
Corynophyllus fortnumi, copyright Ralph Foster.

Belongs within: Dynastinae.

Corynophyllus is a genus of dynastine beetles found in eastern Australia.

Characters (from Carne 1957): Reddish brown, bicolorous, or black, 12-20 mm in length. Mentum narrow, tapering, not compressed, sometimes slightly reflexed at ligula, the latter rounded. Maxillae with galeae small, triangular, untoothed; palps of moderate size, their terminal segments cylindrical. Mandibles broadly ovate, usually surpassed by clypeus, but visible at sides. Clypeus usually elongate and narrowed anteriorly, subtruncate; sometimes rounded. Labrum concealed. Antennae 10-segmented, both faces of club and at least first 2 segments setose. Clypeofrontal ridge transverse; ocular canthi coarse, often angulate, setose. Elytra with sutural striae linear-punctate, rarely linear, disc usually with conspicuous punctate striae, intervals punctate. Epipleurae well defined, bearing abundant lateral setae, these often continuous to apices. Legs slender: fore tibiae tridentate; tarsi with first and fifth segments subequal in length; claws symmetrical. Hind femora unisulcate, abundantly clothed; tibiae bicarinate or with basal carina subobsolete, distal ciliae sharp, stout, closely set; spurs sharp, curved, and unequal. Tarsi slender, all segments subequal in length. Body with ventral surface clothed in abundant white to yellowish brown setae. Postcoxal prosternal process setose, slender and tapering. Male with antennal club greatly enlarged, of characteristic shape. Clypeofrontal ridge giving rise to simple elevation or horn, sometimes to bisinuate ridge or bifurcate process, rarely unarmed. Pronotum with sharp anteromedian tubercle and subcircular anterior impression, or with tubercle reduced to a small node and disc with a large retuse excavation, rarely evenly convex; basal convexity often interrupted by a shallow depression. Pygidium strongly convex, genitalia with gonostyli bearing distolateral brushes of fine setae. Female with antennal club shorter than shaft; head and pronotum unarmed; pygidium more or less flat.

<==Corynophyllus Hope 1845 CW92
    |--*C. fortnumi Hope 1845 CW92
    |--C. andersoni Blackburn 1888 CW92
    |--C. arrowi Carne 1957 CW92
    |--C. curvicornis Lea 1919 CW92
    |--C. debilis Fairmaire 1877 CW92
    |--C. deserti Carne 1957 CW92
    |--C. dorrigoensis Carne 1957 CW92
    |--C. elricus Carne 1957 CW92
    |--C. haroldi Sharp 1875 [incl. C. melas Fairmaire 1877] CW92
    |--C. interocularis Lea 1919 CW92
    |--C. macdougalli Carne 1957 CW92
    |--C. major Sharp 1873 CW92
    |--C. modestus Blackburn 1888 CW92
    |--C. pygidialis Carne 1957 CW92
    |--C. teinogenoides Carne 1957 CW92
    `--C. tulanus Carne 1957 CW92

*Type species of generic name indicated


Carne, P. B. 1957. A Systematic Revision of the Australian Dynastinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Division of Entomology, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia: Melbourne.

[CW92] Cassis, G., & T. A. Weir. 1992. Dynastinae. In: Houston, W. W. K. (ed.) Zoological Catalogue of Australia vol. 9. Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea pp. 383–425. AGPS Press: Canberra.

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