
Dorsal view of female Cosmolaelaps vacuus, from Bee Mite ID.

Belongs within: Laelapidae.

Cosmolaelaps is a genus of laelapid mites found in the nests of ants, characterised by spatulate, cuneiform or scimitar-like dorsal setae (Evans & Till 1979).

<==Cosmolaelaps Berlese 1903 H98 [incl. Davisiella Zumpt & Patterson 1951 non Petr. 1924 (ICBN) FH93]
    |--*C. claviger (Berlese 1883) ET79 [=Laelaps claviger ET79, Hypoaspis (*Cosmolaelaps) claviger S61]
    |--C. anserinus (Karg 1981) [=Hypoaspis (Cosmolaelaps) anserinus] FH93
    |--C. brevipedestrus (Karg 1985) [=Hypoaspis (Cosmolaelaps) brevipedestra] FH93
    |--C. carvalhoi WK90
    |--C. communis Trägårdh 1931 T31
    |--C. cubaensis (Karg 1981) [=Hypoaspis (Cosmolaelaps) cubaensis] FH93
    |--C. cuneifer (Mich. 1891) S61 (see below for synonymy)
    |--C. cursorius (Karg 1988) [=Hypoaspis (Cosmolaelaps) cursoria] FH93
    |--C. diversichaetatus Grokhovskaya & Nguen-Huan-Hoe 1961 FH93
    |--C. lepauris (Karg 1981) [=Hypoaspis (Cosmolaelaps) lepauris] FH93
    |--C. macroanalis (Bernhard 1955) [=Hypoaspis (Cosmolaelaps) macroanalis] HB69
    |--C. macrochaetus (Karg 1988) [=Hypoaspis (Cosmolaelaps) macrochaeta] FH93
    |--C. mahuncai (Karg 1988) [=Hypoaspis (Cosmolaelaps) mahuncai] FH93
    |--C. multisetosus Domrow 1957 H98
    |--C. musculinus (Karg 1988) [=Hypoaspis (Cosmolaelaps) musculina] FH93
    |--C. nasosetus (Karg 1981) [=Hypoaspis (Cosmolaelaps) nasoseta] FH93
    |--C. ornatus Berlese 1903 S61 [=Laelaps (Cosmolaelaps) ornatus S22]
    |--C. pumili (Karg 1988) [=Hypoaspis (Cosmolaelaps) pumili] FH93
    |--C. rectangularis WO89
    |--C. simplex Berlese 1920 H98
    |--C. trifidus (Pearse & Wharton in Pearse, Patterson & Wharton 1936) (see below for synonymy) FH93
    |--C. ungeri (Karg 1985) [=Hypoaspis (Cosmolaelaps) ungeri] FH93
    |--C. vacuus (Michael 1891) FH93 (see below for synonymy)
    `--C. weeversi WK90

Cosmolaelaps cuneifer (Mich. 1891) S61 [=Laelaps (Cosmolaelaps) cuneifer S22; incl. L. (C.) cuneifer var. americanus Berlese 1904 FH93]

Cosmolaelaps trifidus (Pearse & Wharton in Pearse, Patterson & Wharton 1936) [=Seiodes trifidus; incl. C. passali Hunter & Mollin 1964] FH93

Cosmolaelaps vacuus (Michael 1891) FH93 [=Laelaps vacua FH93; incl. L. (Cosmolaelaps) vacuus var. ensiger S22, Hypoaspis (C.) serratosimilis Hirschmann, Bernhard et al. 1969 FH93, HB69]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[ET79] Evans, G. O., & W. M. Till. 1979. Mesostigmatic mites of Britain and Ireland (Chelicerata: Acari-Parasitiformes). An introduction to their external morphology and classification. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 35: 139–270.

[FH93] Farrier, M. H., & M. K. Hennessey. 1993. Soil-inhabiting and free-living Mesostigmata (Acari-Parasitiformes) from North America: an annotated checklist with bibliography and index. North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, North Carolina State University, Technical Bulletin 302: i–xvi, 1–408.

[H98] Halliday, R. B. 1998. Mites of Australia: A checklist and bibliography. CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood.

[HB69] Hirschmann, W., F. Bernhard, E. Greim & H. Götz. 1969. Gangsystematik der Parasitiformes. Teil 75. Zwanzig neue Hypoaspis-Arten. Acarologie: Schriftenreihe für Vergleichende Milbenkunde 12: 133–141.

[S22] Schweizer, J. 1922. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der terrestrischen Milbenfauna der Schweiz. Verhandl. Naturf. Ges. Basel 33: 23–112, 4 pls.

[S61] Schweizer, J. 1961. Die Landmilben der Schweiz (Mittelland, Jura und Alpen): Parasitiformes Reuter, mit 246 Arten und Varietäten und 268 meist kombinierten Originalzeichnungen. Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft [Mémoires de la Société Helvétique des Sciences Naturelles] 84: i–vii, 1–207.

[T31] Trägårdh, I. 1931. Acarina from the Juan Fernandez Islands. Natural History of Juan Fernandez and Easter Islands 3 (4): 553–628.

[WK90] Walter, D. E., & D. T. Kaplan. 1990. Antagonists of plant-parasitic nematodes in Florida citrus. Journal of Nematology 22 (4): 567–573.

[WO89] Walter, D. E., & J. H. Oliver Jr. 1989. Geolaelaps oreithyiae, n. sp. (Acari: Laelapidae), a thelytokous predator of arthropods and nematodes, and a discussion of clonal reproduction in the Mesostigmata. Acarologia 30 (4): 293–303.

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