
Peakesia hospita, copyright Paul Zborowski.

Belongs within: Catantopinae.

The Peakesiina are a group of grasshoppers characterised by a textured pronotum.

Characters (from Rentz 1996): Margins of fastigium of vertex carinate or ridged. Integument of pronotum wrinkled or rough. Tympanum present on abdomen. Furcula of male supra-anal plate usually present.

<==Peakesiina R96
    |--Desertaria R96
    |    |--D. fasciata K90
    |    `--D. lepida R96
    |--Cuprascula pictipes R96
    |--Cedarinia fuscotibialis R96, K90
    |--Testudinellia R96
    |--Lagoonia R96
    |--Perelytrana nana R96
    |--Caloptilla lutescens R96
    |--Curpilladia flavocarinata R96
    |--Xanterriaria mediocris R96
    `--Peakesia R96
         |--P. hospita R96
         |--P. rubescens K90
         |--P. straminea R96
         `--P. vitripennis R96

*Type species of generic name indicated


[K90] Key, K. H. L. 1990. Host relations and distribution of species of Caeculisoma (Acarina: Erythraeidae) parasitising grasshoppers in Australia, with supplementary information for the genus Trombella (Trombellidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 38: 11-18.

[R96] Rentz, D. 1996. Grasshopper Country: The abundant orthopteroid insects of Australia. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney.

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