
Mitrocystites styloideus, from here.

Belongs within: Ankyroida.

Mitrocystitida was identified by Parsley (1997) as a paraphyletic group with the Anomalocystitida and Lagynocystis nested within it. Members of this clade mostly have moderately to only slightly asymmetrical thecae (Ubaghs 1967).

<==Mitrocystitida [Mitrocystida]
    |  i. s.: Spermacystis Ubaghs 1967 [=Anomocystis Jaekel 1918 non Haeckel 1896] U67
    |           `--*S. ensifer (Barrande 1887) [=Anomalocystites ensifer, *Anomocystis ensifer] U67
    |         Vizcainocarpus L03
    |           |--V. dentiger L03
    |           `--V. rutai L03
    |         Promitrocystites L03
    |--Paranacystis Caster 1954 [Paranacystidae] U67
    |    `--*P. petrii Caster 1954 U67
    `--Mitrocystitidae [Mitrocystidae] U67
         |--Ovocarpus moncereti P97, L03
         `--+--Chauvelia P97
            `--+--Aspidocarpus P97
               |    |--A. bohemicus L03
               |    `--A. discoidalis L03
               `--+--Mitrocystites Barrande 1887 P97, U67 [=Mitrocystis Bather 1889 U67]
                  |    |--*M. mitra Barrande 1887 U67 [incl. M. latus Jaekel 1918 U67, J18]
                  |    |    |--M. m. mitra U67
                  |    |    `--M. m. hanusi U67
                  |    |--M. riadanensis U67
                  |    `--M. styloideus U67
                  `--+--Mitrocystella Jaekel 1901 P97, U67
                     |    |--*M. incipiens (Barrande 1887) [=Anomalocystites incipiens] U67
                     |    |    |--M. i. incipiens U67
                     |    |    `--M. i. miloni U67
                     |    `--M. barrandei U67
                     `--+--Eumitrocystella savilli Beisswenger 1994 P97, L03
                        `--+--Barrandeocarpus jaekeli Ubaghs 1979 P97, L03
                           `--+--+--Diamphidiocystis drepanon Kolata & Guensburg 1979 P97, L03
                              |  `--Lagynocystis Jaekel 1918 P97, U67 [Lagynocystidae]
                              |       `--*L. pyramidalis (Barrande 1887) U67 (see below for synonymy)
                              `--Anomalocystitida [Anomalocystida, Placocystida] U67
                                   |--Australocystidae [Australocystinae] U67
                                   |    |--Australocystis Caster 1954 U67
                                   |    |    `--*A. langei Caster 1954 U67
                                   |    `--Placocystella Rennie 1936 U67
                                   |         `--*P. capensis Rennie 1936 U67
                                   `--Anomalocystitidae (see below for synonymy) U67
                                        |  i. s.: Basslerocystis Caster 1952 U67
                                        |           `--*B. disparilis (Hall 1859) [=Anomalocystites disparilis] U67
                                        |         Victoriacystis Gill & Caster 1960 U67
                                        |           `--*V. wilkinsi Gill & Caster 1960 U67
                                        |--+--Anomalocystites Hall 1859 P97, U67 (see below for synonymy)
                                        |  |    |--*A. cornutus Hall 1859 (see below for synonymy) U67
                                        |  |    `--A. bohemicus U67
                                        |  `--Enoploura Wetherby 1879 P97, U67 [=Enopleura Springer 1913 K67]
                                        |       |--*E. balanoides (Meek 1872) (see below for synonymy) U67
                                        |       |--E. popei U67
                                        |       |--E. punctata U67
                                        |       `--E. wetherbyi U67
                                        `--+--+--Allanicytidium Caster & Gill in Ubaghs 1967 P97, U67 [Allanicytidiidae]
                                           |  |    `--*A. flemingi Caster & Gill in Ubaghs 1967 U67
                                           |  `--+--Notocarpos P97
                                           |     `--Tasmancytidium P97
                                           `--+--Ateleocystites Billings 1838 P67, U67 (see below for synonymy)
                                              |    |--*A. huxleyi Billings 1838 (see below for synonymy) U67
                                              |    `--A. guttenbergensis Kolata & Jollie 1982 L03
                                              `--+--Rhenocystis Dehm 1932 P97, U67
                                                 |    `--*R. latipedunculata Dehm 1932 U67
                                                 `--Placocystites de Koninck 1869 P97, U67 (see below for synonymy)
                                                      |--*P. forbesianus de Koninck 1869 [=*Placocystis forbesianus] U67
                                                      `--P. africanus U67

Anomalocystites Hall 1859 P97, U67 [=Anomalocystis Bather 1889 U67, Anomocystis Haeckel 1896 U67]

*Anomalocystites cornutus Hall 1859 [=*Anomalocystis cornuta, *Anomocystis cornuta] U67

Anomalocystitidae [Anomalocystidae, Anomocystida, Atelocystida, Basslerocystinae, Enoplourinae, Placocystidae, Placocystinae, Placocystitidae] U67

Ateleocystites Billings 1838 P97, U67 [=Atelecystis Bather 1889 U67, Ateleocystis Lindström 1888 U67, Atelocystis Haeckel 1896 U67]

*Ateleocystites huxleyi Billings 1838 [=*Atelecystis huxleyi, *Ateleocystis husleyi, *Atelocystis huxleyi] U67

*Enoploura balanoides (Meek 1872) [=Anomalocystites (Ateleocystites) balanoides] U67

*Lagynocystis pyramidalis (Barrande 1887) U67 [=Anomalocystites pyramidalis U67, Anomalocystis pyramidalis J18]

Placocystites de Koninck 1869 P97, U67 [=Placocystis Haeckel 1896 U67]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[J18] Jaekel, O. 1918. Phylogenie und System der Pelmatozoen. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 3: 1-128.

[K67] Kesling, R. V. 1967. Cystoids. In Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt. S. Echinodermata 1. General characters. Homalozoa-Crinozoa (except Crinoidea) (R. C. Moore, ed.) vol. 1 pp. S85-S267. The Geological Society of America, Inc., and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).

[L03] Lefebvre, B. 2003. Funtional morphology of stylophoran echinoderms. Palaeontology 46 (3): 511-555.

[P97] Parsley, R. L. 1997. The echinoderm classes Stylophora and Homoiostelea: Non Calcichordata. Paleontological Society Papers 3: 225-248.

[U67] Ubaghs, G. 1967. Stylophora. In Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt. S. Echinodermata 1. General characters. Homalozoa-Crinozoa (except Crinoidea) (R. C. Moore, ed.) vol. 2 pp. S495-S565. The Geological Society of America, Inc., and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).

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