
Neurigona quadrifasciata, copyright Nikolai Vladimirov.

Belongs within: Dolichopodidae.

The Neurigoninae are a group of dolichopodid flies with a densely tomentose face and a distinct flexion or depression in vein M of the wing (Bickel 2009).

Characters (from Bickel 2009): Flagellomere 1 slightly compressed laterally; arista-like stylus dorsal or subapical; face with dense tomentosity; vein M beyond dm-cu crossvein with flexion or depression (bosse alaire) in membrane; male abdominal segments 4 and/or 5 sometimes with ventral modifications; male genitalic capsule usually globular, on peduncle formed by short bare segment 7, sometimes enfolded by preceding abdominal segments, rarely exserted.

<==Neurigoninae B09
    |--Coeloglutini B09
    |    |--Coeloglutus concavus B09
    |    |--Paracoeloglutus B09
    |    `--Neotonnoiria maculipennis B09
    |--Dactylomyiini B09
    |    |--Argentinia B09
    |    |--Systenoides B09
    |    |--Macrodactylomyia B09
    |    `--Dactylomyia B09
    |         |--D. parenti B09
    |         `--D. vockerothi B09
    `--Neurigonini B09
         |--Bickelomyia nigriseta B09
         |--Viridigona B09
         |--Maipomyia B09
         |--Micromorphus panamensis B09
         |--Peloropeodes [Peloropeodinae] B09
         |--Chrysotimus B09
         |--Notobothrus B09
         |--Hyptiocheta B09
         |--Xanthina plumicauda B09
         |--Nepalomyia nigricornis [=Neurigonella nigricornis] B09
         |--Nanomyina B09
         |    |--N. barbata B09
         |    `--N. litorea RV81
         |--Discopygiella B09
         |    |--D. chiapensis B09
         |    `--D. setosa B09
         `--Neurigona RV81
              |--N. disjuncta RV81
              |--N. lateralis RV81
              `--N. quadrifasciata WT11

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B09] Bickel, D. J. 2009. Dolichopodidae (long-legged flies). In: Brown, B. V., A. Borkent, J. M. Cumming, D. M. Wood, N. E. Woodley & M. A. Zumbado (eds) Manual of Central American Diptera vol. 1 pp. 671–694. NRC Research Press: Ottawa.

[RV81] Robinson, H., & J. R. Vockeroth. 1981. Dolichopodidae. In: McAlpine, J. F., B. V. Peterson, G. E. Shewell, H. J. Teskey, J. R. Vockeroth & D. S. Wood (eds) Manual of Nearctic Diptera vol. 1 pp. 625–639. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada.

[WT11] Wiegmann, B. M., M. D. Trautwein, I. S. Winkler, N. B. Barr, J.-W. Kim, C. Lambkin, M. A. Bertone, B. K. Cassel, K. M. Bayless, A. M. Heimberg, B. M. Wheeler, K. J. Peterson, T. Pape, B. J. Sinclair, J. H. Skevington, V. Blagoderov, J. Caravas, S. N. Kutty, U. Schmidt-Ott, G. E. Kampmeier, F. C. Thompson, D. A. Grimaldi, A. T. Beckenbach, G. W. Courtney, M. Friedrich, R. Meier & D. K. Yeates. 2011. Episodic radiations in the fly tree of life. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 108 (14): 5690–5695.

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