R. L., A. R. Johnson, F. Cezilly, F. Thomas & F. Renard. 2002. Diversity and distribution of feather lice on greater flamingoes (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus) in the Camargue, sothern France. New Zealand Entomologist 25: 87–89.

[RD77] Richards, O. W., & R. G. Davies. 1977. Imms' General Textbook of Entomology 10th ed. vol. 2. Classification and Biology. Chapman and Hall: London.

[T62] Tendeiro, J. 1962. Estudos sobre malófagos: Revisão monográfica do género Columbicola Ewing (Ischnocera, Philopteridae). Memórias da Junta de Investigações do Ultramar, ser. 2, 32: 7–460.

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