
Heterolepisma sp., copyright Graeme Smith.

Belongs within: Zygentoma.

The Lepismatidae are a group of silverfish in which the body is covered with scales (Smith & Watson 1991).

    |  i. s.: Leucolepisma arenaria Wall 1954 F90
    |         Stylifera gigantea Escherich 1905 F90
    |         Mirolepisma deserticola Silvestri 1938 F90
    |         Lepismodes inquilinus SW91
    |         Onycholepisma arizonae MP08
    |         Peliolepisma RD77
    |         Pachystylus P92
    |         Lampropholis burmiticus Cockerell 1917 P92
    |--Acrotelsa Escherich 1905 W39 [Acrotelsatinae MP08]
    |    `--A. collaris (Fabricius 1793) [incl. Lepisma mucronata Packard 1873] F90
    |--Lepismatinae [Ctenolepismatidae] MP08
    |    |--Paracrotelsa MP08
    |    |--Tricholepisma Paclt 1967 MP08
    |    |--Afrolepisma Mendes 1981 MP08
    |    |--Neoasterolepisma Mendes 1988 MP08
    |    |--Lepitrochisma Mendes 1988 MP08
    |    |--Burmalepisma Mendes & Poinar 2008 MP08
    |    |    `--*B. cretacicum Mendes & Poinar 2008 MP08
    |    |--Xenolepisma Mendes 1981 MP08
    |    |    `--X. penangi SE12
    |    |--Allacrotelsa Silvestri 1934 W39
    |    |    |--A. burmitica R02
    |    |    |--A. dubia R02
    |    |    `--A. spinulata (Packard 1873) [incl. Stachisma mexicana Wygodzinsky 1949] F90
    |    |--Lepisma Linnaeus 1758 W39
    |    |    |--*L. saccharina Linnaeus 1758 W39
    |    |    |--L. lineata SJ92
    |    |    |--L. niveofasciata G89
    |    |    `--L. terrestris Linnaeus 1758 L58
    |    |--Mormisma MP08
    |    |--Acrotelsella Silvestri 1934 W39
    |    |    |--A. devriesiana (Silvestri 1908) [=Acrotelsa devriesiana] W39
    |    |    |    |--A. d. devriesiana W39
    |    |    |    |--A. d. perspinata W39 [=Acrotelsa devriesiana perspinata NR26]
    |    |    |    `--A. d. westralis (Nicholls & Richardson 1925) W39 [=Acrotelsa westralis NR26]
    |    |    |--A. escherichi Womersley 1939 W39
    |    |    |--A. producta (Escherich 1905) [=Acrotelsa producta] W39
    |    |    |--A. silvestri Womersley 1939 W39
    |    |    `--A. splendens (Nicholls & Richardson 1925) (see below for synonymy) W39
    |    |--Thermobia Bergroth 1890 W39
    |    |    |--T. campbelli (Barnhart 1951) F90
    |    |    `--T. domestica (Packard 1873) SC17, F90 [incl. Thermophila furnorum Rovelli 1889 W39]
    |    `--Ctenolepisma Escherich 1905 W39
    |         |--C. burmanica MP08
    |         |--C. ciliata (Dufour 1831) F90
    |         |--C. diversisquamis Silvestri 1908 [incl. C. reducta Folsom 1923] F90
    |         |--C. lineata RS10
    |         |    |--C. l. lineata F90
    |         |    `--C. l. pilifera (Lucas 1840) (see below for synonymy) F90
    |         |--C. longicaudata Escherich 1905 [incl. C. urbana Slabaugh 1940] F90
    |         |--C. targionii (Grassi & Rovelli 1889) F90
    |         `--C. terebrans C90
    `--Heterolepismatinae S13
         |--Anisolepisma Paclt 1967 MC13, S13
         |    `--*A. hartmeyeri (Silvestri 1908) [=Heterolepisma hartmeyeri] S13
         `--Heterolepisma Escherich 1905 [incl. Isolepisma Escherich 1905, Notolepisma Tillyard 1924] S13
              |--*H. pampeana (Silvestri 1902) [=Lepisma pampeana] S13
              |--H. andina (Silvestri 1902) [=Lepisma andina] S13
              |--H. annectans (Silvestri 1924) S13
              |--H. bisetosa (Carpenter 1916) S13
              |--H. dispar Uchida 1944 S13
              |--H. exacta (Silvestri 1918) S13
              |--H. horni Stach 1933 S13
              |--H. howensis Womersley 1942 S13
              |--H. insularis (Banks 1901) S13
              |--H. japonica (Uchida 1968) S13
              |--H. kraepelini Silvestri 1908 S13
              |--H. michaelseni Silvestri 1908 S13
              |--H. mossambicensis Mendes 1993 S13
              |--H. parva Smith 2013 S13
              |--H. primafra (Silvestri 1949) S13
              |--H. rouxi (Silvestri 1915) S13
              |--H. serranoi Mendes 2011 S13
              |--H. stilivarians Silvestri 1908 S13
              |--H. trisetosa (Escherich 1905) [=*Isolepisma trisetosa] S13
              `--H. zealandica (Tillyard 1924) [=*Notolepisma zealandica] S13

Acrotelsella splendens (Nicholls & Richardson 1925) [=Acrotelsa splendens; incl. Acrotelsella producta var. pacifica Silvestri 1934, Acrotelsella producta var. procedens Silvestri 1934] W39

Ctenolepisma lineata pilifera (Lucas 1840) [incl. Lepisma quadriseriata Packard 1873, L. reticulata Schött 1897, L. rubroviolacea Schött 1897] F90

*Type species of generic name indicated


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