
Possible Rhigonema specimen,from here.

Belongs within: Secernentea.

The Rhigonematomorpha are a group of nematodes parasitic on millipedes, infecting the posterior gut.

Rhigonematomorpha [Rhigonematida]
    |--Ransomnematoidea LB02
    |    |--Ransomnematidae LB02
    |    |--Hethidae LB02
    |    `--Carnoya [Carnoyidae] LB02
    |         `--C. fimbriata G02
    `--Rhigonematoidea LB02
         |  i. s.: Ichthyocephaloides dasyacanthus G02
         |--Ichthyocephalidae LB02
         |--Rhigonematidae LB02
         |    |--Ruizia Travassos & Kloss 1959 H02
         |    |--Glomerinema van Waerebaeke 1985 H02
         |    `--Rhigonema Cobb 1898 H02
         |         |--R. arawakae Hunt 1999 H02
         |         |--R. disparovis van Waerebeke 1991 H02
         |         |--R. madecassum J02
         |         |--R. multipapillatum (Skrjabin 1916) [=Isacis multipapillata] H02
         |         `--R. travassosi Dollfus 1964 (n. d.) H02
         `--Xustrostomatidae H02
              |--Zalophora Hunt 1994 H02
              |--Trachyglossus Hunt 2002 H02
              |    `--*T. quintus Hunt 2002 H02
              |--Obainia Adamson 1983 H02
              |    `--O. pachnephorus H02
              `--Xustrostoma Adamson & van Waerebeke 1984 H02
                   |--X. margarettae H02
                   `--X. stenoboli H02

*Type species of generic name indicated


[G02] Gibbons, L. M. 2002. General organisation. In The Biology of Nematodes (D. L. Lee, ed.) pp. 31-59. Taylor & Francis: Florence (Kentucky).

[H02] Hunt, D. J. 2002. The African Rhigonematoidea (Nematoda: Rhigonematida). 1. Trachyglossus quintus gen. n., sp. n. (Xustrostomatidae fam. n.) with redescription of Rhigonema multipapillatum (Skrjabin, 1916) and designation of a neotype. Nematology 4: 671-686.

[J02] Justine, J.-L. 2002. Male and female gametes and fertilisation. In The Biology of Nematodes (D. L. Lee, ed.) pp. 73-119. Taylor & Francis: Florence (Kentucky).

[LB02] Ley, P. de, & M. Blaxter. 2002. Systematic position and phylogeny. In The Biology of Nematodes (D. L. Lee, ed.) pp. 1-30. Taylor & Francis: Florence (Kentucky).

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