Belongs within: Euphorbiaceae.
Macaranga is a genus of trees found in the Old World tropics that often dominate disturbed habitats in lowland rainforests (Fiala et al. 1999).
Characters (from Flora of China): Trees or shrubs, mostly dioecious (exceptionally monoecious); indumentum usually of simple hairs and whitish to reddish glandular scales. Leaves alternate; stipules small or enlarged; petiole insertion often peltate; leaf blade undivided or lobed, base with glands, abaxially glandular-scaly; venation palmate or pinnate. Inflorescences axillary, sometimes at old leafless nodes, unbranched, branched, or females capitate or 1-flowered, unisexual, very rarely bisexual; bracts sometimes with glands. Flowers 1 or few to many per bract. Male flowers: calyx closed in bud; sepals 2-4, valvate; petals absent; disk absent; stamens [1-]2-22[-30]; filaments free or shortly connate; anthers 3- or 4-locellate; pistillode absent. Female flowers: calyx cup-shaped or urceolate, apex denticulate or lobed, sometimes truncate, caducous or persistent; petals absent; disk absent; ovary 1-6-locular; styles simple, free, rarely shortly connate, stigmatic surface papillose. Fruit a capsule, (1 or)2- or 3(-6)-locular, smooth or spiny, often glandular scaly. Seeds subglobose, smooth.
| i. s.: M. aleuritoides NM02
| M. digyna L99
| M. hispida FM97
| M. inamoena B00
| M. involucrata B00
| M. peltata S02
| M. pynaertii DP72
| M. quadriglandulosa NM02
| M. schweinfurthii DP72
|--M. denticulata FM97
|--M. diepenhorstii FM97
|--M. gigantea FM97
|--M. gigantifolia FM97
|--M. indica FM97
|--M. tanarius FM97
|--M. trichocarpa FM97
|--M. pruinosa group FJ99
| |--M. hosei FJ99
| |--M. pearsonii FJ99
| |--M. pruinosa FJ99
| `--M. puberula FJ99
|--M. (sect. Adenoceras) endertii FM97
|--M. sect. Javanicae FM97
| |--M. costulata FM97
| |--M. heynei FM97
| `--M. kinabaluensis FM97
|--M. sect. Pachystemon FJ99
| |--M. aetheadenia FJ99
| |--M. beccariana FJ99
| |--M. caladiifolia FM97
| |--M. calcicola FJ99
| | |--M. c. var. calcicola FM97
| | `--M. c. var. calcifuga FM97
| |--M. constricta FJ99
| |--M. curtisii FM97
| | |--M. c. var. curtisii FM97
| | `--M. c. var. glabra FM97
| |--M. depressa FJ99
| | |--M. d. f. depressa FM97
| | `--M. d. f. strigosa FM97
| |--M. havilandii FJ99
| |--M. hullettii FJ99
| | |--M. h. ssp. hullettii FM97
| | `--M. h. ssp. borneensis FM97
| |--M. hypoleuca FJ99
| |--M. indistincta FJ99
| |--M. kingii FJ99
| | |--M. k. var. kingii FJ99
| | `--M. k. var. platyphylla FJ99
| |--M. lamellata FJ99
| |--M. motleyana FJ99
| | |--M. m. ssp. motleyana FM97
| | `--M. m. ssp. griffithiana FM97
| |--M. petanostyla FJ99
| |--M. puncticulata FM97
| |--M. quadricornis FM97
| |--M. recurvata FM97
| |--M. rostrata FM97
| |--M. sarcocarpa FM97
| |--M. trachyphylla FJ99
| `--M. triloba FJ99
|--M. sect. Pseudo-Rottlera FM97
| |--M. andamanica FM97
| |--M. baccaureifolia FM97
| |--M. brevipetiolata FM97
| |--M. fulva FM97
| |--M. lowii FM97
| |--M. praestans FM97
| |--M. rarispina FM97
| |--M. repandodentata FM97
| |--M. setosa FM97
| `--M. strigosissima FM97
|--M. sect. Stachyella FM97
| |--M. amissa FM97
| `--M. conifera FM97
`--M. sect. Winklerianae FJ99
|--M. winkleri FJ99
`--M. winkleriella FJ99
Nomen nudum: Macaranga bancana Whitmore & Davies in Fiala, Jakob et al. 1999 FJ99
*Type species of generic name indicated
[B00] Braby, M. F. 2000. Butterflies of Australia: their identification, biology and distribution vol. 2. CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood (Victoria).
[DP72] Deighton, F. C., & K. A. Pirozynski. 1972. Microfungi. V. More hyperparasitic hyphomycetes. Mycological Papers 128: 1–110.
[FM97] Federle, W., U. Maschwitz, B. Fiala, M. Riederer & B. Hölldobler. 1997. Slippery ant-plants and skilful climbers: selection and protection of specific ant partners by epicuticular wax blooms in Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae). Oecologia 112: 217–224.
[FJ99] Fiala, B., A. Jakob, U. Maschwitz & K. E. Linsenmair. 1999. Diversity, evolutionary specialization and geographic distribution of a mutualistic ant-plant complex: Macaranga and Crematogaster in south east Asia. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 66: 305–331.
[L99] Leclercq, J. 1999. Hyménoptères sphecides crabroniens du genre Ectemnius Dahlbom, 1845. Espèces d'Asie et d'Océanie et groupes d'espèces de la faune mondiale. Notes Fauniques de Gembloux 36: 3–83.
[NM02] Novotny, V., S. E. Miller, Y. Basset, L. Cizek, P. Drozd, K. Darrow & J. Leps. 2002. Predictably simple: assemblages of caterpillars (Lepidoptera) feeding on rainforest trees in Papua New Guinea. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B—Biological Sciences 269: 2337–2344.
[S02] Santharam, V. 2002. Fruit and nectar resources in a moist deciduous forest and their use by birds—a preliminary report. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 99 (3): 537–543.
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