
Phaenognatha angusta, copyright Mark Hura.

Belongs within: Scarabaeoidea.

The Aclopinae are a small group of scarabaeoid beetles found in southeast Asia, Australia and South America, characterised by the possession in males of remarkably long hind tarsi (Cassis & Weir 1992).

Characters (from Cassis & Weir 1992): Medium-sized (7–21 mm), often bicoloured black and brown, somewhat tapered towards rear of body. Labrum and mandibles exposed; elytra separately rounded, lacking narrow membranous margin; tarsal claws equal; abdomen very hairy; male hind tarsi very long, three or four times as long as tibiae.

<==Aclopinae CW92
    |--Aclopus CW92
    |--Neophaenognatha CW92
    |--Xenaclopus CW92
    `--Phaenognatha Hope 1842 [=Phaenognathus] CW92
         |--*P. erichsoni Hope 1842 CW92
         |--P. aequistriata Arrow 1909 CW92
         |--P. angusta Arrow 1909 CW92
         |--P. arrowi Allsopp 1981 CW92
         |--P. jenae Allsopp 1981 CW92
         |--P. pusilla Arrow 1909 CW92
         |--P. scutellata Arrow 1909 CW92
         `--P. tristis Arrow 1909 CW92

*Type species of generic name indicated


[CW92] Cassis, G., & T. A. Weir. 1992. Aclopinae. In: Houston, W. W. K. (ed.) Zoological Catalogue of Australia vol. 9. Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea pp. 78–80. AGPS Press: Canberra.

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